By Rita304_V2

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NEW BOOK! y/n is your name. f/n is your family name. The characters in the story are Pein - Hidan Kakuzu - D... More

First meeting
Proving your worth
He makes you blush
You get hurt
Something is wrong
You use your charms
You do something nice
Accidental gropes
Time with his partner
They realize their feelings
The ship
Playing with their hair
You go on a date
When you cry
Make them blush
He is sick
Sleep together
Wake up
When you fight / He hurts you
When he cries/apologies
Getting caught kissing
He sees you naked
None accidental grope
The truth~
The truth 2
You get possessive/over protective
It's your birthday
He is being a pervert
Deidara - First time
Zetsu - First time
Obito - First time
Nagato - First time
Kisame - First time
Kakuzu - First time
Itachi - First time
Hidan - First time
Sasori - First time
The morning after
He turns into a kid 1
He turns into a kid 2
He turns back
He scares you
When he gets hurt
Laundry day
Meeting konoha shinobi
His past stories
You leave for a mission
The mission
I quit the Akatsuki!
He gets the news
Come back!
Bath time
Unusual friendships
You tease/seduce him
You get sick/hurt
You are preggers!
Unusual friendships 2
You scare him
First kick
You have a miscarriage
He has a nightmare
Meeting konoha shinobi 2
He holds the baby
Daddy/baby moments
The Devil's covet valley
The Devil's covet Valley 2
My personal covet
The Family Reunion
Aftermath cuddles
See their partner naked
The babysitter
The hidden truth behind their parents
You fight
You runaway
Seeking refuge
Meeting konoha shinobi 3
The clash!
Judgment day
Trial Aftermath
Unexpected visitor
His birthday
Getting caught
The kids leave
Mission gone wrong
The kids get hurt

He comes back

2.2K 54 3
By Rita304_V2

After countless practice I redrew the kiddies~ they look more like babies now
OOohhh~ you guys judged the bois too soon~ Shame on you all hehehe
(All in his POV)


The old woman confirmed that the eyes were not mine, which made me completely fall in to a whirlpool of depression. It was true...I was just a normal person with a god complex, and I felt completely shattered. Yahiko and Konan had filled my head up with none sense. Even my sensei told me that I was someone special ...y/n...even she believed in the power of this fake Kami... I am no Kami. I’m a failure, a delusional idiot, who believes that everything wrong in the world can be solved. I've endured so much pain...I've seen death and war and cruelty, so what differs me from the rest, other than my eyes?....Nothing. I thanked the woman and got up heading back to the hideout, not knowing how I'm going to face the other members or y/n...or d/n. They are all following me and I’m leading them straight into death, filling their heads with nonsense of world peace. I can't imagine breaking my pride and telling everyone to disband because I was wrong…Not after I’ve come so far. 

Zetsu and Tobi will be after my eyes then with no sign of hesitation. I need to carry on with my plot...I need to continue with this path, until Tobi and Zetsu show their true colors to me. I reached my hideout, trudging tiredly towards my contraption and sighed. Yet again I was hiding behind the face of Yahiko… I hooked myself to the machine and closed my eyes channeling my chakra towards Pein’s body.
Pein opened his eyes and go up, then headed towards then main hall to check on d/n and Konan. I reached the room to see all the members were getting ready to head out for their Bijuu catching. Konan smiled sweetly at me “You are back…Was your trip a success?”
I nodded “Where are d/n and y/n?” I asked her but she just looked to the side “y/n had to go somewhere urgently and she took d/n with her...I’ll tell you about it later” She said but something caught my eyes and it seemed like the members all were watching me, as if they knew something I didn’t. However the look on their faces screamed with remorse. I looked up at them and they hurriedly left the hideout, not saying a word. Did they know? Could they tell how fake I was? Or was I being paranoid.
“Konan…what is wrong with everyone? They all seem so suspicious… where is y/n?” I asked anxiously and she took my hands “Nagato… do you think I’d ever betray you?”
I didn’t understand how this question was relevant but I shook my head “Of course not”
“Then trust me and trust y/n…we will go with the missions as planned, while she keeps d/n safe. Alright?”
I nodded trying to shake away all my uncertainties but I was too down to care and too sad to argue with her. So I just left myself at her mercy….at both my Angels’ mercy. We soon headed out to Amegakure to set up my new contraption’s location, so that I can be able to reach all the way to Konoha. I just hope d/n is safe.


