By Rita304_V2

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NEW BOOK! y/n is your name. f/n is your family name. The characters in the story are Pein - Hidan Kakuzu - D... More

First meeting
Proving your worth
He makes you blush
You get hurt
Something is wrong
You use your charms
You do something nice
Accidental gropes
Time with his partner
They realize their feelings
The ship
Playing with their hair
You go on a date
When you cry
Make them blush
He is sick
Sleep together
Wake up
When you fight / He hurts you
When he cries/apologies
Getting caught kissing
He sees you naked
None accidental grope
The truth~
The truth 2
You get possessive/over protective
It's your birthday
He is being a pervert
Deidara - First time
Zetsu - First time
Obito - First time
Nagato - First time
Kisame - First time
Kakuzu - First time
Itachi - First time
Hidan - First time
Sasori - First time
The morning after
He turns into a kid 1
He turns into a kid 2
He turns back
He scares you
When he gets hurt
Laundry day
Meeting konoha shinobi
His past stories
You leave for a mission
The mission
I quit the Akatsuki!
He gets the news
Come back!
Bath time
Unusual friendships
You tease/seduce him
You get sick/hurt
You are preggers!
Unusual friendships 2
You scare him
First kick
You have a miscarriage
He has a nightmare
Meeting konoha shinobi 2
He holds the baby
Daddy/baby moments
The Devil's covet valley
The Devil's covet Valley 2
My personal covet
Aftermath cuddles
See their partner naked
The babysitter
The hidden truth behind their parents
You fight
You runaway
Seeking refuge
He comes back
Meeting konoha shinobi 3
The clash!
Judgment day
Trial Aftermath
Unexpected visitor
His birthday
Getting caught
The kids leave
Mission gone wrong
The kids get hurt

The Family Reunion

2.8K 55 8
By Rita304_V2

I lack so much sleep that I am beginning to debate if a human needs a job to thrive…
I really hate this day XD it is so superficial and a complete market scam, like why have a day to love someone! Bitch you should have love all year round!!
I’ll go bury myself under the covers with snacks until after then~
No amount of Awws can aww this aww of a long chapter.
Continuation to previous chapter 


You were happy that d/n can walk a bit by herself, while holding your hand because you got too tired of carrying her around inside these long tunnels. She was a brave girl who didn’t fear a lot of things and wouldn’t cry much or mind the dark.
“D/n…I think daddy is close” You said sensing the sage aura coming from him with your natural chakra and she smiled. It was really quiet in the cave with only the sound of dripping water and the echoes of your footstep, until you carried d/n up quickly jumping back, as trap seals attached to the nearby rocks, burst into flames.
“Who would put traps way out here?!” you said hugging d/n close to you because she was crying from the loud sound. You went back to investigate and noticed markings on the wall, as if they were warning signs. It wasn’t a familiar language but you saw something similar to that clan you spoke of that vanished here. The seals were not destructive seals; they were there for warning people…. but of what?”
You decided to leave and try a different route until you heard Nagato’s voice in there and sprinted into that direction without hesitation. You spotted bubbles coming out of a pond in the center of a big cavern and panicked, placing d/n down “Don’t move. Stay there” You said to her and dove into the water. You swam deep down until you spotted Nagato struggling against some sort of creature’s grip.
He looked like he had his chakra taken away, so you preformed a few signs gathering a bunch natural chakra and touched his back to pass on the chakra, making his rinnegan glow. He tore the creature off him in seconds then grabbed your hand and swam out the pond, coughing slightly after getting out.
 He weaved a few signs and blew a mass of fire onto the pond boiling it to maximum level killing the creature inside instantly before it swam back up.
You saw d/n was still sitting in that same spot and smiled. Nagato turned to you and hugged you tight “I’m so glad you came back for me angel…I thought I was done for”
You hugged him tighter “I’m sorry for being too reckless… it is my fault we walked into those caves”
He pulled away “No it was d/n’s fault actually” He said jokingly looking at her with a smile and knelt down opening his arms to her but she didn’t move.
You chuckled “you can move away from there now, d/n”
She smiled and rushed over to hug Nagato tight “I’m glad I came through here though…I saw Yahiko… it was just as you said. Secrets unveil to those of pure hearts… a bit Ironic from its name…I guess the devil was whatever that creature was”
“Nope. You are the devil Nagato” a voice called out and you all looked towards the pond to see Yahiko giving Nagato a cheesy smirk “A devil for having such beautiful girls… and scoring a Miko”
You gasped “Yahiko? It is really you… I wish Konan was here to see you”
He looked down sadly “I would’ve loved to see her again…Can you pass on a message to her for me?....Can you tell her what I failed to tell her years ago?”
Nagato smiled and nodded “I will”
“Thanks… Can I see this future generation of ame?” He asked and Nagato nodded walking over to him and handed d/n to him. He smiled and she smiled back noticing that he held a complete resemblance to Pein then hugged him tight saying “Ame!”
He chuckled “Yes, grow up and make Ame proud D/n….just like your father is doing. I’d ask him to take care of you but he is the one who needs someone to care for him, so stay by your dad’s side and help him open his eyes more to the world”
Nagato smiled then took d/n from him and stepped back seeing the Yahiko was fading. You stood by the red haired man “It was nice meeting you Yahiko”
“Nice meeting you too y/n…oh and that reminds me Nagato! Your parents told me that they left something for you…I didn’t know what it was but they said you would need it. It is in your house under the floorboard of their bedroom. I hope the house is still intact after the war though…be strong you three” He said and vanished completely.
You looked at Nagato “Is that area of Ame still intact? I remember you said the settlement was demolished when we went there”
He thought “Yes the main quarter of my hometown was destroyed but we lived on the outskirts of it...not much damage was done there”
You smiled “Then let us get out of here…Even though d/n doesn’t cry much, I can clearly see she is exhausted”
He nodded and pulled you close “Yes…let us go”


