
By The_Alice_Killer

6.3K 161 21

Mitake Ran was found abandoned one day as a baby. She was taken to an orphanage to find a new home. It's been... More

Found Out
You Can't Hide Forever
Free at Last?
Finally Normal?
Let's Start a Band
The Truth
What is Going on?
What Should We Do?
Bullying No More
What To Do? Go On A Date Apparently


287 8 0
By The_Alice_Killer

Ran’s POV:

It had been about a week since I met Tomoe’s friends. I’ve gotten to know them a lot better. I really like them. They’re nice to me. They treat me like I’ve always been there with them. I like that. I don’t like being treated differently.

So far, it was still only Moca and Tomoe who knew the truth about me. I haven’t wanted to tell anyone else. I still don’t believe Tomoe. I don’t think I want them to know. Why would I want them to know? They might start treating me differently then. That’s the last thing I want.

I don’t need reassurance that I’m not messed up. I don’t need anyone to tell me that I’m normal. I don’t need that. I don’t.

It had been a rough week. Mom was working hard to get me into a school. I was way behind the other kids. I didn’t get much schooling at the orphanage. I was taught to read by the only nice worker there. And then she left. But, I think they made her leave because she was nice. All the others were really mean, especially to me. They hated me a lot.

We didn’t have a school there. Most of the kids weren’t normally old enough to start learning anything. And now, because of that, the school here won’t take me in. They don’t have a teacher that would be willing to work with me. I’ve been getting lessons from mom. Sometimes I’d watch Tomoe do her school work and see if I could understand any of it. Most of the time I couldn’t.

It was just another day. I was alone at the house. Tomoe had school. Ako was at someone else’s house. Dad had to go work. Mom was outside in the garden. I was sitting in the living room by myself. I was coloring. There wasn’t anything good on TV. I was bored.

Maybe I could go out and walk around? I mean, why wouldn’t I be? They let me and Tomoe go out by ourselves. Why wouldn’t I be allowed to go out by myself either? I guess it’s an odd time of day, though. But, I might ask. I need something better to do. And I know my way around some of the town now. I won’t get lost anymore.

I went outside and found mom in the garden. She smiled at me.

“Can I go out by myself? I’m bored here.” I asked nervously.

“I guess. Just don’t go too far, alright?” Mom said.

“Okay!” I nodded.

I went to the front of the house and tried to decide which way I wanted to go. I decided to go the normal route that Tomoe and I would walk down. I wasn’t going to go too far. But, there’s a really pretty house just up the street. I like all the flowers in the yard.

I stopped at the house and looked at it for a moment. I don’t want the people in the house to see me. I walked a little farther and made it to where there was a nice shaded spot. I sat down on the sidewalk and watched the few people out and about.

There weren’t a lot of people around. And before long, I was the only one out. I should probably go home. I don’t wanna be all alone out here. I stood up and started making my way back to my house. It still feels weird to call it home. But, I’m glad I have a place I can call home now.

I could see my house in the distance, when I suddenly was grabbed from behind. A hand went over my mouth to muffle my screams. I was picked up and carried away. I was fighting against the person as hard as I could. But, what could a kid do to an adult?

I was shoved into a car and something was tied around my mouth. Then, another cloth got tied over my eyes. I could feel the car moving. Where are they taking me? Why do they want me?

My arms and legs were soon tied together as well. I couldn’t move anything. I could make any noise either. I’m helpless. No one’s going to save me. I’m stuck. I’m going to die, aren’t I? They probably want to do bad things to me.

“Yeah, we got her.”

They were targeting me. They wanted me for a reason. What could that reason be? I don’t understand. Why do they want me? What’s so special about me?

“Don’t worry. We’ll make sure she’s in good condition. You’ll have your kid back soon.”

What? What’s going on? Is this person working for my parents? Are they trying to get me back? But then, why didn’t they just ask? They have the right to take me away, don’t they? Something’s very wrong here.

“So, this is really the kid, huh?”

“Yeah. Can’t believe it took us this long to find her.”

“Lucky we have contacts in this town, huh?”