I’m going to snap her neck when I see her!! I kept yelling for her to open up while slamming my fists onto the sealed door, until I grew tired and knew that the demon probably dragged her away… All of these fucking people were sent by Jashin sama to test my faith, I just know it!!… he probably knows I am strong enough to face such obstacles because he is real! I paced around the room and sighed looking at all the books and pictures. They described the procedure of the ritual in agonizingly boring details. I looked around until something caught my eye. It was a wall full of pictures. Most of them looked exactly like my mother and father and all were wearing Jashin symbols. They somehow looked like my family linage. It was fucking weird because almost all my ancestors were jashinists who wore the Jashinsit symbols on their clothes with pride. Like a Clan’s family crest….wait…. a crest?
I grabbed some written notes reading that Jashinism belonged to one small clan and this was the symbol of their clan. So Jashin found my family first?
I sighed then sat down on the ground knowing there was no escape for me from this sealed prison, so I began reading this ludicrous research of my delirious old man.
An entire day passed, and I couldn’t believe my eyes at what I just read… it all fit so well....Jashin sama was-…. In that moment, the door swung open revealing an angry Kakuzu. I smiled seeing that he released me and got up quick but he punched me in to the wall roughly making my nose bleed. “You idiot!! You don’t deserve a girl like y/n! You finally blew it!” He growled at me as I got up cleaning the blood from my nose. He tossed me my scythe and turned his back “Lucky for you we have an urgent mission and I don’t have time to bloody my hands with you!”
“Mission?... The two tails?....I can’t go there. I need to go talk to y/n! she was right about everything…About Jashin sama. I need to go apologize to her…she will take s/n and then I won’t be able to see them” I said heading outside to a different direction but he pulled me back and punched me again….geez what is wrong with this fucking guy!
“Didn’t you hear me the first time moron? You blew it. Y/n took the child and left the Akatsuki. She wants nothing to do with you anymore. You hurt her one too many times”
I felt my entire body get cold and my mind go blank. She took s/n away and is never coming back?...I couldn’t think right at the moment… my god wasn’t real…y/n left me…and I won’t be able to see s/n anymore… I’ve come to these realizations too late and felt tears from in my eyes. No one was there for me anymore…I was abandoned in Yugakure once again….I am alone again. I turned my face away from the miser wiping away my tears. I felt like such a whiny bitch...I couldn't control my emotions anymore and burst out in tears falling to my knees.

Kakuzu sighed "I never knew an idiot like you had feelings. You fucked up and you are merely suffering the consequences. You never know what you have unless you lose it, you know"


"Stop crying like a little girl. I have put a lot of money on s/n, not to see him vanish like that. After we catch the two tails I’m going to find her, not for you but for me. For now let us just do our mission. The sooner we finish the faster we get to y/n before she is off the grid completely" He said in a more calm manner than before  

I got up not believing my ears. He wanted to help and I couldn’t turn an offer like that down, even if he was doing it solely for his greedy reasons. 

I pulled myself up, not saying a word and he started walking away after tossing me my cloak.

 I sprinted off into the land of fire with pure rage. I can’t believe the saint, I once thought was my father, ended up being a lousy lowlife! No wonder Takigakure imprisoned me! I was the son of filth who deserved death itself…But those fuckers didn’t tell me. How can I possibly live my entire immortal life in lies!....They did this to me. My parents destroyed my future! He isn’t fit to be my father! Heck! I’m a better fathe-….. I stopped running and froze in my place. 
I couldn’t believe what I was about to do or say…I was heading off to Konoha for my money to sell out the Akatsuki, leaving my girls behind….I am no better than him. Y/n must be so upset right now. I looked behind me catching my breath. If her sickness acts up she will be on the edge of death and d/n won’t have anyone…I did to her what my father did to my mother… she passed the night after I went to fight Hashirama.
Was the idiot testing me? My father deserves hell for messing with my head this way. I looked down at the bank papers and placed them back in my cloak, then headed back to the hideout hoping y/n will forgive me. 
I reached the base and rushed down the hall, bumping into Hidan who seemed to have just woken up. “Oyy! Watch it you old fuck….What’s this? You are empty handed? I thought your greedy ass was bounty hunting” Hidan spoke, raising my curiosity.
“Where are y/n and d/n?” I asked and he stretched “Tch what am I, their keeper?...D/n was out of food, so y/n headed out to get her some…. Come to think of it she was gone for hours” Hidan said tapping his chin thoughtfully with his finger. I rushed to y/n’s room to find that it was emptied out of her clothes and d/n’s things. 
My heart sank knowing that she ran off and I couldn’t believe my eyes. I walked in and sat on the bed, covering my face in my hands. “Oyy Kakuzu! Our stupid leader wants us to head out now because the two tails is in position” Hidan said entering the room and gasped “Holy hell… what on ea-….She left didn’t she? What did you do to her back there you dumb fuck?” he snapped
I tried to suppress my feelings and got up brushing past him “My personal life is none of your business…If this is what she wants then so be it. Let’s head out” I won’t show anyone my weakness, even if the sky is bent. But this….this will be the last mission I will do for the Akatsuki…finding my girls is my priority. I promised d/n to never walk away from her and I am a man of my word…if I am not up to my words, then I am no man. 

