By Rita304_V2

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NEW BOOK! y/n is your name. f/n is your family name. The characters in the story are Pein - Hidan Kakuzu - D... More

First meeting
Proving your worth
He makes you blush
You get hurt
Something is wrong
You use your charms
You do something nice
Accidental gropes
Time with his partner
They realize their feelings
The ship
Playing with their hair
You go on a date
When you cry
Make them blush
He is sick
Sleep together
Wake up
When you fight / He hurts you
When he cries/apologies
Getting caught kissing
He sees you naked
None accidental grope
The truth~
The truth 2
You get possessive/over protective
It's your birthday
He is being a pervert
Deidara - First time
Zetsu - First time
Obito - First time
Nagato - First time
Kisame - First time
Kakuzu - First time
Itachi - First time
Hidan - First time
Sasori - First time
The morning after
He turns into a kid 1
He turns into a kid 2
He turns back
He scares you
When he gets hurt
Laundry day
Meeting konoha shinobi
His past stories
You leave for a mission
The mission
I quit the Akatsuki!
He gets the news
Come back!
Bath time
Unusual friendships
You tease/seduce him
You get sick/hurt
You are preggers!
Unusual friendships 2
You scare him
First kick
You have a miscarriage
He has a nightmare
Meeting konoha shinobi 2
He holds the baby
Daddy/baby moments
The Devil's covet valley
The Devil's covet Valley 2
My personal covet
The Family Reunion
Aftermath cuddles
See their partner naked
The babysitter
The hidden truth behind their parents
You fight
You runaway
Seeking refuge
He comes back
Meeting konoha shinobi 3
Judgment day
Trial Aftermath
Unexpected visitor
His birthday
Getting caught
The kids leave
Mission gone wrong
The kids get hurt

The clash!

2.3K 47 4
By Rita304_V2

Ohhh god this took ages to write because soooo much is going on!
23 pages!  (8,175 words)
You sat in front of Hidan, Kakuzu, Sasori and Deidara, waiting impatiently in one of the Konoha inns. You were glad that they all gave in directly upon seeing you and carried on with your plan. Kakuzu hesitated to join at first but Hidan walked over to your side without hesitation simply because he enjoyed your company, which forced Kakuzu to drop everything and follow. (Except his money…he didn’t drop that)  
“Why aren’t Kisame and Itachi here hm?” Deidara asked
“Itachi had things to settle and Kisame went to help” You answered looking out the window. “For now Naruto has left…we must contact him as soon as Pein gets here” You said looking at the red messenger toad near you sent from Mount Myoboku.
Danzo had tried to send Anbu to watch you all but so far you did nothing to prove to him you are untrustworthy. It was then you heard an explosion and screams of panic. “They are here….Kosuke! Contact Naruto quick!” You ordered the toad and turned to the rest “Scatter and help the civilians escape. Pein will raze this ground in seconds if we aren’t quick enough!”
They all head out and you sprinted off to the Hokage to make sure she was safe. Pein appeared in front of the Hokage, asking about the Kyuubi. She refused to speak until Naruto appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye and punched him. Pein blocked and Knocked Naruto into a nearby wall effortlessly.
“How foolish” Pein spoke getting close and striking at him with the metal rob but Naruto blocked it with his kunai. It was then Pein’s eyes spotted the red ribbon tied to Naruto’s wrist. He kicked the boy off and frowned “Where did you get that?” He asked
Naruto opened his mouth to speak but you dropped in front of him, making the orange haired man step back.
“I gave it to him…You will have to go through me, if you want this boy Nagato”
He frowned “I do not wish to fight you” He said then froze seeing the supposedly dead Akatsuki members through the eyes of the other paths. “What is going on!?” He yelled angrily
You hid Naruto behind you seeing Pein fume. “Order the six paths to stop and I will explain” You said and he nodded.
The Akatsuki member noticed that the paths have stopped fighting and retreated towards the Hokage’s tower. “Explain yourself” Pein said
“I have taken the decision to end your plans for the sake of this world and everyone in it. This plan wasn’t yours to begin with. You have strayed from what Yahiko truly wanted of you”
He seemed displeased and released a metal rod from his palm “You are not in a position to make decisions for me”
“You move and we won’t hesitate to attack” Kakuzu spoke form behind him. Pein turned around seeing the four members standing there along with Konan. “Konan you too?”
Konan nodded “I believe in y/n and Naruto… I am convinced of their ways…Yahiko always told me to watch over you and make sure you don’t fall victim of your prowess but it seems I failed to do so…so now I will fix my mistakes”
Jiraya landed behind you “I know you are the most humane person out there Nagato…You said it yourself that you will protect your friends with your life. You saw that hatred is spreading and wanted to do something about it … I believed… that someday the day will come when people truly understand one another!! And that day is today… you have taken my words about pain out of context because you were hurt”
“No!! that is not true!! When this is all over, the world will once again plunge into ruin!!! You are not fit to rule this world!!! No matter how pathetic the reason, it's enough to start a war. War will never cease to exist… Reasons can be thought up after the fact. Human nature pursues strife!! But you will never understand that!”
