Age is But a Number (lesbian...

By KimNCRosina

1.2M 18.4K 2.4K

Laura is your average almost 18 year old. She's craving that excitement and freedom that comes with being old... More

Age is But a Number (lesbian story)
Age is But a Number (Lesbian Story): Chapter 2
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 3
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 4
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 5
Age is But a Number (Lesbian Story): Chapter 6
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 7
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 8
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 9
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 10
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 11
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 12
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 13
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 14
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 15
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 16
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 17
Age is But a Number (Lesbian story): Chapter 18
Age is But a Number (Lesbian Story): Chapter 19
Age is But a Number (Lesbian story): Chapter 20
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 21
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 22
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 23
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 24
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 25
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 27
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 28
Age is But a Number: Ending

Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 26

27.8K 512 69
By KimNCRosina

I’ve only been to the principal’s office twice. The first time was on the first day of school because I got lost and stumbled in, and the second time was last month when he presented me with a scholarship. So you can imagine why I was sweating bullets as I waited to be called back. With every second my stomach tossed and turned more. With every ring of a phone I jumped a little bit, and every time the secretary glances at me my heart stopped. I’m a good kid, so why was I in the office?

                Oh yeah I almost forgot it’s all Tabitha’s fault. She just had to go and talk about my mothers. I can handle a lot of things but when you say my parents are unfit something in me snaps and I go ballistic. Those two women went through hell and back for me and they are always by my side. For someone to disrespect them to my face is something I will not accept. I’d die for my mothers because I love them more than anything. Every time I glanced over at her ugly face I wanted to rip that cheap weave out her head and choke her with it.

“Ms. Love, Ms. Adams Principal Harris is ready to see you,” The secretary finally called me and I stood up trying to show no fear. Tabitha stands up with confidence as if she’s about to be commended and then struts into the office. It takes everything inside of me not to smack her ugly ass.

When I walked into Mr. Harris’s office I saw him at his desk shuffling a few papers. He looked just as surprised as me.

“Why hello there Ms. Love and Ms. Adams. I would have never expected you two to be in here. Why just last month Ms. Love was in here squealing about her scholarship. It seems as though you two have a had bit of an altercation which ended in Ms. Love slamming you Tabitha against the chalkboard am I right?” Mr. Harris pried.

. You know how most schools have a principal who so old, ugly, and stern looking? Mr. Harris is totally not that type. Mr. Harris is in his early 40’s with a very dark tan, black hair that has grey popping up and he has a warm smile. He’s one of those people who you can just feel comfortable around.

“Well she talked about my mothers. When people talk about my mothers I get very defensive,” I stated as I gave Tabitha a death glare and she rolled her eyes.

“All I said was that they were dykes and that two mothers are obviously not fit to take care of a daughter. It’s just not right,” Tabitha preached and now my blood was really boiling.

“Everyone is entitled to their own opinions Tabitha, but sometimes we have to keep our opinions to ourselves because they can be flat out rude. Calling a child’s parents unfit is a stab to the heart. How would you feel if she called your parents unfit?” Mr. Harris quizzed her and I got a big smirk on my face. For some reason Tabitha went dead silent Mr. Harris must have touched a sensitive spot.

“Are you okay Ms. Adams?” He asked her sincerely and she just continued to stare down.

“Well I’ve called your parents just so that you’re aware of it. They should be here any minute now,” Mr. Harris announced and I look up at the clock over his head and check the time. It is almost 12 and I know for a fact that Mom is not going to be too thrilled that she had to stop in the middle of teaching an aerobics class to talk to my principal. Mommy on the other hand is probably freaking out and thinking the worse.

“Tina calm down for god’s sake! You know it’s nothing serious!” I heard my Mom’s voice yell from outside the office. Things are certainly about to get interesting. A few seconds later Mom and Mommy stumble in. Mom is still in her workout clothes with her forehead glistening and Mommy looks like she’s about to have a panic attack.

“Nice to see you again Mrs. And Mrs. Love,” Mr. Harris greeted then and shook both of their hands. When I looked over at Tabitha she looked as though she was about to piss her pants. That’s usually the reaction people give my Mom, until they get to know her.

