Pain Before Love ✔️

By QueeenKisha

155K 4.6K 251

Since the day she was born, Aviana Rain has always had a rough life. Things always went from bad to horrible... More

Author Words (MUST READ)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Author Note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Author Notes
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 25

2.9K 115 4
By QueeenKisha


She is alive. She is breathing. She is standing in front of me. I look at her, she hadn't changed a bit besides her wider hips and bigger boobs. She is beautiful. She is really standing in front of me.

"Aviana?" When She said my name, I knew she was real. I stood up and looked at her in her eyes.

"Where have you been?" She stood frozen. She didn't say anything. Her eyes started to well up and I see a single tear escape your eyes and roll down her cheek. I wanted to walk over there and wipe it away. This can't be happening.

"I thought you were dead." I said. She still says nothing. Her face started to get white. She looked she was going to faint. She steps back and I see her slowly swinging side to side. I knew she was going to faint soon. Her eyes closed and I quickly catch her before she falls.

"Aviana? Baby please wake up!?" I look at Michael, "Hurry and call 911." I yell.

30 minutes later we are sitting in the hospital waiting for answers. I am sitting with my legs apart, my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands. I hear a female voice. "I'm got a call saying Aviana Rain is here. I'm her sister. Please tell me she is okay." I look up with tears in my eyes, "Ashley?" She quickly turns around, "Kai?". It goes silent. "What are you doing here?" She says. I look at her confused. "What are you doing here? You knew where she was all along. You stopped talking to Ethan and left with her. You knew she was safe when we was still looking for her. What's going on Ashley?!" She stood there frozen. The doors open and a man walks in with 3 kids and a lady. Ashley looks at them and she got tears in her eyes. She looks at the kids and then me. I look at them too. Two of the kids are about 3. They have dark grey eyes and black hair like mine. I stare at them.

"Kai, please don't." Ashley says. I walk up to the kids and stare at them. The guy that's holding their hands pulls them behind him. "Who are you?" He asks. I look up at him, "I'm Kai Martinez." He looks at me for a second and says "you the one that hurt my daughter." I stand there confused, who is his daughter.

"Ashley, how is Aviana?" He asks her but never taking his eyes off me. He turns to his wife and hand her the kids. Whispering her to take them and sit down. "Where is mommy?" The little girl said. He turns and bends down " She is sleeping in one of the rooms, I'm going to see go talk to a doctor to see if we can see her. Y'all sit with nana over there and wait for me to come back." He gets up and says "you stay away from those kids."

He walks pass me and I stand there staring at the kids. Are they mine? They have my eyes. The little boy looks just like me. But who Is the other kid? Is that Ashley son?

I look at Ashley and walk towards her. She looks up and says "Kai, please don't." I stare at her, "We are going to talk and you have no choice. You are going to tell me what the fuck is going on and why those kids look like mine!" She shakes her head, "I can't. You are going to have to talk to Aviana." She walks off to the man that said he was Aviana father. I see a doctor come out and she says "Aviana Rain Family?" Her dad walks up with Ashley right besides him. "I'm her father. What happen? Is she okay?" He asked.

"She is fine. It seems she had a panic attack and passed out. It seems like something scared her but she is okay. I'm going to keep her here for a day or two. But she is up. You can go see her. But no more then 3 people at the time." Ashley and the man runs to the room right away. I sit in the chair looking at the kids. This can't be happening, I found her.


He really here. He found her. I was shocked when I heard my name. I couldn't move. My feet was glued to the ground. Is he the reason Aviana is in the hospital.

Once we talked to the doctor I rushed to her room. I walk in and I see her sitting there with tears in her eyes. She sees me and starts crying. I run to her and wrap my arms around her. "He is here Ashley! He going to take the kids away from me." She squeezes and cries. I know Kai won't do that to her. He hurt her but I know deep in my heart he wouldn't hurt those kids. I always wanted to tell him about the kids but it's wasn't my decision. It was hers and I had to respect her decision. I knew this day was going to come, I just didn't know it would come this soon. I feel bad for her but she needs to tell him. She needs to tell him everything and the truth.

"I know you don't want to hear this Aviana, but you need to tell him. He has the right to know. The right to know about EVERYTHING." I say. She shakes her head. "I can't Ash, he is going to hate me and take my babies away from me. Dad please tell her."

He looks at me and then back at Aviana. "Honey, you knew this day was going to come. He is out there right now. He deserves to know."

"Wait He is still here?" She says. I nod at her. "He is crying and hurt. He looks like he is still in shock. There's another thing you should know." I take a deep breath and I look at her "He has seen the twins and Oliver. He was asking questions and I didn't say anything. I told him he needed to talk to you about it." She starts to cry. She cry's for a few minutes until she finally calms down. "Okay, I will tell him everything. Can you bring the kids in first and when they leave, I will talk to him." I nod my head and kiss her forehead "you are doing the right thing Avi." I walk out to the waiting room. He sees me and stands up, I walk to him, "She will talk to you after she visits with the kids. But whatever you do, please keep an open mind and let her explain EVERYTHING Kai." He looks confused and then just nods his head.

I walk over to mom and the kids. "Hey kiddos, y'all wanna go see mommy? She was asking about y'all." I say and they quickly get up. I look at mom and nod my head telling her that dad will be out in a second to explain everything to her. She says okay and I walk the kids to Aviana Room. Dad is walking out and kisses my head when I walk in the kids. "Mommy!" They all yell and jump on the bed. "Hey my babies." Aviana says.

