Male Singers Pregnancy Series

By xmoonlight_dahyunx

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This is my fifth pregnancy series book. I have four previous ones. This one is for my favourite male singers... More

1. Talking About Having A Baby
2. Making A Baby (Smut)
3. Finding Out You're Pregnant
4. Telling Him
5. Celebrating The News
6. Becoming A Father (His POV)
7. Telling His Family
8. Morning Sickness
9. First Scan
10. Starting To Show
11. Telling The Fans (Insta Post)
12. Babysitting For A Friend/ Relative
13. Finding Out The Gender
14. First Kick
15. Gender Reveal Party
16. Baby Shopping
17. He Sings To Your Bump
18. Pregnancy Photoshoot
19. Prenatal Class
20. He Buys Something For The Baby
21. Decorating The Nursery
23. You're Uncomfortable And He Comforts You
24. Getting Ready For Baby
25. Anticipating The Birth
26. Labor/ Delivery- Shawn πŸ’–
27. Labor/ Delivery- Harvey πŸ’™
28. Labor/ Delivery- Niall πŸ’š
29. Labor/ Delivery- Ruel πŸ’œ
30. Labor/ Delivery- Khalid ❀️
31. Labor/ Delivery- Eric 🧑
32. Labor/ Delivery- Hunter πŸ’›
33. Labor/ Delivery- Charlie 🀎
34. Baby Comes Home
35. First Night
36. He Changes A Diaper/ Nappy
37. First Bath
38. Birth Announcement (Insta Post)
39. Family Photoshoot
40. Family Meeting The Baby
41. Date Night
42. Cute Family Time
43. He Babysits While You're Out
44. Family Day Out
45. Baby's First Smile
46. Baby Crawls
47. Baby's First Word
48. Baby's First Steps
49. Baby's First Birthday

22. Picking A Name

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By xmoonlight_dahyunx

Shawn 💖

Shawn and I still don't know the gender of our baby but we are going to decide on a boy and girls name. We have been looking at sone names for both genders but we haven't decided on names yet. We will do soon though. Shawn and I are at the dinner table having dinner. We couldn't be bothered to cook tonight so we just ordered pizza. It's one of our favourite meals anyway. "Did you enjoy that?" Shawn asks. "Yes I did. It was so good" I say. When we had finished we go in the lounge and sit on the couch. "Babe, I think we need to decide on names for our baby soon. A boys name and a girls name" Shawn said. "Yeah I know we do. So that do you like?" I reply. "I don't know. I like Jackson, Henry and Jayden for boys. Annabelle, Katie and for girls" he said. "Yeah I like Daniel and Sophie too" I say. "Yeah I like the name Sophie too. It's really pretty" Shawn said. "Jackson is one of my favourite names for a boy" I say. "So how about Sophie if it's a girl and Jackson if it's a boy" again says. "Yes that's perfect. I love those names. We can't wait to meet you, Jackson or Sophie" I say. "Yep" he smiles. So we decided on a boy and girls name for our baby. Sophie or Jackson

Will it be Sophie or Jackson? You won't mind out till the labor and delivery chapter

Harvey 💙

Harvey and I have a few names in mind for our son. We both like the names Marcus, Austin, Benjamin, Aiden and Wyatt. They are all different names in their own way. It's kinda hard to decide on a name for our boy. Hopefully soon we'll decide on just the perfect name for him. I'm kinda leaning towards Aiden. Don't know about Harvey. He seemed keen on Wyatt. Harvey walks into our room and gets in bed next to me. "Hey, beautiful. How are you doing?" he asks. "Good" I yawn. He shuffles closer to me and puts his arms around me. "Harv, what do you think about Aiden?" I say. "Yeah cool" he said. "The name Aiden for our son" I say. "Yeah I like it but I prefer Wyatt. I told you before" Harvey replies. "But I prefer Aiden" I say. "Yeah I know you do" he laughs. "I wanna call him Aiden but I know you like Wyatt" I say. "Yeah whichever one we don't use, we can use for our next kid I suppose. Wyatt can be a boys and girls name" Harvey said. "Yeah I know so can we go for Aiden" I say. "Sure yeah I like it now" he said. "I thought you always liked it" I say. "Yeah. How about James for his middle name?" he suggests. "Yeah I love it. Aiden James Cantwell" I say. "Yeah awesome. That's our boy" Harvey said touching my bump. So we agreed on a name for our son and he's going to be called Aiden James Cantwell


