Suds In The Bucket [A Bensler...

By GirlandHerKeyboard

11.6K 545 31

At 18, they left Manhattan to be together. Between Olivia's parents disapproving of Elliot and them finding t... More

23: The End


397 18 0
By GirlandHerKeyboard

Over the next few months, Olivia developed a new kind of relationship with her parents. It was a little rough at first as they fought about what happened back in New York, but eventually, they moved past that and ended up focusing on the present because a lot was happening. 

Jane was growing like a weed as she started to stand up by herself and babble things that no one understood, but that everyone listened to. Ben turned 3 and Aaron turned 5. Both started homeschooling and were thriving in that environment. Bernie and Joseph made the big decision to move to Kentucky to be closer to two of their kids, and three of their grandchildren. 

"My parents are coming over tonight to watch the kids so we can go on a date night." Olivia smiled, as she settled their ten-month-old onto her hip and cuddled her close.

"A date night? What's that?" Elliot teased, as Olivia followed him around the barn.

"Okay, so the last time we had a date it... it might have been when you were recovering from donating the lobe of your liver to Janey, but still. We need to take nights like these where we can get them. We have three kids that are growing like crazy, and a fourth that we aren't telling anyone about yet." Olivia spoke, whispering the last part. Elliot smiled, before sighing softly.

"Okay... I'll go on a date night with you, Mrs. Stabler. But you won't get me to do anything." He huffed. Olivia rolled her eyes before stepping closer to him and pressing a firm kiss to his cheek.

"I'll be the one fighting you off."


"Thanks for watching the monsters while we are in town. Olivia said we need to start taking these date nights when we can get them." Elliot spoke, as he let his in-laws into the house. They still weren't too happy with Elliot, but they no longer fought with him. They just had lasting anger towards him since he stole their daughter.

"Well, we are more than thankful that you decided on a date night because we cannot get enough of these kids." Serena smiled.

"Ben and Aaron are always talking about you two. I feel like you two and my parents need to fight over who my kids love the most." Elliot smiled. He led them into the living room before passing them the piece of paper that had all of the information about the kids that they would need.

"There is a lot here," Frank spoke, as he looked at the paper with wide eyes.

"Well, Jane needs a lot of stuff. She takes her medicine so she doesn't reject her liver. She is also still on those breathing treatments that we do before bed every night. Then Ben and Aaron need their baths and have to make sure they say their prayers. It might look like a lot, but it's mostly just Jane's schedule." Elliot spoke, before hearing the sound of heels on the stairs. He moved away from the living room and smiled when he saw his wife walking downstairs with Aaron and Ben behind her, and Jane on her hip.

"Wow, Mrs. Stabler... you are hot," Elliot spoke, and Olivia blushed, as she stopped at the bottom of the stairs.

"Are you sure? This dress is a little snugger than the last time I wore it." Olivia spoke, as she tugged on the bottom of her dress.

"There is a reason for that... but no matter what, it's beautiful on you. You are stunning." Elliot smiled. He leaned close and kissed his wife before the boys started to sigh.

"What do you two have to sigh about?" Elliot asked, and Ben and Aaron giggled.

"Can we go see Grandma and Grandpa now?" Aaron asked, and Olivia smiled and nodded.

"Of course. Go ahead."


Olivia and Elliot talked the whole way into town. They talked about the kids, the farm, and how lucky they were to be together. Elliot kept his hand resting against his wife's leg the whole way in, and only removed it when they got to the restaurant.

"So, what are you going to get tonight?" Elliot asked as they walked hand in hand.

"I have no idea. I would probably have gotten a single glass of wine, but I can't do that now, can I?" Olivia chuckled. Elliot stopped her before turning her towards him. He grabbed her by her hips, before pulling her flush to his body.

"I'm so glad that we are having another baby." Elliot smiled, and Olivia nodded as she leaned close and rested her head in the crook of her husband's neck.

"Me too." She breathed.

"So I was wondering if you were happy," Elliot spoke, and Olivia leaned back and looked at him with wide eyes.

"Why are you asking me that?" Olivia questioned.

"I don't know... I'm just wondering. I know that you told me you didn't want to just be a baby-making machine, and now we are having our fifth child. I didn't know if you are upset about that, because it's going against what you wanted." Elliot spoke. Olivia frowned before resting her head back in the crook of his neck.

"El, I was 18 and working on getting over the fact we just ran away. I was upset and worried about everything. I didn't want to just be forced to have kid after kid, but I'm a year short of 30. I honestly like being pregnant. Feeling the baby move inside of me. Seeing the look on the kids' faces when we tell them what the baby is. Aaron was barely 3 when we told him about Ben, and he couldn't stop screaming that he was getting a baby brother." Olivia breathed.

Elliot held his wife tightly, before kissing her temple gently.

"Are you sure?" Elliot breathed.

"I love you, Elliot Stabler. I love everything about you, and I love the family we have created together. I love what we have, and nothing can change that. Do you hear me?" Olivia spoke. Elliot smiled before nodding slowly.

"I hear you loud and clear, baby."

"Good, now, you owe me dinner."

"I don't owe you squat!" Elliot laughed, as he spun his wife around before sitting her back on her feet and taking her out on the date night they had been waiting for.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading and please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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