You shook your head “Yes we do!!! We have all lost family and friends… and we all aim to better the world…but fighting and forcing the world into peace, isn’t going to solve anything. Peace made by fear will only birth a generation of hostile shinobi!! If a shinobi cannot trust the system then he cannot trust anything!”
Pein frowned as you got close “The plan to catch the Bijuus wasn’t yours… admit it…you and Konan fell for a trap…This so called ‘Madara’ tricked you and you fell for it because of your good heart… I warned you about Zetsu and still you hesitate…we need to stop him and return these tailed beasts to their villages”
“Then what??” He snapped
“We request a summit meeting and you can openly speak your mind… I will see to it personally, if you stop this destruction” Tsunade said
“And if they don’t, I will! Because I agree with every world you said… You are my senior and we share the same sensei! We will break this chain of hatred…If there is such a thing called peace, then we will find it together!” Naruto spoke making Pein’s face fall into a sad one seeing he had used his words against him. You got close and cupped his face “You don’t have to fight alone anymore… we are all with you Nagato” You said
He felt extremely overwhelmed and hugged you tight, burying his face in your neck sadly. “You did all this yourself?”
You nodded “You always said stars were hidden on a rainy night…You just had to pass those dark clouds to see them” You said until he pulled away and looked at the rest “I accept your offer…I hope you can forgive me for all I’ve done”
Jiraya pulled him close “Now what good will it do, if we didn’t… thankfully your little blitz didn’t cause any casualties…Now let’s go! We have plans to discuss…this war isn’t over yet”
Pein smiled “Wait….where is d/n?” he asked looking at you making you smile “She is waiting for you”
It took you some time to be able to escape Konoha unnoticed and hurried towards the bounty office. Out of all the offices, you knew there was a place Kakuzu always went to because he had befriended the officer. You jumped from one tree to another as s/n giggled from the adrenaline of going so fast.
You reached the area and gasped seeing that Kakuzu and Hidan had already engaged in battle with the Konoha shinobi and was striking at Asuma. Asuma managed to duck from the scythe but it was heading towards Hidan, who was ready to take in the blades after cursing the man’s blood. You hurried and landed between Hidan and Asuma deflecting the scythe, not wanting this potential future father to die because of Hidan.
“Y/N?!” Almost everyone said your name in unison. Hidan frowned and looked back at the foreign shinobi “How the hell do you...” He turned to you “You came back for me?”
You frowned and turned around punching him into the wall “I DIDN’T COME BACK FOR YOU, MORON!!!” You yelled feeling your fury rise.
By now everyone had stopped to spectate and be able to connect the dots until s/n started crying seeing his dad getting up weakly with a bleeding nose, shook by the strong punch to his face.
“I knew that you looked familiar” Shikamaru said to Hidan the looked back at s/n “You are the father”
Upon hearing those words, Hidan looked at you “You are working with Konoha?...When the fuck did this happen?”
Kakuzu sighed “So you were planning to backstab us since the start, y/n?”
You shook your head unstrapping s/n, so you can rock him to stop him from crying “No…I only ran away because you wanted me dead! I know Shikamaru from a long time ago and he offered to take me in when we met by chance in the land of fire…I betrayed no one….I only wished to protect s/n! Did you really expect me to go back and wait for the two of you at the hideout!?”
Hidan looked at you sadly “DON’T BE FUCKING MAD AT ME FOR THAT!! MY ENTIRE LIFE WAS A LIE!! I was just overwhelmed…I was rash with my decisions… And I’m fucking sorry…please come back?...You were right about the rituals and all that and I see that now”
Asuma looked at you “You will have to choose y/n…Are you going with them, or staying with us?”
S/n was squirming in your hands to be able and run to his father but you were stopping him “Why do I have to choose?...Why do I have to come with any of you?” You said and looked at Kakuzu “Why don’t you two come with me instead?…I don’t know about you but I’m sick of running…I’m sick of living on the edge and these people were kind enough to take me in…So why don’t you just give up?”
Shikamaru smirked at your request and waited for Hidan and Kakuzu to make their decision, understanding the amount of influence you had on the two criminals.
“I loathe Konoha…and want nothing to do with that place!“ Kakuzu started then added “…But I can’t turn down a chance to be near my future investment” He said making you smile “What about you?” You asked Hidan
“I’ll follow you to the ends of the earth, y/n” Hidan said and you beamed, placing s/n down, so he can run off to his father crying. Hidan picked him up and hugged him making s/n hug back tighter “tch not too tight…I’m not going anywhere anymore, you little bug” Hidan whispered to s/n making him pout.
You relaxed and looked at Shikamaru “We owe you information and our services… I guess…just don’t put us in jail please”
He stretched his arms lazily “Well Hidan and Kakuzu’s crimes exceed the usual…For that you need to start working your way back as well…I can only meet you half way”
“Half way because you are lazy to meet me all the way?” You joked making him smirk until you continued “Understood”
Asuma felt bad for Chiriku but thanked the heavens the fight ended this way or else he would’ve been a goner as well. The two immortals got cuffed and followed you back to Konoha for interrogation, willingly.