You strapped s/n on to your back and climbed up the giant rock separating you and Hidan. Of course you ignored his plan and what he said, because you knew your boy too well. He would get lost in a puddle, if you or Kakuzu weren’t there with him. You planned on climbing the separation to look for any hole leading into the cave and pull him out. You reached the top and wiped the sweat form your forehead. “S/n… Your mom goes through, so much shit for your father…but these are sacrifices I’m willing to make for you not to end up raised by a single mom….even though he smothers you til you scream…. I know deep down you love him” You said and heard s/n mumble incomprehensible words making you chuckle. “Hold on tight my baby boy” You said and jumped down skidding onto the side of the mountain reaching Hidan’s side of it. “Hey demon can you give me a hand?” 
He sighed<**for that stupid man of yours? No… but for you and s/n, yes**> 
A second arm emerged from your side and you used it to punch the ground under you, cracking the top of the cave and dropping down inside of it. “HIDAN!!” you called out and looked around for any sign of him “Couldn’t have gone that far” <**true idiots tend to run around in circles normally** Shutup before I hurt you….only I’m allowed to call him that **whatever…I smell his blood**>
You walked into a random pathway and spotted smeared blood marks on the wall of the cave. “Is this his?” <**Yes it seems so**>
You hurried forward following the blood marks then heard talking and reached a big area with a pond in the center. In seconds, you spotted his scythe and his torn necklace and bloodied pendant, then a few bubbles coming from the pond. You preformed some signs releasing your demon from your body and gave s/n to him then jumped into the pond diving down fearing the worst. 
“**WAIT Y/N!! YOU CAN’T LEAVE ME WITH YOUR CHILD… I can’t survive outside for too long!!!**” The demon yelled as s/n began to cry.
You swam deeper, until you saw Hidan struggling to get out of some black rope’s grip. You reached his side and sliced the rope then grabbed his hand, pulling him up with you before he was out of breath. He reached the surface but the weird creature gripped your leg pulling you down once more. Hidan got out coughing and looked at the demon “Follow…her” he said breathlessly. The demon placed s/n down near Hidan and dove in after you at full speed merging into your body once more and sliced the creature’s hand. You swam up and get out of the water quick while Hidan helped you stand hugging you close “Thank jashin you came”  
You nodded then looked at the now bubbling pond. You preformed a few hand signs and slammed your hand down on to the water electrifying the life out of the sludgy creature. It screeched and fell apart into the water revealing a group of leeches.
S/n for the first time crawled towards Hidan to hide. Hidan hugged his little boy close, as you relaxed your stance and moved away from the now dead creature. “That was fucking something” You said breathlessly and turned to your two boys with a smile “Are you alright my babies?”
Hidan smiled and got up with s/n in his arms “Yeah we are okay… Thanks for coming”
You smiled and picked up his scythe and pendant “I think I can get this fixed for you… for now keep it in your pocket” You said handing the pendant to him.
“I almost forgot how caring you could be…This fucked up creature lured me in using an image of my mother” 
“Your mother? I thought you didn’t know her” you said
“I didn’t…but whatever…I got you back” he said happily, until the pond shone and morphed back into the form of a woman with shoulder length silver hair and magenta eyes. 
Hidan pulled you behind him protectively and grit his teeth “The fuck was that!?” 
The woman smiled awkwardly “Hidan don’t be so judgmental that was obviously not me back there. As I said before this is merely a projection…I don’t know how but I’m glad you were saved” She said 
“You are the worst mother ever!!” He snapped and you looked at him “Mother?.... you are Hidan’s mother?” 
She nodded and you got close while holding s/n making Hidan tense up. “It is nice to meet you”
She smiled and teared up seeing s/n “This must be s/n…May I?” 
You smiled and nodded handing him to her. “Oyy! Y/n!!! don’t” Hidan frowned not liking the idea.
“It is okay my demon can sense her aura….it is a peaceful one…I guess you should let your guard down Hidan”
He got closer looking at her as she caressed s/n’s face “He looks just like you Hidan…I’m almost jealous you will get to see him grow up” She looked at the silver haired man and pinched his cheek slightly “you are too cute for your own good. I bet you and s/n are going to be a handful for y/n to handle in the future”
“It’s alright I’ve handled him so far…he is learning to behave” you joked
“OYYYY!! I’M NOT YOUR DOORMAT BOTH OF YOU KNOCK IT OFF!!!” He snapped making you both laugh. She handed you the child then hugged Hidan close and kissed his cheek “I’m proud of you Hidan… Even if you defied my first warning for you since birth and became a jashinist”
“What is wrong with becoming one?” he said with a pout
“Oh I haven’t got the chance to tell you…You father was one...I thought the cult told you already...but that would mean they haven’t told you about the will”
“Will? My father left a will for me?” He said in shock
“On the far east of Yugakure, near the river, there is a house built next to a small red wooden bridge…that used to be our home. You’ll find it all there….I have to go now…take care my sweet boy” She said and vanished. 
You looked at Hidan in shock “Why didn’t the cult tell you all this?” 
He frowned “That is what I would like to fucking know”
You took his hand “Don’t worry we will find out…together”
He nodded and pulled you close heading towards the exit.


