Transformers: Rosario + Vampi...

By BraedimusSupreme

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A/N: this is a reboot and revamp of my 'Rosario Vampire' and 'Transformers' crossover book from my old accoun... More

Chapter One: First Day
Chapter Two: Sucs To B-Us
Chapter Three: Love's a Witch
Chapter Four: Attack of Fan Boys
Chapter Five: Fish Out Of Water
Chapter Six: Wolf VS Predacon
Chapter Seven: Kurumu's Slimy Stalker
Chapter Eight: Arts and Crafters
Chapter Nine: The Snow Girl
Chapter Ten: Maths Practice
Chapter Eleven: Summer Break
Chapter Twelve: A Martin's Wrath
Chapter Thirteen: Cousin Attack
Chapter Fourteen: Enemy of my Enemy
Chapter Fifteen: Settling Old Scores
Chapter Sixteen: The Secret is Out
Chapter Seventeen: Stand Alone... or Together
Chapter Eighteen: Demon VS Cybertronian Gladiator Pt1
Chapter Nineteen: Demon VS Cybertronian Gladiator Pt2
Chapter Twenty: Demon VS Cybertronian Gladiator Pt3
Chapter Twenty-One: Far From Home
Chapter Twenty-Two: Welcome Back
Chapter Twenty-Three: Sister Issues
Chapter Twenty-Four: Parent's Day
Chapter Twenty-Five: Kento VS The Braedeys
Chapter Twenty-Six: Yukari's Growth
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Meeting Mum
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Apocalypse Begins
Chapter Twenty-Nine: He is Coming...
Chapter Thirty: 'The Fallen' Attacks
Chapter Thirty-One: Decepticons, Mobilize
Chapter Thirty-Two: Robo-Warrior
Chapter Thirty-Three: Jetfire
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Dagger's Tip
Chapter Thirty-Five: Battle of Egypt Pt1
Chapter Thirty-Six: Battle of Egypt Pt2
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Operation - Planet Restoration
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Man VS Machine
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Ski Trip Ahead
Chapter Forty: The Future
Chapter Forty-One: A Night Together
Chapter Forty-Two: Good Guy, Bad Guy
Chapter Forty-Three: Music Battle
Chapter Forty-Four: Nemesis VS Typhoon
Chapter Forty-Five: This is Halloween
Chapter Forty-Six: Akashiya VS Souh Pt1
Chapter Forty-Seven: Akashiya VS Souh Pt2
Chapter Forty-Nine: Merry Christmas
Chapter Fifty: A Wedding??!!
Chapter Fifty-One: Every Blue Moon
Chapter Fifty-Two: Moka's Mother
Chapter Fifty-Three: Battle of Unicron Pt1
Chapter Fifty-Four: Battle of Unicron Pt2
Chapter Fifty-Five: Battle of Unicron Pt3
Chapter Fifty-Six: Relic Hunt Pt1
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Relic Hunt Pt2
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Relic Hunt Pt3

Chapter Forty-Eight: Lost In Space

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By BraedimusSupreme

(Youkai Academy Front Gate)

On a clear and crisp morning, Moka was making her to the Academy after a calm evening last night. Plus, she has been preparing for an upcoming journey with Braedey in a few hour's time. It was a trip up high into the vastness of the interstellar cosmos.

'Braedey must be exhausted from all that hard work. Oh, but he knows what he's doing.' Moka thought to herself, looking off to the Dead Forest, and as she focused hard, she could see what might be the red tip of a rocket nose in the distance. 'In about 48 hours or so, the two of us will be on our way.'

Before she could ponder more about the space journey, she saw something small fly past her face. With very quick reactions, she grabbed whatever was flying in her hand, then saw what she caught. It looked to be a small fairy, maybe only 3 or so inches tall. She has light green shoulder-length hair with a small pink flower in it, as well as green eyes, and has pale-white skin. Her body is skinny and rather tiny for a fairy her size. She has two pairs of wings on her back. Speaking of her wings, they are also thin, and clear-coloured, like glass, making them very 'glass-like'. She is wearing a see-through, or translucent, purple dress that goes down to her skinny waist. Because of her dress, her naked body is clear-through exposed.

The little fairy struggled in Moka's hand, waving her hands, and trying to get loose. "Hello, there." Moka said gently and quietly, making the green-hair fairy stop thrashing about, and looked at the pinkette. Moka could see the little figure looked to be maybe younger than Yukari by two years, maybe four. "You look very young to be here at Youkai Academy, don't you?"

The little fairy poked her index fingers together. "M-Maybe." She stuttered. "I'm only here because I have to."

Moka opened her hand, letting the little fairy sit in the middle of her palm. "What's your name, if you don't mind me asking?" The pinkette asks quietly, making her way to her foot locker room.

"I'm known as Lilly." The fairy gave her name, then grumbled to herself, crossing her arms over her flat chest. "I'm one of the youngest of fairies, and I can never age. Both my mother and father still treat me like I'm a baby." She pouted, which Moka mentally commented it was cute.

"It's okay. You're not alone." Moka reassured her, and placed the little fairy on her right shoulder. "Yukari is only a child, and gets picked on by Kurumu about how small she is."

"They sound pretty funny." Lilly commented with a little giggle. "I'd like to meet them."

"Sure. They'd be pleased to see you." Moka nodded, then the two newfound friends head off to their homeroom, Lilly holding onto Moka's jacket collar.

(Outside of Dead Forest)

Braedey sighed to himself, wiping the excess amount of sweat off his forehead. He places away of the tools he's been using away, then closed up the toolboxes. He looked at the sight of the vessel that he has been working on for his and Moka's space journey.

