Her Knight

By soccerlover35

619K 14.8K 1.7K

Hayley knight had a love for soccer, it was what she lived and breathed. As a young teen, she dreamed of play... More

My Life
Lost in the moment
It's not you it's me
All love
I miss the days
Someone to you
Waiting all night
Weak when ur around
I feel like I'm drowning
If you want love
Moving on
Way down we go
My body is a cage
Wide awake
False confidence
Teenager in love
Dazed & Confused
Worst of you
Mount Everest
Wasted Youth
Sleep talking
Couple of kids
I don't exist
Can't help falling in love
Sleeping at last
Why do you love me
New Book
She said
Oh Lord
This love
If the world was ending
Bound to you
We lied to each other
Story Up
Angel by the wings
Mad at you
Bashed out
Just Friends
Please Notice
Pills N Potions
Serious love
me & ur ghost
The few things
Deep water
New Book
Lose it
The End of Everything
New book


7.2K 214 16
By soccerlover35

-2 months later-
-day of Olympic roster release-

"What if Jill doesn't pick me, I've worked my butt off to be fit enough, and I know I'm almost there now so I'll definitely be perfect in another months time," Kelley tells me panicked as she paces around our kitchen.

After the wedding, I went back to London again and played with Carli in her first match for Man City which was a lot of fun. Kelley couldn't travel for a while so I travelled to her a lot during weekends and helped with her recovery process.

It was difficult at first with all the flying and matches but after Kelley got clearance to fly she could stay with me for longer periods of time which meant we could build a routine. She saw the City physio whenever I went to training and did her exercises with them so I knew that she was getting the best treatment.

Luckily for me, it meant she was here to see all my matches and I made sure to kiss my wrist so she knew all the goals were for her. Carli and I seem to be a linking up amazing and have been dubbed the 'American Thunders' by the news.

I flew back home to Kelley last night since she just started training with Sky Blue again and I wanted to be there when she got back. Currently, she's pacing around the room because we're expecting to receive calls from Jill soon letting us know it we've made the 18 player roster for Rio.

As you can tell, Kelley is extremely stressed, she doesn't think Jill will include her in the team but there's no way she's that stupid to not.  I'm trying my best to be calm for Kelley but I'm panicking myself inside.

"Love, can you please sit down, you're making me nervous too," I ask my girlfriend

"Right, yeah I'm sorry," she says and takes a seat next to me. We sit in silence for all of 2 seconds when Kelley stands up again.

"Ugh why can't she just email us all at the same time instead of ringing separately! Like that's just torture for us all" Kelley complains for the 5th time today.

I've officially given up on trying to calm her down because this woman seems to be as crazy as a kid who's just had an entire bag of sweets.

After 10 more minutes of Kelley turning her phone on for the 500th time while I tried to not bang my head on the table, her phones finally goes off.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, it's Jill," Kelley says staring at the called ID while glancing up at me.

"Bloody answer it then," I say

"Shit, yeah forget you had to donthat" Kelley mumbles as she accepts the call and puts the phone to her ear.

"Hey Jill. I'm good thanks, how are you? Great! Wow, thank you so much for believing in me coach, I won't let you down. Okay, will do, thank you again, Jill. Speak to you soon" Kelley says ending the call with a huge smile on her face.

"and?" I ask waiting for her to tell me even though I've got a pretty good clue what the answer is.

"I'm going to the Olympics!!" She screams out loud and starts doing her happy dance. I run over to her and spin her around.

"I'm so happy for you sweet cheeks, I know how hard you worked for this," I say giving her a kiss on the lips.

"it actually happening! I'm going to the Olympics again" She says the huge grin not leaving her face.

"I need to call Alex and Allie," She says and goes straight to her phone

"put them on facetime babe," I say as she calls the two other players

"Kelley and Hayley!" they shout when they finally pick up.

