TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Ma...

By Burning_Poppy

207K 5.8K 2.9K

Nine years since the start. Nine years since the dead became the apex predators of the Earth. Nine years sinc... More

Christmas Eve Special
Christmas Special
New Year /Eve Special
Book 1


1.8K 53 13
By Burning_Poppy


Five Months ago...

Your strapped to the table again as Deimos cuts your body.

Deimos: You can join us, and this will all end.

It's been three weeks since you were captured. Each day holding a new form of torture. You've waited for your opportunity to escape, but there hasn't been one.

You: Fuck you.

Deimos: Thought you would say that.

He sticks a cloth over your face, and dumps water on you. He lets you sit there, drowning for a few seconds, and removes the cloth.

Deimos: All you have to do is say the word, and this can all stop.

It's been three weeks of hell. You don't see another option.

You: Fine... Fine...

Deimos: Finally!

He unstraps you and you sit up. You can see the large, muscular man that you encountered at the gate standing by the door.

Deimos: We do need to take a few precautions. You obviously have not earned our trust.

He nods to someone behind you and lifts up a metal mask to your face. It covers everything below your eyes. Someone else presses another half on the back side of your head. You hear a drill as the mask is screwed together. Making it impossible for you to take off.

Deimos: Now, act out of line and there is a shocker inside the mask.

He raises a controller with a button on it and presses it. It is a small shock, but you still jump as it hits you.

Deimos: I can increase and decrease the voltage. If I need to, I can kill you.

You: Alright...

Deimos: Now, let's get you training, shall we?

You: You're not even going to let me rest? You've been torturing me for three weeks.

Deimos sighs.

Deimos: I suppose. You will begin tomorrow then. Heracles will escort you to your room and bring you food and water later.

You get up and stand. Your legs buckle beneath you, but you manage to stay up.

Deimos: Oh, and I almost forgot. This belongs to you.

You turn to him and he is holding out Clementine's hat. You struggle to hold back your tears as you look at it.

Deimos: A reminder of your failures.

You take it and put it on. You walk over to the door and Heracles walks out in front of you. He takes you down a series of halls.

Heracles: I like you. You are little, but tough. You held out longer than I thought you would.

You: Fuck you.

Heracles: HAHA! I think you will fit your title well.

You shake your head as you continue down the hall. He stops and begins unlatching a door.

Heracles: I will bring you food and water later.

You step in and see two beds on the sides of the room. It's a small room; barely fitting the two beds, toilet, sink, and... Shower?

You lay down in the bed on the right side of the room as you walk in. You fall asleep almost instantly. Exhausted from everything that's happened.


You hear the door unlatching and you sit up.

Unknown: I don't understand why you can't just put him in another room.

Deimos: We don't have another room like this.

Unknown: So, make one!

You hear a loud smack.

Deimos: Watch it.

The door opens and the young girl that was there when you were captured walks in.

Heracles: I brought you the stuff.

He sets a tray of food on the bed you're in and leaves. You can hear him bolting it shut again.

You don't know how to eat it. The only holes in the mask are by your nostrils so you can breathe. You pick up some of the food on your tray and inspect it. You don't know what it is.

Unknown: It's disgusting.

You look over at her, but only for a second before looking back at the food and pushing it under your mask and into your mouth. It was a hard process, but it worked.

Unknown: We didn't have the greatest first meeting.

You just continue to eat your food.

Unknown: I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry for your friend.

You: He wasn't my friend, but he didn't deserve to be eaten alive.

Unknown: You know why we're going to be sharing room?

You don't reply.

Unknown: I'm just like you. I understand what you're going through right now. They captured me and did the same thing. I hate them all.

You: Yeah, right.

Unknown: It's true.

You: I don't believe you.

Unknown: Well, I'm B- Athena...

You: B- Athena?

Athena: Just Athena.

You didn't finish your food and only drank a little bit of the water, but you were sick of talking to Athena. So, you set the tray on the ground.

You: I'm going to sleep.

Athena: Are you going to finish that?

You: No.

Athena: Cool.

She picks it up and begins eating it.


Two months later...

You fall to the ground after Athena drop kicked you. You get up breathing heavily and hunching over.

Athena: You said Heracles was teaching you a lot.

Heracles: I have!

You: I just don't want to hurt you.

Athena: That's not the right attitude.

A shock is sent through your mask as Heracles presses a button.

Heracles: The God of war is merciless! You cannot worry about your opponent's wellbeing!

You: You want me to kill her?

Heracles: I want you to pretend like you are trying!

You run forward at her again and raise your right fist, but it is a feint. She moves to counter it and you bring your left leg up and into her side. She stumbles to the side after the blow and grunts. You can't give her time to think so you go to hit her again, but a shock is sent through your mask and you stop.

Deimos: Is he ready?

Heracles: He is, we were just doing some fine tuning.

Deimos: Great. Bring them to the meeting room when they clean up a little.

You bend over your knees and try to breathe. The little slits in the mask are small, and not easy to breathe through.

Athena: Good job today.

She holds out her hand for you to shake. You take it, she maneuvers, and flips you onto your back.

Heracles: HAHA!

Athena: Don't trust the enemy you idiot.


You: Where are we going again?

Athena: Some small community.

You: We could escape right now.

Athena: Yeah, but they wouldn't stop hunting us until they found us.

You: Are we killing them?