The vessel looks almost similar in design and specifications to that of Omega Supreme's vehicle mode, albeit with a different paint job. The vessel is still painted in its red with the yellow replaced with blue. All around the vessel, it looked to be similar to the launch site of Cape Canaveral in Florida.

"Once again, I have proven myself as one of the best." Braedey commented to himself, as he took a gander of the vessel rising up in the sky before him. "In about two days time, I'll be off into orbit with Moka."

Soon, he made his way over to the Newspaper Club Room. Inside, Kento, Nathaniel, Toby, Molly, Yuki, and Taylor were all looking over the final specifications and schematics for the shuttle. They all needed to make sure this launch goes without a hitch, and nothing goes wrong. Plus, their friends' lives are on the line. Plus, Mariah was providing some assistance, giving some suggestions to the group on what to improve on. As they worked on the schematics, Kurumu, Yukari, and Mizore were, as usual, arguing whilst they are doing their work. All the while, the busty succubus was mumbling about how she wasn't going along for the ride, but Yukari just dropped a washpan down on Kurumu's head.

As Braedey watched on, he looked to see Kento and the others doing some final markings on the paper for the shuttle's launch sequence, all the while trying to not get distracted by the noise of the little witch and succubus arguing. Then, Braedey heard the door opening, looked over, and saw Moka talking to a small fairy on her shoulder.

"Moka." The brunette walked up, and hugged the pinkette, who hugged him back, whilst Lilly simply hovered in the air with her wings alongside her. "You ready to go soon?" He asked, after letting go of Moka.

"I'm more than ready for the journey ahead." Moka then remembered something. "Oh, Braedey. I want you to meet someone." She gestured to the little fairy next to her. "This is Lilly, a small fairy I found this morning."

"Pleased to meet you, young one." Braedey held his hand out to Lilly, and the little fairy shook his index finger in reply. "I'm Braedey Martin, boyfriend of Moka's." He introduced himself.

"Really?" Lilly smirked to the two. "So, have you two done it?"

"What in the heck do you mean by that?" Braedey asked.

Moka sweat dropped, her fear disappearing, as she commented. "I don't think now is the time to question that." She replied.

Lilly blinked at that statement. "What?" She raised an eyebrow at them. "Have you two... done it?" The two arched eyebrows in confusion on that, and shook heads. "You know? From what I've seen, it's called knockin' boots, hittin' skins, doin' the nasty." She looked over to Braedey. "You know what I'm talking about, right?" She asked.

Braedey felt a small tint of red on his cheeks, but shook it off. "No. Not exactly."

"I don't." Moka insisted back. "I have no idea what you're referring to."

Lilly shook her head, shaking her head with a slight smirk. "I'm talking about sex, Moka."

At that moment, Moka blushed all over like crazy, as she shied away. "Of course not! And besides that, I'm too young for doing this on his own to even consider him to be my first."

"Wow, major buzzkill, girl." Lilly muttered. "I thought since you two are close to one another, you might've gone under the covers and such." She muttered.

"Hey, ease it up there, Lilly!" Braedey stopped the little fairy, his face a shade of red. "Sure, we are boyfriend and girlfriend, but we haven't gone that far in our relationship."

"Wow." Mariah muttered in bewilderment of what the little fairy just said.

"Braedey." Kento got the Transformatrix bearer's attention, and he walked over to him, Lily flying over next to Moka. "I've been looking through the schematics and specifications of the Omega Shuttle. I've noticed maybe one or two small issues I want to address; the fuel lines."

"What's the issue?" Braedey asked.

"After taking a quick examination, I've taken a look at one or so links, and I've opted for more sturdier locks and connections in the process." Kento explained, showing the linkages in a set of red circles. "Hopefully, they'll stay intact during your journey."

"Thanks for the warning, Kento." Braedey thanked. "I'm glad you're here to give me pointers."

"You think I'd let you go in a rocket you built yourself without some backup?" Kento asked incredulously to him. "You need someone like me to make sure you don't die." He laughed, then he and Braedey chuckle to one another.

(Late That Night)
(Launchpad Site)

Down by the launch site, Braedey has been slowly perfecting on the newly-built and fully-operational spacesuits he and Moka are going to wear for tomorrow. He stepped back, and looked at them in all of their glory, and in his awe. He outdid himself again.

"Braedey Martin, you have an eye for attention and design." Braedey commented to himself.

The spacesuits have a blue headcap and collar, and a clear glass-like space helmet with blue buttons on the sides that can open or close it. The white torso consists of a light black/blue symbol of the Transformatrix insignia, with blue straps connected to it, three oval buttons - one blue, one green, and one red, a yellow nameplate that says "MARTIN" above a red button. On the back, it has a white jetpack with a blue valve and blue triangular accents and two black and yellow signs - one says, "DANGER" and the other says "JET EXHAUST". The white arms have gray circular elbows and matching spheres on the end of that upper arms with black rings on it. The gloves have blue lines on the knuckles and fingertips and blue squares on the back of each. The right arm has a red button on the upper arm with a yellow and black striped sign that reads "LASER" and a red light on the right wrist. The left arm has the same symbol that's on the chest sticker on the upper arm, and a built-in wrist communicator. The waist has a black bending second with a thin blue waist. The white spaceman pants have matching collars at the bottom and gray spheres behind the knees, and holds the white shoes with blue toe accents and black soles.

Braedey and Moka's spacesuits have the same design and look, only the cosmetics are in their respected colours, and Moka's spacesuit has the Rosario insignia instead of the Transformatrix symbol, along with the blue being in red, and her name above the red button.

Braedey sighed to himself, grabbing both of the suits, and he began heading off to the dorms. Along the way, he soon met up with Kento, and he told him to get the shuttle's systems up and running for their morning launch sequence. The launch sequence must be perfect, and nothing is to go wrong... nothing.

