Phan oneshot collection

Oleh phanallamallama

1.2M 33.5K 70.4K

All the oneshots I write which you should 100% read as they're what I'm best at Lebih Banyak

Phan one shot collection
Books and adventures
Chestnut hair and deep brown eyes
All love
This is halloween? (Part 1)
Right in front of your eyes
An ancient curse
Getting married today
The boy on the bus
Lights, camera, action
Never kissed him
3am I watch you sleep
Moonlight and shadows
Tent troubles
Potions to remember
University roommates
Business trip
My story
3am with you
Across the street
Start to end
I cheated, then fell in love
Eyes you can drown in
Breathing underwater
A ceiling full of stars
On a crowded tube
Waiting for the lights
Letters for bear
Seven days
Balanced on a box of cereal

Met you in the waiting room

21.8K 792 1.1K
Oleh phanallamallama

Word count: 3.4k

Genre: Look it fluff with more fluff and cute shit im so tired its just v cute and should have been posted like a week ago oops but it cute

Dan hated waiting at the doctors. Especially when there was some old man coughing loudly behind him and the receptionist looked grumpy from being up so early. And about twenty other sick people were waiting, meaning Dan would be here for a while.

Dan just needed a blood test for fucks sake, he really didn't need to be waiting for another hour when it had been fifteen minutes already. Not that Dan wanted the blood test, he hated them, he just wished he didn't have to wait. Waiting always made it worse.

The problem with it being so busy this morning was that there were getting to few seats that weren't next to Dan. And he really didn't want to be infected, he had to speak on the radio thank you, he didn't need some shitty cold to ruin his voice and make him need to blow his nose a billion times between each song.

So he would be grateful if no one with the plague sat beside him.

He watched people slide through the doors every so often, no one really causing his attention to peak until a tall gangly man walked in, tugging his hat off and giving his name to the receptionist, flattening down his dark messy hair.

He turned around and Dan could see how ill he was. The most recent cold seemed to have got him bad. And although it was mean, Dan really hoped he didn't sit next to him.

The boy looked around and spotted the only remaining seat.

He flopped down next to Dan, coughing as he did and Dan held his breath.

Well shit.

The man was fumbling around in his pockets, sighing heavily and sniffing as he couldn't find what he was looking for.

Something in Dan's heart made him feel sorry for the man that was actually quite cute- under all the germs of course. He may have had bags under his blood shot eyes and his nose might have been red and sore and his lips chapped, but he was definitely attractive.

That or Dan was insane.

Dan reached into his pocket and pulled out a packet of tissues, offering them to the man.

"Really? Thank you, you're a life saver," he said, taking one and blowing noisily, making Dan flinch.

"Take them all," Dan decided, not really wanting to have contact again in case he caught the illness. He didn't know how much Phil cared for hygiene.

"Thank you. That's really sweet,"

"I don't really need them," Dan said, turning a little to face the man.

"I see that, considering you don't look like death," the man mumbled and Dan smiled sympathetically.

"If I lose my voice then I pretty much can't do my job so," Dan said and the man looked at him curiously. "Well more than most people,"

"What do you do?"

"I'm a radio presenter for radio one," Dan said and the man's face lit up.

"That's really cool," he said wistfully. "I always liked the idea of presenting stuff, I used to want to be a weatherman," he told him with a weak chuckle.

"What do you do?" Dan asked and the man chewed his lip.

"I make YouTube videos. Kind of professionally, like vlogging? Like I know it sounds stupid but people watch me and seem to like it," the man said and blushed, looking a bit embarrassed.

"You thought my job was cool? That's like the most unique obscure job ever," Dan said in fascination and the man smiled.

"Most people give me weird looks when they find out," he said, smiling a little wider.

"Well they're stupid. I'd love to do that," Dan said.

"Start up a channel then. It's that simple," he said and Dan laughed.

"No one would like me," Dan told him.

"Really?" Phil questioned, sniffing again.

"No one wants to watch a sarcastic asshole who thinks he's funny," Dan said and Phil laughed.

"You're perfect," he said, and Dan swallowed, feeling his cheeks heat up a little. "And people already listen to you on the radio when you're like that, everyone would love you," Phil said reasonably and Dan was really starting to become curious about this man.

"What's your name? Maybe I could watch your videos," Dan said, hoping he wouldn't tell him not to.

"Phil Lester. Or AmazingPhil is my YouTube name," he said. "And no I'm not up myself, I just made the channel years ago," he added.

