Frieza/Beerus/Whis x reader o...

By NefariousLacuna

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One-shots for my favorite characters :p (Might have other people, but it wouldn't be often since I prefer to... More

Beerus x Shy! Clingy! Female! reader
Beerus x Dangerous! Sadistic! Goddess! Wife! reader
Frieza x Neko! Emotionless! Female! reader
Beerus x Humanoid Cat! Female! reader
Beerus x Goddess of Death! Female! reader x Whis
Yandere! Jiren x Office worker! Fem! Oc {Part 1}
Yandere! Jiren x Office worker! oc {Part 2 END} (Lemon)
Husband! Frieza x Dangerous! Wife! reader
Whis x Female! Shape-shifting! Fox! reader
Frieza x Innocent! Child! reader {Part 1}

Lord Beerus x Abused! Female! reader

3.1K 60 5
By NefariousLacuna

Requests are open! 

(F/n) = Friend's name

Damn this was long XD Over 3000 words and a partial slice of my soul.


~Y/n's POV~

       I stared at myself in the mirror with deep hatred buried in my chest, I gently brushed my hair until it was untangled and dropped the object beside the sink. I leaned over the faucet to catch a better look at myself and the mark on my face. A red swollen imprint on my cheek.

"She loves me," I uttered and wiped stray tears from my eyes, "she says she does. It's only punishment...It's for my own good."

      I caught myself spitting out the lies she feeds me, but it was overused to the point I believed it. I believed that I needed to be punished, despite being a full-grown adult and capable of making my own decisions.

        She's been friends with me ever since we were kids, the play-dates and petty fights were still engraved in my mind. I don't know why she changed to be who she is now, or why she needs to act like my mother.

She cares too much. At least, that's what she tells me.

       I inhaled deeply and exhaled softly, wiping my cheeks clean, I exited the bathroom and plastered a fake smile on my face. (F/n) had invited a bunch of our friends for a party for her to throw, I had no say in this since she states that I didn't need to stress about it.

How kind of her.

       I sheepishly walked around the corner to see (F/n) with a phone plastered on her ear, her skinny hand dropping down to her waist while she bantered about something to someone on the other line. I walked quietly to the kitchen, in hopes to not interrupt her call, and waited until the call ended.

       I was hungry and yearned for a snack, but she makes me ask her before doing so. She says that it helps me from not getting fat, I mean, it's working. The last time I checked I shed at least ten pounds.

        Despite being only fed lunch and dinner, the portions were small for me while she ate like a pig...wait, I shouldn't think about her like that. It's rude. I'm sorry.

       (F/n) tapped her foot and sent me one of her signature smiles before ending the call, I smiled back at her. It's rude to not smile back, she said one night.

"So, how's it going?" she asked with a taunting look in her eyes.

I rubbed my arm and answered, "I'm doing fine..."

      She waited there, positioned right in front of me, and crossed her arms. An irritated look took form in her features, I adverted my eyes and pondered on how I annoyed her.

        A loud noise of a hand slapping skin made me jolt out of my thoughts, but the pain seemed to do that for me more than the noise. My hand shot up to my cheek while I looked at her with fear in my eyes, she glared at me and wet her lips.

     "You are supposed to ask how my day was!" she scolded and grabbed my chin violently, "it's selfish when you only speak about yourself! Now! We shall repeat the situation, remember what I said. Right?"

    "Y-yes, ma'am," I shivered and allowed her to jar my head back upon releasing my chin. Tears trickled down my cheek, I quickly wiped them away before she would scold me about it.

She faced her back at me before spinning around with a smile on her face. I smiled back.

"So, how's it going?" she repeated.

"I'm doing fine, how about you?" I rubbed my arm and smiled proudly at myself when she chuckled.

"I'm doing absolutely amazing! Guess who's coming!" (F/n) claimed with an excited look on her face.

I wiped my eyes and asked, "Is it Goku?"