 I fell onto the ground roughly and felt my entire body sting in pain… My training was complete and it felt like I have lived in there for ages. I sat up rubbing the back of my head and looked down seeing the scroll in my hand crumble to ashes. I didn’t know what day or year this was, but I looked around to see I was back in that valley with burnt up trees. I got up wincing a bit and summoned my bird then headed back to the hideout, if it was still there that is. I hope y/n and d/n are fine. I thought the training would be the death of me, just like it was my father’s, but I have mastered it. Now I can protect them both from anyone or anything. I will keep both my girls safe. I thought as I flew over the Iwa borders unnoticed. I could feel my clay sculptures were smooth and pent up with more chakra than ever. I glided down reaching the area of the hideout and jumped off the bird, releasing the jutsu then picked up the small bird and headed towards the base. It was still the same, even after so much time. I’m surprised these idiots didn’t move their location. 
“Y/n?” I called out as I walked down the hall searching for her. 
“Deidara?... You are back so soon?” A familiar voice spoke behind me. I turned around to see Danna standing there in the hall with a disturbed look. I won’t lie and say I didn’t miss him and his dumb art, then walked up to him “So soon hm? I was gone for ages. Unless you hate my presence that much danna”
“you’ve only been gone for a 3 days, moron. Why would I miss you?” he said in annoyance
“3 days? But it took y/n and me a day to reach Iwa and it took me a day to come back here….I’ve been training for ages… I was gone for a year at least un” I said shocked not understanding what was going on. 
“You moron…You ditched y/n alone in Iwa and she came back here shaking. She was so scared Pein would come after her, while you weren’t here so she ran off” Sasori spoke making my mind go blank “Y/n ran off?? But that will make her a target even more!” I snapped and rushed into her room then spotted the metal piece, used to track her, on the bed and placed my hand over my forehead in disbelief. Y/n wasn’t confident in herself to the extent she ran off… I was there to protect her and d/n. I know I was supposedly gone for a year but her running away was the last thing I had in mind. I’m glad it was just a one day difference, meaning I can still find her. I grabbed my clay satchels and sprinted out, only to be stopped by Sasori’s chakra strings “Where do you think you are going brat?” 
“To find my girls! Where else hm?” 
Sasori sighed and pulled me after him then forced me to summon my bird and told me to head over to Suna. I thought he was leading me to y/n but then he spoke “Since you are a dumb boy. I’ll explain to you our situation. Y/n isn’t safe in the Akatsuki with or without your presence. She is better off hiding from us then sitting in the hideout, like a cornered animal waiting for the slaughter. I would catch her myself and bring her back but I simply grew bored of this routine and wish to try something different”
“What are you saying un?”
“Pein requested we catch the one tails by this week and honestly I grew bored and tired of following orders. I have grew a lot in the Akatsuki but at this point I don’t think I have enough room to enhance with all their limitations…so I want to try and do things on my own” He said summoning Hiruko 
“You are quitting hn!?” I asked shocked  
“You are an artist…So you should know exactly what I’m talking about. Help me fake my death and I’ll find y/n for you, since I’ll be off the radar. A favor for a favor” 
I couldn’t believe my ears but smirked and nodded “You got yourself a deal…. Artist to artist yeah”  

