Wolf's Den ✓

By jeonlonglegs

172K 7.9K 522

❝But as the future king of my kind, I declare no love.❞ - Jeon Jeongguk, the future king of the werewolves, a... More

❝ ❞
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Face Reveal
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Author's Note
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Extra: 1

Chapter Ten

4.4K 219 2
By jeonlonglegs

The smell of the food set on the table lingered throughout the busy atmosphere, making many people smile in delight because of its appetizing scent. All was happy because of the arrival of the person they consider as a hero and their soon-to-be savior.

Jeongguk sat in silence. He watched the others as they welcomed and congratulated his brother. He grimaced as he remembered Junghyun's wrongdoings- his selfishness and stupidity. Jeongguk wasn't supposed to be his pack's Crowned Prince, it was supposed to be his older brother. 'Yet he chose to be with those fools!' Jeongguk thought.

"Oh! Junghyun oppa! I just remembered- we have a newcomer!" Eunha stated, pulling Junghyun towards Jeongguk.

Jeongguk stood up and tried to walk away, but was pulled by Y/N.

"Come," Y/N said, pulling Jeongguk. "Are you fine? You haven't spoken nor have you eaten.."

"I'm f-fine," Jeongguk replied, shifting uncomfortably.

"Here! Junghyun oppa, meet Jeongguk! Jeongguk, meet Junghyun oppa!" Eunha beamed. As Y/N laughed at Eunha's childishness, she noticed something between the two men.

"Jeongguk?" Y/N questioned. Jeongguk looked at her and smiled.

"Hi! I'm Jeon Jeongguk! Nice to meet you!" grinned Jeongguk as he bowed.

"Why, hello Jeongguk! I'm Junghyun, Jeon Junghyun. You look, rather, ravishing, Jeongguk," complimented Junghyun as he turned to Eunha and Y/N. "Where have you found him? Or rather, did he come to you?"

"Um, he came to us," Y/N answered.

"Expected," murmured Junghyun. "May I," Junghyun spoke as he looked at Jeongguk. "Talk to him, privately?"

"Why, of course! And as you two lads talk, let us enjoy!" Y/N's father resounded as he clapped his hands and smiled at everyone.

"Enjoy yourselves," Junghyun sang. "And as for you, come with me."

"As you wish, brother." Jeongguk muttered as he followed Junghyun towards a cabin far from the festivity.


"Tell me, Jeongguk, what are you planning?" Junghyun asked, irritatingly. "What are you- they planning?"

The two stood in a distant cabin, far enough to not hear the noises from the festivity. The cabin's wooden floor creaked as one walks, its walls having gaps large enough to let the sun's rays in. The chirp of the birds sitting on the cabin's canopy was the only sound heard, as the two stood quietly.

"Nothing, I was just strolling around and by chance, I met them," Jeongguk conceded, glaring at his older brother. "Now, let me have fun with those humans."

Jeongguk turned back, making heavy steps as he strutted away from his brother.

"Stop!" Junghyun insisted, but Jeongguk continued walking. "I said stop! Didn't you hear me?!"

Annoyed, Jeongguk looked back.

"And what makes you think that I'll follow your stupid commands? You're not my hero anymore! Nor are you my brother! You left us, hyung. You left me. You left all your f*cking responsibilities just to go with those fools!" Jeongguk argued as he crossed his arms across his chest.

"Oh shut up! You were aware that father was making a big mistake! Those humans didn't take part in our grandparents' death! Yet you chose to be an idiot and-" Junghyun was cut off by a fist thrown on his face. He was caught off guard- last time he checked, Jeongguk wasn't this strong.

"You're the one at fault here! Don't act as if I'm the one who made the mistake!" Jeongguk growled, kicking the ground as he walked towards his brother and poked him in the ribs. "You aren't the right one here! Nor are you the good one! So, j-just shut up!"

The crack in Jeongguk's voice gave all his emotions away- his sadness, anger, and the feeling of being betrayed by someone you trusted very, very much. Though Jeongguk seems like an intimidating and frightening, young man now, Junghyun knew that deep down, the sensitive and caring Jeongguk he knew was still there.

"Jeongguk," whispered Junghyun as he looked at his brother. "I'm sorry. I never meant to leave you on your special day, I just,"

"You just?"

"I just had to do the right thing," Junghyun mumbled.

Angry of his older brother's words, Jeongguk fumed out of the cabin, slamming the door as he walked out. For a moment, Junghyun had his heart, but his answer reminded Jeongguk that he still was a traitor and a disgrace to his kind. 'I mean, what do I expect from him?'

Feeling sad and angry, Jeongguk strutted to the forest, planning to go back to the palace and tell his parents who he found.

'I won't let you bring me down, hyung. I will make sure that you feel all the anguish and heartbreak I felt after you left me. I will execute my plan, even if it means killing you.' Jeongguk thought as he clenched his fists and turned to a wolf.

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