“Indeed. Now, little girl, we’re taking you back home. I’ll untie you if you promise to be a good girl for us. We don’t want any trouble.”

I nodded. I want to see who took me. I’m not going to behave. Once I can safely get away, I will. But, I’ll need to know who did this.

The guy untied me and removed the cloths from my face. I looked up at him. I couldn’t make out too much in the lighting of the car. There were windows, but they were very shaded. Not a lot of light was coming in. This isn’t good. I don’t like this. I’m scared.

“Where’s home?” I asked, “How come I wasn’t always there? What happened?”

“I see. You have a lot of questions. I don’t blame you. I can try and answer them.” The guy said, “Home is a bit away from here. As for what happened, someone from that place stole you from us.”

“Who are you?” I asked him, hoping it seemed like an innocent question.

“I work for your parents.” The guy replied, “That’s all you need to know about me for now.”

“Okay.” I said. I need to seem like I’m being innocent. I can’t let them know my plan.

I don’t trust these people. They seem like bad people. I mean, why’d they take me like this? If they are taking me home, they should’ve been able to just ask. I don’t know if they’d tell me if I asked. I guess that’s something I can try to ask.

“Why are you doing it this way? Why didn’t mom or dad come pick me up? Why’s it a big secret?” I asked.

“You see, your parents aren’t exactly liked around here.”

“Why not?” I questioned.

“You’ll see when we get there.”

“How long will it be?” I asked.

“Maybe another ten minutes. It’s not that far, I promise.” The guy said.

It wasn’t that long before we were exiting the car. There was a house in the middle of the woods. This must be it. I don’t like this. It feels weird and creepy.

I tried to act excited. The two guys that got me lead me into the house. Once inside, I was greeted by someone.

“Hello, I’m your dad.” They said, “Is there a name you like to be called? We chose a name for you, but if there’s one you like better, we’ll gladly call you by that.”

“I go by Ran.” I stated.

He looks a little scary. I don’t like him that much. Is this guy really my dad? I guess he does look like me.

“Then that’s what we’ll call you.”

“Where’s mom?” I asked.

“She’s sick. You can’t see her until she gets better, I’m sorry.” Dad said.

“It’s okay. So, um…” I didn’t know what to say.

“How about I give you a tour. After all, this is your home.” Dad held out a hand to me.

I hesitantly took it. He started leading me around the house. I don’t really like it here. I want to go back. I’d rather live with Tomoe than here. This doesn’t feel like a home. It seems… dark, I think.

“What do you do for a job, dad?” I asked.

“That’s not something you need to worry about, Ran.” Dad said as he patted me on the head.

“But I wanna know!” I pouted.

“I do things that aren’t… allowed.” Dad said, “Alright? I do bad things. But, no one gets hurt.”

I knew something was up. Dad isn’t good. He’s bad. I need to get out of here. I can’t stay here. But, how on earth am I going to get out. I don’t know where I would go. Maybe I could learn the layout. I’ll be stuck here for a while. I guess I better get friendly with everyone here.

I hope that I’ll be found. They’ll come looking for me. I know it. I just hope dad doesn’t have any way to stop them. I don’t know what he does, but he might have power. I just hope he doesn’t hurt any of them. That’s the last thing I want. I just want to go back. That’s all I want. I hate it here.

“This is your room. I hope you find it to your liking. I’ll get you some toys soon so you won’t be bored. Is there anything else you’d like?” Dad acted really nice to me.

“Um… no. I’m fine with just toys.” I replied.

“Alright. Well, it’s almost lunch. Why don’t we go see what’s being made today?” Dad started leading me to a new room.

We came to a dining room. Dad started talking to someone in the room. I wasn’t paying attention to them that much. I was more focused on looking around at me surroundings. I need to get to know this place as soon as possible. The sooner I know the layout, the sooner I can plan my escape.

I can’t rely on other people. I don’t know what dad is capable of. Because of that, I’m on my own. I doubt anyone in this place is on my side. They wouldn’t go against him. It seems like everyone really respects him.

Am I stuck here? Is there no hope of me escaping?

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