Kakuzu had finished stitching Hidan’s head back on after he lost it from Asuma’s strong blade attack. Shikamaru, Kotestsu and Izumo charged at Kakuzu, pushing him away from Hidan, making the latter free to head back to his symbol in time to curse Asuma and deliver the final blow. Asuma dodged the scythe but it was obvious Hidan was targeting his own body, until the scythe deflected with a strong blow of wind bullets.
“Hidan, fallback” You ordered, landing in front of them all, making the two stare in shock. “Konoha Shinobi…Stand down!” A man’s voice spoke as two figures appeared behind you. They were Homura and Koharu from the Konoha council.
Konoha shinobi quickly lowered their weapons, having their full attention to the two elders. Kakuzu spotted d/n in your arms and frowned “Y/n!? What are you doing here!?”
You frowned “I got the village elders…Even though you are not worth saving for turning your back on me. You are really a lowlife”
Koharu looked at Kakuzu “Kakuzu Shoku, son of Kagiri shoku of Takigakure. Our database revealed that your father had served Konoha greatly during the first great Shinobi war, alongside Hashirama, and managed to keep the villages in their lane. His services proved worthy, but only to have you suffer the consequences of your own father, after he was asked to retreat. We are not as cruel as your elders and will agree to have you back, working for us”
He frowned “You think I would come back to be your pet! After everything?? I am not my father! You are only accepting me back because you think I can help you take down the Akatsuki!”
You grit your teeth “You Idiot!! You finally get a chance to do something right and you refuse!! I came to Konoha because I thought you’d be here to begin with….It was true that I was mad at you but do you really think I’d agreed to let d/n live fatherless all her life when you swore you’d always be there for her!...turning on the Akatsuki is a horrible thing to do but…leaving your daughter is even worse….you should choose a priority and stick to it…And I want you answer now!”
Hidan paused to see what Kakuzu’s decision would be, until the miser frowned “No! I’m not a rat”
“Then I will convince you by force” You frowned, handing Hidan d/n and took out a summoning scroll then slammed your hand onto it, summoning a living corpse. The smoke cleared revealing his father and you frowned “Attack”
Kakuzu’s eyes widened as the old man charged at him with full force. Kakuzu released his threads and tried to catch the body, to bring it down but you preformed a few sign making him translucent like a ghost causing the thread to pass right through, until he neared Kakuzu’s face and gave him a undercut punch knocking him back into the wall, earning him another sharp kick in the stomach.  Kakuzu was strong but his movements were heavy and you were much quicker.
You noticed he stopped fighting and ordered the body back “Why aren’t you fighting back?...You continue to belittle me!! Fight me like you mean it! moron!!” You snapped causing d/n to cry.
Kakuzu heart writhed hearing d/n cry and whimper in Hidan’s arms. He didn’t fight well, not because he was weak but because he was lost in thought…he was laying out the pros and cons of all this and got up from the ground “You are an immature brat who thinks everything can be solved with one choice”
“Yes I do…You have been doing awful decisions since day one! So you wouldn’t know the difference between a good decision and bad one”
“Lies… I made one good decision in my life” He said getting close to you and continued “And that decision was you”
You frowned and looking away from him “Well it was one of my worst”
He sighed “I’ll come with…only if that is what you want”
“WHATT! Are you fucking kidding me! What about me you old fuck!” Hidan snapped while he was calming d/n.
You looked at Hidan “You can come with too you know…I’m not stopping you Hidan”
Hidan smirked and looked at d/n “You hear that d/n… you’ll be stuck with me forever bitch”
Kakuzu rolled his eyes then opened his arms to you “Can I get a hug?”
You brushed past him coldly to take d/n back “Tch as if”
 He frowned and you looked back “How does it feel for some to walk away from you?”
He sighed and nodded, accepting his punishment then turned to Homura and Koharu who had already dismissed the Konoha shinobi “So be it then… We will come with”
They smiled, happy that they had the upper hand on the Akatsuki and lead the way back to the village with the immortals in pursuit.
You opened your eyes slightly and gasped noticing d/n wasn’t with you. You sat up seeing you were in some sort of bedroom, until you heard crying and sprinted out the hall, following the cries until you spotted a white haired boy, holding d/n while she cried.
You quickly attacked, pulling d/n from him, pitting up acid all over the walls and floor to stop him from getting close to you.
“Calm down little girl” A hissing voice came from behind you, making you turn around quick hugging d/n to your chest tightly as she cried. Your eyes widened seeing that it was Orochimaru.
“Orochimaur, I’ve been waitin-….You?” Sasuke said exiting out one of the rooms, noticing you and you looked at him pleadingly.
“You know this jinchurriki, Sasuke?” The snake man hissed in delight. Sasuke spotted d/n in your hands whimpering, feeling a bit shocked that you’ve become a jinchurriki “Can you leave us to talk?” The Uchiha asked and the snake man chuckled and obliged.
“What are you doing here?…and with a child. How come you possess a bijuu?”
You relaxed a bit “I had its chakra in me since I was young… I’ve faced the sanbi and it willingly accepted to be sealed within my body…I don’t wish any harm by doing this…I just want to be left alone…away from everyone to protect d/n…I am not a person who likes conflicts”
Sasuke sighed “What is in it for me, if I want to help you?”
