Male Singers Pregnancy Series

By xmoonlight_dahyunx

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This is my fifth pregnancy series book. I have four previous ones. This one is for my favourite male singers... More

1. Talking About Having A Baby
2. Making A Baby (Smut)
3. Finding Out You're Pregnant
4. Telling Him
5. Celebrating The News
6. Becoming A Father (His POV)
7. Telling His Family
8. Morning Sickness
9. First Scan
10. Starting To Show
11. Telling The Fans (Insta Post)
12. Babysitting For A Friend/ Relative
13. Finding Out The Gender
15. Gender Reveal Party
16. Baby Shopping
17. He Sings To Your Bump
18. Pregnancy Photoshoot
19. Prenatal Class
20. He Buys Something For The Baby
21. Decorating The Nursery
22. Picking A Name
23. You're Uncomfortable And He Comforts You
24. Getting Ready For Baby
25. Anticipating The Birth
26. Labor/ Delivery- Shawn ๐Ÿ’–
27. Labor/ Delivery- Harvey ๐Ÿ’™
28. Labor/ Delivery- Niall ๐Ÿ’š
29. Labor/ Delivery- Ruel ๐Ÿ’œ
30. Labor/ Delivery- Khalid โค๏ธ
31. Labor/ Delivery- Eric ๐Ÿงก
32. Labor/ Delivery- Hunter ๐Ÿ’›
33. Labor/ Delivery- Charlie ๐ŸคŽ
34. Baby Comes Home
35. First Night
36. He Changes A Diaper/ Nappy
37. First Bath
38. Birth Announcement (Insta Post)
39. Family Photoshoot
40. Family Meeting The Baby
41. Date Night
42. Cute Family Time
43. He Babysits While You're Out
44. Family Day Out
45. Baby's First Smile
46. Baby Crawls
47. Baby's First Word
48. Baby's First Steps
49. Baby's First Birthday

14. First Kick

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By xmoonlight_dahyunx

Shawn 💖

Shawn has a one off show tonight in Toronto so I'm going to watch him of course. Can't wait to see him perform tonight. It always makes me so happy to see him perform tonight. I'm about 4 months on in my pregnancy with our first child. Boy or girl. We don't know yet and we don't want till he or she is born. The show is due to start pretty soon and Shawn and I are hanging out backstage as we wait for the show to start. I am snuggled up to him and he has his arms around me. "Can't wait to see you perform tonight, Shawnie" I say. "I know, baby. I can't wait to perform too" he said. As we are cuddling I feel a movement in my tummy. It startles me a little and it startles Shawn too. "Shawn, I think the baby is kicking" I say. "Really" he said placing his hand on my bump. "Oh yeah wow! They are. Kicking like crazy" he said. "Awwww. That's amazing our little one is kicking and it feels amazing" I said. "Yes it certainly does" he said. He smiles and kisses my lips. So our little baby just kicked for the first time today and it was amazing

Harvey 💙

We just recently found out that our baby is a boy and me and Harvey are so happy. We can't wait to meet him. Obviously we haven't been picking names yet but we will soon. Me and Harvey are going out to see a movie tonight. We are going to see the new Disney movie Onward. It looks good and we wanted to see it. We are at the cinema now getting some popcorn and drinks. "This is exciting, babe. I love seeing movies with you" Harvey said. "Yep me too, babe. It's amazing" I say. So we get the popcorn and drinks and then find our seats in the theatre. We sit towards the back and sit down and eat popcorn when the trailers come on. We both take big handfuls of popcorn and stuff them in our mouths. The movie starts soon. About halfway through the movie I start to feel a little uncomfortable so I change my position. All of a sudden I feel a movement in my tummy. I tap Harvey on the shoulder and he says "Is everything okay, babe?" he said. "I think our son is kicking" I say. Harvey looks at me and places his hand on my bump. "Yes he is. I think my son is definitely kicking" he said. "He is. It's definitely a kick" I say. Our baby kicks for a while longer. Harvey and I enjoyed seeing a movie today and our baby kicked for the first time

Niall 💚

Niall and I still can't believe we are having triplets. It's crazy. They are two boys and one girl. We found out the genders so we can get ready for them. They are still not going to be here for a few more months yet but we can't wait to be parents for the first time. I'm in the kitchen watching Niall cook our dinner. I want to help but he won't let me and says I need to rest but I told him I'm okay and I'd like to help. He's making spaghetti bolognese for us tonight. "Are you sure I can't help?" I ask. "Yes I'm sure. I'm absolutely fine" he said. "Okay I'll just stand here and watch" I say leaning against the bench placing my hand on my bump. I feel one of the babies kick. I think it's one of our baby boys. Baby B. Niall turns to me and he says "Are you okay, sweetheart?". "Yes I can feel one of the babies kicking. "Ohhh can you. Let me see" he said. "It's one of our boys" I say. Niall stands close to me and places his hand on my bump where baby B is kicking. "Yes that's definitely baby B. One of our boys" he said. "Yes. Ahhhh it feels so amazing" I smile. He smiles too then he carries on cooking. It was great that one of the babies kicked today

