Truthfully Me... (BoyxBoy)

By 09Taurus98

78.8K 2.1K 327

Just read it. It's not your normal BoyxBoy Thug/Urban book ;) More

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's Note
Author's Note: 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Author's Note 3
Chapter 9
Chapter 10: Part 1
Quick Question (Author's Note)
Chapter 10: Part 2
Chapter 11 (Rated R):
Chapter 12:
Author's Note: 4

Chapter 4:

4.4K 143 11
By 09Taurus98

*Brigg and in the MM!
**Btw, this chapter starts where Xavier's POV left off.


I wonder what he had to talk to me about...

Hmm.. Oh well, I'll find out tonight.

Anyways, once I got home after picking up my sisters, I got the kids in the house and since little bit, Lauren, was sleep, I just laid her on my bed and laid beside her before pulling out my phone and texting Dré.

Me: Hey, are u ok? U was acting kinda weird when u left the school.

Dré;): Yea, I'm good.

Me: You sure?

Dré;): Yupp

Me: Soo.... what did u have to talk to me about?

Dré;): Oh.. ummm I wanted to know if you, well uk.., if you wanted to go see a movie or something... but only if u wanted to.

Me: Are you asking me out on a date??

Dré;): Well..... yes I am, but if you don't want to its ok...

"Shit!! I don't know if I'm ready for a date with anyone..." I thought to myself but then in that same moment, what Kay told me came into my mind.

Maybe it is time for me to move on..

Me: Umm, sure, yea.

Dré;): Are you forreal??

Me:Yea lol. Why wouldn't I be?

Dré;): Idk lol but are you okay with going this Saturday at around 7:30-8:00? I'll come and pick you up.

Me:Okay, that's cool with me. I'm not doing anything Saturday anyways.

Dré;): Okay good! :) Well ima go ahead and ttyl. I got some plans to get started on ;) lol

Me: Okay:). Bye Dré ;)

Dré;):Bye Zayy ;), and don't forget to txt me your address.

Me: Aight, I gotchu lol.

After that, I texted Dré my address and then texted Kay and Jazz and told them what happened and they were more excited than I was!! I was going to text Ty and Brigg, but then I remembered they both were still at school (Brigg wrestled and Ty did track. Kay did too, but she didn't go today because had a dentist appointment today) and I just didn't bother because I knew they weren't going to text back.

As I'm sitting there having a group chat with Kay and Jazz, I can't help but question if I made the right choice.

Like, am I ready for this? Can I finally move on with my life and let go of everything that those two put me through?

As I sat there thinking, I snuggled up to my baby sister and fell asleep thinking about Dré.

Skip to Date Night~

"Zay, if you don't bring yo scared ass out that bathroom, ima come in there and drag yo ass out of there by yo two front teeth, and that's all you will get for Christmas!" (Yes I added in some Madea lol. It just popped in my head when I was writing) KayKay yelled outside the bathroom door, making her, Jazz, Kay, Brigg, and I all bust out laughing at her craziness.

"Okay, okay, fine!" I yelled through the door, laughing, before opening the door and walking out, feeling slightly nervous at the way they were staring at me.

"What? I look terrible don't I? Ugh! I guess I'll go try to find something else real quick." I said turning around quick, about to go try and find something else to wear.

"NO! You. Look. Sexy. As. SHIT!!! Yasss bishhh!!!" Jazz yelled excitedly while the others just nodded their heads in agreement before screaming 'YASS BISH!' all at the same time.

"Really?" I asked laughing mostly at their reactions, but really wanting to know if I looked ok.

If your wondering what I'm wearing, I'm wearing a black, red, and white collared, button up, plaid shirt that had white buttons with the first two buttons undone and opened slightly so you could see my chest a little; a black button-pocket leather jacket, some dark blue jeans that fit me perfectly, and my all black Polo Ralph Lauren Damien Boots with the word 'Polo' on the side in red and red on the bottom of the boot.

I also had on both of my black diamond stud earrings (since I had a piercing in both ears) that my dad got me, a black and red watch my dad also bought for me, my great grandpa's gold wedding band that I knew didn't match, but I wore anyways because I never leave the house without it, and my white, green, and silver class ring that I always wear, even if it doesn't match what I have on.

"Yass! Chiii! When he see you, he's gonna go crazy, especially with that fresh haircut you got today!" KayKay exclaimed, obviously more excited than I was.