You thought then bit your lip nervously “I heard you were looking for Itachi Uchiha. I worked for the Akatsuki and know him very well. If you help me out then I’ll tell you where he is exactly”
He frowned and looked towards the end of the hall then pushed you into a room “Stay here…I’ll take care of something first and we will head out; you earn your freedom and I get your assistance” He said then stormed down the hall.
You waited for hours, until the door flung open and Sasuke motioned for you to follow quick. There was blood seeping down his sword and you assumed that he killed Orochimaru. Sasuke took you with him to form his new team and you helped him face and convince most of them.
During this time, the news began to spread of Orochimaru’s death and the Akatsuki were sure to be aware of that. You headed over to the hideout with d/n strapped to your back as Sasuke and his team followed. Until a pair of arms grabbed you and squeezed you tight “Y/N CHANNNnn~! you are finally back!” Tobi screeched as he hugged you tight, making d/n screech as well. This guy was always lurking around Pein’s tower doing errands in Ame but he never got to be an official member, until Sasori’s death.
“Tobi let go of me! You are hurting d/n” You snapped for him to leave you as Sasuke and his team stopped behind you. You opened your mouth to speak to Tobi, until a blonde dropped in front of you with a frown “Y/N!...Where the fuck have you been un! I was worried sick hm!”
You pushed him away and stepped back, forming small acid bubbles ready to attack “Worried sick?! You left me you moron! Fuck you! You are the most selfish man I’ve ever met. You chose your dumb art over d/n! How the hell do you sleep at night with these messed up priorities! I WISH YOU BURNT TO A CRISP BACK THERE!”
He raised his hands in surrender “I don’t want to fight you, y/n. I was wrong I know un. I’m an idiot I deserve to be punched in the face and I kinda earned a slap of reality from danna yeah… He was supposedly going to help me find you and I_” He stopped, noticing Tobi was there listening and decided to stay quiet about Sasori faking his death. You realized he paused and turned to look at Sasuke “Up north from here in a concealed cave lies the Akatsuki’s hideout…Itachi is heading to the land of fire so he is probably taking the east route a few miles from here” You said, snapping Deidara’s attention to the Uchiha making him frown and ball his fists but you took his hand and pulled him away sprinting off from Tobi.
“Wait!! Senpai!! Where are you going!!” Tobi called then looked down sadly and turned to follow Sasuke, who had already left.
You landed in a clearing far away from everyone then slapped the blonde angrily.
He smiled and grabbed his cheek “I deserve that and more hm”
“I’d punch you, but a slap is more demeaning! Explain yourself!”
“Daddy!” D/n whined.
He looked at you for permission to hold her, then reached out to take her from you and nuzzled against her. “Danna… is still alive un. I helped him fake his death in exchange he helps me out in keeping you safe and hiding you while this is all over. He told me you were taken by Orochimaru and after his death, I wanted to head over there to see if you were alright, knowing the Uchiha is on the loose hn. He told me you became the Jinchuriki of the Sanbi and I was supposed to catch it….Tch but like hell I will! You are my girl yeah…I’ll go against the world for you and with this newly attained power, I can and will un”

You bit your lips nervously and looked down “I…I’ve chose a path already, if you want to give it a listen”
He nodded getting close and you spoke “After meeting the Sanbi my view of jinchurrikis and bijuu completely changed… they have feelings and names and are not there for people to take advantage of them… We need to free the rest of the tailed beasts that are caught… how are we going to do that?... by handing ourselves in to our villages. We need allies…a lot of them….I know it sound crazy and you will probably refuse to-“
“Y/n… I’ll do it…The only one crazier than you here, is me un” He cut you off with smile and kissed your cheek, making you blush. You hugged him close and he removed his Akatsuki cloak and ring tossing them to the ground then summoned his bird and helped you on to it, flying off to regroup with Sasori.  
You hurried over as fast you could towards the sealed up cave, dodging any foreign shinobi you spotted heading there. A giant cloud of smoke blew up through the sky, making your hands freeze with the rising anxiety. Sasori was a complete jerk but he was still the father of your son and he truly loved you. It was this shell that was blocking away his true emotions. You couldn’t help but think of s/n’s devastated look.
You hurried towards the river canyon and froze seeing a giant hole in the ground where the cave was said to be. You spotted Chiyo, Sakura and…Sasori! There were destroyed puppet parts everywhere and you jumped down. As soon as You did, Sasori got up charging at Chiyo with the blade in his arm. “You took her from me!!!” He yelled but in seconds Chiyo turned around pulling two puppets towards him. You called for him to watch out but it was too late and the two blades skewered him right through the core.
Your eyes widened and you hurried to his side in pure horror. “S-sasori?” You said and cupped his face as the blood dropped from his core. He weakly looked up to you “You…You came for me?”