"Have you guys been called by Jill yet?" Kelley asks them

"Yes we have she rang like 20 minutes ago for me" Alex replies

"she called me about 15 so probably straight after you Janice" Allie answers

"she just called me and said that I'm on the squad!" Kelley screams down the phone making all of us cover our ears from how loud she is

"I'm so happy for you Kelley but please tone it down," Alex says making us all laugh

"Alex and I both made the team too," Allie says as she and Alex both smile.

"That's great guys, well done," I say and smiled back.

"I'm guessing you made it too Hayley?" Allie asks, I just smile back

"I don't know yet, Jill hasn't called me," I say and they all look at me in shock, Kelley included.

"Oh my god! I was too wrapped up in my call I didn't even think about you! I'm literally the worst girlfriend ever" Kelley says going to walk away in embarrassment but I grab her arm before she can.

"Kelley it's fine, honeslty. You had been waiting for that call since you came out of the hospital" I tell her making a small giggle escape her lips.

"Will you forgive me?" She asks pulling the puppy dog eyes on me

"you know I would have forgiven you anyways," I say and pull her in for a kiss, what was meant to be a quick peck is seeming to become a little more.

My hands travel to her lower back while Kelley makes her way to the back of my neck.

"Still on the call here guys" we hear Allie say making us break apart

"Sorry, kind of forgot" Kelley says blushing a little

"We could tell, you guys were eating each others faces off," Alex says making us all laugh.

"When are you guys coming down to visit?" Kelley asks the two

"soon because I'm still yet to see your new house, which I can't believe you got without even telling me, I so would have gone house hunting with you" Allie whines over facetime

"and I would have invited you too but I didn't buy the house," Kelley says

"Wait so your renting?" She asks confused as Alex just rolls her eyes

"no dumbass, Hayley bought it for Kelley after the hospital situation" Alex explains since we filled her in when she stayed with us.

"What no way! You just bought her a house! I wish I had a soulmate to do that-" Allie says cutting herself off when she realises what she's said.

"Jesus Christ Allie, can you not keep your mouth shut for anything" Kelley shouts in anger as we all stare at Alex in anticipation for her reaction.

"Y-you're soulmates?" She asks barely above a whisper, I look over at Kelley and see she's clearly panicked so I grab her hand and run my fingers over her knuckles.

"yes we are Alex, and I hope you're okay with it because it doesn't change who I am, you're still my best friend," Kelley tells Alex hoping she won't be mad.

"Kelley, we've been friends for almost 8 years now, why didn't you ever tell me," Alex asks, a sad expression in her face.

"I didn't know how! Would you still have been friends with me if I told you way back then?" Kelley questions

"I w-well-" Alex tries to answer but can't seem to get pit a proper reply

"Exactly Alex, we are weird people that others hate on, we're are not accepted in society and god forbid if we ever announced it to the world," Kelley says getting a little angry at her friend. I place a hand on her shoulder trying to calm her down but she just shrugs me off.

"No! I'm sick of us being in fear all the time, we shouldn't have be scared of the other getting a bruise and it appearing on us and then having to come up with some excuse before we might be murdered! murdered, we have to worry about not being frickin murdered every day Alex. So I'm sorry if you don't accept me or Hayley anymore but I'm done with apologising for who I am, I didn't ask to have a soulmate but I sure am glad I have one." Kelley says having finished her rant, she turns to look at me and I just smile proudly at her

"of course I still want to be your friend Kelley, it's just a lot to take in" Alex replies as Allie and I sit there a little awkwardly.

"and I definitely don't think of you any differently, you're still my wormie," Alex says making us all giggle a bit

"Good, because you're still my Janice and I would hate for you to not be" Kelley says as they both smile

"That was really cute guys," Allie says as we all glare at her

"way to break up the cute moment there Allie," I say with a sarcastic expression.

"Right, sorry," She says apologising again.

We talk for a little while longer, mostly Kelley and I trying to catch Alex up on all the stuff we couldn't tell her when all of a sudden my phone rings making everyone in the call stop and stare at me.