As Braedey arrived at Moka's dorm, quietly, he opened the door, seeing the sleeping form of his girlfriend, then he placed her spacesuit up at the foot of her bed, awaiting for her to put on. After that, he closed up her door, and he headed off to his dorm. He soon got the suit ready, loading up some more Energon crystals onboard in case, and he decided to head off to sleep, awaiting for the big launch tomorrow.

With Kento, he was down at the launchpad, currently prepping the electrical, hydraulic, and synaptic systems onboard the Omega Shuttle, ready for the big launch. He also checked the fuel lines, and was loading the fuel onboard. The fuel was a special and top-secret blend of rocket fuel and Energon, both of them a dangerous mix for explosive devices, but add the two together? That's like playing God, in a way.

"With everything in order, tomorrow's launch will be as remarkable as the launch of Apollo 11 back in 1969." Kento declared with a big smile.

Then, he heads off to get Molly, Nathaniel, Yuki, Toby, and Matthew to assist him with the launch. But, as he does so, he and the others are unaware of a small puncture in one of the fuel delivery lines, feeding the central tank section, the hole the size of a golf ball, with a small piece of ring metal just hiding it from view, and fuel was leaking out of the hole at the rate of someone slowly pouring a can of Cola into a glass.

(The Next Morning)
(20 Minutes To Launch)

By the rising dawn of the next day, everyone was working nonstop around the clock, making sure all systems are ready to go. With Kurumu, Yukari, Mizore, Chika, Kokoa and Miss Nekonome, they were all given the opportunity to witness the launch from Mission Control.

"I've always wanted to see a rocket launch." Miss Nekenome said, hopping on her two feet excitedly.

"Just take a look at them." Kurumu was using a pair of binoculars, and she saw both Braedey and Moka entering the Omega Shuttle. "Those two, our friends, both of them ready to head off up there." She gestured to the sky above.

"Oh, stop being so dramatic." Yukari muttered, only for the succubus to tackle her.

"You two, stop it!" Chika walked up to them, grabbed them by the back of their shirts, and lifted them off the ground. "Be careful. There's a lot of technical and highly sensitive equipment here, and one mistake here could cost Moka and Braedey their lives." Yukari then remembered what place she's at, and heads to her station.

"She's right." Mariah agreed.

"All right. Flight directors on with the go/no-go for launch." Kento announced to the teens and partners in the room.

"Go flight." Matthew responded.
"Go flight." Matthew replied again.
"Go flight." Yuki saluted.
"Go flight." Yukari waved.
"Go flight." Taylor replied.
"Go flight." Toby responded.
"CAPCOM Omega."
"Go flight." Chika saluted.

"All right, ladies and gentlemen, it's pucker time." Kento sighed quietly, then he turns around to look over at the shuttle.

Onboard the shuttle, Braedey and Moka are strapped into their seats, the former prepping the shuttle's internal systems to go. Luckily for him, he built this shuttle, so he knows what buttons to push, what dials to turn, and what switches to flip. Moka, meanwhile, was looking out the window, and she had to admit, they were pretty high up.

"Omega Shuttle, this is Youkai firing room." Kento called on the radio. "We're T-minus one minute from launch sequence. All crew members, close and lock your visors."

"Roger, Youkai." Braedey replied, then he and Moka pushed the button on the sides of the suit, making the helmets flip over and lock in place. "All helmets locked and ready for action."

"All systems go." Moka added. Braedey looked to her, and she gave a small giggle.

"You're go for auto-sequence start." Matthew called next.

Moka turned to Braedey. "Hey, Braedey. This is a bit crazy, don't you think?" She asked him.

Braedey pushed a few buttons, then relaxed in his seat. "To be honest with you, Moka, after all the years fighting aliens and bad guys with my cousin and grandfather, and now with you, Kurumu, Yukari, Mizore, Kento, and the others, I've never thought my life would be like this. I've never really thought about the future." He turned to her. "Until now." He smiled to her, and she nodded back to him.


"Go for main engines start." Kento announced to Matthew. At that moment, the four engines on the Omega Shuttle began to fire up, red-hot and orange flames roaring from them.


"Main engine ignition." Matthew responded, the cracking and roaring of the engines sounding deafening. "We are good for launch."

"All systems go." Braedey added over the headset to Mission Control.



Once that one word was said, the clamps, fuel lines, electrical lines, and cables all detached from the Omega Shuttle, as the humungous red/blue vessel rocketed into the morning sky, a trail of white smoke left behind in its wake.

"Omega Shuttle has left the tower." Yukari called. "Repeat: Omega Shuttle has left the tower."

"It's now in their hands." Kento stated, watching the shuttle go up into the sky.

Onboard the shuttle, Braedey was holding onto the main controls, the ailerons and rudder, using them to keep the ship in a straight line. He pushed one or two buttons, and the shuttle stayed in line. Moka, meanwhile, was holding onto the harness around her.

About five minutes later, the Omega Shuttle had finally reached orbit. Braedey shuts down the engines, then flips on an artificial gravity device switch. "Control from Omega Shuttle. We are now in orbit, about 20 minutes from max burn into deep space."

"Confirmed, Omega Shuttle." Kento replied on the headsets. "We will confirm your time for maximum burn."

"Roger." Braedey acknowledged. He then looked to Moka. "You okay there, Moka?"

"Yeah. I'm good." Moka nodded lightly, but deep down, she was shaking. Sure, it was her second time being in a Shuttle, but it was still nerve-racking for her. "Just a little shaken up from the launch."

"It's okay. One just has to get used to it after a while." Braedey reassured her, then two of them go and explore the shuttle.

(Mission Control)

With the team, they checked over any and all functions of the shuttle, along with the vital signs of their teammates. Kurumu, Mizore, and Kokoa watched them work, whilst Miss Nekomone was watching the tower of smoke that was emitted from the vessel.