You nodded tearing up and pushed the two puppets away laying him down on your lap. “You idiot… Why do you keep on breaking my heart?… you selfish idiot”
His eyes were growing heavy and tears kept flowing out your eyes. You hated him for making you feel this way but you wanted to just wake up from this nightmare and rush over to hug him. “I thought…you wouldn’t return…I thought it was over… I wish I had more time to see s/n…I’m so-…rry” He said and closed his eyes.
“SASORI!!! NO PLEASEE!! DON’T DO THIS TO ME…. COME BACK!!” You cried and hugged him towards your chest. Chiyo and Sakura looked at you with remorse and got close. Chiyo placed her hand on your shoulder but you moved her hand away “Don’t touch me…you cruel woman… This is all your fault. None of this would’ve happened, if you took care of him well…This is your doing!...Sasori  was only trying to fill the void in his life with puppetry… You never even bothered to hug him. You let him down, you let his parents down…and now you let his son down” You said sadly, burying your face into his neck and passed your hand through his soft hair.
Chiyo sighed “Y/n…I admit I made mistakes. We all do. No one is perfect…I sought to stop Sasori because this is my fault it is my job as a Sunagakure shinobi…Don’t be mad at me”
“I’m sorry…I don’t think I can ever forgive you” You said
“Y/n…He chose this path and put you and your son in danger…You are partly to blame as well for accepting this” Sakura said rubbing your back.
“Just go….leave me be” You cried
Chiyo motioned for Sakura to leave and stayed behind with you “Y/n…do you have that scroll with you?”
You looked up at her and nodded then removed it from your satchel and handed it to her “I don’t think I’ll ever want to end up with this family’s legacy” You said “So keep it”
She shook her head and opened it “This is a special scroll Sasori’s mother made. She was always afraid of the war. She lost both her parents in war as well and researched all her life to work on a jutsu called ‘Kishotensei: Self-Destruct Technique’. We worked on it together in case something happened to one of us…With it, we would be able to bring them back. After my son and his wife died…the bodies weren’t found leaving the jutsu useless…Only someone of our bloodline can activate it. The jutsu is trapped into this scroll and only needs the blood of relatives” She explained handing you back the scroll.
You looked up at her “I…I can bring Sasori back with this?...So that is S/n’s legacy?...He inherited a reincarnation jutsu ….but wait why can’t you do it now??”
“I am old and my life force is needed elsewhere…The Kazekage has also suffered from my decisions…I cannot let him die this simply” She said and got up to leave “Tell Sasori I am sorry for everything…And after this please tell him to take better care of himself and his family”
You nodded and carried his body up then left in haste hoping this crazy old woman was right.
You hurried back to Konoha and picked up d/n then walked over to the Konoha gates. Guy dropped next to you and told you that the Kazekage was brought back and there were no casualties from their side thankfully. You spotted Kisame standing afar with Itachi and took a deep breath “Here we go” You said, hugging d/n and walked with Guy towards the two men.
Kisame had a frown on his face until he spotted d/n. She screamed in excitement upon seeing him and squirmed from your arms, running towards the shark man. He smiled and carried her up hugging her tight “Oh my beautiful pup…I missed you so much” He said kissing her cheek.
You sighed “I came all the way out here to talk…You two once again understood my motives in a wrong way”
Itachi frowned “If you done nothing wrong, then why did you run away?”
You pouted “Because Kisame was going to betray the Akatsuki to make his way back into his clan”
Itachi looked at Kisame in disbelief “You told me you just had a fight about your loyalty to Tobi…you never spoke anything of turning us over to Kiri”
Kisame frowned “Don’t turn this about me! I only thought of it but didn’t do it! You had no faith in me Y/n!”
Itachi shook his head “Y/n has the right to do what she did then. she wanted to hide d/n which is understandable”  
You grit your teeth “if it is understandable, then why did you tell Kisame I’ve been writing report on your guys! They were obviously fake, if you took the time to read Itachi!”  
“STOP!! You guys shouldn’t be pointing fingers at each other. You need say what you have and then choose a fixed path, so that I may know what to do” Guy said interrupting your little argument before it turned to a heated fight.
You nodded “I’ve been protecting you two from Tobi since day one…I really like you guys…you practically took care of me. Tobi was ruling Kiri at that time. As royal blood, I had join or die. I still have many loyal followers in Kiri and helped turn the system around for Mei to take over with the help of Zabuza…Sadly, he committed many crimes before so he was exiled. Mei sama hired me as her right hand because I helped her. I joined the Akatsuki for the same reason Itachi joined…to keep an eye on them and make sure they stayed away from Kirigakure…because it is still my home” You explained then continued “I was happy you wanted to return Kisame but not this openly…not when d/n was back in the base… I merely acted upon instinct to protect her…which you should find completely understandable”
Kisame looked down sadly and you got close to him taking his hand and Itachi’s “You both want to be good…You both want to belong…and so do I…I know it won’t take much to convince you to disband but all ask is for a little bit of trust…Let me help you”
Kisame nodded in understanding but you felt Itachi hesitate and pull his hand away. You turned toward Guy “What would Itachi have to do to earn his citizenship back?”
“I am in no position to judge or know but taking down the Akatsuki before they catch more tailed beasts is our top priority in the moment. So your errors may be overlooked” Guy spoke assuring Itachi.