You wandered inside the long winding path using the walls to levels yourself on the slippery ground and heard d/n coughing “Aww the humidity is too much for you… I promise we will be out of here soon, alright?” You said stroking her hair gently. She whimpered and burying her face in your chest making you smile at the cute action. 
“Kakuzu!! Can you hear me?” You called out desperate to get answer and you did. You smiled and hurried towards the sound. You jumped down a hole and landed in front of a blue lit hall “Kakuzu?” You called out but there was no sound.
You walked towards the end of the tunnel and gasped seeing Kakuzu’s body floating lifelessly in the pond, face down. You undid the straps on d/n and put her down, then rushed to the pond to pull him out bringing him to the edge. You took off his mask and cloak then yelped seeing leeches all over his arms and neck. He had a lifeless look to his face which made you panic as you pulled the leeches out of his skin and took off his shirt to remove the rest making sure there was none left.
D/n crawled towards him and you closed his nose, placing your lips on his to give him some air, and then pressed down over his chest “Don’t you dare die!!” You said and pressed down onto his chest once more until water over flowed from his mouth and he sat up quick coughing out the remaining water. You rubbed his back and smiled “Oh thank heavens”
He looked at you then at d/n, who was worriedly holding on to his hand. “I thought I was a goner” He said and you relaxed “What on earth happened to you?” 
“I thought I saw my father but it wasn’t him and those leeches dragged me in” He said 
You looked at him confused, but the leeches jumped out the water, merging together and forming a weird looking creature. It shot its black ropes out its mouth, latching on to you and d/n. Kakuzu quickly used his threads to snap the ropes and released one of his masks, shooting a strong surge of electricity at the pond, and roasting the creature til it was ash. 
You hugged d/n close while hiding behind Kakuzu and he let his mask back in watching the ashes of the creature sink down. He turned to you and hugged you close looking at your wrists where the creature grabbed you “Are you two alright?” 
“Yeah we are fine” You said, trying to calm d/n down, who was crying. Kakuzu carried her up “D/n stop crying… listen to me. Your father will never ever let anything hurt you alright?…I’ll always be there to protect you and so will your mother” He said kissing her cheeks and wiping away her tears, as she calmed down and threw herself on to him for a hug. 
“Your mother would be proud Kakuzu” a voice spoke and you both looked towards it, seeing a middle aged man who held similar feature to Kakuzu. 
“Otousan…So it was real I did see you” Kakuzu said in disbelief 
“Otousan?” You asked confused and looked at the man then bowed to him
He smiled “This is a strange place but I’m glad you made it out of this mess alive…I wanted to see your beautiful family before leaving. Your girls look charming…keep them safe and don’t let them down” 
“You don’t have to say those words to me because they are my principles” Kakuzu spoke
You smiled as his father looked at you and spoke again “I would’ve loved to have a more traditional style daughter-in-law, not a shinobi, but as long as you are taking care of him well, then it is fine with me….times have changed after all but he has not. He may be a bit fussy at times but he is just over sensitive about things, so don’t get to mad at him too much” 
You bowed “I’ll keep that in mind Otousama” 
He chuckled “You can drop the formalities…I look forward to see you tending to your parents’ graves Kakuzu….You might find something there you missed before you went in to fit rage...it seems I must go now…train the little one to be as honorable and strong” He said fading away slowly “Oh and Kakuzu… you and y/n have my blessings” He said and vanished completely
Kakuzu smiled at those dear words and you let out a deep breath “Woah! that was the most nerve wrecking thing I’d ever done” You said and hid your face in your hands. 
“Why?” he asked
“Because I just met my father in law….and he actually likes me…This is so cool” You said excitedly and hugged his waist tight making him smile. He didn’t smile to often but he couldn’t help it. His two girls were too adorable for him to handle. 
“Let’s get the hell out of here” He said wandering out the cave with d/n asleep in his arms and you on his side. 