"All systems are good and running smoothly." Mathew reported.

"All vital signs are strong and steady." Molly added. "But, Moka's level of fear and anticipation are a little higher than normal. Might be because of her experience of space travel."

"Anybody would be surprised when they go in space." Kurumu reminded them.

Kento looked over to Matthew's sector, then the two of them noticed something strange: the fuel gauges looked a bit lower than the anticipated level they're looking for. It was confusing to them. "Shouldn't the fuel levels be up around the 95% range?" The former asked. "The fuel levels are just below half. How is that possible?"

"Maybe we didn't put enough fuel in the shuttle before launch?" Toby suggested from his station.

"I made sure all the fuel was pumped onboard before the rise of the sun." Kento reminded. "I'm honest, I'm sure I did it."

"I am sure that you did." Miss Nekenome reassured to him.

"Guys?" Everyone looked to Molly, who had a bucket in her hand, and inside of it was a large quantity of rocket fuel, the same fuel onboard the Omega Shuttle. "I have the answer to your question, and the reason why." She puts down the bucket, then she pulled out a flexible piece of the fuel tubing, the one where there was a hole the size of a golf ball in it. "A leaky fuel pump."

"That's bad news." Matthew looked to Toby and Yukari. "The two of you, check how far and how much time the shuttle has on its remaining fuel supply."

With that, the two got to work, the sound of clicking keyboards filling the air. Kento sprinted over to the main screens, checking over the trajectory of the shuttle, and while the others watched on in worry.

(Deep Space)
(Onboard the Omega Shuttle)

Onboard the Omega Shuttle, Braedey and Moka were looking through the vessel, seeing what there is. It reminded them of their first day on Youkai Academy when they both looked about the school. Moka looked at the architectural parts and design of the ship's interior, whilst Braedey points out many different safety specs and designs he's implemented in the ship, like facial recognition cameras for entry into classified locations of the ship, along with specialised fire/safety equipment for onboard emergencies, along with heavy-duty, bulletproof armour for the interior and exterior.

In the dining hall of the ship, the two of them were looking about, seeing all of the amazing and different tricks onboard; 75-inch plasma-screen HDTV with access to over a zillion channels, whether from Earth or Cybertron, four big double-door fridges to fed a crew of up to 35 or 60, a table to seat up to the amount, along with real-time alarm and emergency responses.

The two of them were currently out of their spacesuits, now wearing what was a Liquid Cooling and Ventilation Garment (LCVG): a form-fitting garment that is used to remove body heat from the wearer in environments where evaporative cooling from sweating and open air convection cooling does not work, or the wearer has a biological problem that hinders self-regulation of body temperature. Braedey was wearing a blue version of the garment, whilst Moka had a reddish-black version of the garment.

Braedey checked out on stats of the ship, and he came across something strange: the fuel levels looked to be far lower than anticipated. He cupped his chin in confusion and thought: why are the fuel levels lower than normal?

"Hmm. How peculiar..." Braedey muttered to himself.

"Omega Shuttle from Youkai Control." Kento's voice called out on the Comms. "Do you copy?"

Braedey and Moka immediately make their way to the Bridge, and respond to the contact. "Omega Shuttle to Youkai Control. We read you loud and clear, and on all channels." The former responded to the call. "What's the situation?"

"We've found something unusual and rather unexpected." Kento responded back to him. "We've noticed one of the fuel pump lines that fed the main tank had a leak in it. As far as we can tell, all the time we've been pumping fuel into the tanks, we've lost possibly half of the fuel required for the ship."

"You're serious?" Braedey asked skeptically. "Is it bad news?" He asked next.

"Not as bad as anything too serious." Kento replied back. "But, I would recommend you two to get back to Earth before something goes wrong-"

Before anything else could he said between the three, a loud and thunderous explosion could be heard from the third engine, rocking the whole ship, and knocked the two teens off their feet. The vessel rocked violently after the explosion, the lights and gauges going haywire, flashing out of control, as an unknown began to emit from the shuttle.

Outside the ship, a bright blue glow began to engulf the entire vessel in a blue bubble of some kind. Then, the bubble vanished in a flash, along with the Omega Shuttle and its passengers.

(Mission Control)

"Omega Shuttle from Youkai Control. Do you read me? Youkai Control to Omega Shuttle, please respond. If you can hear me on this frequency, Omega Shuttle, please acknowledge."

For the past five minutes, Kento has been trying to raise the Omega Shuttle on the radio, but to no avail. All they heard from their side of the radio was what could've been an explosion, but then, the radio went silent, and all that's left was static.

"What the heck happened?" Kurumu demanded. "Why have we lost contact with them?"

"I don't know!" Kento yelled at her. "All we've heard was a muffled bang, and next thing I know, static. I'm trying to work on something here."

"Please, work quickly." Miss Nekenome told him. "I worry about Moka and Braedey, and I hope they are okay."

"Yeah. Also, what the heck happened to the Omega Shuttle?" Yukari wondered, looking at some of the screens, only to see that many of them have gone black or static. "I can't even see what happened to the ship, or even know where they are."

"Whatever happened onboard must've knocked out the electrics and the tracking beacon." Toby guessed. "Fortunately, I've still got their vital signs online, and they're still going strong."

"We'll have to wait and see if they can contact us." Miss Nekenome suggested.

(Out In Space...)

Braedey shook his head, groaning in slight pain, and looked around, his vision being slightly blurry to begin with, but after shaking his head a little, his eyesight cleared up. To his shock, electrical wires, cables, lights, and other such parts were scattered across the floor, hanging from the roof and the walls, and many of the ship's control screens were broken and/or destroyed.