I quickly left the scene not wanting a fight to break out in the middle of Suna and draw attention to me before our one tails catching mission and hurried towards the nearest watering holes in hopes to see if y/n had washed up somewhere there. I managed to find her hood and some dried up tracks then cursed my luck. It was wrong of me to have said those words and y/n was overly sensitive…How the hell can I find a woman, who is the master of disguise?...but seeing her actions earlier, I think it was obvious where she went, so I hurried back to the hideout. Y/n, even though human, she was way faster than I was, as expected from a master spy. 
I rushed out Suna heading directly towards the hideout. It took me an entire 2 days to reach the borders until a dark shadow cast on me from the skies. I stopped to look up and saw that it was Deidara. My heart sank thinking something was wrong with y/n but the brat had a smirk on his face as he landed “Danna… it seems you were quicker than I was… I was told to meet you half way so we can carry on the mission for Pein sama as soon as possible un” 
“Where is y/n?... Isn’t she with you? We were supposed to catch the tailed beast together” I said climbing onto his bird and summoning Hiruko.
“Y/n said that she had to drop s/n off at her brother’s for his safety and will meet us during the beast sealing. I think she is somewhere near Yuga by now un” Deidara said taking off on his bird. 
I sighed and looked down and he noticed then nudge me slightly “You alright?...y/n and you look shaken up hm”
I shrugged it off and got into Hiruko “I’m fine…Don’t need you worrying about me like some child” I grumbled so he turned his back to me. During the entire trip, I couldn’t help but think of the words y/n said. She was right. I haven’t held or seen or spoken to s/n for ages…I thought I have earned my emotions back after the incident of me turning human but they all faded, as soon as I got into this shell…I lack a connection with my own flesh and blood. It is funny how I aimed to lose my emotions but now I am rushing towards them. I am letting s/n down….He will grow up to loathe me for my negligence…He will regret saving me back when I was preforming my ritual. How did I become this person? The guilt sat not in my heart but into my soul, obliterating all my thoughts, as Deidara talked to me. I wasn’t answering him. I kept my emotions in so I wouldn’t hurt myself, but I ended up hurting all the people who opened up to me…I’m such a monster. I felt my feelings drain away til I was numb. This is what I wanted to be numb and not feel anything at all. I am a tool used for battle…tools mustn’t have feelings. It saves us the trouble of regret and guilt. I don’t care anymore.  


“Well Kisame… Are you ready to accept a new life?...one that your mother drew for you?” Seishen spoke after hours of hearing him preach about my mother.
I sighed feeling bad for letting y/n go and spoke “My mother… she did what she thought was right and didn’t follow orders” 
“Yes she worked purely with her own conscious” he nodded
I smirked and in seconds I unleashed samehada from the carrier scroll and struck against the albino shark. He quickly blocked with his own swords and frowned “It seems that you’ve made your decision to become your father”
“No I am the exactly copy of my mother. Working by conscious that means I have to be a good mate and go back to my woman, even if she is on the wrong path” 
“your mother believed in her clan!” he yelled striking at me
“A clan is supposedly a person’s family but my family isn’t here… I have my own” I said and kicked him away, striking my sword at him over and over, till I knocked his sword from his hands and pressed Samehada near his neck.
“You have a child with the first Misukage’s descendent?” He asked in disbelief and I smirked “Aren’t I a lucky shark? You must feel jealous that a man like me scored the royal blood line” I said and pulled away from him then turned to leave. 
“Kisame!...I can’t stop you from going back but be reasonable in your future decisions… if you truly care for y/n then help her do what is right, like your mother guided your father…. It was at that night that he lost one of his eyes fighting her…she brought the good in him, even though he was a fool” Seishen spoke picking up his sword and sheathing it. I smiled at the thought of my parents and nodded, heading out the house.
I hurried back to the hideout. Sadly there wasn’t a ship available at that time, so I merged with Samehada and swam to the main land instead. It took me a while to reach the hideout and when I did Itachi stopped me midway. He seemed disturbed.
“Itachi kun? What are you doing way out here?” 
“I was waiting for you… it seems y/n lied to us both. Once again we fell for her tricks” he said 
“What do you mean?” 
“Y/n left with d/n and hasn’t been back ever since. She said you had a fight and then snuck out after saying she was waiting for you”
My smile dropped and I felt my entire body tense up “Why didn’t you stop her then??” 
“Have you forgotten you were sent to watch me for Madara? Y/n turned out she was watching us both all this time… I found written reports on us to Madara… she is too loyal to him to be trusted. You fell for a rat Kisame” He said making me frown. That minx has been filing reports on me and had the audacity to take my child away, fearing that I’d turn on her….She probably went to hide d/n and is going to tell Madara of this.
Itachi noticed my tension and it was like he was waiting, craving for me to say what he had in mind just so that if this plan back fires, he can say it was my horrible idea. I sighed “Itachi…I think….I think it is time we go rogue again…We can’t let y/n reach Madara. We need to find her but lay low at the same time”
He seemed pleased with that and spoke “We are being sent to the land of fire tomorrow to catch the Kyuubi and be there in time to guard Sasori and Deidara, when they return from their one tails catching mission. We will look for her there while we wait for them” Itachi said and I nodded sadly thinking of d/n. How dare she take my daughter away from me…This is unforgivable.
D/n deserves better than this. She is mine as well and I swore to protect her from anything, even her own mother who is spiraling down an abyss of bad decisions. I guess that is what you get for falling for an immature girl.  