You wandered deeper into the cave feeling your feet ache from the unsteady ground. You stopped, seeing that the coast was clear and placed d/n down on a small rock, then reached into your bag to hand her her water bottle. She took it from you and you took your water bottle as well to drink and smiled at how much she had grown in such little time. You knelt next to her and smiled “Are you gonna walk, so mommy can rest from holding you all the time?” 
She kept drinking swinging her legs, making you laugh then handed you the bottle. You took it from her placing it back in your bag, until you heard Deidara’s voice talking and crying. You carried her up and rushed towards the voice “DEI! DEIDARA!! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!” You yelled but there was no answer. 
You reached a big cavern, where an immense light was shining through and gasped, seeing a splash into the water. You guessed Deidara had fallen in and placed d/n on the ground forming a protective bubble around her, then dropped your bag and dove in after Deidara into the water. You spotted the blonde being dragged down by some sort of creature. You panicked and swam deeper, preforming a few hand signs, forming an air bubble around his head so he could breathe. He regained his breath and kicked the creature off him then grabbed your hand and you swam up quickly before the creature recovered. You used all the power you had in your arm to toss him out the water, while you dealt with the creature yourself. 
He landed out the water and saw the d/n was inside a bubble crying because she was scared of being alone. He rushed to her and the bubble popped for him to hug her tight, trying to calm her down. “Daddy is here d/n. Don’t worry un” He said and looked towards the pond anxiously. 
The creature latched on to you but an angry spark lit inside of you and your mother instincts were unleashed for you to protect your loved ones. You punched the creature off you and grabbed its neck tossing it out the pond. Deidara yelped moving out the way as the creature landed next to him. He watched the pond bubble up as you emerged from it and formed a few signs, spitting out masses of acidic saliva at the creature, burning it alive.
 It squealed in pain and burst into small leeches, which writhed on the floor, turning to a puddle of burnt flesh. You relaxed and so did the raging pond under you, then rushed towards Deidara. “Are you alright?”
“I am now…I’m so glad you came for me hm” He said and you hugged him and d/n close “I rushed here with zero hesitation Dei…If anything happened to you I wouldn’t know what to do with myself” You said kissing his cheek. 
He could almost hear your fast beating heart and sat you down, so you can relax before the anxiety took over your sanity. He handed you d/n to calm your down and you smiled, seeing she was looking at you worriedly.

"I'm glad you made it out alive, Dei" a woman's voice came from the pond and you all looked towards it to see a blonde middle aged woman with the sweetest face. 

"Mom...what happened un?"

"These creatures used my projection to hurt you...I was able to resist them and tell you to run but I was too late...I’m sorry" she spoke

"Mom?" You looked at him confused then got up with d/n in your arms.

"Yes... Y/n, meet my mother. Mom this is y/n and d/n, they ar-"

"I know exactly who these two are” she smiled, getting close to look at d/n, as you greeted her formally. 

"You are both so young yet you decided to be together regardless” she said then grabbed the blonde’s ear pulling it “You were always such a little reckless boy, but I still love you” She said then hugged him tight making you laugh.
“Y/n help she got me in a death grip un” He struggled and you smiled “But you do deserve that ear pull. Maybe I should pull your ears too” You joked and he pouted.
His mother pulled away kissing his cheek and smiled “I need to go now…I’m so proud to have a son like you Deidara” She said softly caressing his cheek then he grabbed her hands “Wait!! Before that…I forgot to ask! What did you leave for me back at that river?”
“We weren’t on good terms back then and I know one of us would leave the other, so it was a small confession along with things you may want to know of your father” She said slowly fading away.
He teared up and hugged her one last time until she disappeared and his arms failed to catch her flowing aura. You put your hand on his shoulder “Are you alright, Dei?”
He nodded and turned to hug you and d/n close “I won’t let anything take me away from you two ever....That is a promise”
You smile and kissed his cheek then handed him d/n, who was extending her arms out for him. He carried her up and kissed her cheeks then chuckled “Now I know why I like you y/n un”
“You are as scary as that woman but you glare at me, instead of pull my ears hm”
“I never thought a person like me, could ever intimidate someone” You laughed and leaned your head on his shoulder as you started walking away.
“You are scary when you want to be...but you are still cute…the cutest in fact yeah. Now let us get the fuck out of this place and just tell Pein we found nothing un”
“Yes please~”