"No, silly!" she jabbed her fingers in my shoulder blade, I winced but I made sure she didn't see that. "Beerus and Whis are coming!"

        I heard stories of those men, how scary and demanding they are...the destruction...why is she excited for them to come over?

"Are they the only one's coming?" I asked curiously.

She hummed and tapped her chin, "Uh, I think so..."

I looked down and nodded silently, I perked up with a smile. "Can I have a snack?"

      (F/n) nodded, "Get a pack of baby carrots, I'll be cooking a meal for us to eat. You'll be helping me, their stomachs are like the size of black holes."

She laughed. I stifled out a chuckled for her to hear.

        "Thank you," I respectively bowed my head before trotting off to the fridge, I grabbed a small pack of carrots and ripped it open. I popped one carrot at a time in my mouth, I was told it was rude to stuff your mouth with food.

       (F/n) grabbed a couple of pots and pans before dragging out ingredients needed for the feast. She ushered me over when the weight of potatoes was too much for her to handle. I quickly plopped my carrots on the dining table before rushing over to help her.

"You're learning quickly," she praised, "maybe when the party does well. I can allow you to stay up until seven. How does that sound?"

I smiled, "Sounds great, thank you!"

        She usually made me go to sleep around five in the afternoon, she says I needed my beauty sleep. But I usually assumed she wanted me away from the living-room to have her way with her boyfriend.

Sorry, I was badmouthing her again.

  "Now, let me do the cutting. I don't trust you with a knife." she gestured towards the scars on my arms, they were old but quite evident. She pointed her knife at the mound of potatoes. "but you can peel those."

"Yes, ma'am," I said obediently before pulling a potato peeler from the drawer. Then I started peeling the potatoes while she skinned fish and diced up meat.


       The visitors came as soon as the food was done, my hands were sore and cramped, but at least I peeled all of the potatoes. I feel like I didn't do much, peeling fifty potatoes and all. (F/n) did all of the work, she was the one who seasoned the meat and done all of the major stuff.

(F/n) wiped her hands on her skirt and fixed her hair, "How do I look?"

I smiled softly, "You look amazing."

        She smiled before taking a look over at me, wincing. "Put on some makeup, I don't want you to embarrass me."

The smile fell off my face, I adverted my eyes and uttered. "Okay."

     I quickly retreated to my room that I lived in. Well, I lived in her house, so it was her room. But she's kind enough to let me have my own room.

       Entering the bathroom, I could hear incoherent conversations rise from the living-room. Two voices I didn't recognize spoke up about the food, but the only thing I heard was what (F/n) said.

"--Yeah! I cooked all of this myself!" she replied to the other person I didn't recognize.

      I frowned, I swiftly washed my face and patted on some makeup. I fixed my hair and slipped on my black combat boots.

"There she is!" (F/n) outstretched her arm at me once I exited my room. "the one and only!"

I shyly waved at the visitors.

    A large purple sphinx stared at me while he picking his teeth, the other man that stood behind him gave me an observing look. It's as if he's trying to read me. Or staring at something.

"What battle have you fought?" the cat asked sternly.

I glanced at (F/n) to see that she rolled her eyes. I looked up at him and replied, "Nothing, sir."

       "Well, it seems so. I'm sorry to prod, but those scars looked like it hurt." the taller man with large white hair approached me. He bent and whispered in my ear, "you're too special to do that to yourself. If you need anyone, you can call me."

I nodded shyly and added, "What's your name?"

The man laughed nervously, "Ohohoho! How silly of me! I'm Whis, and this is my Lord. Lord Beerus."

Beerus hummed in response and eyed me over, I nervously glanced at (F/n). She looked irritated.

She clapped her hands, "The food's ready if you want to try them!"

Beerus sniffed the air and winced at the smell, "I'd rather not, it smells rotten to me. Did you cook this?"

(F/n) quickly shook her head, "No I didn't! Y/n did!"

I accidentally made a noise, indicating I was shocked. She glared at me.

