housekey (katsuki bakugo x re...

By ghostinajar

675K 23.9K 36K

you're living in japan at the age of 22, as a professional artist. life is good. well, except for the fact th... More

break in
Y/N's Profile
extra 1
thank you + new story!


30.7K 1K 2.4K
By ghostinajar

  After three hours of long, messy but fun work, Izuku and I had successfully made a couple batches of sugar cookies. During this time period I saw the girl that was with Katsuki earlier leave in a huff, but I didn't really care. His life, not mine.

  "Hey, Izuku, look over here." Izuku's head turned to me and I smeared frosting on his face. He gasped in mock horror and touched his hand to his face, fake sulking. I giggled. He grinned and grabbed a bit of frosting as well, spreading it across my cheek. I cackled and we began to fight with frosting. After a bit, we both got tired and collapsed on the ground breathlessly. Our heads turned to each other as we lay on the ground, and we burst out laughing. I clutched my stomach as I rolled around on the ground, laughing like a madman.

  'This reminds me of when me and Katsuki fought with paint.'

  My laughter died down with this thought. Why did I keep thinking about him? I was spending time with Izuku, I didn't intend to let these thoughts ruin my day. Izuku stopped laughing soon after I did, his face suddenly growing more serious. He sat up and looked down at me as I stared at the ceiling, still laying on the floor. I heard a door open quietly.

  "Hey, Y/N. I'll always be there for you no matter what, you know that right?" Izuku suddenly said. The room grew quiet. My head turned to him and I looked up. His slightly frosting stained cheeks were painted a light shade of pink, his bright green eyes gazing into mine. I sat up, as well, not taking my eyes off of him.

"I really like you, Y/N. I think you're amazing." He murmured, leaning in slightly. My cheeks flushed a bit. I heard a growl from behind me and turned to see Katsuki standing in the doorway, not looking too pleased. He eyed me and Izuku, his jaw clenched. Izuku now looked sort of frightened.

"Oh no, don't let me interrupt your special moment. Go on, fucking continue." Katsuki spat, venom in his gaze. My chest felt heavy. I'm not going to lie, I was scared. Really scared.

"U-uh, I'll text you later, Y/N." Izuku stammered as he got up. Katsuki moved out of the way, and Izuku quickly rushed out of the apartment. The door slammed behind him. Katsuki turned back to me, tapping his foot as I also got up, facing him. My eyes narrowed.

  "What the fuck was that for. You had no problem leaving me alone earlier, so why care now?"

  Katsuki groaned in frustration, pushing his hair back.

  "What's your problem, Y/N? You wanted me to leave you alone in the first place, so that was me doing that shit. Now you're being petty and inviting over Deku even though we had that agreement? Give me a fucking break." He snapped, stepping closer to me. I glared at him, stepping forward also, as if I was challenging him.

  "What's my problem? What's your problem bringing over girls when I told you not to interfere with my private life?! I wanted to hang out with Izu-chan because we're friends, and that's what friends fucking do." I growled. Katsuki's eye twitched and he took another step forward.

  "Oh, how lovely, you have a pet name for him now. Sure didn't seem like just friends a minute ago." He sneered. I angrily took another step forward. Our chests were almost touching now, and I had to look up to see his face. His cheeks were flushed in anger, and he was now biting his lip. I felt my heart skip a beat.

  'Damn, he's fucking hot.'

  I quietly gasped as I realized what I just thought. I snapped out of it and went back to being pissed off.

  "You shut your mouth! Like you and that girl were friends! How was that sex you had? Sure must've been good, I could hear that shit from the living room!" I raged, hitting his chest with my hand. Katsuki twitched.

  "I know." He mumbled. My eyebrows raised in surprise. What the fuck.

  "Y-you did that on purpose?" I whispered, emphasizing the last word. He looked away and to the side, blushing. My heart thumped violently and quickly. I could hear it pounding in my eardrums. I took a step backwards unconsciously. Katsuki's eyes momentarily flickered towards me, then back to the side.

  "I wanted you to care, dammit. You're always pissed at me and insult me, and...shit, I love it. I love it when you talk to me. I love it when you touch me. I can't fucking get enough of it." He said, exasperated. I couldn't believe it. He wanted to make me jealous? And he loved me talking to him and touching him? My heart couldn't take this. I leaned in.

  "Katsuki Bakugo, do me?"

  There was silence. Then...

  "That's an understatement." Katsuki muttered. I exhaled shakily. I knew what I was feeling now. Love. And to be honest, it didn't feel half bad sometimes.

  Our eyes connected. His blood red pools bore into my shining E/C ones. He sharply inhaled.

  "You look so fucking cute right now. Dammit, I don't think I can hold back anymore." He murmured, gently grabbing my arm and pulling me forward. Time seemed to slow down as he leaned down towards my face, his lips parted. My eyes slowly shut as my lips also parted. It lasted an eternity, and then...

  Our lips connected.

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