"For god's S/n stop crying!!" You snapped at the little child, who was sobbing none stop for hours, while you sat on the side of a rock in the shade. You knew he was upset because of Sasori and you couldn’t blame him. You were sad and worried as well but you could barely think with all that racket. He whimpered, quieting down looking at you in disappointment.
"I'm sorry...just please calm down...so I can find him, alright?” you said kissing his forehead and looked to the side trying to think of a way to get to Sasori back.
You handed s/n his water bottle then looked around the new spilled sand, hoping Sasori would emerge soon. s/n mumbled and got up to wobble towards you and hug your leg, making you smile. He was so clingy and didn’t like to be too far away from you but it was weird because he let go of your leg and started walking to the left. You thought he wanted to explore and followed him close by to watching out for insects or scorpions that would hurt him, until he reached the top of a small sand hill. he sat down on the ground and slid against it to the other side. You chuckled and followed, helping him stand “Don’t do that you’ll get sand in your diaper. Silly boi”
He smiled and pointed to a small cave that was glowing. You looked at it skeptically and carried him up heading towards the cave. Sasori’s seals sometimes would emit a strong blue like color….so maybe s/n had sensed him inside.
“Are you a sensory ninja?” You asked s/n as you entered only to hear Sasori’s voice.
“LET GO OF ME!!!” He yelled
You gasped and sprinted in that direction to see Sasori being pulled towards a pond with blacked ropes wrapped around his body, as he desperately tried to slice them off.
You put S/n down and rushed to his side taking out your tanto sword and sliced the ropes to release him. He used his chakra strings to pull you behind him and opened his palms releasing the flame dispensers in hope to roast the creatures to death. They melted and screeched, bursting into smaller leeches that soon fell lifeless into the pond.
Sasori relaxed then turned to you to hug you tight and pulled away “Where is s/n?” He asked worriedly, until something clung to his leg startling him. He looked down to find s/n whimpering as he hugged his leg.
“There you are…I’m so thankful you two are okay” He said pulling his metallic wings back in and carried s/n up in his arms.
“The hell were those Sasori?” You asked worriedly and he shook his head “We are in the heart of Devil’s covet… it is in the name. ‘Covet’ means ‘desire’…I guess out of the three of us; I’m that devil. Those creatures feast on wanderer’s chakras. They suck out your energy not to much that you are dead and not too little so that you are powerless”
“How did you find this place to start with? It is obviously sketchy as hell!”
“I know…they lured me in with bair. This place was also a holy place of worship…it is said this is where the land of the dead is connected to our own. I thought I saw my parents…and when I got close these fiends knew how to take advantage of me”
You relaxed and pulled him for another hug, kissing his cheek “I’m glad you are fine”
“We are glad as well”
You turned around to see a long hair woman along with a red haired man; they both had similar qualities to Sasori.
He relaxed and got close skeptically “I hope this isn’t another trap”
“We are sorry…we tried to warn you but these fiends blocked away our projections” The man spoke
Sasori turned to you “Y/n… these are my parents…I’d be happy if they meet you”
You got close and smiled bowing formally to them until his mother smiled brightly pinching your cheek “Oh Sasori! She is so cute!” She said then hugged you close “Thank you for keeping my boy company after all these years”
You smiled shyly “He is the one who came after me actually”
“That is my boy!” His dad said patting his back, as his mom took s/n into her arms. He whimpered and extended his arms back to Sasori, so the puppet man took him back “Sorry he doesn’t like to be held by other people” Sasori apologized, making his parents chuckle “He is just like you but you never cried when you were young. You were such a calm child” his mom spoke
“This kid can continue the family legacy…I guess my mom can finally hand you the will your mother hid for you” his father said proudly
“Will? What will?” Sasori asked curiously
“You don’t know of it?...You must’ve left before granny Chiyo had the chance to tell you. You should go find her” his mother spoke stepping back from him
He hesitated a bit then nodded “I will”
“We have to go now… Have a good life you three and don’t forget that we are always watching over you and so proud, regardless of what you do. Hopefully you will find a new and better path” she said and they both disappeared.
You looked at Sasori worriedly “You aren’t seriously going to meet your grandmother in Suna…Are you?”
“I don’t know…I’d rather think of that later on….for now I want out of this place” he said
You nodded and started walking away with him, as s/n fell asleep in his arms peacefully, happy that his dad is okay.


you felt a sharp sting on your arm and woke up startled, only to see that d/n had bit into your hand trying to wake you up. You sat up and sat her down next to you rubbing the back of your head “Ouch that fall hurt…and so did your bite…I’m glad I broke your fall d/n”
She crawled away from you and you tried to grab her but she slipped away “No! d/n! come here. It is dangerous!” You snapped then got up to grab her and winced, seeing you have injured your ankle. You picked her up in your arms and noticed she was heading towards a weird glowing light. You followed it, hearing a bit of talking and then a splash of water. You limped there, thinking it was Kisame then reached a big cavern with a pond in the center.
D/n started to giggle and clap her hands excitedly at the sight of the pool, until something jumped out and you took cover, only to see it was Kisame. He had bite marks all over his body and was bleeding heavily.
“KISAME!!”You gaped in shock grabbing his attention as a black humanoid emerged from the pond, revealing its sharp teeth. It seemed to spot you and d/n, and then lunged at you both with black tentacle like ropes. You couldn’t move to quick because of your leg but just in time Samehada wrapped itself around you for protection. Its bandages were torn up and you smiled as it ripped the ropes to shreds. Kisame chuckled at the small family reunion moment then jumped up to pick Samehada in his hand, so he can heal his wounds and attacked the creature, turning it to mush in seconds.
You sighed in relief and limped towards him. He noticed your busted leg then carried d/n in his arms and sat you down to take a look at your wound “Are you alright? What happened?”
“I fell down and got knocked out, and then d/n bit me to wake me up, what about you?”
He smirked taking the first aid kit from your bag to wrap your leg, as he sat d/n down near his sword. “I got knocked out too and I woke up here….then the strangest thing happen-“
“You have a woman! And she is gorgeous!” a voice spoke behind him.
You looked over to see a big tall shark looking man with a scarred eye, who was a hundered percent Hoshigaki.
 “Who is this?” You asked Kisame and he smiled nervously “This is my father”
You looked at the man confused “I thought you were dead!”
“I am but this place is pretty strange to allow me to cross over here” He said then walked over and knelt near you and you smiled “So you are the famous Hoshigaki, Kisame keeps talking about… It is nice to finally meet you”
He smirked “The pleasure is all mine pretty girl”
You blushed and Kisame frowned “Hey dad… back off”
 The old shark laughed patting Kisame’s back “I’m sorry I can’t resist a cute face…and oh look… who is that?” He stopped spotting d/n sitting on Samehada. He reached out to pick her up gently and brought her to his face “Aww look at how sweet you are. I always wanted a baby girl” He said with a wide smile, as d/n touched his nose and face realizing he looked like Kisame then giggled making his smile widen.
“You are so lucky…I’m almost jealous of your little family…I wish I got to experience all these moments” He said making Kisame’s smirk drop.
You took the old sharks hand in yours and smiled “But this *is* your family…and this is your granddaughter… so technically you do have a baby girl”
He smiled looking down at your small hand “It is true… women are such compassionate creatures… I’m happy for you Kisame…and I’m happy you became a swords man…that brings me great honor….Just like your mother”
“My mother was into sword fighting too?” Kisame asked curiously
“heh yes she was! How they hell do you think your old man lost his eye? War? No! I fell for a dangerous woman…Come to think of it… I never really told you much about her. After she passed I locked away all her possessions, so that I could forget about her… In our old house in Kiri. I’ve hidden a seal there in your room somewhere. You will know it, when you find it” He said as he began to fade away
Kisame nodded “I’ll go find it”
“I know you will. Take care of your woman and that little pup of yours” He said and vanished.
“That is so cool! Your mom sounds awesome!…and your dad is so good looking! Now I know why a lot of girls were all over him” You said excitedly
Kisame chuckled and wrapped Samehada back up. “Heh don’t give him the satisfaction…let’s get you two out of here” He said placing Samehada on his back.
You stood up testing your sprained ankle but he carried you, placing you on his shoulders and he carried d/n in his hand “You can’t carry us all at once!! You’ll get tired!” you complained
“Heh what kind of man can’t carry his girls?...I’m going to take us out of here and head for the nearest inn to rest”
“What about the mission?! We’ve come so far”
"You are more important than a stupid mission” He said making you smile as d/n cuddled against his chest.


