365 Days with You

By avengers_queen

34.8K 1.7K 854

What happens when the one and only Loki Laufeyson threatens you into becoming his accomplice? What happens wh... More

Marble Floors
Playing Cards
Cracked Lips
Broken Chains
Jeune Fille
Black Sweater
Hello, Belle.
Goodbye, Evelyn.
The Mind Reader.
Vodka Bottles.
Broken Glass. Broken Heart.
Broken Teeth
Happy Tears?
Storage Room


1.6K 74 23
By avengers_queen

I groaned in pain as my eyes shot open. My whole body ached and sleeping on the hard floor didn't really help.

I winced and sat up, prying Loki's arm from my waist. He stirred a bit and felt around the floor as if he was looking for me.

I crawled on top of him and laid down resting my head on his chest. It moved up and down with each steady breath he took.

I pressed my ear to his chest and listened quietly to the sound of his soothing heartbeat.

He stirred once more and furrowed his eyebrows together, wrapping his arms around my lower back.

He squinted at me to make out my features in the dim light.

"That's a nice way to wake up." He said sarcastically, nodding his head towards my body that was currently crushing his.

I rolled my eyes and gently pushed him away, rolling off of him as I winced.

"Can I ask you something?" I murmured closing my eyes tightly as I clasped my hands together on my stomach. Looking at him still made me nauseous.

I took a sharp intake of breath and hissed as my hand made contact with a wound on my stomach.

"Hmm?" he muttered closing his eyes too.

"Why?" I asked squeezing the thoughts from yesterday out of my head.

"What do you mean why? He furrowed his eyebrows together, turning his head towards me.

"Why did you do it? W-why did you agree to hit me?" The wounds on my arms started to throb at the thought and my eyes began to swim with tears.

I felt my hands tremble and suddenly I felt small again. So small and helpless. Worthless and stupid. Stupid for trusting anyone, ever.

The color drained from his face.

He sighed and brushed the back of his hand over the scar on my cheek. I winced slightly and shrunk away. His touch made me quiver.

He hurt me.

"My dear, I had no choice. He would have killed you if I did not do it," He paused. "I had no choice." He said again, quieter, almost as if he was trying to convince himself of the matter.

"Oh." I whispered, my voice cracking. It was unforgivable.

My eyes landed on the floor as he brought his hand up and rested it on my cheek.

I placed my hand on top of his.

He forced my gaze to meet his.

"Please." He begged. "I would never hurt you Aislin."

I shook my head.

You hurt me.

I could suddenly feel the sharp sensation of him entering my mind, and I knew he heard that thought.

A tear rolled down his cheek.

He angrily wiped it away and ripped his hand from my face.

He stood and paced the room with his hands clenched at his sides.

"Loki please calm down?" I pleaded, running my fingers through my hair nervously. My teeth chattered in fear.

He stopped and angrily tugged at the hair on his head.


"I DID WHAT I HAD TO DO." He shouted, I recoiled from him as his terrifying form loomed over me.

He took another step forwards and I flinched, throwing my arms up to protect myself.

Immediately, he froze and stepped back.

"I-I'm sorry." He whispered, his head drooping in shame.


-5 days later-

Since the night that Loki had tortured me, he decided it would be better for him to sleep on the couch from now on.

It was weird not having his arms around me at night. I felt cold, and alone without him.

Left to my thoughts and nightmares.

He's been acting different lately, snapping at me and ignoring me. Just sort of... distant.

I missed him.

I missed the old Loki that would tease me and at least acknowledge my existence. I feel like we are right back where we started, when he hated me.

He probably never stopped hating me.

I dropped my head as tears rolled down my cheeks. I wrapped my arms around myself and trembled slightly.

My mind absentmindedly dragged my body towards the couch were Loki was sleeping. I paused for a second and then lifted the blanket from the green couch. I slowly peeled back the quilt, trying not to wake him.

Then, I froze, my heart dropped and my knees became weak.

He was gone.

I bit my lip as tears came to my eyes.

They took him. They were going to torture him.

How could I not wake up during that? How did I not notice he was gone? Surely he put up a fight. He wouldn't just let them take him. Right?

"Let's go slut." A voice spat. I jumped and turned towards the door.

There stood Naddr with a smirk on his face and shackles in his hands.

I nodded and followed, trudging behind him ever so slowly. He didn't bother putting the shackles on, he knew I wouldn't run. That I couldn't run. That I was too weak and broken to fight him anymore.

We walked to a cell farther than the last one and I grimaced as he passed the cell with dried blood on the floor and walls. The cell where Loki took every shred of dignity I had left.

I shook the thoughts from my head as Naddr tugged open the metal door.

My heart sank.

Loki was hanging from the wall in chains. He had already been severely beaten.

His cheekbones were sunk in, and dried blood caked half of his face.

The bags under his eyes were so dark they were nearly black.

The entire left side of his body was bruised, various scars and cuts trailing from his collarbone to the hem of his pants.

I put my hand up to my mouth as blood trickled from his nose.

A hand came up behind me and yanked me into the corner, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Listen here whore either you do what I tell you, or I will fuck you until you can't walk and you'll be begging for more whether you like it or not." He spat in my ear venomously.

My eyes widened at his disgusting threat.


I began to tremble and I nodded slowly. Tears running down my cheeks as he placed a knife in my hand.

"Now, I want you to take that knife and bury it in his shoulder." My breathing sped up rapidly, sweat beaded on my forehead. The knife nearly slipped from my grasp.

He shoved me towards Loki and I fell forwards. I barely managed to catch myself, almost falling on my face.

"Do it." He hissed, grabbing the back of my neck.

Loki lifted his head and gave me a sad smile before nodding, accepting his fate.

The look in his eyes broke me.

The way that he accepted that I could very likely kill him.

My hand trembled and raised over my head, ready to bring the knife down. But the thought of spilling Loki's blood made me almost vomit.

I clutched my stomach and felt the tears land on my collar bone.

Suddenly, the blade clattered to the ground and I collapsed onto my knees.

"I can't do it." I whispered, burying my face in my hands.

Naddr slowly clicked his tongue to the roof of his mouth three times and then grabbed a fistful of my hair.

I was dragged to the floor.

"Stop please!" I sobbed, trying to push him off, but he was twice my size.

He ripped my shirt off, and then my shorts leaving me in just my undergarments.

Loki was screaming and desperately struggling against his chains. I could hear the strain in his voice as it cracked.

I sobbed as Naddr unclasped my bra and yanked my panties down to my ankles.

I tried to squeeze my legs together but he spread them apart with his knees. He paused for a second and looked me up and down before giving me a grin of approval.

I shivered and dry heaved as he slowly traced his fingers down my stomach.

Then, I felt a sharp, burning pain in my lower region.

I felt the color drain from my face, and my body went limp.


I could tell the blood curdling voice was Loki's but it sounded far off.


I laid there, motionless, my eyes locked on the ceiling as he assaulted me.

I prayed that soon I would either die or pass out as to not endure this torture.

Loki's screams soon became white noise as the world around me crumbled.

The rest was a blur.

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