“Nice to see you again too Mr. Harris. Please explain to me what happened,” Mommy pleads with sorrow.

“Well during Geometry your daughter had a bit of an altercation with Ms. Tabitha and it resulted in her slamming Tabitha’s head into the chalkboard,” Mr. Harris explains incompletely.

“Well what exactly was this altercation?” Mom asks suspiciously. I can tell she’s annoyed that she had to leave work early.

“Um, well how about I let them explain it to you,” Mr. Harris suggested and I talk a big gulp.

“Well Tabitha why don’t you tell my parents exactly what you said to me,” I grinned even more and now she really looked like she was going to piss her pants. Mom and Mommy were staring her down and I loved every last second of it.

“Are you going to tell her Ms. Adams or do I have to?” Mr. Harris demanded. I could tell that he was getting irritated behind the whole situation. Tabitha just stared down and Mr. Harris took a deep breath.

“Did she say some kind of derogatory word for lesbianism or something? Because if she did, that’s extremely immature and so over used. I mean you could have come up with something more original. You seem like a bright girl you could have hated on the fact that Laura has had straight A’s in every class except for geometry. Oh and she is a valedictorian due to the fact that she has multiple AP classes that brought up her GPA even more. Not mention the fact that she helps out in the community, donates, and participated in soccer every year until she had to quite in order to stay after school to be tutored for geometry? See dear you could hate on so many things but you had to choose her parents. Compared to the millions of things Laura has going for her we are insignificant,” Mommy explained as she flaunted her intelligence proudly and gave Tabitha the biggest smile she could muster. I loved my Mommy.

“And this is why I married her,” Mom beamed then planted a kiss onto Mommy’s shinning chocolate cheeks. Tabitha was beyond embarrassed right now. I knew for a fact that she had to feel like the most ignorant person in the universe.

“I’m sorry,” Tabitha managed to cough up.

“Don’t apologize to me dear. Apologize to yourself because while you sit there and hate others are passing you and taking your opportunities. Take all that energy you are using to hate on others and put it into something that is actually useful,” Mommy concluded than turned towards Mr. Harris with the same smile.

“Well, um Mrs. Love you put that very well,” Mr. Harris praised her.

“See sweetie you don’t always have to solve everything with violence. My words hurt her even more than you slamming her poor pubescent head into that chalkboard,”  Mommy chuckled a bit.

“Tina,” Mom whispered to her as she tried to calm Mommy down. Mommy wasn’t showing any anger but I knew for a fact that inside she was filled with rage.

“No Pookie sweetie it’s fine. Her minute brain is so incompetent that it can’t even process anything beyond Ebonics,” Mommy continued until Mom whispered something into her ear and she seemed to calm down almost immediately.

“One last thing before resign from this conversation. Are Ms. Adam’s parents attending this little meeting?” Mommy inquired politely.

“I don’t think we were able to get in contact with them,” Mr. Harris answered. When I looked back over at Tabitha again that same lost expression she had before when her parents were mentioned took over her face.

“Well since she isn’t coming how about we end this meeting with the girls both getting 3 days of detention and writing an apology letter. I’m only saying this because Laura could have used her words instead of her fists in this situation, and Tabitha dear you could have just kept quiet,” Mommy suggested.

“Um, well I think that’s fair enough. But you two will be sent home for the rest of the day. However, I will not mark this down on your records seeing as though you both have made it almost all the way through high school without any physical confrontation,” Mr. Harris agreed as he pulled out two slips of paper signed them and handed to us both.

“I hope the next time I see you two is walking across the stage in 3 weeks,” Mr. Harris announced as we all began to stand up.