"I didn't think you were up yourself at all. Do you have a lot of subscribers?" He said and Phil nodded.

"Around two million actually," he said, smiling and Dan's eyes widened.

"Shit. You're famous," Dan said and Phil laughed before coughing, covering his mouth quickly, looking apologetically at Dan.

"I'm not that big," he said. "Anyway, you're probably more well known than me, but I don't know because I don't know your name," Phil prompted.

"Dan Howell," he said and Phil looked like he was thinking for while.

"What time are you on?"

"Around ten at night,"

"Oh I only really listen to it when I eat breakfast. But your name does sound familiar, have you done a call or delete with Grimmy?" He asked and Dan nodded.

"About two weeks ago yeah," Dan said and Phil beamed.

"I heard that. You're funny," Phil said and Dan grinned.

"Thank you, I'll definitely make sure I'll check out your videos," he said and Phil shrugged.

"You don't have to. But your boyfriend is really cool to be okay with you lying to him about having brought your family's dog home when he's allergic," Phil said and Dan was confused.

"Boyfriend? I called my room-mate," Dan said and Phil bit his lip.

"Oh I thought you two were..." He trailed off and Dan laughed.

"No, just friends. And I'm definitely single, my boyfriend broke up with me about a year ago," Dan told him. You know, only casually putting it out there that he was single and liked boys. In case Phil wanted to know. For reasons.

"Oh good," Phil said, then backtracked. "I mean I'm sorry your boyfriend dumped you, he must have been an idiot, I mean- I'm digging myself a hole," he gave up, flustered and Dan laughed. Phil was kind of adorable, even when he blew his nose, which he was doing again now. Phil probably had cute germs too.

"Don't worry about it," Dan said and Phil nodded.

"So why are you here?" Phil asked. "I mean you're not a zombie like me," he said and Dan's hand clenched a little, and he started playing out the chords to Pyramid Song on his leg.

"Blood test," he said, and Phil gave him a sympathetic look.

"I take it you hate them, by the fact you're playing piano on your leg," Phil stated and Dan stopped, sliding his hand into his pocket and laughing nervously. Phil had been distracting him so well.

"Yeah, I really do. Mild phobia of needles," he said and Phil nodded.

"Play piano if it helps," he said and Dan bit his lip before withdrawing his hand and beginning to play again, drumming his fingers against his thigh. "I wish I could play piano," Phil said wistfully as he stared at Dan's hand.

"I'll teach you sometime," Dan said, his other hand clenched as he tried to focus on the music but Phil's voice made him look up.

"Really?" He asked, and the hope on Phil's face made him stop completely and feel shy.

"Yeah, why not?" He said and Phil grinned.

"Thank you Dan. This means I have to have your number now though," he said and Dan felt his cheeks heat up when Phil's name was called. Dan was sure he heard him groan before he stood up and looked down at Dan who was still tense.

"Want me to come in with you if I'm done when your name is called?" Phil asked quietly and Dan could have kissed him.

"Yes please," He mumbled and Phil smiled down at him, squeezing his shoulder.

"I'll be as quick as possible." he said before leaving Dan alone, his lips being chewed by sharp teeth and his hand not even sure what he was playing, but it was becoming fast and frantic.

It was only a blood test. Nothing bad would happen. As long as he didn't move when it happened he wouldn't die.

This wouldn't be as bad as the last one where he threw up and almost fainted. And that has been when he was sixteen.

That was not a comforting memory at all.

Dan just half wanted to get it over with, half wanted to run out of the door. But if he did the second, he would never get Phil's number, and he would then probably have his brain going through all the 'what if' scenarios if liked to taunt him with so much.

And Phil would be there with him when he had his blood taken anyway. He said he would be. Well he said he'd try, and the look on his face Dan was sure meant he hadn't been lying.

The fucking anticipation was killing him and Dan really wanted to throw up. He at least hoped this didn't mean he was getting the cold everyone was throwing into the air around him.

Except he didn't mind too much with Phil being ill.

"Daniel Howell." A woman called and Dan looked over at the door Phil has gone into frantically as he managed to stand up, wobbling a little.

"Please." Dan whispered and it really must have been his lucky day when he saw Phil appear from the doorway, saying goodbye to the doctor when he saw Dan and went to him quickly.

"I've never been so happy to give a stranger tissues in my life," Dan breathed and Phil laughed as Dan felt warmth spread through him and found the courage to walk through the door.