I opened my eyes and winced in pain at the impact on my body. That was some strong kick and it wasn’t y/n’s for sure. I got up from the rubble seeing that the sun had already set and coughed a bit, clearing my lungs form the accumulating blood. One more hit like that and I’ll surely be a goner. Once more…y/n is out there fighting alone while I watch.. I‘m so sick of this weak body and these blurred eyes. I didn’t have much time left and needed to be there for her and S/n and Sasuke!…I feel that I spread myself to thin.
 I started walking back to the hideout rubbing my eyes, so that they can clear up again for me to see my way in the dark. I was quite a distance from the hideout until I heard movement. Just then someone attacked me and I quickly drew out my Kunai blocking the hit. It was… Samehada? 
Kisame smirked “Looks like you still have a bit of fighting left inside of you” he said in his usual mocking tone. I didn’t like when Kisame revolved around the subject instead of being direct forward with his words. It makes me trust him less each time. 
“Have you seen y/n nearby?” I asked cutting to the chase. He sighed pulling his sword away and placed it on to his back. “Y/n showed up this morning and took s/n with her…she was acting pretty strange and her eyes looked glassy. Care to explain what happened?” 
“She took s/n?” I passed my hand through my hair thinking of what Madara would want with s/n.
“Relax Itachi… we are tracking her down as we speak” Pein spoke, appearing on a tree branch above us
I didn’t understand what was going on, until Kisame smirked “Y/n is too precious to lose, you two seem to be investigating something big and dangerous that we would like part of. I never really trusted this ‘Madara’ figure to begin with”
Pein agreed and looked towards the south “One of my six paths found her we should head there immediately” He said and jumped off with Kisame after him. I followed obediently hoping they were right. It was weird having these two working with me and not against me. I never really had companions who cared about my goals. It seems y/n and s/n have won the hearts of everyone around them. A shinobi’s journey is a lonely one but now I know that this isn’t necessary true… you can’t keep doing things by yourself forever…. I need to learn to embrace what I have despite lacking so much. 

(Aww they are so sweet all the sudden :) how adorable is this?~)
(but wait there is more…) 
We reached a dusty cave where y/n is said to be held, but as soon as I entered, something didn’t feel right. I turned to ask Kisame and Pein but they both shot vines at me. I dodged skillfully shredding the vines with my kunai and saw them both morph in white Zetsus. My gut feeling was right this was a trap! 
I activated my sharingan until I heard a deep chuckle “I suggest you seize your silly fight…Or s/n dies… I thought Madara took care of you with y/n…but it doesn’t matter right now. You were a thorn in my side all these years...now I will be a knife in yours, Itachi" The masked Uchiha spoke nearing me "Drop your weapons and walk in front of me or else I’ll give the word to end your son" he said

Zetsu smirked, as I submissively removed my kunai satchel, dropping it to the ground, and he wrapped his vines around me, rendering me completely useless. I was supposed to save y/n...but failed once more.