"What in the AllSpark..." Braedey muttered, then looked to see Moka on the ground next to him, and lying on her front. "Moka!" He flipped Moka onto her back, and got in front of her. He placed his left hand behind her head and his right arm on the middle of her back, gently helping her sit up. "Moka!" Braedey said, concern and anxiety dominating his voice. Her eyes were still closed and she was barely breathing. "Moka..."

A soft groan came from Moka, as her eyes began to flutter open. When her aquamarine eyes opened, the first thing she saw was Braedey. He had his right arm wrapped around her back and his left hand behind her head. The pinkette girl couldn't suppress the crimson blush on her cheeks. "Braedey?" She said.

Braedey blinked. "M-Moka, are you okay?" He stuttered, snapping out of his daze.

Moka arched a brow, confused. "Uh... yes." She sat up more, then looked back to Braedey. "Are you alright, Braedey?"

Braedey smiled back to her. "Yeah... don't worry. I'll be okay."

Moka would've asked more, until she noticed something: Braedey still had his hand behind her head, and his other arm around her back. This caused a tint of pink to flush on her cheeks. "Um... Braedey... you're still holding me." Moka said, slightly nervous.

Braedey looked back at her, and realised she was right. He pulled his arms away swiftly with a light blush. "Sorry!" He exclaimed, flustered. The Transformatrix bearer then stood up and held out his hand. "Uh.... need a hand?"

Moka took his hand, and Braedey pulled her back to her feet. Her knees were a little wobbly, but the vampire soon gathered the strength to stand. Their attention returned to the damaged state of the ship's interior. "This is not good." Moka dreaded. "I don't know what happened, but it must be bad news."

"I'll try the Comms." Braedey walked over to the Comms section, and tried the radio. "Omega Shuttle to Youkai Control. Do you copy?" But, instead of a response, all he got was static. After trying about four more times, but it was the same result. "Nothing. The Comms must be busted." He sighed, and looked to Moka. "We're on our own out here."

"That's what I was afraid to hear from you." Moka sighed. "So, what do we do now?" She asked

"I'm gonna go and take a look outside, and see what's wrong." Braedey headed off to the airlock, getting into his spacesuit.

"Be careful." Moka whispered, giving Braedey a small peck on the cheek.

About two minutes later, Braedey exits the airlock, then pushed the red button under the word 'MARTIN'. Suddenly, two foldable wings popped out from behind his back. The wings are blue with black lining on the top of each, and white ends with red and green flashing lights, like on an airplane. At the same time, blue jets of flame fired from the exhausts, and he began to fly over to the stern of the ship.

As Braedey looked to the stern, he was shocked by the sight of what he saw. The third engine was blown right out of its mounting, the exhaust port broken apart, whilst electrical and fuel lines have been blown apart, the fuel leaking out, sparks going off, and pieces gone and busted up beyond repair.

"Moka? It's Braedey." Braedey contacted Moka on his suit's comm-link. "Bad news: engine three has been blown apart. All the fuel onboard has been blown out and gone for good. The electrics are gone, too. We have no power."

"Okay. Let's try and do something." Moka replied, as the brunette headed back to the airlock.

Braedey soon returned to the bridge, and he had a set of what were stasis cuffs in his hands. "Okay. It's a long shot for this, but if this could work, we might be able to get the communications system back online." He walked over to the Comms computer section, ripped open a panel, then placed the open parts of the cuffs down on the cables, sending an electrical charge into the wires and cables, blue electricity sparking.

"Braedey, I don't want to be mean, but this sounds ridiculous." Moka watched in skepticism. "Are you really trying to hotwire a giant spaceship with a pair of stasis cuffs?"

"As a matter of fact, I am." Braedey replied. Next, he slides under his computer console, and pries open the access panel. He rifles through the computer's inner workings, and locates the right set of wires. Stripping the right two wires and cross-contacting them...

(Mission Control)

"Omega Shuttle to Youkai Control. Omega Shuttle to Youkai Control. Do you read me?"

Everyone looked to the Comms as they heard those words. Immediately, Kento leaped over the other computer screens, landing in front of the Comms screen, and established contact.

"Braedey! Is that you?!" Kento asked quickly. "Is Moka with you? Are you two alright? What's going on?"

"Yes, Kento. It's us." Braedey's voice stopped Kento from continuing on. "Moka's right here with me, and we're okay, although with a few small bruises. Other than that, nothing else."

"That's good news." Kento sighed in relief. "So, tell me; what's going on?"

"There's been an explosion in the third engine, damaging the electrics and all of our fuel is gone." Braedey replied to him. "Somehow, the resulting explosion activated the Spacebridge, and sent us to an unknown location. So far, it's only us out here."

"So far, we've used a pair of stasis cuffs to provide some electrical power." Moka added. "We're not sure how much power we have left to contest you guys."

"Just be careful out there." Kento replied, then turned to the others. "We need to get some ship's to fly us up there and get them back quickly."

"But, how exactly are we gonna do that?" Toby asked skeptically. "We don't have a spare spaceship just lying about."

"Maybe not us, but we know some good allies of Braedey's that have some." Kento reminded.

"I'll get the Spacebridge controller." Yukari called, and made her way to Braedey's dorm, Kurumu and Mizore following behind her.

"A trip to Cybertron is in order." Kento declared.

"Cybertron..." Chika wondered. She had been told by Moka and Braedey about what Cybertron was like, before and after the Great War, and she had hoped one day to see such a place.

Nearby, Mariah was very interested by what she was hearing, but she was also concerned for both Braedey and his girlfriend. She had been told about the two meeting earlier in the days, along with the fights, adventures, and other such things they have had to deal with. Needless to say, her jaw nearly fell to the ground. Now, she was concerned about her two new friends, and how they're gonna get them back alive.

