Written In The Stars : Guardi...

By GingerEyes

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Ava is the Collectors daughter and a woman known as the" Guardian". She is well known to go back in time ille... More

Written In The Stars : Guardians Of The Galaxy.
Chapter One : Who?
Chapter Two : Busted
When I First Met Loki
Chapter Three : The Truth Comes Out *Added On*
First Kiss On Our Wedding Day
Chapter Four : The Midgardain Game
The Letter * ADDED ON*
Chapter Five : The Deal
Where Were You?
Chapter Six : Into Eternity
Chapter Seven : Siblings That Are Worlds Apart
It's Fine
Chapter Eight : Hello Again.
Chapter Nine : Family Blood
How The Prince Was Created
Chapter Ten : Deliverence
One Last Favor For Her
Chapter Eleven : For My Family
I Looked At You In The Eyes
Chapter Twelve: Kill Him
Make Me Scream
Chapter Thirteen : Everything Comes With A Price
We Are The Guardians
Chapter Fourteen: Goodbye

Your A True Princess

345 12 0
By GingerEyes

When I had heard that Loki was alive, you would have thought that I would have been over joyed.

Instead it had given me anouther reason to feel the temptation of changing his fate.

I had thought about going back in time for him, but I had thought that it would cause me so much more pain. I would know what could have happened, and that is scary enough for me.

It had terrified me to hear that he had taken his own life to try and kill his own brother. He had ruined his family history and I had began to wonder what I had seen in the Asgardian who tried to take over the Midgard world.

Loki was all chained up when he had entered the hall. There were two guards that had brought him in slowly. His cold ,bitter eyes stared at me for a moment then went back to the figure beside me : Odin, his father.

Frigga had looked past her husband to look at me for a moment. Her face had seemed to reflect the same way I was feeling : disipointment.

But my husband had thought of this as a game so he had wobbled over, pretending to be intoxicated. He had laughed and had stopped before the stairs to Odin's throne.

"I don't see what the big fuss is about"

Are you serious?

"Do you truely not know the revoult that you have brought to our family, the planet?" Odin had said clearly.

Thor , who was beside me had nodded in agreement with his fathers oppinion. Odin, for once really did have a bright idea.

"I went down to earth so I could become a king or even better a god to them like you" His eyes had looked up to his saddened father.  He wanted to show him that he was worth it.

"We are not gods, we are born, we live, we die. Just like humans do"  Odin corrected him.

My husband had shrugged it off and thought it was nothing " Give it or take 5000 years"

I couldn't help myself, but I had to speak my mind in all of this. My husband was foolish for something that he couldn't have " All for a throne"

Loki's eyes locked onto mine and had began to speak in a threatening manner " It was my birth right Ava. You should know that."

"Her birth right is no longer your concern Loki. YOUR'S WAS TO DIE!" Odin had stood up from his throne and looked down at his disobedient son " Cast out in the cold to die. If I hadn't taken you in,you would not be here"

"I am forever greatful for that" He muttered.

"You show no thankfullness for father. You done crimes against his wishes. " Thor had pointed out. Odin had turned his head to his older son and had approved of what he said.

Thor is going to make a wonderful king one day.

Frigga had  silenced the men. "Enough you two, Loki is here. That's all that matters , at least we hadn't lost him alright?"

Thor had nodded in agreement. Odin had sighed and had thought about what he was going to say next. I hope that he doesn't let him off because he needs to be punished. I hope that nothing is going to be let off too easily.

"My wife has a point Loki. Send him to prison"

Loki had smiled to me before he had been lead to the dark dungons. He had known better to even act cocky around me. I don't want to be treated with vain or sin. I want my life to be beauitful and flawless. But with the things up to this point, I don't think they ever will be perfect.

I will never find the love I deserve.


I had taken a moment to stay in my room alone just to think about what had happened. Loki being in prison had kind of twisted my stomach.

I really wish that he was dead now. I wouldn't be feeling so angry against him, he had done so many crimes against our family.  He tried to take over planets with the help of Thanos , one of the most untrustworthy men in the universe.

Loki why would you do that to me?

You known that I had loved you so much, you didn't have to take over a planet to proove it. I only wanted your heart alone.

The door had opened and I had recieved and unexpected visitor: my father with some drinks. They were clearly from Knowhere because of the bright neon color's that swirled around the clear glasses. He wasn't supposed to arrive for the next few weeks for my corenation anniversery.

He had worn some Asgardian clothing. Lately he had been getting into the planets fashion and been asking for robes to be made. This one was a golden color with silver sleeves. It really did suit him.

"Princess Ava" He said .

"Father just call me Ava, like you always did"

He had smiled lightly before walking towards me . He was deeply saddened about the situation as well. You could see it in his eyes.

"I am so sorry Ava" He had muttered quietly.

What for? He didn't do anything to make all of this happen. He wasn't the one being sent to jail for the rest of his life. There's no need to appoligise.

"Why are you here?" I asked " You could have came for my anniversary Father"

"I wanted to come eariler to comfort your feelings, I know this must be really hard right now" He had said. He must have felt this way when we had lost mom. He must have been devestated over her demise. The two were really close. But she never came back from the dead.

But let's not think about mom right now, my emotions are still uneasy.

"I know you do, but he betrayed us all " I said " I wish that he really was dead now. "

Father passed me a glass of the liquid, but it had a bit more pink inside of it. I believe that I never had it before, but I know that now might be a time to start drinking my sorrows away.  Father had leant over and had placed his hand over my shoulder " You are special you know that, you see the right in others . You know whats the best for them"

"Thank you Father" I muttered.