(Kuro’s POV) 
I walked into the castle after a tiring week of pinpointing the locations of the rest of the tailed beasts for the members to find. I wanted this mission to end as soon as possible because I was getting exhausted. “**Shiro leave me… I want to collect my thoughts**” I said.
The white fiend separated from me almost too quickly, as if he was happy I told him to go. It seemed he was in a hurry but I shrugged it off. He always acts strange so it wasn’t a first. I headed down the halls towards y/n’s room and opened the door then frowned seeing it was still empty. I lied on the bed and sighed taking in her scent from her pillow. I really missed her. She has been acting very distant ever since the incident at the valley…She was scared of me and my plans, I can tell. I can’t blame her for being afraid, this was all too much to take for a mere human. They are such fragile creatures and their power is only in their numbers…She probably felt I was lying about all this until she met my mother. I haven’t gotten near s/n for such a long time and seeing his empty crib makes me bothered.
I sat up and looked to the ground “**How long will she be gone?....It has been a long while since she left**”
A white clone emerged from the ground and spoke “It is said that the other Daimyo were living in fear of how easily the Akatsuki infiltrated Suna, so they decided to put her under full surveillance in Konoha”
I frowned and got off the bed “**What about s/n?...they didn’t know of her son, so what did they do?**”
“You know how our sweet princess is. She can lie just about anything and get away with it. She said he was adopted. Her actions reminds me of you. Heh I’m not sure which one rubbed off on the other” He chuckled and I smirked. She is indeed something special despite being powerless. She was fierce and didn’t fear death, even if it was staring her in the face.
She looked Obito Uchiha in the eyes, threatened Pein and the other Akatsuki member’s, and lied straight to the Hokage’s face, earning their sympathy and care in return. Heck she might even be slyer than I am.
I motioned for the clone to leave and walked over to the crib. I can’t wait for those two to get back. I’ll smother them with affection tell them how precious they are to me. Y/n must still be mad at me for yelling at Shiro but…I’ve been feeling so left out ever since s/n was born…It was as if she preferred him over me, when that is *my* son. I used to scorn these stupid intimate relationships but now they are a part of me and I can’t keep away from them for too long. In the end…I'm just a very lonely being, craving the interaction be it good or bad.
I don’t want to be alone no more…I’ll bring my family back to me…All of them.

(Tobi’s baby voice is in *italics*)
I made sure that all was set up for Deidara and Sasori’s mission in Sunagakure as well as Hidan’s and Kakuzu’s in Kumogakure.
“**This would go a lot faster, if you weren’t too distracted, you know**” Zetsu said emerging from behind me as I over looked Kumo.
“I don’t need you telling me what to do! I’m not a child anymore” I spat and turned to him.
“We aren’t trying to judge you Obito….but we think y/n shouldn’t have entered the equation to start with. Surely she helped as a medic, but she is keeping you from attaining your goals **We didn’t mind that she was there to relieve your primitive mating instincts, but having a child and being swooned by her words, is a problem** She is just a human and doesn’t see or understand the world like we do. This world is beyond saving and you know it”
“I know it is and I want her to see that as well”
“**But that is the problem, she doesn’t and she won’t. Convincing her is completely fruitless**…Her knowledge of our plans and her closeness to Konoha is alarming as well” Zetsu said making me frown at the thought of y/n actually betraying me for those idiots.
“Y/n wouldn’t do that” I said to him but almost as if I was trying to convince myself that that was true.
Guruguru emerged from the ground and clung on to me merging himself with my body and I frowned “Why are you here? You should be back with s/n and y/n”
“*Sorry Obito kun~ but y/n chan is really scary and angry at the moment. I think we should leave her be*” He said and I sighed. Keeping up with the missions and her, is proving to be difficult ever since the mission started to get intense. I decided to make one more check up on all the members before heading back, so I can give her time to cool down. She must still be mad at me for calling s/n a hindrance. I didn’t mean it in that manner, but she is just to over sensitive about things sometimes.
The sun was starting to set now and I flashed back into the hideout looking for y/n. The entire hideout was completely empty since all the members were out. I walked into her room and froze in my place at the sight. The entire shelf of ornaments I bought her, were smashed to the ground. Each and every memory we had was now broken along with the recovered ones from her parents.
 She smashed it all into the ground!
“*Ohh Obito~ I forgot to tell you…y/n was angry with you and threw a rage fit. Then made s/n cry*” Guruguru spoke and I passed my hand through my hair not believing that y/n could’ve done this. Was she really that mad with me for something so trivia-….I see. I called s/n trivial. What kind of father would say such a thing…This just proves how horrid this world has made me…
I noticed y/n’s ring on the bed and took it into my hand. I will transcend from this small distracting world and open a new one….then we will all be happy y/n…S/n and you and me….we will finally be happy. I’m doing this all for you because I love you.
Run and hide but eventually you will see that my path is the most ideal for this sick dying world. I will open your eyes to the truth my love, just you wait. I smiled placing the ring in my pocket and headed out “I hope everyone is in position. We will commence without y/n by our side. The members will just have to make do without a medic” I said to guruguru and headed out.

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This book is what I've been writing on quotev, this was a something I did on the side and I've been inactive on for a few years because I lost passio...
1.5M 30.4K 58
A set of scenarios with Itachi, Kisame, Hidan, Kakuzu, Tobi and Deidara. Some strong language and suggestive themes may occur.