(Onboard the Omega Shuttle)

Braedey was currently tuning up the radio, trying to see what he can do. Moka was also trying to help him out, giving the brunette some tools to use.

"Dammit." Braedey grumbled, throwing away a screwdriver. "I can't get further into the back cables." He then got out from underneath the Comms computer. "I'm gonna check on the oxygen levels. With our current situation, we don't have any power to regulate the oxygen and CO2 levels."

Moka nodded, then walked over to the regulator gauge, and saw the oxygen level wasn't good. "The CO2 levels are starting to rise. It's not looking good." She said to him.

"Right. I'm gonna go and collect the scrubbers from the oxygen generators, and hang them from the roof. Try and clear the air." Braedey declared to Moka.

"How long should that give us?" Moka asked in concern.

"If we use our oxygen wisely, we should last for maybe an hour or more." Braedey replied rather grimly, then headed off to the oxygen generators to collect the scrubbers.

Whilst Braedey continued work on the oxygen scrubbers for the time being, Moka continued to try the radio and the electrics. Eventually, after maybe 10 or so minutes of hard rewiring, she managed to get the interior and the large powerful exterior lights on.

But, as she looked over to the large windows, she could see what was a large ship approaching them. She narrowed her eyes at what was outside, and to her shock, she could see another large vessel outside. It seemed to be a combination of a long battleship and an aircraft carrier, with humungous wings on either side of it, whilst a large upside-down reverse dorsal fin jutted down from below the ship, and it seemed to reach down over a hundred feet. The entire vessel was the size of the entire island of Manhattan.

"Braedey, we've got a problem." Moka called, as the brunette ran up to the Bridge. "Looks like we've got some unexpected guests."

"Okay, Moka." Braedey patted her on the shoulder. "You stay here, and you try and get a message out to the others. I'll seal you up in the Bridge for safety. I'll delay them as long as I can, and try and get them off the ship. If they do try and get onboard, keep the doors shut, and DO NOT let anyone in."

"Be careful." Moka told him, then kissed his forehead.

With a nod, the brunette left the Bridge, locking Moka inside for her safety, then headed off to the airlock. But, as he does so, he grabbed a black cloak, similar to that of a Jedi robe, and he puts it on, concealing his entire appearance from view, leaving only a shadow of his face. He walked up to the airlock control panel, then pushed a button, deploying a tunnel bridge to connect the two vessels together.

(With Kento and the others)

Kento managed to pull some string with Grandpa Jackson and the Human/Autobot Alliance, and luckily, they managed to convince some 'Bots to get the Autobot ship, known as the Ark, up and airborne in no time.

The Autobot Ark is a large metallic gold spacecraft hovering in the air, sporting the Autobot logo on the wings of the craft, and having four large engines on the stern, the craft being 2,992.5ft long, 2,887.5ft wide, and 315ft tall.

Kento stood on the bridge of the ship, with Matthew, Toby, Nathaniel, Yuki, and Taylor working on the controls and flight systems. Kokoa, Yukari, Molly, Mizore, and Kurumu were onboard too, all of them more ready than anything to find Braedey and Moka.

"How good is the signal, Soundwave?" Kento called, looking over to the silent Communications Chief. Kento had asked to Megatron himself if he could let Soundwave come along and assist them to find the Transformatrix bearer and S-Class Vampire, and Megatron agreed to let Soundwave help, only to make sure the brunette shapeshifter doesn't get harmed or killed.

Soundwave turned to Kento, the silent Decepticon's visor suddenly depicted a horizontal zigzag line that was constantly moving whilst different series of sounds emitted from it. A relieving grin formed on the latter's mouth, as he listened to the high frequency signal and the message embedded in it.

"That signal is possibly 5 Klicks away." Kento realised. "Keep the signal alive and well, Soundwave." He next looked to Toby. "T, follow the sound of that signal, and turn at a heading of South West, around a heading of 340."

"Understood." Toby saluted, then began to set the turn and the coordinates of the signal.

(Onboard the Omega Shuttle)

After about 12 long minutes of tense docking, a confirmation beep was heard from above the airlock door, and the door now opened up with a loud hiss and crunch of metal. Braedey stood in the middle of the doorway, as he watched a group of what looked to be pirates or mercenaries walking up towards him.

The leader of the group was a human man, who seemed to be in his late 40's, with fading white hair in a combed fashion, had a fairly white skin tone and complexion, and had rather dark blue eyes. His body looked skinny and brittle, but one could tell he had some muscle hidden from view. He was wearing a very expensive and impressive suit. The best guesses is that the suit was up to $300,000. It had a white shirt with a black suit jacket overtop, black suit pants and shoes, along with a chequered tie, and had on a $100,000 wristwatch.

The second member on the leader's left was an attractive young woman with black hair cut into a flare cut with two strands framing her face dyed in blood, and evil red eyes. She had a fairly broad shouldered torso, yet she maintained a very voluptuous and buxom figure, which was further accentuated by the fact she is considerably short. She was wearing a black military-like uniform with a matching mini skirt, long white stockings, ankle fold black boots, and black gloves. All in all, the woman looked rather innocent, but the eyes said otherwise.

The third member of the trio in front was an eighteen year old teenage girl, with very pale alabaster skin and a slender skinny figure. She had scarlet blood red hair with a few spiky bangs but limp; two down the sides of her face, going down to her shoulders, and a bang swept over the right side, held there by a jolly roger hair clip with fangs in the teeth, and a spiky ponytail strand of hair that went down and ended at her shoulder blades. And, she had the most dazzling set of silver eyes you'd ever seen. She was a Goth by the looks she had, and the way she dressed. She wore a black dress with a mini skirt, short sleeves, a silver bat choker around her neck, and a U-neckline, which showed a part of her cleavage, which was covered by black nylon stitched to the neckline, making also a turtleneck to it. She had black net arm warmers that went from her wrists to her elbows. She wore dark red stockings and black combat boots to match. But there were some odd things about her, for instance, her fingernails were painted black... but had sharp points to them, almost like claws. This girl was an intoxicating Gothic beauty.