Niall 💚

Niall and I definitely want to use Irish names for our triplets. We are sticking to our Irish roots as we are super proud to be Irish and wanted our children to have Irish names. We have quite a long list of traditional Irish names for boys and girls. We just need to decide which ones to use. Niall and I are sat at the dinging room table looking at names. "So for girls we have Ciara, Saoirse, Niamh, Roisin, Sinead and Cora. I know that's not a traditionally Irish name but I like it" I say. "Wow! Sone great names, babe. Now boys names. Cian, Ronan, Declan, Conor, Cillian and Finbar" Niall said. "Ummm a lot of great names there. Hard decision. A lot of C names" I say. "Yep so maybe we should go with that better" I say. "Yeah so maybe we could pick one name we like. A boy and a girls and decided on the last name together" Niall said. "Yeah that's perfect" I reply. "You pick a girls name, I pick a boys names and we decide on the second boys name together" he said. "Ummmm I like Cora. I know it's not really a Irish name but I like it" I say. "I do too. Well I like Cian for one of our sons" Niall said. "I do too. Now a name for our second son. It should be Conor or Cillian" I say. "Yep that's a tough decision as I like both" he said. "I do too but I think Cillian will go better with Cian" I say. "Yeah Cian, Cora and Cillian. Yay I think we cracked it, my love" Niall said. "We have. We have names for our babies. Yay!" I say. So we decided on middle names for the babies too. Cian Edward, Cora Elizabeth and Cillian Ethan. They all have the name initials too. CEH


Ruel 💜

Ruel and I haven't really thought about names for our baby son yet. It's been something we haven't really talked about. I'd like to decide on a name before he comes into the world. I have a name in mind. I've always loved the name George for years. I know it's quite a common name but I've always loved it. I wanna see if Ruel likes it too. I'd like to use George for our son if he likes it. Ruel and I are laid in bed waiting to fall asleep soon as we are both tired. "Ruel, I know we're tired but I was just thinking we haven't decided on a name for our boy yet" I say. "Yeah I know. Do you have any names in mind for him?" Ruel replies. I yawn and hesitate for a moment before saying "I've always loved the name George" I say. Ruel looks at me and says "Yeah I've always liked the name George too. I think it's a great name that you can always rely on. So that could be our sons name". "Yes I'd love to call him that if you want to, Ruel" I reply. "Yeah sure. I love it. It's a great name for our little koala" he said. "It is. Thanks. So he needs a middle name as well" I say. "Hmmmm what about something like Patrick. I don't know. That just suddenly came to mind" Ruel said. "Yeah that's great. George Patrick Van Dijk" I say. "Perfect. Goodnight, beautiful and baby George too" Ruel said. "Goodnight" I say. We fall asleep after deciding on a name for our son and it's the perfect one too

Khalid ❤️

Khalid and I are considering names that we could use for our baby girl. We know that we want to go for something different and out of the ordinary. And I'm not saying one of these crazy celebrity names. Just a name you don't hear every day. I like Harmony, Destiny, Serenity, Melody and Avery. Khalid likes most of those names too. We will need to decide on one for our daughter soon. We will definitely choose from those ones. It's Saturday morning and Khalid and I are chilling on the couch just after we've had breakfast. We had scrambled eggs with bacon and a sausage. Ummmm it was so good just what we needed actually. I am sprawled out on the couch with my feet sprawled out and my head on Khalid's shoulder. "Baby, you're so beautiful and you're going to be the best mother to our baby girl ever" Khalid said. "Awe. Thank you, honey. Speaking of our baby girl, you know we should really decide on a name for her soon" I say. "Yeah i know. We already have a few in mind. Don't we?" he said. "Yeah we do so what do you like?" I ask. "Well I like all of them but I'm kinda leaning towards Destiny now" Khalid said. "Yeah that's cool and I like Serenity. It really is a beautiful name" I say. "Yes both are beautiful names, love. It's gonna be hard to choose just one" he said. After a while of discussing name we decided on the same Serenity for our daughter. "Yeah Serenity is a beautiful name for her. Now we need a middle name" Khalid said. "Yeah what about Dianne after my late grandma" I say. "Yes I like it. Serenity Dianne Robinson" he said. "Perfect name for a perfect little girl" I say. "Indeed" he smiles. So we have the perfect name for our little girl