You looked at him pleadingly until he sighed “I’ll trust you y/n…my fate is in your hands but not before I face Sasuke”
“An entire team is sent out in search of him, maybe you can help find him since he is looking for you to start with” Guy said with a big smile and Itachi nodded
“It is settled then! let go!” Guy cheered walking ahead of you as the three of you followed.
Itachi’s body wasn’t at Izuna’s grave. So you hurried to the base, jumping from branch to another with Sasuke after you. You dropped in front of the hideout and stormed in with a panicked look.
The members were in the main hall and quickly got up seeing your messed up figure with Sasuke behind you and s/n strapped to your back looking sad “Kisame!…where is Itachi?”
Kisame stood up “I thought he was with you…Come to think about you were acting pretty strange when you showed up…What happened to your eyes….How come Sasuke is here?”
Pein appeared at the end of the hall worriedly and frowned seeing your disheveled look “y/n?”
“Can you track down Itachi for me quick?” You asked the orange haired man
“Alright….He is in the southern hideout… for some reason” You thanked him then pulled Sasuke after you not saying another word.
“All of you, follow her” Pein ordered and the members got up running after you, along with Pein himself. He felt something was drastically wrong and had to understand what was going on. Uchihas were such a mystery to him and it looked like Itachi and you were in trouble.
You hurried over to the cave like base and spotted Itachi with tied hands on his knees with Obito towering over him beating him up. Itachi coughed masses of blood from the abuse and Sasuke was literally seeing red then charged at Obito with sudden speed, swinging his lightening blade at the masked man. Obito quickly dodged as Sasuke dropped in front of Itachi and you barged in as well with s/n.
Itachi coughed and his eyes blurred. He couldn’t comprehend who it was in front of him until that person spoke “You’ve always been a doormat, Itachi”
Itachi’s eyes widened at the familiar voice “S-sasuke?”
You hurried to Itachi’s side looking into his eyes, They were bloodshot and he couldn’t activated his sharingan because of his depleted chakra. You untied his hands and helped him up, until Zetsu emerged from the ground to attack you. You blocked and kicked him out the cave. You handed Itachi s/n and charged at Zetsu, while Sasuke charged towards Obito.
The fight dragged on, until Sasuke was kicked into the wall roughly but luckily Itachi caught him with his Susano in time. Sasuke frowned and pushed Itachi back “Stop using your chakra and let me handle it!” the little brother yelled worrying for his weakened older brother.
Obito frowned “You think you can beat me you spoiled brat?...The two of you have kept me from achieving my goals for too long! I will destroy you all and carry on Tsuki no me without any pesky interruptions”
“Over my dead body” Sasuke yelled
“Granted” Obito said darkly and attacked once more, until a voice boomed pushing him away “SHINRA TENSEI!”
Sasuke looked over to the side to see Pein enter along with the rest of the members. Everyone was shocked to see ‘Tobi’ acting so dark and mature. Itachi took this chance to grab s/n and Sasuke, and run out to see where you were. You were too busy fighting Zetsu. Even though you had the Rinnegan, you found it hard to fight him with one eye. Kuro Zetsu jumped off from Shiro and merged onto your body reaching his hand to rip out your eye. “**YOU WILL NOT TAMPER MY PLANS WEAKLING**”
You resisted as hard as you could, until a few threads wrapped around your arms tight holding them in place. You looked over to see Kakuzu with Itachi and Sasuke. Zetsu growled and released himself from you sinking into the ground with Shiro only to get stabbed into the head by Sasuke’s blade. Itachi even though weakened activated his sharingan and used Ameterasu to burn the fiend alive.
Kakuzu released you and Sasuke hurried to your side, making sure you were alright. S/n didn’t cry all the while which got Itachi worried about him. He just cuddled into his father’s neck to hide from what was happening.  Itachi knelt next to you handing you s/n “Are you alright, love?”
You nodded hugging s/n “I’ve been better…but I’m glad it’s finally over”
Sasuke frowned “Not yet….Danzo still breathes and this Obito guy probably escaped”
“He wouldn’t go far the tailed beasts are still in the possession of my Gedo statue” Pein said approaching you as the other members took in the fact that Tobi wasn’t who he seemed pulling the strings with Zetsu.
S/n whimpered and you cupped his face “I know baby… we will go and rest now… no more scary things for you”
Everything was going smoothly until Obito snapped and announced war on the entire world in exchange of handing in the Kyuubi and the Hatchibi. Obito managed to snip one of Pein’s eyes to steal the gedo from him. The members and even Pein were shocked to see how far this guy would go to follow a plan that wasn’t even his. It was almost scary how much influence Kuro had on the rest of the world. You stood there with the members and Hokge, asking how you can help for the war preparations. Tsunade sighed “It seems he had joined up with Kabuto”
“Pfft it not like he has a fucking army? What would that noodle boy do anyways? You are telling me that the entire villages in the world are outnumbered?” Hidan said nonchalantly until Shiro emerged from the ground “Actually he has a 100,000 white clones of me, who can steal chakra…As for Kabuto he finally completed Orochimaru’s reincarnation jutsu and can raise the most powerful shinobi…the regular village shinobi count is approximately 80,000”
“Is that the reason there many tombstones getting stolen?” Pein asked and Shiro nodded
You stepped back in fear “Is Kuro really going to do this!? I thought he wanted his mother to protect the earth but what is there to protect, if there is nothing left!” you spoke the thought “Ok… alright…. we can still do this… Naruto’s chakra reacts well against the white clones. We can recruit the smaller villages…along with the samurais then that will add up a good sum…Shiro how quick can you get me to the gedo statue?”