"that must be Jill Hayley, answer it" Kelley says next to me with a smile on her face. I answer the call and put the phone to my ear.

"Hayley! I hope you're doing okay-" Jill starts to say and take a nervous gulp.

Kelley's POV

"that must be Jill Hayley, answer it," I say to my girlfriend who seems to be frozen in the spot.

I watch her answer the call and put the phone to her ear. I look back at Alex and Allie who are still on my facetime call and give them a nervous glance.

"stop worrying" Alex whispers to me.

We all watch Hayley in anticipation wondering when Jill will just tell her the good news instead of making us all worry.

All of a sudden, she turns around so her back is facing us and I hear Allie whisper

"why'd she turn around," Allie asks and I just shrug not knowing myself. Maybe she just wants to have some privacy.

Eventually Hayley turns around and hands me her phone

"Tell her I said thank you and that I'll see her soon" Hayley says so in nod my head while she just talks off somewhere I put the phone to my ear

"Jill?" I question wondering if she's still on the line

"Kelley? Why are you on Hayley's phone" Jill asks

"she came to visit and is staying in my place" I answer to my coach

"oh and Hayley told me to say thank you and that she'll see you soon," I say reciting what I've been told.

"Tell her I said most definitely Kelley, make sure you're there for her, she'll need a friend" Jill replies sounding very sympathetic.

"what I'm confused, why will she need a friend, you sound like she needs comforting?" I ask confused as to what Jill means

"She hasn't told you yet?" Jill asks surprised

"told me what Jill, what is going on," I ask concerned now, I look at Allie and Alex on the phone and see them just as worried

"I didn't pick her for the squ-" Jill says but I cut her off my shouting down the phone

"You what! You didn't pick her! Are you actually crazy Jill!" I say angrily to the coach, I don't care right now because that's my soulmate and she deserves to have a spot here just as much as me.

"Let me finish Kelley!" Jill says shouting herself now, I just roll my eyes and decide to put the phone on speaker so the others can hear too.

"I didn't pick her because she hasn't got enough experience yet, this is the Olympics and she's only played one match for the national team and not even a full season for club yet." Jill says trying to give her reasoning for this stupid decision.

"am I the only one that sees how she plays then? Have you not watched her in games or at training, the women is the best on the pitch without a doubt! There's no way we can afford to not have her in the squad" I say answering back yo Jill.

"Kelley, I'd watch your tone if I was you," Jill tells me sternly making me just scoff.

"what Kelley is trying to say is that we're very shocked Hayley wasn't picked especially because of her performance at club level and at our last camp" Alex answers glaring at me to call down.

"Alex? Why are you there too?" Jill asks

"Allie and I were in facetime with Kelley when Hayley got the call" Alex explains

"Right, I see. There's nothing I can do now ladies, the squad has been picked and is going to be released tonight, there's no going back now. I truly am sorry, she's an exceptional player but she's just not ready yet, I hope she understands that." Jill says and I can't answer due to how mad I am right now

"Thanks Jill, we'll let her know" Allie answers for me

"Alright ladies, I'll see you in months time" Jill replies before hanging up.

"Is she okay, is Jill actually okay, are we sure she hasn't gotten in an accident and got her head to hard in order for her forget who Hayley is." I say extremely frustrated right now.

"it's annoying Kelley, even I know it's the wrong decision to make, Hayley is going to be the new Abby Wambach and everyone can see that" Alex say as I run my hands through my hair

"where is Hayley by the way," Allie asks making me realise I don't know where she went off to

"Shit, I'm not sure, let me go find her, I'll call you guys later" I say and end the facetime

I look around the whole house trying my best to find her but I can't see her anywhere, I make it back to the start again and stand there with my hands in my hips.

Where have you gone Hayley?

Before I get attacked! I'm sorry!! Did anyone expect that to happen or not?
Let me know in the comments

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