By Multie_fandom001

3.7K 106 9

when supergirl is taken by Cadmus Alex will do anything to get her back. even if that means going to another... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14

chapter 4

204 7 0
By Multie_fandom001

Catco earth 38
-hey kara your back!- James said as he saw kara come through the elevator.

-yeah some friends from earth 1 came to help with this whole situation.- kara said.

-OH well it's good to have you back, I told snapper that you had a family emergency that you had to take off.- James said.

-ok thank you. Oh and today I’m going to be taking lunch early, barry or Sara want to take me out so they know I’m safe.-

-ok Lena called and asked if you could do lunch with her at 12 anyway said she had a meeting to go to.-

-ok thank you, James.-

-yep glad your back.-

Catco 11:30 am.
As Sara walked into Catco she saw James and greeted him.

-hey James.- Sara said with a smile.

-OH hey Sara!- Kara is just finishing a report if you want I can go tell her you're here.-

- or you could just take me to her office. I'm going to be staying for a while I might as well no my way to her office at least.- Sara said.

- oh how long do you think or going to be here?- James asked.

-Well at least till this is over and maybe longer depending on what happens.-

-OH well yeah just follow me. You know I’m really glad you guys came to help and are willing to stay to see this through.-

-yeah well with the number of times she helped us its our turn to help her Sara said.

-ok well her office is right over there. See you later Sara.-

-Thanks and bye James.-

*knock knock*

-come in.- kara said when she heard the knock on the door.-

-hey kara you ready to go?-

- yeah. Just let me grab my bag. I can't wait for you to meet Lena, she amazing but you can't talk about me supergirl cause she doesn't know. Or her family her mom and brother are the ones in charge of CADMUS but don't worry she isn't like them.-

-ok well let's get going lead the way.-

-so what is everyone doing?-

-Well zari is training, barry is out on patrol, with a girl named Nia?-

-yeah Nia is half alien half human he has dream powers.-

-oh. Well, that leaves iris Winn and Alex who are working on finding out what CADMUS next steps are.-

- well here we are this is Lcorp.-

-kara hey how are you doing I really missed our lunch yesterday.- Lena said walking up to hug her friend.

-Well I had a small family emergency. Oh, Lena this my friend Sara lance. The friend who I said might be joining us for lunch.- kara said greeting the two.

-Well it's my pleasure to meet you Mrs.lance.-

-OH please just Sara and it all mine Mrs.luthor.-

- well if I’m calling you Sara.-

-Lena it is.- Sara smiled while shaking the younger woman's hand.

Somewhere in national city
-this guy is CADMUS- Nia said after knocking out a CADMUS soldier.

- wait maybe if you take this you could dream where their base is.- barry said.

-yeah I might be able to. How did you know I could do that?- Nia asked shocked he knew even some of her powers.

- I have a friend on my earth who can vibe the future of someone as long as he's holding something that belongs to them.- barry explained.

- oh ok.- Nia smiled.

Nia grabbed the soldier’s shoulder and was automatically sent to a dream world.
When she got there she saw a clock saying 12:15 pm and Lena, kara, and Sara.
There was blood all over kara was on the ground with a kryptonite blade sticking out of her and Sara looked to be in a fight with the guy who stabbed her. Lena was just standing there looking scared.

-OH my god!- Nia screamed as she got out of the dream world.

- what did you see!?- barry asked.

- What time is it?- Nia asked.

-its quarter after 12 why?- barry said.

-You have to get to Lcorp now- Nia said.

When Nia said that barry took off like lightning.

Kara, Lena,, and Sara were sitting on the couch eating and laughing over something when jess came in and said that there was a package for Lena. Lena told jess to bring it up.
A minute later the door open and someone looking like a mailman came up and gave Lena the package. When Lena opened it a cloud of green dust came out and right away kara started choking. Sara and Lena were blinded by the dust and started coughing a little when they inhaled some of it. Out of the corner of Saras eye, she could see the mailman take out a green blade and right away knew it was kryptonite.
Sara goes up as quickly as she could and charge the attacker but by the time she was able to get to him he had already put the blade in karas stomach.
Sara quickly was able to disarm the man and knock him out.

-OH my god kara! Hey kara Can you hear me?- Sara asked as she bent down next to kara.

-sara, is lena ok?- kara asked.

-yeah she's fine but I need you to stay awake ok.- Sara said as she turned to see a petrified Lena.

-tell Alex I love her but Sara I need you to know that…- that’s all kara could say before she fainted.

-hey kara don't talk like that ok, I need you to stay awake ok.- Sara said with tears welling up in her eyes. -kara please.-

After that Sara heard a whoosh of air and barry was there picking kara up.

-I’m going to get her to the D.E.O and then I will be back for you ok.- barry said.

Before Sara was able to say anything barry was gone just as fast as he came. Then she felt her getting picked up and rushed to the D.E.O by barry. As soon as she got there she was stopped right away by Alex saying that she couldn’t go in there this that she was even kicked out.

-but I need to make sure she's ok.-

-I know but you can't go in there.-

-I’m sorry Alex, I was too slow to stop it I saw him take out the knife and I just disarm him fast enough.-  Sara said finally letting her tears go.

-it’s ok Sara it wasn't your fault.-Alex said holding her and just letting her cry.