“I can take you there but Kuro will be alarmed and by then the ten tails would’ve been formed”
You thought hard “I have an idea… but you won’t like it” Itachi said then continued “Minus Pein, there are seven of us… which is exactly how much tailed beasts they have…if the tailed beasts willingly accepted to lend us their assistance then we can provide our bodies and spread thin once again in the last moment. Kuro and obito won’t get through us all easily because we know a lot about their jutsus… All we ask is the armies push away Kabuto’s army” Itachi explained making them all think and you nodded “I accept”
After months of preparation the war bloomed and you all got into positions. There were many casualties and you left a decoy of yourself back with the other Daimyos. Kuro wanted to take them hostage and use them as bait in exchange of the tailed beasts but retreated seeing that Naruto and Bee have finally appeared and clashed with Obito. The masked Uchiha Released the tailed beasts to fight Naruto and that is when you headed out with Pein, while Itachi, Kisame and his brother went to stop Kabuto. Obito saw that the tailed beasts were useless against Naruto and sealed them back into the Gedo, after hearing of Kabuto’s defeat.
He performed his hand signs to seal it away but the gedo opened its mouth once more. “You are way out of line Obito” Pein called out from afar controlling the gedo to his favor while you moved Naruto out the way. The gedo seemed to fully succumb to Pein as Shiro had embedded the genetically modified root you’ve been working on. Obito stared in disbelief “You are supposed to be dead!”
You frowned “I won’t let you do this Obito…you are being tricked by Kuro! You need to stop this! The genjutsu world doesn’t exist! He only wishes to use it against you upon completion!”
He balled his fists “I won’t lose here after coming so far!”
You frowned “Then you have no choice” You said as the Akatsuki members landed behind you preparing themselves to face him. But that wasn’t all, Pein opened the Gedo’s mouth releasing the tailed beasts into the bodies of the members causing their chakras to over flow.
Obito stepped back in shock “I’ve always hated you!!… You were a threat to my plans since the start” He called out to you.
Zetsu emerged from the ground feeling the immense chakra as Madara landed next to Obito assessing the situation.
Zetsu frowned “**Y/N!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!! YOU DARE TAMPER WITH MY PLANS AFTER EVERYTHING I’VE DONE FOR YOU!**” He snapped and by now half the divisions had arrived to the scene.  
You frowned “What you are doing is wrong… You mother doesn’t care for you or this world! She only craves power…She is a blood thirsty monster”
“**A blood thirsty monster? Craves power? Doesn’t that seem familiar to you! you have done the same and gotten the entire world to follow after you lied over and over!!....do they know you killed your own brother for power?...You sold out the Kazekage for power! You used the Hokage to gain power!!! You used Shiro to lie over and over to all the Daimyos!!! You are just as bad! So don’t go acting like a saint now**”
You grit your teeth “You idiot!! Your son is going to be taken away from this world with or without the presence of your mother!! I won’t let that happen…NO ONE COMES NEAR MY CHILD! Even though I am completely powerless, I will continue to protect him from any threat, even if that threat is you. Me being here should be proof enough that I will never back down to you or anyone!!”
Kuro felt his world crumble down, seeing the powerful armies you’ve attained without him knowing. You were truly something else. You even dared to show your true self unarmed in front of Madara himself and not flinch. His aura alone would make a Shinobi shake. Obito realized that what you said was true from how badly Kuro was reacting. Even Madara appeared dumbfounded to see that Kuro was after all of this. But how?
Obito frowned “This plan isn’t Zetsu’s! It is written on the Uchiha’s scared tablet”
“That tablet was tampered with...by Kuro. I can confirm it because I looked into it as well” Itachi explained to the two Uchihas.
By now Kuro was fully destroyed “**Who helped you do all this?**”
You kept looking at him “You did”
He didn’t understand, until Shiro pulled away from him and stood next to you “I’m sorry Kuro…there is no one as loyal as I am to your mother and you but…this is suicide…I won’t let you go any further…all clones have retreated and you are completely out numbered…So surrender”
You nodded “End this and all will be forgiven, even you Obito…Kuro, you don’t need your mother’s protection, if you have me…I still love you regardless of this mess you’ve caused”
Kuro’s hands shook and he fell to his knees in defeat covering his face in his hands. Shiro rushed to his side, rubbing his back and smiled “You are doing the right thing…but this isn’t over because eventually the Otsutsuki clan will be here and we will be prepared for them…we will carry out your mother’s mission for her, As her children”
You successfully managed to recruit all the members. Nagato had to give away one of his eyes to not raise any suspicion. Everything was going smoothly until Obito announced war on all the nations. “This boy is out of his mind!” You said burying your face in your hands sadly
“I KNEW IT!! HAAA!!!! I never really like that idiot un” Deidara said as the rest of the members lounged around your room with s/n crawling between them. Kakashi sighed “Leave it to Obito to be over the top in everything he does… but it isn’t like we can blame him”
“At this point do you still think you have influence on him y/n?” Nagato asked curiously
“It seems he is getting help from Kabuto now…I don’t know who will supply them with such armies”
“Simple. White Zetsu will, as for Kabuto, he will do what his master did best…raise the dead” Sasori stated
“RAISE THE DEAD!! Does Obito hate me that much he wants to change everything!!” you snapped and began biting your thumb nervously.