"Are you okay mom?" Oliver says and she just nods her head. "Yeah I just felt sick and the doctors are making sure I'm okay." They nod their heads and they sit and talk while I sit in the chair watching them. As long as I knew Aviana, I never figured she would be a mom so young. But I can tell you that nobody got this mom thing down as great as her. She is an amazing mother and she loves her kids.


The kids started getting tired and Ashley took them home to sleep. I sit there scared, waiting for Kai to come in the room. It has been 20 minutes since the kids left and he hasn't came in yet.

5 minutes later he walks in. Standing there, with a black button up shirt that is opened 3 button on the top with grey work pants. His hair is a mess, looking like he has ran his His hands through his hair. His eyes red and swollen from the crying. I stare at him wide eyes. He is still so handsome. His muscles are still firm and big. Tugging tightly at the shirt. Making it look like extra skin.

He pulls a chair over by the bed and sits down. He stares at me. We don't speak for a few minutes. He's looking deep in my eyes but he's trying to figure out what to say. I need him to say something first because I have no idea what to say to him. I have been gone for over four years. I wonder how things are going with him. I wonder if he's got married. I wonder if he's happy. I just don't understand why he is crying? Why is he sitting here like he's hurt, when he's the one who hurt me.I will miss him for two minutes and I come back and he's engaged. He's engaged to a woman that he said he had no feelings for. That he said that he would never sleep with again. A woman who no I did not like. A woman who constantly try to break us up. But he now is engaged to her and probably Married now.

It hurt me to know he moved on but there's nothing I can do about it. I started getting deep in thoughts when he finally spoke.

"Where have you been?" He asked with so much pain in his voice.

"I don't know what you mean." I spoke.

"What do you mean you don't know what I mean? I have been searching for you for over four years. I wake up to hear people say they think you are dead but I still had faith and I still searched for you. So I'm trying to figure out where have you been?" He asked.

"I have been here."I say so quietly.

"What happened to you I need you to tell me? Why have you been hiding? Why did you run away for me? Who are those people? Who's kids are those? The last thing I knew about anything was when Ashley explained what happened when Selena betrayed you and had a baby with Ace. So I'm trying to figure out, how did you escape him? Please answer me? I don't know what to think right now. I'm losing my mind. I still don't think you're real. I still don't think you're sitting here. I don't even think if you're a real person. Please explain to me everything! I need to know." He says crying to me.

He is sitting here in tears and for some reason it breaks my heart to know that I made him cry. But to know that I truly still love him. I love him way more than he has ever loved me.

"I am so sorry but please let me explain everything. What do you want to know first?" I said quietly.

"Who's kids are those?" He asked and I took a deep breath.

"The twins are yours. I found out I was pregnant two months after I was kidnapped. At first I thought that they were Aces kids. I was raped, beaten and tortured I didn't have my birth control so I figured they were his kids. I figured you might not have wanted me. But I know that you love me so after I escaped that's when I met Mr. and Mrs. Montreal. I drugged him with sleeping pill and ran out the house. I found out that we were in the middle of the woods so I ran until I found the highway. Mr. and Mrs. Montreal almost hit me. But they stopped and saved me. I Woke up in the hospital. That's when I found out I was three months pregnant. I knew that they weren't Aces but they were yours. I was released two weeks later and Mr. and Mrs. Montreal stayed with me the whole time. I told them all about you and they offered to take me to you. But when I arrive I knocked at your door, you were not the one who answered it, Nikki was. I was gone for two months, missing for two months and when I show up to your house Nikki tells me that you guys are engaged. I didnt believe her at first , But when you showed up in the room and you called her name, I knew something happened. So I left and I told myself I would never turn back around. I went back in the car and I left. Mr. and Mrs. Montreal took me in. They took Ashley in. I didn't want to ruin your relationship. When I found out you truly didnt love me. That I went missing for two months and you have moved on. I knew my kids wouldn't fit in the equation of when she or you wanted. You had Nikki. You don't need me anymore. I tried and tried and tried to get over you but I couldn't. I still love you and you betrayed me by getting married to the one person that you say you do not care about. You hurt me." I cried.

He sat there for a minute saying nothing. He looked at me like I said something wrong. His eyes started watering. He opened his mouth to say something but shut it quickly. He took a deep breath and finally said,

"I was a mess when you were gone. I tried to hurt myself many times. I tried to drink my sorrows away through liquor. I sat there and cry for you every single day. I still cry til this day. I never got engaged to Nikki. I never wanted Nikki. You were the only one I wanted. The only one that I still want and need. She was engaged to another man. She's only been to my house once since you've been gone. I have not touched her since mean you got together. The only time I remember her being at my house was when she showed up drunk and she puked all over herself. So I let her sleep on my couch. That day someone knocked on my door but she told me that it was Girl Scouts asking to buy some of their cookies. I never knew it was you. I would have never in my life hurt you. You are the only woman I love. Only woman I have ever loved."

He gets up nd he sits on the bed. He put his hand on my cheek. He wipes off tears that I did not know I released and was coming down on my cheeks. He looks deep in my eyes. We don't say nothing for awhile. We stare at each other before He leans in and slowly bring his lips onto mine. He kiss he softly. It was salty due to the tears we were both shedding. I can't believe he's here. I can't believe all this time he still loves me. We both stop the kiss to breath. He then looks at me confused.

"But there was three kids in there so who is the other little boy?" He asks.

"That's Oliver. My adopted son. He is a long story."

"Well we have time. Because I'm not leaving ever again."

So that's what happened. He climbed in bed with me, holding me tight while I explained everything detail to detail from Ace, to my pregnancy, to Keyonas surprise visit during birth, to how I own a bakery now and to how I became Oliver's mother. And he sat there and listened to everything.

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