A Bughead story

By bugheadsstory

105K 1.9K 218

Is there one person for everyone? Someone who will love you unconditionally no matter what. The only person i... More

Not that noticeable
The call
Jughead Jones
Rude disruption
Growing closer
Juggie and Betts
We're friends, right?
First period
After school
The date
The threat
Let me see your face
We're over
The thought of Jughead
Telling him everything
I guess not
The talk
The fight
Can we talk?
Just tell me
I can't!
How did you know that
I'm sorry
You two are meant for each other
I love you

How could you!?

2.1K 44 10
By bugheadsstory

- What's-
- How could you!?
She screamed.
- I have been nothing but truthful to you, and then you do this! Try to kiss my best friend! Please tell me this isn't true! Please tell me she's lying, and that you would never do that to me!?
Jughead was shocked. He was totally paralysed, and he couldn't get as much so much as a word out.
- And to think that I was gonna tell you I love you! I never want to see you again, and from now on I'm not your girlfriend anymore!
Betty scoffed before running off. She ran and ran, until she couldn't run anymore. She was outside her house, when she broke down. She cried and cried, as if her world was tearing apart, which it was. Jughead was her world, and now she didn't know what to feel. All she knew was that she couldn't stop crying. Her parents were visiting her aunt, and Chic her brother was staying at one of his friends house, so she was all alone. She just sat there and cried her eyes out. She didn't want to talk to anybody. Not her parents, not Veronica and surely not Jughead. Suddenly someone wrapped their arms around her shoulder, but she didn't even care anymore, she just continued sobbing.

At the same time Jughead turned the corner of Betty's house, to see her crying into none other than Archie Andrews' chest. Archie looked up, noticing Jughead starring and gave him an evil smirk. He was beyond furious. First off his girlfriend accuses him of trying to kiss her best friend and breaks up with him. Then when he try's to talk to her, he sees her sobbing, while her psycho ex-boyfriend try's to comfort her. How could she even think that. Of course he didn't try to kiss Veronica, he would never do that to Betty. He loved her, he never told her that, but he knew he did. And now he didn't know anymore. He went home that night, crying.
Of course this had all been a part of Archie and Veronica's, mainly Veronica's, big plan to break them up. She broke up with Reggie days ago, which he btw didn't take very well. He punched the wall so hard, his fist went through. And of course he had to pay for it, which he got even more angry about. He had told Veronica to get the fuck away from him, and never speak to him again, which she was perfectly fine with. She had actually never liked Reggie, and just used him, to make Betty think, she was over Jughead. That she in fact wasn't. At, all. She had become obsessed with him. She didn't know how or why, all she knew was, that she was madly in love with him and would do anything, anything to get to him. She didn't mean it at all, when she apologised to Betty, and of course she was lying, about Jughead trying to kiss her. She just knew, that was all it took, to make Betty break up with him. And then she would just apologise, and comfort Jughead as much as she could. He was probably very vulnerable right now, and it make her smile evilly just thinking about it.

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