Ruel 💜

Ruel and I are going to the beach today as it's a great day. I am showing quite significantly now as I'm 4 months on in my pregnancy. Sometimes I'm a bit nervous about going out and people judging me but Ruel told me not to worry and I'm beautiful just the way I am. Awwww he's always so sweet to me. Too sweet sometimes. We are at the beach now, sat on the sand enjoying the beautiful day and being together. We live in such a beautiful place and we are so happy we do. "What a wonderful day to be to the beach?" Ruel said. "Yes I know. It's so beautiful" I say. "But not as beautiful as you, Y/ N" he smiles. As me and Ruel are cuddling I feel something sudden in my belly. I place my hand and realise that our baby boy is kicking. "Is the baby kicking or something?" Ruel asks. "Yes I think he is. Well it feels like it" I say. Ruel places his hand on my bump and realises that the baby is kicking too. "Oh wow! That's amazing. Y/ N, our son is kicking" he said. "Yes that's right" I say. The baby kicks for a little longer and it was amazing. Ruel and I had s great day at the beach today

Khalid ❤️

Me and Khalid can't wait to welcome our baby girl into the world in the next few months. We are so so excited to become parents to her and can't wait to meet her. I am laid in bed waiting for Khalid to finish in the shower. We like to cuddle then fall asleep a bit later. I'm sat in bed on my phone waiting for him to be done. He shouldn't be long tbh. He's already been a while. I sit up in bed so I don't get backache. I touch my bump and feel a little fluttering in my stomach. "Khalid, come quick. I think our baby girl is kicking" I say. "Hang on, babe. Just getting my shirt on" he said. He comes in a minute later and gets into bed next to me. "Oh yeah she is. Well it feels like it" he said. "It does. I'm pretty sure she's kicking" Khalid said. "Yesssss that's our girl" I say. "Yep definitely" he said resting his head on my bump. Our baby girl kicks for a bit longer and it feels amazing. In fact she kept us up a little. It's such a great feeling when your baby kicks for the first time

Eric 🧡

Eric and I are so excited to have twin boys soon. We are going to have two adorable little boys running round the house and we can't wait for that. Yay! Two mini Eric's. How wonderful? Me and Eric are laid on the couch together just loving cuddling. Awww so cute. "Awwww I love times like this. Just think we'll be able to do this with our boys when they come into the world" Eric said. "Yes we will and I can't wait for that" I say. "Awwww you're the most beautiful woman in the world" he said. "Awww thanks. You're the most beautiful man in the world" I say. As me and Eric are cuddling on the couch I feel a movement in my stomach. One of our boys in kicking me. Baby A. Right in the ribs. "Whoa" I say. "You okay, Y/ N" Eric asks. "Yes one of our sons is kicking me. Right in the ribs" I reply. "Does it hurt?" he said. "No not too bad" i say. Eric places jus hand where mine is and feels one of our babies kicking. He smiles at me. I also feel our other baby boy move too. Wow it was incredible

Hunter 💛

Me and Ezra are in the studio today watching Hunter record some new music. We both love watching him do what he does best. He is so talented. Ezra loves watching his daddy in the studio and I'm sure our baby girl will too. We are watching him now record a new song he's written on his guitar. Ezra is sat on my lap watching. "Ezra, are you enjoying watching daddy perform?" I ask. He turns to me and nods his head. Awww he's so adorable. After sometime Hunter has a break and joins us for a snack and something to eat. "Hey, my loves" Hunter said. "Hey, my love" I say. He sits next to me and kisses me and Ezra and we have a  little snack together. As I'm eating I feel a kick in my stomach. Oh our baby girl is kicking for the first time. What a wonderful feeling? I remember when Ezra kicked for the first time. "Hunter, place you're hand where mine is" I say. He places his hand where mine is. "Oh our baby girl is kicking. Wow! I remember when Ezra did that for the first time" he said. "I know it feels amazing" I say. "Yeah so amazing, babe" Hunter smiles. Ezra was intrigued as to what was going on. We had a great day with Hunter in the studio today. It was great and our little girl kicked for the first time too

Charlie 🤎

Charlie and I recently found out that our baby is a boy. We can't wait to become parents to our son. We are so happy that we decided to have a baby together. Probably the best decision we've ever made and we are thinking of getting married soon too. Exciting times ahead. Me and Charlie are at home having some chill time after long days at work. We love having a bit of down time together. It's great. We are sat on the couch seeing what there is on TV. There's nothing good atm. "I think we should just give up" Charlie said. "Yeah let's just talk" I say. "Of course, baby" he said. We sit close to each other on the couch and start talking. I'm resting my head on Charlie's shoulder. I start to wriggle a bit as I can feel a twinge in my stomach. "Are you okay, babe? Are you not feeling good?" Charlie asks. "Now I'm okay. I can just feel our son moving" I say. "What is he kicking?" he asks. "Yes I think he is" I reply. Charlie places his hand on my bump and feels the baby kicking like I do. "He's kicking. Yay!" he said. "He is for the first time" i say. We both look at each other and smiles. It was a perfect feeling when our son was kicking

A/ N: I go home on Wednesday so I'll try and update one more time tomorrow

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