"Whatever Kay." I said, rolling my eyes at her and laughing, but seriously wondering what his reaction was going to be.

"Are you nervous?" Jazz asked, looking at me with a knowing smirk.

"No." I said, dragging out the oh a little more than I meant to, but whatever.

"Bruhhh! What time did he say he was coming?" Brigg asked, while looking through my different colognes to figure out which one she wanted me to wear tonight.

"He texted me yesterday and said he was going to be here around 8, why?"

"Just wondering because I wanted to know how much longer I had to wait to see the look on this dude face." She said without looking up from my cologne bottles before her eyes lit up and she picked up my Usher cologne and handed it to me while wiggling her eyebrows.

"You so foolish." I said, chuckling, before spraying it on me and putting it back.

"Hey y'all, what time is it?" I asked them as I made sure my hair was like I wanted it.

"Almost 8, why?" Kay answered while looking down at her phone, probably reading on Wattpad.

"Just wonder-"

"DING-DONG!!" The doorbell rung, cutting me off.

"He's hhheeerrrreeee!!!" Jazz exclaimed mockingly.

"Shut up, Jazz!" I yelled playfully before doing a 'once over' one more time and walking out my room, down the steps and to the front door.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the door, only to see the sexiest being I've ever seen in my entire life standing before me.

"H-h-hey.." We both said breathlessly at the same time.

Dré was wearing a tight, light gray v-neck, short-sleeved shirt that showed his perfectly muscled pecs and his perfectly chiseled six-pack of abs, some light colored blue jeans, a darkish brown coat that had four pockets on the front, and some mostly white Pumas that had some black on the sides. He looked casual, yet sexy as all hell.

"You.. um... you ready t-to go?" He asked nervously while he continues to uncloth me with his eyes.

"Hell yea- I mean yea! Yea, I'm ready." I said before chuckling nervously, before he finally snapped out of his stupor and grabbed my hand before leading me to one of the sexiest cars I've ever seen-Pause!

Where he get this car from, this ain't the car he had before...

"Ummm, is that yours?" I asked him while looking at the white 2015 Lincoln MKZ Hybrid beauty that was sitting in front of me.

"Yea, I got it when it was first released." He said nonchalantly as he opened the door for me.

"Umm, what about your Malibu?" I asked him skeptically as I got in the car.

"It's at the house. By the look on your face, I can tell I got some explaining to do. I'll explain during dinner." He said before closing the door and walking around to the other side before getting in, starting it up, and pulling off.

"Okay, but just know that I can tell when somebody is holding stuff back from me." I told him before he nodded his head in understanding.

"So.. where are we going?" I asked him when I noticed we were on the highway going to Raleigh, which was only about 20 minutes away.

"You'll see when we get there." He said while giving me a small smile.

"Dré, what's wrong?" I asked him when I saw the look on his face.


"No, it gotta be something since you looking like that. You can tell me." I told him as I grabbed his free hand and intertwined our fingers.

"It's okay, we'll talk about it at dinner." He said, trying to dismiss the conversation.

"No, if whatever you have to tell me at dinner is bothering you this bad, we need to talk about this now. Whatever it is, I promise I won't get mad or anything." I told him sincerely.

"Okay.." He huffed nervously.

"Well... when I told you that I had a job and I bought that Malibu myself, that wasn't a lie. I did use that money I saved up to buy that car. Now this car I bought using my money, but not the money I got from working a job-job." He said slowly.

"Okay, so what kind of 'job' were you working to get the money to get this car, then?" I asked him, already knowing what the answer was.

Why the hell do I always have to end up going out with these people!

"I used to be the leader of the big gang around here." He said slowly, not taking his eyes off the road.

I knew it! I kne-Wait... did he say used to be?

"Wait... you said 'used to be', what you mean by that?" I asked, because I thought once you in, you can't get out. Well that's how it was with the other people I dated in the past.

"I'm not in the gang anymore. I'm done with the drug game. They call me every now-and-again to come back, but I always turn it down. So if you're wondering, yes I'm loaded with cash, but I don't flaunt it because I don't like using that money. I only use it when I really, really want something or if I have no choice, otherwise, I use the money I got from working." He explained, while still looking at the road with a bunch of different emotions flashing through his eyes, telling me that there's more, but I know he's not ready to tell me yet.