Whis tapped his chin, "Didn't you tell me that you cooked all of this yourself!"

"Well, I lied! Y/n helped me, and she ruined the meat!" she blamed.

I looked up and said, "But you wanted me to peel the potatoes, you said that you didn't trust me with a knife."

(F/n) growled and snapped, "Y/N! What did I say about talking back!"

I backed up in fear and adverted my eyes, "I'm sorry."

"No! You already ruined everything! I taught you better than this!" she screamed.

     Beerus stood in front of me and smiled maliciously at my friend, "I think that's enough, your voice is really annoying me."

Tears ran down my face as I sniffled and hugged myself. I failed her. They just got here and I  already ruined everything.

I felt a warm hand clasp my shoulder, "Hey, do you want to see the forest?"

        I looked up to see Beerus with an awkward look on his face, probably not used to being soft. I heard her screaming at Whis while he tried to quieten her, he looked over and sent Beerus a look.

Beerus nodded and gently grabbed my hand.

I shook my head, "I'm not allowed outside."

He looked confused but he replaced it with a smirk, "I'll let you go outside."

      I looked away. She did say that I need to do everything that others ask of me when she knows them. I glanced at him and nodded my head, Beerus grinned and quickly drug me through the backdoor.

        The light of the sun hurt my eyes, I winced and faced the ground until my eyes got adjusted. Beerus led me to the woods where it was shady, it helped my eyes tremendously.

I felt his hand grip mine with a tight hold.

"How do you know (F/n)" I asked in curiosity.

         "She's friends with Bulma, those two can compare with their annoying voices," Beerus chuckled, "that woman pestered us to go, so we did to make her shut up."

        I tightened my hold on his hand, he glanced down at me in response. Before adding a question, "Do you like it there?"


"That house, do you like living with that woman?"

         I sucked in a deep breath and exhaled, "Please don't tell her I said this, I can get into really bad trouble if I speak badly about her. But I hate living there, she makes me follow all of these rules and she tells me a lot of stuff that's bad about me. But...she's allowing me to stay there, and she's just worried about me."

        Beerus scoffed, "Worried my ass, it sounds like she's a bitch. She just wants to control your life, hell, you're already a fucking adult. She doesn't need to boss you around."

     I shrugged and stepped on a crunchy leaf, "It's not a big of a deal, there are people far off worse than me."

"Sounds like she manipulated you too."


      Time flew by and we were walking through the woods while Beerus scanned around the area as if he was looking for somebody. I glanced behind me and stopped in my tracks.

"I liked the walk, but I have to go back," I said, "she'll be even angrier with me if I don't."

     Suddenly Whis appeared in front of us, I shrieked and sank back. Beerus inhaled sharply and quickly caught me before I fell. I thanked him and began rubbing my arm once I was back on my feet.

      I was forced to stop when Beerus captured one of my hands in a warm hold. Except this felt more restraining.

     "I've got a message (F/n) wanted me to tell you," Whis wiped his face with a handkerchief, splotches of red adorning the rag. "She says that she wants you to live with us, freely. You can do whatever you want, and you will never be held back anymore."

       I stared at him as if he grew three heads, "She didn't say that she would never. She says that she doesn't trust me with anybody. She says that I'm too much of a handful to be free."

Whis and Beerus shared concerned glances.

"Sweetheart, she told this to me personally," Whis softly said.

"When will I see her again?" I asked. "She'll probably miss me."

Beerus adverted his eyes.

"Soon, Y/n, soon," Whis nervously said before laughing, "Ohohoho! I almost forgot! My lord, can you tie her to yourself?"

"--what, why?" I asked curiously.

"It's so that you won't teleport in some random shit hole," Beerus said and ushered me to place my back on his chest. I did what I was told.

       He tied me to himself with a silky rope he had in his pocket. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head in the crook of my neck, his snout brushing against my skin. Gushes of cool air came out of his nose to brush against my neck.