Alex nodded for Winn to take Lena to the conference room cause as it turned out barry picked up Lena as well.

When kara was stable Alex moved Sara into kara’s room so she could be in there with her. But then grabbed maggie there still one more thing she had to do before she could relax the rest of the day in her sister’s room with her and her crush.

-Lena I’m sorry that you find out like this. But since you now I as a D.E.O agent have to have you sign papers saying you won’t tell anyone you know supergirls identity or exploit it, anyone.-

- don't worry Alex I won't just give me the papers. How is she thought?- Lena asked.

-She's stable for now. But I also want to know if Lcorp and D.E.O could do a partnership.
What this would mean is you would have a fully refunded lab. And anything else you need what you would be researching for the D.E.O is anything that can help keep Supergirl and the rest of the D.E.O safe. So what do you say?-

-Well karas my friend so where are those papers.- Lena said.

-Welcome to the D.E.O but right now we need to you to know we are trying to track down your mother and brother and the rest of CADMUS.-

-Thank you for letting me know but I don't really care what happens to them after what they did to kara.-

-good to know. When you are done signing the papers agent Schott will get sworn in and then you can meet me by the main control room and show you to your new lab then I can take you to see kara.-

-ok Alex.-

-uh why does it feel like I have been hit by a bus again.- kara said as she woke up.

-Because you were exposed to a lot of kryptonite.-

-How long as Sara been asleep.-  kara asked.

-since you were put in this room. She blames herself for what happened.-

-of course, she does when she wakes up I will make sure she knows it's not her fault.-

-yeah so I will go get Lena I told..-

-OH MY GOD hows Lena? Where is she? Waits does she know.- kara starts rambling.

-calm down Lena is fine shes getting sworn in and yes she does know your supergirl but she promises not to tell anyone.-

-OH thank god.-

-OH my god your awake are you ok?-

Kara turns her head to see Sara has finally awoken.

-yeah I’m fine, and it's more like you're finally awake.- Kara laughs.

-yeah I’m sorry kara I wasn..- Sara wasn't able to finish before kara interrupted her.

-hey I’m fine it wasn't your fault you did everything you could.-

-it’s just I have lost so many close people in life friends and family I just couldn't add you to that list.-

- hey come here.- when kara said this Sara went over by Sara and kara wrapped her in a big hug and let her cry into her shoulder.

After about an hour later, kara talked to Lena and they were still good. But at the moment Sara was helping kara get out of bed when Oliver, felicity, and Thea walked in.

-hey I’m disappointed that you didn't call us sooner.-  Oliver said.

Kara turned her head a little to see felicity Thea and Oliver.

-hey how did you guys get here.- kara said as Thea and felicity walked up to hug kara and Sara.

-barry called us and told us what happened to you so we came right away.- felicity explained.- that and we were planning to come here since we haven't seen you in a while.-

-Well thank you guys didn't have to come here.-

- yes we did, you do so much for all the time we figured this is the least we could do for you.- Oliver said. -hey Sara can I talk to you outside for a minute?-

-sure ollie what is it.-

As kara, Thea, and felicity continued their talk, Sara and Oliver went out to talk.

-hey what do you need ollie.- Sara asked.

-Do you have a crush on kara? Me and Alex were talking and she said you two have been close lately.- Oliver said.

-I’m going to kill Alex.-Sara said.

-that's not answering my question.-

-Yes I might have a crush on her, and I know I shouldn’t be having feelings for someone who lives on another earth.- Sara said.

-I was going to say you go for it.- Oliver said.

-WHAT?!- Sara asked.

-Look if there's one thing you should have learned from your time on earth 38 is that you don't know how long you are going to be around. So go for it.-

- I don't know ollie.-

-ok fine but at least think about it.-

-I will.-

As Sara and Oliver were finishing up their chat Thea came running up to her.

-come on Sara lets go were all having a girls night at kara's apartment. And I’m not taking no for answer.-

-bye Sara.- Oliver just smirked as Thea practically dragged Thea out of the room.

Kara's apartment-

All the girls were at kara's apartment eating pizza drinking wine and watching a movie but no one was paying attention to the movie they were all too busy laughing and talking and just having a fun time. Maggie and Alex were snuggled together on a chair while felicity, iris, zari, and Thea were all on the couch and that left Sara and kara on the ground leaning up against the coffee table and each other. Before the night was over everyone was almost drunk, the only people sober were kara, Sara, and maggie.
Maggie asked for help to get Alex and zari her car so she could get them home, so Sara helped her by taking zari who was giggling the whole way down the stairs.
That left kara with everyone else she decided she would put iris in the bed and then she grabbed Thea and felicity and flew them slowly to the D.E.O and let Oliver handle them.

-Here you go one drunk Thea and felicity.- Kara said as she sat them down by the computer,

-is this the thanks I get for helping.- Oliver laughs with kara.

-hows iris?- barry askes.

-just as drunk but in my bed, so have fun tonight.- kara said.

Kara was about to leave after barry when Winn said something about a bank robbery.

-I will go get Sara and then the 3 of can go.- kara said to Oliver.

-are you sure about this kara.-

-Yes I fought in worse, that and I will have you two there to back me up.-

-ok I will go get changed.-

Kara went back to the apartment and told Sara what was happening and then they left and met up with Oliver at the bank.

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