Eric 🧡

Eric and I still haven't decided on names for our twin boys. We would like to choose names soon just in case they come early. Can't wait to decide on names. We said we would choose a name each. I'm liking Felix for one of the twins right now but I don't know what Eric likes. We probably won't go with names of the same letter as I don't really know but we want them to have their own individuality. We are going to discuss names soon though. Eric walks into the office as I'm doing some work. "Babe, sorry to interrupt you but I have a name in mind for one of the twins" Eric said. "Sure it's fine. Tell me now" I reply. He sits next to me and puts his arm on my shoulder. "I like Milo" he said. "Nice well I like Felix" I say. "But Felix is a cats name. Right" I say. "No not really but I really like it and want to use it for one of the twins" I say. "Okay maybe but I think we should definitely use Milo. It's such a cute name" Eric said. "It is as long as you agree on Felix we can use Milo" I say. "Okay maybe. I'll think about it" he replies. "What do you mean you'll think about it?" I laugh. After a while of persuading Eric to use the name Felix, it finally happened. "Okay I guess it's not such a bad name after all" Eric said. "See i told you you'd like it" I say. "Yeah" he replies. We decided on middle names too. "Milo Zachary and Felix Elijah are perfect" I say. "Yeah so perfect, babe just like our boys" Eric said giving me a kiss. So we names for our twins. Milo Zachary and Felix Elijah Nam and American names too. Yay so glad I got Eric to like Felix


Hunter 💛

Hunter and I are close to deciding on a name for our baby girl. We made a list of girls names when we were having Ezra even though we knew we were having a boy. We've always had a list of names for both boys and girls ever since we got together. We can't wait till our baby girl is here but we want to decide on a name for her before she is born. Hunter and I have just put Ezra to bed and we are having sometime together now like we usually do in an evening even he's in bed. We are sat on the couch together talking and relaxing before we go to bed. "Ahhhh I just can't wait to be a daddy again. I can't stop thinking about it" Hunter said. "I know, Hunter. I can't wait to be a mom again. Hmmmm so what do you think about names for our little girl?" I reply. "We already had some names picked out ages ago. Can you remember any?" Hunter said. "Yes I can. Aubrey, Hailey and Emily were our favourites I think" I say. "Ah yeah I remember. All those names are beautiful. But I actually really like Hailey. Hailey Hayes would be awesome" Hunter said. "Yes I definitely have to agree. I've always loved Aubrey for a while but I think I like Hailey more now. It's such a beautiful name" I say. "Yeah definitely I love it" I say. "So Hailey it is then for our daughter?" I say. "Yes definitely sounds perfect" he said. "Grace can be her middle name. It's mine too" I say. "Yes Hailey Grace. She's just like her mommy. Beautiful" Hunter said. "Yep perfect" I say. He smiles and kisses me. Hailey Grace is just the perfect name for our daughter


Charlie 🤎

Charlie and I have been looking at a lot of different names for our son but we haven't settled on one yet. It's pretty hard picking out baby names. So far we have. Jaxon, Carter, Jonah, Edward, Mason, Dylan, Grayson and the list goes on. We just can't decide which ones to use. We know we wanted to use Charles as his middle names whichever name we end up picking as it's Charlie's name and his dads name too so we kinda want to carry on the name in our son. We've been looking at names for him a lot. "Babe, we have so many names written down for our son but we just can't decide on one yet" Charlie said. "Yeah I know. It's just really hard. Ugh" I say. "I know but don't worry. We'll find one soon. Doesn't have to be now" he said. "Yeah exactly" I say. "I can't even remember what names we have written down" Charlie says. "Well I can show you. I have them written down on my phone" I say. I get the notes up on my phone and we look at the names we have. "Hmmmm I don't know" he said. "Yeah I do really like most of the names though" I say. "I do too but it's hard to decide on the right one for our boy" Charlie says. We scroll down the list. "Whoa, how about Jacob? I like that" he said. "I do too. It's a nice name. I used to babysit a little boy called Jacob back in high school and he was the sweetest" I say. "Awe how about we use it for our boy. We already know he's gonna be the cutest" Charlie said. "Yeah sure Jacob Charles Puth sounds great" I say. "It does so we finally decided on a name. Phew" he smiles. Jacob Charles Puth will be the name of our little boy. We finally decided on a name for him and we are super pleased with it


A/ N: yay! That was the names. Hope you liked them. I like them all

Which one is your favourite name?

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