"Hello Daniel," the nurse as Dan walked in.

"Hi," he said nervously.

"A little scared?" She asked tentatively and he nodded.

"He has a mild phobia so I'm here to hold his hand," Phil said, sniffing and the nurse nodded.

"Oh dear, have you got that nasty cold too?" she asked and he nodded. "Poor you. Have you got an appointment here?" She asked and he nodded.

"Just had it. I should be better in a few days," he said as the nurse busied herself with the needle, Dan sitting in the chair gripping the arm rests.

"So Daniel, this will hardly hurt. It's just a small sharp pain, as if you'd scratched yourself on a bramble," she said. "If you stay really still it also won't hurt as much and you won't get bruises around it, so try not to shake. Hold your lovely friend's hand if you need to clutch something,"

"Right," he said and Phil sat beside him.

"I wouldn't advise watching if you have a phobia from now on until I tell you okay?" She said and Dan nodded, turning his head to look away when he felt Phil scoop up his hand and hold it gently, turning Dan's gaze to shift to them; Phil lacing their fingers and then to Phil's eyes.

He felt the nurse press gently with her fingers where she was going to inject him and Dan sucked in a breath, holding Phil's hand tightly.

"I'm going to inject you now." The nurse said, but Dan barely heard her. He felt the needle piece his veins, clutching Phil's hand harder but he didn't really feel it. He was very distracted by Phil's eyes.

As Dan as seen earlier they had bags underneath them and were a little bloodshot, but they looked so earnest now, so warm, so calming, so gentle it was almost like he had been wrapped in cotton wool and he knew Phil was protecting him.

He didn't even notice the woman had finished until something was pressed against the inside of his elbow and he was told to hold a real piece of cotton wool onto the mark to stop it bleeding. That's when he finally looked away, and this cotton wool wasn't as soft as Phil's gaze was.

"There we are. Call up in a few days and we will tell you your results." The nurse told him and Dan stood up, still holding Phil's hand as he was lead from the room.

"That wasn't too bad now," Phil said and Dan just stared at him. "Dan?"

"Last time I had a blood test I almost fainted. How did you do that?" He asked and Phil just smiled sheepishly.

"I guess I'm just good at distracting you," he said and Dan looked at him in wonder.

"You named your channel right," he said and Phil laughed.

"Do you want to come and get a coffee with me? It doesn't seem like you're going to let go of my hand any time soon," he said and Dan looked down at his hand in shock.

"Oh shit, sorry," he gabbled but Phil squeezed gently.

"I quite like holding your hand," he said and Dan bit his lip. "And I forgot my gloves and it's freezing outside so your hand can keep mine warm on the way to Starbucks. Does that sound okay?" Phil asked and Dan smiled.

"Yeah, sounds great."


Dan was never someone for falling in love. He had quite a cynical view on the whole thing, something his ex couldn't quite grasp and made him think Dan hadn't loved him. Dan had, but had just never seen a future, or really wanted to.

Phil however was talking about going to the moon and living in a tiny house together while they collected shooting stars for a living with foam on the corner of his lips and a gleam in his eyes, his hand gently resting on top of Dan's.

That seemed like a pretty good future to Dan.


"So... Piano lessons?" Phil asked as they left the shop and Dan nodded.

"You did say you'd need my number," Dan said and Phil beamed.

"Yeah. And if you want to hang out of go for coffee or something again I wouldn't object," Phil added, passing Dan his phone to write in his details.

"I wouldn't either," Dan said, passing his phone back, watching Phil scan it.

"Dan-is-not-on-fire?" He asked as he relayed off Dan's name.

"Yeah. Thought it might work when I started up my YouTube channel," he said and Phil hugged him.

"I really like you Dan," Phil said.

"You're going to make me ill," Dan said but hugged him back anyway.

"Then I will just have to kiss your cheek instead of your lips," Phil said and pecked the ice cold skin, making Dan's cheeks flood with heat and colour. "See you soon, Danisnotonfire." He said before turning and walking away, Dan staring at him before yelling.

"Phil! Stop!" He called and he stopped, spinning around as Dan walked up to him.


"I walk this was too, you idiot." He said nudging Phil's shoulder, and the blushing laugh he got in return was enough to warm the chill in Dan's hands.

That and now he had someone who could melt ice to hold them.


"Hello, it's Scott Mills here today as sadly Dan is ill. And probably listening to us right now like the control freak he is," Scott said and Dan groaned as he rolled over in bed.