Whis blushed and covered his mouth, "My lord~"

"Shut up and just teleport us home," Beerus snapped, "I need to talk to you when we get there."

       Whis nodded with a serious look on his face, full-on knowing what Beerus wanted to talk about. He walked over to us and placed his hand on Beerus's shoulder.

       I gasped softly at the rushing colors zipping by us, I hugged Beerus's arms close to me in fear that I might slip.

He gently kissed the nape of my neck, "You'll be okay now."

I didn't know what that meant. I would be seeing (F/n) soon anyway, so why did he say that?


      Beerus and Whis were talking secretly on how tricking you would benefit anything. Whis slaughtered the woman on the spot as soon as you left with Beerus, but he felt compelled to lie when your soft gaze met his. Completely throwing their whole plan off track.

Beerus growled in irritation, "You should have told her the bitch was dead! You gave her false hope!"

"False hope? What hope did she have? She was being treated like a slave. She was being told what to do every second she lived there," Whis added, "she was being abused, my lord."

"She doesn't know that."

     "Yeah, she doesn't know that because (F/n) tricked her into thinking it was normal," Whis cocked his head, "look at her, she doesn't know what to do with herself. All she knows is that she's something broken that (F/n) was fixing. You need to help her."

Beerus locked eyes with Whis.

"I'm not good with all that sappy crap."

Whis smiled, "Just make her feel free, give her choices. Make her feel loved."

"Why are you telling me that?"

       Whis cocked his eyebrow, "Should I assume that you hugging her like that was just mutual? Or something else? You don't have to hide the fact you like her."

Beerus exhaled and glanced over at you.

You were sitting on the luscious grass, leaning back on the tree behind you--the exact tree that Beerus loves climbing on and stared at the water with a blank look in your eyes.

"I'm just afraid that I'll hurt her," he said.

"And that's where I come in," Whis proudly placed his hand on his chest, "I, a loyal servant to thee, will make sure lady L/n is safe at all times."

Beerus scoffed, "Never mind, I can handle myself."

Whis laughed.

"Make yourself useful and leave me alone," Beerus ordered and looked over at you. You were already staring at them and quickly adverted your eyes. Beerus smiled.

"Oh~" Whis wiggled his eyebrows.

"I said leave me alone or I'll get a new servant!" Beerus snapped and pointed a finger at Whis, "and this is not an empty threat."

Whis gasped, "I quite love my job! Well then, I'll be going to Earth for some food. Do you have anything in mind?"

"Surprise me," Beerus said before leaving the angel behind.

Doing as he was told, he turned around and left before Beerus checked if he was gone. Beerus exhaled in relief and began walking over to you.

       You were plucking grass off the ground, lost in your mind. You lived in that house for five years, five agonizing years. Despite being an adult, all you could remember was losing your house and having to move into (F/n)'s house.

"Hey," Beerus called.

You looked over and said, "I'm sorry for looking."

       Beerus rolled his eyes, "You're very apologetic. That doesn't matter, there's something that I need to tell you."

"What is it?" you asked.

Beerus closed his eyes and replied, "I like you, like the way couples like each other."

You sucked in a sharp breath and looked at the grass in embarrassment, "Y-You really feel that way? Or--?"

     "Of course I feel that way, no one else is making me feel this way except you," he leaned back on the tree along with you, "I'll give you a choice. Will you be my girlfriend or not? I'm fine with either."

       He wasn't. This was the first time he's ever asked anyone out, since, A. He is intimidating. And B, the women were the ones who asked him out. But he always rejected them on the spot since he could see through their masks.

You stared at him before glancing down at your hand, nodding. "I'll...yeah. I'll be your girlfriend."

      It sounded so weird coming from your mouth, but Beerus seemed overjoyed. He swung an arm around your shoulder and you stiffened, not used to the kind touch--but eventually melted to his side after a while.

     He planted a kiss on your head, which seemed to wash all of your worries away. At least, for the moment.

"You won't regret it."

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