“This is all so fucking stupid! Let’s go there now, kick his ass and get this over with! Why should we wait for him to strike first… I mean I like the destruction obviously, but this is dumb”
You sighed “Hidan, first of all we don’t know where he is, and second, I think Zetsu has a lot more influence on him than it appears…we need strike as soon as he is revealed on the battle field.
“Why don’t we use the kyuubi and hatchibi as bait?” Kakuzu asked
Kakashi shook his head “We can’t do that… the village will take it as a public offense because they still don’t trust you guys much”
You sighed “let’s plan this out carefully…Obito knows we hid them somewhere in the land of lightening, no thanks to Kisame but we can still do this” You said making Kisame chuckle ”I was only following orders”
The war broke out and the fights were intense. You told the members to spread out and help the divisions stop the masses of Zetsus attacking and then rushed towards Obito, as soon as he appeared. News spread around of Madara revealing himself on the battlefield and you felt your heart quake in fear at the rising amount of danger. Naruto Clashed with Obito and Madara joined him ready to control the Gedo to their favor.
You dropped in front of Obito, as he was attacking Kakashi and deflected his punch. His eyes widened and you kicked him away, causing him to skid backward “Y-Y/N!! so you are finally here…I hope you’ve brought better back up than this idiot to ‘convince’ me” he mocked with a smirk, knowing he had the upper hand until you motioned with your hand and all the Akatsuki members dropped behind you.
“If I can convince them, then I can convince you, Obito! And I dare say it… Your plan will carry on, only over my dead body! Then you will have a dumb y/n to soothe you in the fucking genjutsu world you, moron!!!”
He frowned as the members charged over to Madara, trying to take him down. You readied a strong surge of electricity in your palm and Kakashi did the same then you both charge on to him at full speed. The fight dragged on and the members were successfully able to hold Madara down with the help of the Kyuubi and Hatchibi. You lunged at Obito mercilessly and he tried to block all your moves and Kakashi’s at the same time.
“How morbid is this world to force me to fight you in the end” Obito said blocking your attack.
“This world forced you to do nothing! You brought this upon yourself….stop acting like such a victim!! We have all experienced the same things! There is no one who understands you more than Kakashi!! You make your own future it is true but this plan just means you are running away! And we won’t follow you” You yelled striking your electrocuted kunai at him.
He jumped back and stopped “What about your parents? Don’t you want to see them? When this is over the nations will go back to be hostile again and s/n will go through the same thing we did!!” 
“I moved on! My parents are resting and I accept that because they deserve rest! After all that happened in these few days, the nations have learned to accept one another!” You said tossing him your shinobi head band “They are one! The ice is broken thanks to you…you are my idol Obito! And Kakashi agrees… You did what no person could do but this… this is madness! Come back while you still can and earn this title!” You said (Talk no jutsu)
“It is true…You said you didn’t want to be anybody…that the world was worthless and full of misery but if it is worthless, then that makes y/n and s/n worthless as well! You are calling the young Obito, who inspired many, worthless! The one who really had potential in being Hokage!!” Naruto added  (Talk no jutsu intesifies)
“**Don’t listen to the them, Obito! Have you come this far just to give up, you coward?! They don’t understand what you see! They don’t know what you feel!**” Zetsu spoke
Madara broke free from the members’ clutches and pulled Obito back to him “YOU GOT DISTRACTED, WHEN I ENTRUSTED YOU!! Snap out of it and wake up from this lousy reality” Madara ordered
“If you are going to do what a dead man wants, then you will end up like him!! I will not sit and watch while you plunge this world in hell, after they have finally learned to accept one another! I have achieved my dream the day you announced this so called war. The cycle of hate is broken but I will not let another one start because of you!! You told me once that you will strive for my dream, as I strive for yours!! Nagato and Konan trusted you… the members trusted them and now they all repented and came clean! Are you going to throw that away for them?”
Obito looked at you with remorse seeing the masses of People behind you that belonged to different villages. It was weird seeing everyone untie because of him.
Madara scoffed “Don’t listen to this low life… you are just like me-“
“NO!“ Obito cut him off ”Now I finally realize that faking one's name and letting others do everything for you is different than entrusting something to one's comrades. I'm not you. The current me is the one who wanted to become Hokage…. Obito Uchiha!” He said and turned to strike a punch at Madara tossing him back.
Madara attacked back and you all jumped into help him take down Madara and Zetsu. He finally snapped out of it….after so long.

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