He had caught Phil's cold and was listening to his radio show in case Scott fucked it up.

Force of habit.

He was already annoyed that he had had to cancel on having Phil over earlier to teach him some basic piano skills because he was coughing too much, he really didn't need Scott taking the piss out of him.

"Anyway Dan we all hope you get better soon as I am already getting in tweets and texts from people wishing you will too. Anyway let's start the show off with a call, hello Phil," Scott said and Dan's ears pricked up.

"Hey Scott." he heard Phil's voice and swore. That adorable bastard.

"How are you?"

"A bit annoyed. You see, Dan was meant to teach me some piano earlier and now he isn't answering his phone. So I was wondering if you could tell him to open his door so I can look after him?" Phil said and Dan gasped before swearing.

He looked a mess but shit he needed to let Phil in so he didn't freeze to death outside oh god he hoped Phil didn't judge him for wearing sweatpants and an ironic Justin Bieber top Grimmy had gotten him.

He pulled his duvet around him and crawled out of bed, shuffling to the door where he opened it and saw Phil talking on the phone.

"Oh no you don't have to do that, he's letting me in. Thanks Scott, I'll take good care of him." Phil said before handing up.

"I hate you," Dan said as he let Phil into the apartment and Phil grinned.

"I thought because you're not feeling too well I'd come over so you could hold my hand and feel better," Phil said and Dan couldn't help but smile. "And I can't get sick," he added and Dan raised his eyebrows.

"Insinuating something?"

"Maybe," Phil said cheekily. "I also brought movies and lots of different teas," he said and Dan smiled.

"Phil?" He asked and Phil nodded.


"Do you want to be the boyfriend I call on call or delete?" Dan asked and Phil grinned.

"I would quite like that. And I think all of the people listening to radio one will be happy if I said yes so..." Phil teased and Dan rolled his eyes.

"Would your fans be happy?" Dan asked and Phil shrugged.

"I don't care," he said. "I'm allowed to date anyone I want," he said and Dan grinned.

"So yes?" He asked and Phil nodded.

"Of course. I mean, if you hadn't had offered me that tissue I was already going to try and find a way to talk to you," Phil said, sliding his arms around Dan's cocooned form.

"Good or I probably wouldn't have survived that blood test," he said and Phil laughed.

"Come on, time to watch singing in the rain, it will make you feel better,"

"Didn't he get ill from dancing in the rain?"

"Illness seems to be a theme with us," Phil said and Dan chuckled.

"Yeah, though I'm pretty glad you had a cold, even if you gave it to me," Dan said and Phil kissed his forehead.

"That's why I'm here to warm you up now." He said and Dan sighed, closing his eyes.

He could get used to this.


"I've been thinking of the perfect moment to kiss you," Phil said randomly and Dan almost choked on his tea.

"What?" He spluttered and Phil looked at him completely seriously.

"I really want to kiss you. But I can't find a perfect moment," Phil said and Dan laughed.

"You are the biggest idiot I have ever met. And you shouldn't kiss me when I'm sick anyway," Dan said.

"But I want to. And I won't get ill. So why not,"

"Because me being ill is not the perfect moment,"

"Well then I will just have to time it so you won't resist," Phil said and Dan sighed.


"Phil why am I getting about a million tweets send to my phone?" Dan asked and Phil bit he lip.

"I'm guessing people heard me on the radio," Phil said and Dan nodded.

"Wow. Your fans work fast," he said in amusement and Phil shuffled closer to him, letting Dan rest his head on his shoulder.

"Is it okay? I mean that people are stalking your twitter?" Phil asked nervously.

"Phil it's public domain,"

"No I mean because of me. I'm asking if it's okay for people to know about us. I mean, I've known you around three days," Phil said and Dan thought about it.

"I wouldn't mind," he said. "Just not quite yet. Give it a month?" Dan asked and Phil smiled.

"It makes me happy you're thinking ahead," Phil said softly and Dan smiled.

"Yeah, me too." he said and he felt Phil place his finger on his chin and tilt his head up. He smiled softly at Dan before bringing their lips together, gently kissing him for a few seconds before pulling away.

"Was that perfect?" He asked hopefully and Dan smiled.

"Yeah, it was,"

"Good. I hope it still feels like that in a month," Phil said and Dan smiled, leaning forwards to kiss him once more.

"I don't know if it will, but I have a good feeling."

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