Enamoured of a Vampire

By leoyakast

1.7K 132 8

"First, no one except me enters the upstairs. Second, the estate grounds are off-limits at night and third, y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 25

11 0 0
By leoyakast

*** Sarah's P.O.V***

As the indicator on the speedometer raised fastly my heartbeat hurried at the thought of the unknown. A tall figure in the middle of the road caught my attention all of a sudden as I stepped on the break with all my energy. 

The car took a skid and stopped just before him. The amber eyes seemed to brew fire in them. This is my first time seeing such an expression on Peter's face. I felt goosebumps on my body but composed myself. 

"What are you doing?" his voice agitated as I stepped out. 

"What is it for you whatever I do?" I am as ruthless as I can be. 

"Sarah, you shouldn't be going to Mary's island" he came straight to the point. 

"Mr. Van Hoven, Mary's island is not your mansion that you can stop me from entering. I can be there if I want to be there" 

"Sarah..." I could see a lump forming in Peter's throat, he took a deep breath as if he was trying to control his feelings. 

"I have something to research there, so I am going there" I stood firm. 

"Alright I am coming with you then" he welcomed himself into the driver's seat without even giving me a chance to rebuke him further. 

There was a deadly silence in the car but in a corner of my heart sirens were blaring. I felt relieved and I'm so happy that he's beside me and I know that his amber eyes are piercing at me. I can feel it.

He didn't say anything. I want to know what he is thinking. Why he's behaving like this? But one thing I know for sure is that I mean a lot to Peter and he means a lot to me, our kiss told me that. His painting tells me that. His eyes tell me that. What I want to know is what he is hiding. I am going to find out the secret he is hiding with him beside me. 

The night almost fell on us as we reached Mary's island on the boat near Prairie dock.

Adventure my ass, I'm shivering to my spine looking at the rocky and bushy trail ahead of me. The island is what I expected. It's beautifully dangerous. I was leading the path and Peter was following me.

I felt like I stepped on something soft. God forbid is it a snake? I quickly jumped back and cried.

Peter who was a few feet away caught me quickly. He's faster than a normal human. One moment he was very distant the other I was in his embrace.

"Are you okay?? Sarah??" he wrapped his arms around me and a concerned voice questioned me.

Shit!! He must be thinking I'm such a scaredy-cat. It is so embarrassing. It was not too long ago I was posing as if I am the Indian Jones. Shall I just act like I'm passed out!? No no what if he takes me back to Richards town then? No, No I must redeem myself.

I quickly grew apart from his embrace and said stiffly "I was just checking if you're alert or not".
He broke into a silent laugh at my goofiness. He didn't say much as if purposefully he didn't want to embarrass me more.

The rocky trail now turned into a valley with deep waters. There were rocks small and big all over the stream forming like a bridge-like a path to the other end. I was jumping from one rock to another carefully. The backpack was heavy as I restrained Peter from carrying it earlier. I regret it now. It was really hard to balance myself on the slippery rocks and eventually, I lost my balance.

"You should be more careful" Peter's voice now with hints of anger while his hands were on my waist helping me to gain balance.

This time he didn't give me the time to make a comeback but lifted me in the bridal style after taking off my backpack.

It felt like the day we went to the firefly field on my birthday. His wooden musk scent is heavenly. His hands are cold as usual of which I'm not scared anymore. I guess there's no need for him to hide anymore too. He jumped from one rock to another within seconds carrying me.

We crossed the stream within a few minutes which is supposed to take half an hour. That few minutes I was in his arms felt like a lifetime. I wish time froze there. It's the Peter I knew. Kind and warm-hearted Peter not whatever he's trying to pretend now.

I opened my map to check the directions to the infamous camping spot and I'm sure we're lost. There is water on either side and sharp elevated hills before us. If we go back thick lush forest will welcome us. So, where the hell is the camping area with the amazing star-gazing site after all? I scratched my brain.

"Need some help?" Peter inquired.

"Um.. we have to go camping here" I pointed out the mark on the map.

"Are you sure?" he left a small smile but why I do feel like it's a smile mixed with sarcasm.

"Very much" I flipped my hair back.

"Alright, wait for me here, will be back in a minute". He opened the camping gear, took some stuff with him and started to go over the hill. I couldn't see much in the dark where he was heading as he disappeared as fast as lightning.

He is strong, fast and can climb mountains without support. Is he really a vampire? Anyone would mistake him for a superhero. Maybe I shall contact the Movie studios and make some money on the way.

I was just thinking of all kinds of stupid things I could think to divert my attention from the dangerous island. Just in time, Peter reappeared.

"Are you ready?" he knelt as if asking me to piggyback on him.

I did as he instructed.

"What the holy....." he is climbing the rocky slope of the hill and as we are going upwards all I can think of is the ground which is a few hundred feet beneath us. Suddenly I felt something around my waist, I felt like I was hanging.

"We have arrived at your camping site," he said.

Wtf? it's a portaledge!


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