You were walking for almost an hour now and still no sight of Itachi. You sat s/n down and closed your red eye, trying to see if your Rinnegan can pick up any traces of his chakra. You sensed a weird source of power coming from the end of the hall that you were in. You carried s/n up and headed towards the end, spotting a weird blue lit cave. You didn’t care much for it, until s/n squirmed in your arms “Papa” He said making your eyes land on a floating body at the end of the pond.
You gasped seeing it was Itachi and put s/n down then ran on top of the water carrying his lifeless body up and brought him to the edge of the pond quickly cupping his face. His lips were blue and his body was freezing. You took of his cloak to preform CPR but gasped seeing leeches sucking out the chakra from his body.
 S/n got scared at the sight and you removed Itachi’s shirt, pulling them out, and tossed them away, then pressed down on his chest. You then closed his nose, placing your lips on his to give him some air. You kept repeating it over and over, as tears filled your eyes until the water emerged from his mouth.
He gasped for air and turned around on all four to cough out the remaining water causing a bit of blood to seep down his chin. You rubbed his back thanking the heavens that he made it.
“Papa” S/n pulled at his shirt worriedly as Itachi continued to pant. Itachi saw the both of you and closed his eyes relaxing his body knowing he was safe. You helped him sat up and hugged him tight along with s/n, thankful it was over.
The ground shook and the leeches jumped out the water but in seconds Itachi activated his mangekyo sharingan, using amatersu to burn the parasites alive before they merged back. The bloodsuckers burnt falling into the water and Itachi closed his eye tight in pain, as blood seeped down his cheek.
You hugged him tight, wiping away the blood with your sleeve and kissed his forehead, knowing how much it hurt him. He opened his onyx eyes once more and calmed down “I’m sorry for getting you two into this mess”
“For goodness sake Itachi. You were on the brink of death and all you can do is apologize for something that is out of your hands!!…You are such a sweet boy” You said hugging him close as s/n climbed into his lap making Itachi smile.
“I am glad you are both okay. These fiends lured me in with a projection of my parents” He said
“How cruel” You took out your first aid kit and dabbed some alcohol on the bite marks on his chest hoping they won’t get infected, while he stroked s/n’s hair, who had his head on his lap.
“Itachi… we are glad you are alright” a woman’s voice rung and you both looked over seeing a man and a woman walking over to you. You looked at him confused and Itachi spoke “Y/n…my parents”
You stood up and bowed slightly, until a hand grabbed your chin lifting it up. His father glared right into your eyes with his sharingan then let go “Y/n…daughter of M/n, the exiled Uchiha”
You stepped back with a frown “You were the family head that exiled my mother?”
He nodded ”Who knew a mixed child like you would show so much potential”
“Be kind to her Fugaku. She saved our boy’s life countless of times, even Sasuke’s. You need to leave your differences with m/n aside” his mother spoke
“That is true otousan…Y/n is the direct descendant of Izuna Uchiha….he married a senju in secret to try and activate the rinnegan, but y/n was the only one who was able to achieve it” Itachi explained
Fugaku frowned in distaste “Direct descendant of Izuna!? That is absurd of a mix but also…highly possible, Madara and his brother were insane”
Mikoto pulled at his sleeve “If that is true then she is rightfully at the head of the family now and she owns the entire the hidden quarters”
“Hidden quarters?” Itachi asked looking at you confused but you gave him the same clueless look
“Yes…It is where Izuna is buried…Madara used to reside there. All their belongings remained there, locked away and untouched” Fugaku explained it was then that he noticed something bump into his leg and looked down to see s/n. Mikoto bent down to carry s//n up and smiled “Aww look at you. He is adorable y/n…I’m so proud of you Itachi”
“It seems the clan won’t die out after all. However you should work on bringing your brother back from his dark path before your mother and I completely find peace” his father said and his mother handed you s/n “That is true… we know we are asking too much”
“Not at all… it is the least I could do” Itachi said, watching as they began to vanish. Fugaku gave you one last look and sighed “I apologize to you and your mother y/n…hopefully I can meet her in the afterlife”
You bowed with a smile and they disappeared. “That was something” You placed s/n down then went to Itachi, continuing to mend his wounds and he chuckled looking away shyly “How lucky am I to score the head of the clan?”
You blushed and laughed as well “You are too cute” You said kissing his cheek.