Athena: You are.

You: I don't want to.

Athena: You don't have much of a choice.

You: What did they do?

Athena: Absolutely nothing.

You: I'm just killing them?

Athena: For training.

You: Fuck.

Athena: I know.

You see a walker up ahead of you.

Athena: I got it. Safe your strength.

She walks a little faster and pulls out a knife. Killing it faster than anyone you've ever seen.

Athena: Shit.

She drops to the ground and lays down. You assume she did it for a reason and fall to the ground yourself. Slowly army crawling towards her. You reach beside her and see the community. It's a lot bigger than they said it would be.

Athena: Fuckers gave us bad intel.

You: It was probably on purpose.

Athena: Looks like it will be both of us attacking then.

You: You really think we can take them on.

Athena: We can always trick em, and then surprise attack.

You: How are you planning to do that?

Athena: You know any good songs?


You walk towards the community quietly humming.

Unknown: Hey, who are you?!

You: "As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I take a look at myself and realize there's not much left."

You keep walking towards the community as they give you bewildered looks. You begin to dance a little. As you get closer, they form a barricade.

Unknown: Quit singing and stop.

You: "But I ain't never crossed a man that didn't deserve it."

You stop after that.

Unknown: Good he stopped. Who are you, and what do you want?

You don't respond. You can see Athena silently killing off a few people in the background.

Unknown: Answer the question!

You: Well, I'm here to train. I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. My mission was to come and kill a small community, but you guys are little bigger than small... So, I've just distracted you a little, and my partner thinned you guys out.

They turn around and you use this to your advantage. You grab the nearest guy's gun and quickly spray bullets down the line of people. They all drop quickly, and you move on to some people just arriving to the scene. Dropping the gun and using your knife to slice and cut your way through them.


You breathe heavily as Athena walks over to you.

Athena: You know I was joking about the song part, right?

You: Yeah, I just didn't know what to say.

Athena: What were you even singing?

You: Gangta's Paradise. A group I was with for a few days would shut up about it.

Athena: Well, you did good.

You: Yeah?

Athena: Let's head back.

You: I really don't want to.

She sends a small shock into your mask and raises the controller into the air.

You: Haha very funny.

Athena: I thought it was.


Ate: You've done well to prove yourself. Take pride in your new name... You have earned it... Welcome Ares.

You: Yeah cool, can I go to bed now.

A shock tickles your face.

Deimos: Respect.

Ate: I want you and Athena to go on another mission.

Athena: Another one?

Ate: Yes.

Athena: UGH!

Ate: You are to retrieve some important resources that we need.

You: You got it boss.



You: I'm not going to let them poison an entire fucking community.

Athena: I'm gonna get fucking tortured because of this.

You: No, you're not.

Athena: I'm supposed to keep you in line. They're not going to be happy.


Deimos: What do you mean it wasn't there?

You: It wasn't there.

Deimos: I know that isn't true. I can smell the smoke on you.

You: There was a building on fire.

Deimos: Yeah, I'm sure. Athena what happened?

Athena: There wasn't anything there.

Deimos: ATHENA!

Athena: He destroyed it.

Deimos: And you let him?!

You: No, I did it while she was taking a leak.

Deimos begins to pace back and forth.

Deimos: Your first mission... And you did this?

You: Yes.


Herakles comes into the room.

Herakles: Yes.

Deimos: Take him to the room.

Herakles: Ok.

He grabs you and drags you out of the room.


A month later...

You are thrown back into your room and you make your way to the bed. It's been three more hard weeks of hell. You stare at the ceiling as your body still suffers from the torture.

The door is opened and Athena walks in.

Athena: You're back.

She has a smile on her face.

You: Yeah.

Athena: I thought they were going to kill you.

You: Nah, just made me wish they would.

Athena: I got chewed out, but that was it.

You: Good.

Athena: Don't pull any of that shit again.

You: No promises.


You are training with Herakles when Thanatos races over.

Thanatos: We got a spy.

You: Uh, so.

Thanatos: It's time to retaliate.

Herakles: This should be a good way for you to prove yourself again.

You walk to the front gate and see people kicking the poor guy while he lays on the ground bleeding everywhere. Deimos sees you approach.

Deimos: Ares, would you like to take out the trash?

You: Sure.

Deimos: Drag him by the chains tied to his leg.

You: Alright.

Deimos: And tie these around your wrists and ankles.

You: Why?

Deimos: Fear tactics.

You: Oh, look at me, I'm Deimos and I'm the personification of fear and terror.

He backhands you.

Deimos: You need to show more respect... Kill everyone there.

You: Gotcha.


You: Why do they only ever send us?

Athena: I don't know, we're expendable. They used to come along a lot more before you were around.

You: So, who are these guys?

Athena: People we've been at war with for a while. Two groups combined, to form a big one. They think they can fight us.

You: Should've ran.

Athena: More fun for us I guess...

Nothing can be heard but the clanging of your chains, the dragging noise of the guy behind you, and his groans.

Athena: I like the shotgun.

You: Not as cool as a rocket launcher.

Athena: It's a onetime use thing.

You: Still wish they gave me one.

Athena: You would use it on them.

You: No, I wou- Yeah, I would.

As you approach you hear screams from a person atop the wall surrounding the community. Athena shoots the rocket at him and runs off to get in another way. You're the distraction, executioner, and the god of war.

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