"You really are a true princess. You need to have the right mind to be one . " He had commented touching the gems on my crown.

I had felt uncomfterable so I had decided to drink the liquid he given me. The liquid was really sweet, almost like the sweeted milk mother had given to me when I was unwell. I had kept on drinking it and smiled politely at him.

"This is really good Father. Where did you get it?" I asked.

He taken a sip then had looked back up " I had made it a long time ago actually. It's from the flowers of Midgard and one from Xandor. Both make your body relax. "

I did feel quite relaxed now that he mentioned it. It really did help cut the edge off of my shoulder.  Father had smiled at me when he had seen the relaxation in my face.

"Better?"He asked.

"Yes thank you" I said.

Loki's P.O.V

The cells were crowded with different monsters that I had never laid eyes on before. Father really did keep his secrets well hidden.

But two can play this game father.

I hope that the money I had given to the collector was enough to make the eleir for Ava. I really dont have much money on me currently so lets just hope that he was kind to me.

I really feel bad for hurting my wife's heart. That look that she given to me could hurt anyone. She clearly wasnt happy with my return. Or she was upset that I had lied too many times to her.

But I would love to learn more about her secret life .

She must have done somthing else that had happened. Does she have a secret lover during her time traveling adventures? It wouldn't surprise me because I had been away from her for a while now.

The collector's servent had lead the man to me. She had tried to avoid eye contact with me because she was scared to stare in her masters son in law. Her face had shown pain and shame in me. The collector however had stared at me blankly , knowing exactly that I was going to be pleased with the news.

I had walked to the glass and had smiled at the man and bowed my head .  "Tivan"

The maid had looked down then bitten her lip , she really wanted to run away. Why wouldn't she? I would mind, it wouldn't be the first time someone had.

"It is done Loki, " He had said .

I had narrowed my eyebrows. He should be happy that he had done it. "You should be happy"

"Forcing a emotion of joy in a love one isn't normal for me ." He had said. Clearly he wasn't too happy with the task I given him. But he had did it for money, I suppose that this explains alot about his  true colors.

"Forcing. She loves me, she needs to forget about my crimes, thats why I had given you the potion " I had shrugged.

He had stepped forward " You have no respect for my daughter Loki, I should have arranged the marriage with Thor when I had the chance. "

Is he ever getting cocky with me " I see Tivan, why would you rather have the blond have your daughter rather then I? I am just as wealthy as he is."

"For her to be really happy. He is what she needs. " He had glanced over to the maid who had slightly nodded in agreement. "But rumor has it that he has fallen in love with a midgardian"

"He has" I said.

"She is going to be alone because of you. She may be under that curse for a while, but you wont be able to cure her heart Loki!!" The maid had yelled turning to me looking at me straight in the eyes.

"We shall see ." I had said. I knew that it was going to work. She was going to fall in love with me and forget about the drug and my crimes. We are going to be happy and well as if nothing happened.

"You really have no clue what you have done Loki" The collector had said as he had turned his body away from me  preparing to leave.

"I had made her a princess! Wealthier then she was being a elders daughter! Think about it, I had changed her life" I had said in a risen tone.

The girl had reponded for her master" For the worse, master only did it to ease her pain for a while. We will get rewarded by the jewls in the room like you promised"

I sighed. "Alright , have a good day Tivan and his lady"

"I know Ava will" He muttered as he had walked out of my sight.

She will be happy again, I promise you that. She will be in love with me again.

Drax's P.O.V : Pressent

Ava had her back turned to me as she had lead the group to her home. The racoon and tree have been talking to her, trying to lighten up the topic from the bar.

I really was stupid.

Why would I mention my dead wife and daughter in front of her? We were really having a moment, anything could have happened right there at the spot. We were so close for our lips to touch, but my wife had entered our conversation.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

She was really pretty tonight anyways. No one would be able to beat her in a beauty contest for sure. Her hair was wavy like the clouds in the sky. Romance will catch up to her again I can garantee that.

She likes me and I like her. She had shown me affection as we had almost kissed. Her eyes were staring into mine with passion, somthing that can't be gained easily. Yet she had turned her back from me when I said something innieproriate.

I would be too.

"So your dad is probably one of the most wealthy man in the planet" Rocket had told her.

"He is, he isn't afraid to show it too" She had said softly, still effected what happened before. The tree had glanced at me then muttered the same three words before he turned back to Rocket.

"You said it" he had said.

"Yea seriously, no one says that to their love interest" Peter had added. Ava and the rest of the group had given him a dirty look reminding him that she was pretty mad at him as well.  He had then put his hands up then had shaken his head slowly at me.

"You really screwed up bud." Peter said.

"WELL SO DID YOU ! "Rocket snarled at him.

"You know I didn't mean it like that right?" I had adressed Ava.

She didn't reply, instead she had kept her head high pretending I didn't say anything to her. But her pace was faster because she clearly didn't want this walk to be any longer.

But I really want to make the two of us happy. Thats what she wants.  But the man I also envy Ronan stands in our way, he killed my family, while he wants Ava. She is in danger, and I should be the one who ends Ronans life for these reasons.

When I had thought that the group wouldn't notice, I had stopped and had walked quietly to a corner of a street, waiting for a person who could send my message.

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