"Okay.. what made you want get out?" I asked and instantly regret it once I felt his body stiffen and saw the faraway look in his eyes.

"Nevermind, you don't have to answer that, you can tell me whenever you're ready." I told him reassuringly while caressing the back of his hand soothingly with my thumb, calming his instantly.

"Thank you." He said, looking at me with a smile on his face.

"No problem." I said, smiling back.


"Are we where I think we are?" I asked him excitedly while looking up at the multicolored building in front of me.

"Yup! Have you ever played Laser Tag?" He asked me as he grabbed my hand and led me into the laser tag part of the building since it also had a Movie Theater, Skating Rink, Bowling Alley, and Arcade in it.

"No, but I've always wanted to." I said in awe as I looked around the building that was a lot bigger on the inside than what you think from looking at the outside.

"Well, lets get started then!" He exclaimed before pulling me along and jogging up to a lady that was standing behind a counter that looked slightly too bubbly.

"Hello! Welcome to Cloud 10! Will it just be you two today?" She asked over excitedly while staring mostly at Dré.


"Yea, it's just us." I said while giving her the fakest smile I could muster, which made Dré start shaking while trying to hold in his laugh. I gripped his hand a little tighter to try and control myself from kirking on this chick. I ain't gonna hit her cause I don't hit females, but I will cuss them the fuck out if I have to.

"Oh okay, well that'll be $14.50. Here's your vests and laser guns. There's already people inside, so you can wait over there with that other group unti the bell goes off, signaling the switch. Have fun!" She said quickly after seeing the look on my face and taking the money Dré pulled out to pay, who was still trying not to laugh.

After getting our stuff, we walked over to the other group that was sitting in the waiting area, which consisted of three people, two guys and a girl.

"That was too funny yo! The look on her face when you gave her that fake ass smile was hilarious!" Dré exclaimed while laughing while I just sat there shaking my head at him while trying to tone down the blush that was making its appearance on my face.

I can't believe I really just got like that over a dude I basically just met.

"Shut up.." I said while smiling.

"Aww it's okay!!" He cooed playfully like I was a baby while pinching my cheeks.

This nigga -_-

"Get the hell off me." I said playfully while slapping his hand away, which only made him laugh even harder. I tried to hold it together but watching him laugh that hard had me rollin' with him.

"Aww, y'all look so cute together!" The girl from the other group fangirled suddenly, making Dré and I jump from her slightly high-pitched voice, but you could tell that it wasn't her natural voice, which was probably a little deeper.

"Really?" One of the guys said, making the girl blush in embarrassment while the other guy just laughed and shook his head.

"Sorry.. my bad." The girl mumbled while twirling her hair and blushing.

"It's okay, you good." I said, smiling at her while Dré just put his arm around shoulder with his head down, just steady chuckling.

Do this nigga got the giggles or some? Like damn?!? But I ain't gonna lie, it's really cute.

"So, my name's Rebecca and these assholes are Juan and Miguel." Rebecca said, pointing to each one as she said their names, making me take a good look at the too guys sitting on both sides of her.

Juan, the one who asked her, "Really?", seemed pretty laid back. He had black spikey hair, tanned skin, looked a little shorter than me, and was more on the skinny side. If he was taller and a little more muscular, he would be my type, because, besides his body, he was sexy as shit, but he had nothing on Dré though.

Miguel, who was the one laughing, looked really familiar. Something about him said run, but I ignored it, well that was until he took his hood off, that he weirdly had on the whole time, and looked at me with that same evil smirk he always did.

My whole body tensed up and that once forgotten feeling of fear surged through my body like it had never left. I could feel and hear Dré shaking me slightly and calling my name, but it seemed so far away as I looked into the eyes of one of the people that caused me so much pain.

It was him.. The one that tormented me for 2 years straight.. The one that helped him get to me.

It was Miguel.

*Sorry y'all,  I know I've been gone awhile, but between having slight writers block, dealing with school, and dealing with this family of mine, I've been having a hard time writing. I'm also writing a remake of my old supernatural book if anybody wants to read it. It's called: The Chosen and it's by my other account: Bibblee9809. Don't ask, I know it's weird lol.

Anyways... Comment & Vote!! :)

*P.S. For all those people who has been voting and commenting on this book, I thank all of  you because yall motivate me to want to write more.

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