Behind them, there seemed to be an army of what looked to be World War 2-Like Nazi Robots. Each of them stood at 6ft tall, all of which were painted in dark grey and black, their armour lookinf tough and impervious to standard firearms. They have SS-styled helmets, glowing red optics, and many of them are either armed with a large machine-gun for a left arm, or retractable weapons within their forearms.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, mister." The male in front greeted. "You will know me as Salvo. I'm the commander of this salvage ship, and we saw your ship just floating about, and wished to investigate."

"There is nothing to investigate onboard this vessel. This belongs to me." Braedey replied in a dark tone, his sharp fanged teeth being revealed in the light. "Leave this ship."

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Sir." Salvo interjected. "You see, no ship has ever left our space sector alive, and we always get what we want."

"Leave. Now." Braedey snarled deeply. He was not having anyone touch his spaceship, whether they were pirates or salvage operators, and this guy seems to be a combination of the two beings out into one slimeball of a human being.

Salvo sighed to himself, knowing this would just end in a bloodbath, then he snapped his fingers once. All at once, the Nazi-theme robots came to life, their red optics locked onto Braedey, as they raised their weaponised arms at the brunette. "Verriegeln und töten Sie das Kind. Dann plündere das ganze Schiff, bis nichts mehr übrig ist." He ordered In German, and very fluent, might I add.

(Translation: Lock on, and kill the child. Then, ransack this entire ship until there is nothing left.)

Braedey reacted quickly, ripping off his cloak, revealing he has, in his possession, a gigantic Gatling gun-like weapon: a gun basically forged out of four M.134 Miniguns merged into one gun. "Time for the Executioner to take some lives." He declared. All of the barrels spun up in unison, and fired under one trigger, but instead of regular bullets, its armed with Energon. He opened fire, ripping apart all of the robots piece by piece, until there was nothing but spare parts left.

Braedey next threw away the gun, then held his fists up in a boxing stance, his body muscle changed into his vampire mode. The first woman charged, fist raised, only for Braedey to flip over her, grab her by her shoulder, lift her up into the air, grab her by the head, then slam her into the floor, creating a dent in her body shape. Then, he lifted her out of the hole, then he threw her out of his ship, through the tunnel, smacking into the second woman, who was unprepared for that, and the two flew back through the tunnel bridge, and into their ship.

Salvo was shocked, amazed, infuriated, and angered by how this one lone being was so powerful, and how he dispatched and taken down all of his robot guards, along with two of his top lieutenants. But, before he could ask, he saw the brunette by the control panel.

"Hey, Salvo!" Braedey yelled. "Hope you know how to fly!" He quipped, then pushed the button, releasing the lock on the other ship, and sucking Salvo out of the Omega Shuttle, and out into deep space!

"WARNING: OXYGEN SUPPLY AT CRITICAL LEVEL." The onboard computers announced, sealing the airlock door at once before too much of the oxygen is sucked out. "SEALING BULKHEADS."

Braedey sighed, then he sprinted off to the Bridge. But, as he does so, he heard what could be the sound of energy building up. He looked outside, and he could see what might be a laser charging up on the pirate's vessel, and aimed for the smaller ship. Thinking fast, Braedey sprinted to the Bridge, to the shock of Moka, then he slammed his hand down on a thrust lever, sending the ship moving forward by about 5 metres, and missing the laser shot by mere inches. In retaliation, he pushed down all five weapons buttons, as a large tank turret on top of the Omega Shuttle aimed and fired upon the pirate's vessel, and lastly, a particle beam cannon blasted through the ship, sending it blasting into oblivion in the blink of an eye.

Braedey sighed to himself, then heard the sound of the ship shutting down, all electrics going down throughout the vessel, leaving nothing but the radio for possibly one last communication.

'Oh, Scrap.' Braedey cursed in his head. He then looked out to the deep space. 'Please, guys. We're running out of time.' He then saw Moka kneeling down by the Comms sector. "Moka, are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah." Moka nodded timidly, as he sat down next to her. "W-What happened?"

"Some stupid pirate salvagers wanted the ship, but I sent them flying out of the airlock before they could get anywhere." Braedey replied with a huff. "But, I had to sacrifice most of the oxygen supply and electrical power to get rid of them." He then noticed some objects starting to float about the Bridge and around them. "That also included the artificial gravity system."

"So, how much time do we have left now with the scrubbers?" Moka asked in concern and worry, holding onto the computer base.

"My best guess..." Braedey looked over at a digital clock that ran on solar power on the wall. "Maybe another 10-20 minutes." He feared this was going to happen, and wasn't happy at all.

"What about the oxygen packs in the spacesuits? Why don't we use those?" Moka suggested.

"I can't access them, unfortunately." Braedey replied reluctantly to her. "The suit's engineering design means there's no access to the oxygen packs, and even if I could, they could only last about 12 minutes without the suit's main systems. They provide a rebreather for the oxygen pack, meaning it recycles the air, giving us more oxygen. Maybe 2-4 hours worth."

"So much for that." Moka dreaded. She then felt cold, and she huddled next to Braedey. "Braedey... I feel cold."

"The main heating and cooling is also powered by the ship's electrics." Braedey wrapped his arms around her small frame, and held her close to him, using his own body heat to keep her warm. "Stay close, and we'll be safe."

As the two huddled close together for warmth, they began to float up off of the floor, no thanks to the zero gravity, but they didn't touch any walls, the windows, or the floors. Their situation then began to sink in, and Braedey soon realised that if their friends don't get to them in time, they would be in serious trouble.

