Pictures » luke hemmings

By sgfgclifford

12.5K 374 169

"I need to take a picture first" I said and smiled. "I want us to be in it. I want you to remember us." More

twenty one (pilots)
twenty two
Important information


510 13 1
By sgfgclifford

I AM SORRY!!!!! and this is some kind of filler so not that long okay stay with me


I didn't know I hated planes so much until the second I sat down on my seat with my uncle to my right and the guy I couldn't remember the name of to my left.
Carl introduced them to me at the airport after my mom left me alone because she "had to work" and I was running through the huge hall to find the starbucks where I was supposed to meet my uncle with the band. Carl was super happy to see me and he was even happier when he told me the names of my "soon to be best friends" but I barely even looked at the four jerks in front of me. They were tall, very tall and they all wore black skinny jeans and I already had enough of them when Michael (his hair was red now, fucking red) winked at me with a stupid comment like "Oh, kitten looks angry today huh?" and the other boys started giggling like three year olds.
I already had enough when we checked in and I heard the curly haired one say something like "I hope that one security woman needs to pat me down, she's hot as fuck".
I already had enough when the dark haired one started singing Nickleback when we entered the plane and I definitely had totally enough when I had to sit next to the blonde guy (that was amazingly tall by the way, he looked like bigfoot next to me), the only one of them that didn't say anything the whole time. He just had the biggest smile on his face and laughed about everything his bandmates said.
Now I sat here, trying to put my headphones into the stupid plug thing that was somehow connected to the screen in front of me and nearly punched the stupid touchscreen because I couldn't hear anything of the stupid movie. Why did everyone's screen work but mine? Didn't I have to deal with enough shit already?
I sighed and let myself fall back into my seat, crossing my arms over my chest and punching the plug once again. It still didn't work.
"You know, if you punch it it won't help you either"
I looked to my left, annoyed that bigfoot decided to leave a comment about my unsuccessful try to repair the soundsystem of my screen.
"Don't look at me like that Freya, it just looked really funny how you punched everything around you, when you just had to plug the headphones into the other plug. " Bigfoot started laughing and pulled my headphones out to plug them into the right hole.
"Thanks, Louis, but I didn't need your help. I didn't even wanna watch that movie, I've seen it a million times already." I took my bag and pulled out my book and pretended to start reading.
"It's Luke, by the way." He grinned and I could feel him staring at me.
"That's what I said"
"No it's not!" He laughed. "What are you reading?"
"The catcher in the rye" I said, already annoyed by his questions.
"I've read that at school, I hated it" He chuckled, leaning back. "I prefer fantasy books, they're so much more interesting. Like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings, they're nice. But I usually don't have time to read so I watch movies instead. What's your favorite movie?"
I sighed and closed my book, giving up on ignoring him. "I have a lot" I said and slowly looked at him. "Tell me all of them, every single one"
"I can't remember one right now" I groaned and started examining his face. It seemed like he tried to grow a beard and I noticed a black ring on his lip. I surprisingly thought it looked pretty good on him, even though I really hated piercings. Except earrings, I liked earrings. His eyes were sparkling, the blue was very intense and his huge goofy smile caused some crinkles around them. His hair was a mess but it still looked good. I had to admit, he really didn't look bad.
"My favorite movie is Mean Girls" He said and his eyes started wandering down my body. They got stuck on my wrist. "Is that a tattoo?"
I shook my head and immediately covered it with my sleeve.
"Of course it is, that was a tattoo! Show it to me!" He said excitedly and tried to grab my arm.
"I said no!" I said harshly and turned away from him.
"Pease Freya, I'm curious" Bigfoot tried to grab my arm again but this time I slapped his hand away.
"Fuck off!" I hissed.
"Jesus, calm down." He muttered, turning away from me.
I quickly plugged my headphones in and pressed play. Great, we talked for less than 10 minutes and I already ruined it. Seems like a great start with this band.
It's going to be okay, I thought to myself rubbing over the black ink on my wrist, it's going to be okay.


"Freya... Freya" I woke up to someone nudging my shoulder. "Freya please wake up"
I groaned confused and immediately realized that I was still sitting in the plane to London, my uncle next to me sleeping like a baby and Bigfoot to my other side leaning over the armrest between our seats.
"What is it?" I said quietly. Everyone seemed to be asleep and a look on the screen in front of me told me it was 11pm Australian time. I felt terribly tired and I was already pissed off because he woke me up.
"I'm sorry" he whispered.
"It's okay but don't wake me up again" I grumbled and closed my eyes again.
"No, not for waking you up. I mean, yeah maybe also for that. But I'm sorry for trying to look at your tattoo when you didn't want me to." He smiled at me, but it wasn't the goofy smile from before. It was a tired and shy smile. "I dreamed of you crying because I ripped your sleeve and looked at your tattoo even though you didn't want me to and then the whole people in here looked at me and started screaming at me because I touched you without your consent and your uncle kicked me out of the band and Calum was very disappointed in me and then my mum called and started screaming at me too because that's not the way she raised me to be and then I woke up and I felt really bad."
Now I had to laugh. "You're adorable" I chuckled and suddenly didn't feel so tired anymore.
"I am serious." He said sternly and looked directly into my eyes. "I'm sorry I'm usually never that rude."
"Luke, it's okay. Really." I smiled.
"You remembered my name" He said and smiled back at me.
"Of course I did, Leo" I chuckled and nudged his shoulder.
"Idiot" Luke laughed quietly and nudged me back.
"Goodnight Luke" I yawned and slowly closed my eyes.
"Goodnight" He giggled and cuddled up with his blanket.

"Oh and Freya?"
"You're much prettier when you smile."

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