 You emerged from the sand after using your shield jutsu to cover yourself and s/n from the burning sands and insects. It was night time and luckily the moon was lighting the sky clearly for you to see.
S/n started to become fussy and tried pushing you away, getting sick of staying still for too long. You sighed “Alright! Alright! I get it” you undid the straps and placed him down on the ground, stretching your spine from the pain of holding him all the time “Hey Zetsu can you carr-“ You froze and looked around “ZETSU!!” You yelled but he wasn’t there.
You started to panic and suddenly everything seemed double as scary as it normally was. You were alone in the Devil’s valley with a toddler between masses and masses of sand, having the nearest settlement hours away from you.
S/n got up and wobbled on the sand, trying to walk but you stopped him, fearing the night scorpions would get to him. He pointed to a rocky grove in the ground “Pretty” He said and you looked towards it “Honey that is a rock… It isn’t pretty because there are tons of rocks around”
He whined pulling you towards it “Pretty~”
You sighed carrying him up and made your way towards it to see a hole in the ground revealing a pond as the moon shone through. “How strange a water basin in the middle of the desert…maybe we can jump in to refill our water bottles” You said and jumped in, landing safely on the water surface until you spotted something below the surface and gasped in shock knowing who it was. You put s/n on the ground and dove in swimming towards Shiro. You spotted a black creature in the center wrapped around Kuro and weaved a few signs, using your wind bullets to shoot it down, forcing it to release the two. Shiro pulled Kuro up and smiled upon seeing you, then pulled you out the water as well. You coughed a bit and the two merged together helping you stand.
The creature emerged from the water ready to take a swing at S/n, who was too close but Zetsu wouldn’t let him. He placed his hand on the ground forming a giant tree to wrap around the creature and you preformed a few signs “Fuuton: Furyuu no Jutsu!” You said releasing a wind dragon from the ground ready to crash into the parasite slicing it to shreds.
Zetsu relaxed and looked at you confused “We didn’t know you could do that princess **I’m impressed**”
You smiled heading toward s/n to pick him up “I told you before that I got trained…I am basically a chunin level or something”
He smiled and pulled you in for a hug causing s/n to squeal because he got crushed in between. You laughed and sighed happily “I’m glad you are both okay…I thought I lost you. S/n helped find you” you said as s/n cheered “pretty”
Zetsu smiled and kissed s/n’s head “This cave helped us connect with Kaguya sama**Yes…my mother**”
You titled your head “Really?... from the moonlight?”
“Yes but it seems it was a trap” he said until the moons light intensified and morphed once more pouring into the figure of a pale woman with horns in a royal looking kimono.
You stepped back in fear of her blank eyes but Zetsu smiled and made his way to her “**Okasan…you are back**”
“There was an interference with the projection” She spoke and then shifted her eyes to you and child in your hands, making your heart drop; there was something about her aura that was completely intimidating. Zetsu looked towards you and motioned for you to come close.
“Don’t be afraid mortal…I’ve dealt with your kind before and lived among them. You even hold my descendant in your arms” She spoke
You stepped close causing s/n to hide his face in your neck, noticing your tense energy. You bowed down and looked at her. She smiled poking s/n’s cheek making him look at her “He is too precious. You need to become stronger y/n to protect him. They will come to take him away from you… I’m sure. Nothing hurts more than a woman separated from her child”
“Who are ‘they’?” You asked worriedly and she sighed “My family and the branch family…they wish to steal my power and destroy this world…If I didn’t get freed, you will need to protect them both yourself Zetsu” She said caressing his cheek then stepped back “I must go now…I look forward to our next meeting” She spoke and disappeared making you frown and step back from Zetsu, hugging s/n tight. You didn’t know why but you didn’t feel easy around her. She was pure evil and you felt like she was just lying to Zetsu to get what she wanted.
He looked at you noticing your discontent look “What is wrong princess? **Are you alright?**”
You nodded “Yeah I’m fine…Can we head home please…I’m not feeling so well”
He nodded taking s/n from you and kissed you cheek “Let’s go” He pulled you close wrapping his vines around you and used his mayfly jutsu to sink into the ground taking you away.