(With Kento and the others)

"I've got some bad news, guys." Yukari spoke up to the others, calling them over to her station. They've been travelling though space for almost an hour, unaware of their friend's dilemma and near hijacking, but now, they're about to know what is going on.

"What's the situation, Yukari?" Mariah asked, walking up to her. The two witches had started off well, almost like family, and they both had given Kurumu some washpans to the head a couple times. Hey, things are better in twos.

"I've taken a look at Braedey and Moka's life signs, and it looks like their core temperature is going down." Yukari reported worried. "I think something's wrong with the heating and cooling."

"Plus, their oxygen levels are starting to drop in their blood cells." Mariah pointed out on the screen. She sprinted over to Kento, who was at the helm. "Kento, we have to find the Omega Shuttle now!"

"We're trying our best." Kento replied reluctantly. "But so far, we haven't heard-" Before he could go on, the sound of static and mumbling could be heard on the radio. Kento looked to Soundwave, who nodded, and began to track the signal of the transmission.

"Omega Shuttle... calling all ships... on any frequency." Braedey's voice sounded like he was losing air, and things were getting worse. "We are... running out of oxygen... and have... very little electrical power left..."

"The strength of that signal is weak." Matthew reported. "They shouldn't be too far away."

"Soundwave, lock the coordinates, and get us to that ship." Toby ordered. The silent 'Con nodded, and began to lock the Omega Shuttle's coordinates.

"We might not..." Braedey's weak voice made the blood in the teen's veins go cold. "...make it out... please, hurry. We're... out of... time..." Then, the message went dead, and all there's left we static.

"All ahead full." Kento ordered, more determined than ever before to get their friends back at all costs.

"Go!" Kurumu yelled at once.

(Onboard the Omega Shuttle)

Braedey and Moka continued to hug one another as they floated in the Bridge, losing their inner energy rapidly; both of them coming closer to death by the minute. Moka's Rosario had been taken off by Braedey by accident, but she knew Braedey had his reasons to do so. The two of them seemed to have some ice around their bodies, mostly on their arms and legs, along with some ice in their hair.

"Do you know the worst part of this? You'd think, after battling so many enemies over the time we've met; Saizou, Kuyou, the Decepticons, The Fallen, along with getting smacked down, shot at, blown up... this is how are lights go out?" Moka-sama stated rather than asked weakly to the brunette, slowly inching towards unconsciousness.

"Moka-sama." Braedey groaned gravely, his voice getting low. "This may... have not been the finish... that we had planned. But... if this is indeed the end... if we are to become... one with the AllSpark..."

Moka-sama gently tapped her forehead against Braedey's, as the two hug one another as tightly as they can, despite the amount of strength they have in their bodies, and their dwindling oxygen levels.

"It's been an honour getting to know and fight with you, Braedey Martin." Moka-sama proclaimed, before her eyes gently close, and she falls unconscious.

"And it has been an honour... to fight alongside you... Moka Akashiya." Braedey muttered, then decided to give Moka-sama one more chance of breathing. He pressed his lips against Moka-sama's, then gave her his last breath before he fell unconscious, his eyes closing slowly, just as a bright light shined just past the Bridge.

"Braedey! Wake up!"

Braedey stirred lightly, finally awakening from an unknown exhaustion that had plagued him. His eyes slowly opened weakly, as he took notice of the only light source illuminating the outer rim to the infirmary. The distant clicking of a clock now alerted him, as finally his eyes came into focus. He looked around, half-asleep as he saw that he was in the infirmary. And not alone, as a calm Kento looked to him, as he sat on the side of his bed.

"Kento? What's going on? Why am I..." Braedey groaned in pain.

"Braedey, calm down." Kento reassured him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay. You're back home. Safe and sound."

"A-Are we?" Braedey then noticed that he had an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose. "What's going on?" He then noticed he had many blankets over his body. "And why am I stuck under all of these?"

"When we found you and Moka, you two were freezing and were in desperate need of oxygen." Mariah explained to Braedey, walking up to the brunette, and she placed a hand against Braedey's forehead. "We had to get you both under warm covers as quickly as we possibly can, along with giving you both enough oxygen to breathe easily."

"You guys are pretty lucky." Yukari added, who was sitting over by Moka-sama's bed, and she was gently patting the vampire's head with a wet cloth. "Had we arrived a moment too late, you guys wouldn't be here today breathing."

"Kento, I... I can't move." Braedey muttered, trying to turn his form left or right, but to no avail.

"Both your bodies need to remain here for some time." Kento advised to him, standing up out of his seat. "So please, get some rest."

A moment later, Mariah, Yukari, and Kento left the infirmary, leaving Braedey and Moka-sama in there. The brunette looked over to Moka-sama's sleeping form. He wasn't sure what, but he could tell she is in some pain.

"Moka." Braedey called quietly. "Moka, can you hear me?"

Moka-sama didn't respond for a moment, much to Braedey's concern, then he sighed in relief, as she turned her head to him, showing a gentle look in her eyes, and despite the oxygen mask over her mouth, the brunette could see she was smiling gently.

"Yes, Braedey." Moka-sama replied to him quietly. "I'm fine. Plus, I'm glad you are okay. Still, I have to say, you are one tough human."

Braedey felt a small blush on his face. "Thanks, Moka." He then held out a hand to Moka-sama, and the S-Class vampire held his hand, then the two soon fell asleep, the two of them still holding hands.

Kurumu looked at the two lovers in the infirmary from the doorframe, sighing in relief, knowing they're both alright, and that they're slowly recovering. She smiled gently to Braedey and Moka-sama as they slept, and she headed off to catch up with Kento, Yukari, and Mariah.

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