“It will be,” I assured him with a smile as Mommy and Mom shook Mr. Harris’ hand and began walking out I looked back and I saw Tabitha. She looked devastated for some reason…I now knew why she disliked me so much intensity…

Beth’s POV

“Last week’s launching was spectacular you guys! I am proud of each and every one of you. It’s already flying off the shelves and articles are being written about our latest line!” I praised my employees highly as they all began to stand up and walk out from the meeting. It was more of a celebration than a meeting though. I had ordered ton s of food for everyone and I was giving out little party bags and each had a brand new tablet inside. I was an extremely giving boss.  The new toy line that we just launched was a huge success, I had the most perfect girlfriend, and my son was coming in town to visit. Everything was spectacular.

The night before had to be one of the most special nights I’ve had with Laura thus far. I took her virginity. When I think about it I feel like I did such a spectacular thing and I’m proud that I was the one who got to take it. The way she held onto me and kept looking into my eyes the whole time was so special. Her whole body was trembling at first but then she finally relaxed. She moaned my name the whole time and she wanted me to just keep going and going. She would look so exhausted but wanted me to keep pleasuring her. The night was so filled with passion and I loved it. It was one of if not the most passionate night that I have ever

“I will see you guys bright and early tomorrow. I love all the hard work and I really appreciate you,” I thanked them all for the hundredth time as one by one they all hugged me and then poured out of the room. The key to being a good boss is to be stern, but also to reward those who work hard for you. If you are nice to those who work for you they will want to work harder. If you are stern and serious they will respect you. I always made it a point to make sure that all my employees felt appreciated. Synergy does wonders for a company.

As I sat in the big empty conference room I propped my feet up and looked around me. I came from a family who was dirt poor and worked my way all the way up to the top. I would have never expected my life to be like this. I always thought I’d stay at the bottom or only make it to mediocre. I guess it is true that you can do anything if you put your mind to it.

“Um, Ms. Skylar a Ms. Love would like to speak to you,” My secretary Sharon announced as she peeked my head through the door. I stared at her with the most confused expression on my face. It was nearly 7 so I couldn’t imagine who would want to come meet me so late. Even Sharon was about to go home because she had her things all packed up.

“Uh, let her in,” I replied and then I saw Laura stroll into the conference room. I was very taken aback by what she had on. She wore a short pin stripped skirt with a tight white button up, black heels, and her makeup done with a sexy smoky eye and red lipstick. This was the biggest surprise of the whole day.

“May I help you sexy?” I flirted and decided to go along with whatever Laura had up her sleeve.

“Yes, I have an appointment with a Ms. Skylar,” Laura teased as she strutted over to the chair I was sitting in and climbed into my lap.

“Now, now Ms. Love we just met. I have a girlfriend I wouldn’t want her getting jealous,” I pointed out playfully and Laura wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me sweetly.

“Laura how in the world did you get here?” I chuckled as she rubbed up and down the shoulders of my suit.

“Made a call and got Jessie to drop me off. I’m liking Jessie more and more,” She giggled and kissed my neck.

“And I’m loving you more and more each day,” I grinned and she kissed me sweetly.

“How was your day beautiful?” I pried as I rubbed her waist gently.

“Got in a fight and Mom and Mommy had to come get me,” Laura laughed and I stared at her as if she were insane.

“Why did you get in a fight Laura?” I questioned.

“Bitch talked about my parents so I banged her head against a chalkboard,” She answered nonchalantly. I couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

“When’s your graduation baby?” I asked as she ran her hands up and down my thigh.

“Three weeks. It’s actually the week after my birthday,” She replied proudly.

“I’m throwing two huge parties for you then,” I declared and she blushed.

“Beth I don’t need two big parties. All I need is to spend time with you on my birthday and my graduation,” She assured me but thoughts of extravagant parties kept popping up in my mind.

“Well I’m giving you one end of discussion,” I insisted and she rolled her eyes and laughed.

“So why did you want to come to my boring old office anyway?” I chuckled.

“I wanted to see you and give you kisses and then afterwards we could just go back to your house and did what we did last night,” Laura flirted and bit her lip seductively.

“Did you plan this out or something? I asked her jokingly.

“My stuff is at your house,” She replied with a grin.

“Well I guess we’re off to my house,” I smiled at her as she climbed off my lap and I took her by the hand. I could tell that tonight was going to be another interesting night with Laura...

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