You opened your eyes hearing crying and a pair of small hands tap at your neck and face. S/n mumbled, trying to get you to wake up as he cried. You sat up; hugging him tight and placed you hand on your head, to see that it was bleeding from the strong hit. “Shhh don’t cry baby… mommy’s here for you” You said calming him down then got up, reaching for your bag to wet a towel and wash the dust off his face. “There we go… all done” you said kissing his cheek as he calmed down cuddling into your chest. 
You looked around confused, not knowing how you got into a rocky cave. The wind must’ve tossed your forward at some sort of hole or crack in the ground underneath all the sand. You put your hand on your wound to heal the cut, and then started walking towards a small tunnel.
Soon enough you heard Obito’s voice talking and rushed over towards it “Obito? Obito? Are you there?” you called out but there was no answer.
You quickened your pace holding s/n tight and dropped down a ledge towards a hall with shining light. You walked in a huge cavern with a pond in the center and froze seeing Obito’s body was sprawled on the ground with his head and upper torso submerged fully in the water. You rushed to his side and pulled his head from the water, noticing his mask was removed and his lips where a bluish tint. You laid him back and undid his cloak then cringed seeing a bunch of leeches attached to his chest, sucking on his skin. However they were devouring his chakra, instead of his blood. You used your medical chakra blades to rip the leeches out throwing them in to the pond as quick as you could, then pressed a couple of time on his heart making him spit out the water from his body. He coughed and looked at you “y/n?”
You smiled caressing his cheek “Oh thank heavens you are alright… what were you doing…how did you end up this way?”
“I don’t think I can explain it with words… you would think I’m crazy” he said coughed a bit more.
Suddenly, the leeches in the pond morphed back into a human sized creature and lunged at you both. Obito quickly got up pushing you behind him and punched the creature in the face with all his strength, causing the creature to spiral back into the adjacent wall cracking it. Obito then preformed a few signs and blew a wave of fire at the fiend, causing it to melt and scream in agony dropping back into the pond. You relaxed your tense muscles, as s/n whimpered reaching his hands out for Obito to take him. 
Obito made sure the leeches were dead then went back to hug his son tight, kissing his cheek “It’s all alright now… don’t cry” 
Just then the pond began to boil and bubble, causing the ground to shake a bit and a strong light expanded in front of you from the pond, revealing Rin. He gulped but she smiled “I’m sorry Obito…this place is really strange and it has summoned my projection to lure you in and I didn’t have enough time to warn you”
Obito smiled “It’s alright…I forgive you Rin. It is the least I can do I guess” He said and you frowned pushing Obito out the way “The cave used her to lure you in!! You still have feelings for a dead girl!!!” You snapped 
Rin looked at you and raised her hands “You must be y/n…I’m sorry for causing any trouble between the two of you. It wasn-” 
“Then stop acting so humble and sweet before I snap your neck!!” You cut her off “Tell him the truth before you fade away!! Tell him what Kakashi told me!!! Tell Obito how you confessed your love to his teammate the minute after he was gone to protect you and him!! You are completely selfish!!The most selfish person I have ever met!” You yelled balling your fists. 
Obito’s eyes widened looking at you then looked towards Rin and she sighed and nodded “It is True Obito…I did love Kakashi with all my heart…I only saw you as someone important that I needed to care for but there were no hidden feelings…I’m sorry if my niceness towards you, appeared like something more”
Obito felt his heart get crushed and he gulped looking down “This doesn’t come as a surprise…I’ve always been your second best anyway…didn’t know why I still had hope in beating him…However I won’t dwell on the past… I have someone now…someone who was patient with me all these years and saw past all my flaws. y/n suffered but gave me a gift in return” He said looking at s/n in his arms. “I don’t think you have to wait for me any longer… because I won’t be following you any time soon, Rin” 
She smiled and nodded “I understand…I’m happy that you have someone by your side now…before I leave I met your grandmother...She said that she left something for you under the third top tatami mat in her room. She also said she is proud to finally be able to see her grandchild starting a family of his own…Have a good life Obito…you too y/n” She said and disappeared into the glowing light. You looked at Obito and rushed to hug him tight “You idiot!...I love you so much”
He pulled you on to his side and kissed your cheek “I’m sorry for all the things I say and do…Thank you for being patient with me”
You frowned and took s/n away from him “Don’t say such things…. I am angry at you for choosing that bitch over me!”  
“But I didn’t! that is why I’m here!” He said sticking to your side 
“Yeah out of all the things this creature does to lure you here it chose her and not me!” 
“But you are still alive!!” it is almost like you want me to be lured to my death by you!
You grabbed his collar bringing him close “I already am. I’m luring you in to kill you and maybe rest from all this mess you caused” You said with a pout.  He knew you were joking, so he laughed and kissed your cheek “I’m sorry…How about we go home now? Screw this mission”
You nodded with a shy smile “that would be nice” 
He kissed you softly then kissed s/n’s cheek and activated his eye to use his Kamui to take you back home.

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