Only Above the Surface

By lonelywhal

93.9K 5.9K 1.4K

Jin just got out of a relationship and Jimin knows the best solution: a one nightstand. Jungkook needed some... More

Gucci? Gucci.
Whalien 52
Go best friend! That's my best friend!
Pretty Vanilla
Can a girl top?
Boy Must Be Stupid
Come for me, Beautiful.
What if...
Fuck off
I Wanna Skate With Somebody!
Red Genie
Majestically thick as fuck
Funk Boi
Bowling Balls
Lucifer The Beautiful
The Binge
Lovely Boy
Candy Rain
Need a Tissue?
Blue Desert
Double Check
Baby Blue
The Overgrown Baboon
Please Say Yes
Too much.
Eskimo Kisses
Magical Bubbles
You can trust me
Something I Will Never Miss
Let Him Go
Kitty Knuckle Duster
Family: Part 1
Family Part 2
Are You Going to Greet Me
Bear With It

Eye Protection

1.4K 112 17
By lonelywhal

It took Jin and Jimin a little over four hours to complete all the baked goods for tomorrow. Most of that time was spent decorating the cookies and putting frosting on top of the sugar cookies. But now everything was done and Jin was exhausted.

Jimin was cuddled up to Taehyung on the couch while the two watched Naked And Afraid—Jimin swearing he saw something swinging between the man's legs but Taehyung thinks it was his satchel.

Jungkook was helping Jin clean the kitchen. The two maneuvering around the small kitchen with an amazing amount of ease for a new couple. When they did the little awkward dance people do when trying to pass, Jin simply kissed Jungkook's nose and moved around his frozen body. He loved the red hue that Jungkook possessed afterward. It was very domestic and Jin couldn't help but feel warm about it. He never got any help when Minho was around, he always did the cooking, cleaning, and laundry. It frustrated him at times and now thinking back on it Jin wondered why he stayed as long as he did. Now that he wasn't with him and dating Jungkook, he slowly began to realize how shitty of a relationship they had, and that's not even including all the cheating that bastard did.

After they were done and the dishes were washed and put away Jin headed to the living room and sunk into his favorite recliner. It wasn't anything extravagant but Jin paid for it himself and it was always a mark of pride for him. Jungkook followed but stopped when he realized he had nowhere to sit, Jimin and Taehyung were taking up the entire couch. Right as he was about to sink to the floor Jin grabbed his hand and pulled him into his lap, Jungkook letting out a little yelp as he fell onto Jin's chest.

He gave a shy smile and shifted into a comfortable position, his legs over Jin's hanging off the armrest while Jin's arm wrapped securely around his waist. It was close and it made Jungkook a little self-conscious because, well, Jin was fucking gorgeous and now, being this close, Jin could see all his flaws.

Jungkook looked down at his lap to avoid looking directly into Jin's face. That was until Jin put a finger under his chin and lifted. When Jungkook met his eyes his breath caught. Jin's eyes were intense yet soft as if he was putting all the words he couldn't say and projecting them through his gaze. It made Jungkook hot and his chest suddenly felt very warm like how you get when you drink alcohol for the first time, chest warm and tight that it's almost hard to breathe.

"So this is eye-fucking," Jimin whispered not so quietly. Jin flipped him off and continued to stare into Jungkook's eyes.

"Hope they use eye protection, " Taehyung snickered.

"Babe, you're unbelievably gorgeous, you know? But that was the lamest joke ever, "

"Well, babe, I can't help it that you're dating a horny man, "

"I think you meant corny, " Jimin corrected, rolling his eyes.

"Did I?" Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows at the smaller man.

Jin ignored the couple and pulled the blanket that hung off the back of the recliner around them. Jungkook snuggled into his chest and turned his attention to the tv.

"Damn, Jungkook didn't know you were such a bottom," Taehyung snickered as Jungkook stiffened.

Jin snapped his head toward him. "And what's wrong with being a bottom?" Jimin said before Jin could reply.

"Nothing! I just never seen Jungkook be all cuddle like that."

"Ohh, so only bottoms can be cuddlers now?" Jimin questioned.

"Well, no—"

"So, you're saying that tops have to be the masculine one in the relationship because you believe that relationships still fall into the frame of one person being the weaker and feminine one while the other is strong and masculine, right?" Jimin was taking none of this heterosexual bullshit.

"So, this is why you won't let me top because of some fucked up stereotype that was forced on you through society," Jimin seethed getting up from where he was once cuddled against Tae.

Jin pursed his lips with a satisfying glint in his eye. He loved it when Jimin got feisty and educated the ignorant. Jimin was easily riled up when it came to a patriarchal mindset many people still had.

"But that's how relationships work—" Taehyung started, bewildered by Jimin's sudden change of attitude.

"Guys—" Jungkook tried to cut in, he hated when people fought.

"Ah, no. That is not how relationships work. Not everyone follows this set of roles. I can't believe there's still prejudice in the gay community." Jimin was not backing down. This was honestly more entertaining than the show they were watching. It felt like an American debate.

"There's nothing wrong with being a bottom or a top and it shouldn't be teased. We do not follow hetero-normative structures in this household so, get that out ya head right now." Jimin finished with his arms crossed.

Taehyung was unsure where to go from here. He didn't want Jimin mad at him but he felt cornered. He didn't know the topic would be so sensitive to the pair of friends. He really didn't want to have this conversation in front of others either.

Taehyung got up from the couch and began putting his shoes on. Jimin unfolded his arms and panic filled his features. Did he push Taehyung too far? Jimin jumped up and put a hand on his arm as Taehyung put on his coat.

"Wait, are you mad?" Jimin asked.

Taehyung didn't respond and reached for Jimin's coat as well. It was fall and there was a slight chill in the air already. Jimin hurriedly put his coat on and looked for his shoes. A quiet Taehyung was a scary Taehyung.

After Jimin was done Taehyung grabbed his hand and made his way to the door.

As they were about to leave Jin spoke up. "Ji-min," his voice was still hoarse and it sounded wheezy.

Jimin nodded in acknowledgment. "Keys." Jin rasped.

"They're hanging up," and with that, they were gone.

"What just happened?" Jungkook wondered aloud.

Jin shrugged and got comfy, not bothered in the least. They were grown and can work out their own problems. He sighed when he realized the remote was across the room, he hated watching Gold Rush.


Jungkook blinked a few times to clear his vision as he saw his phone light upon the nightstand. Untangling himself from Jin's arms he reached for it, shooting straight up when he read the notification. There was a wiring of over a half a million dollars taken from one of his company's accounts. Jungkook had his phone sync with all transactions that occurred within the company's accounts that seemed suspicious and he was glad he did it because now he had the hacker in his grasp. Well, almost.

Jungkook jumped out of bed and searched for his pants, falling when his foot got stuck in a pant leg. He needed to get to his computer pronto, he had about a 5-minute window before the unknown account could erase all pieces of evidence of itself leaving Jungkook with nothing. Again.

"Mmh, Jungkook?" Jin said groggily, lifting his head a little to blink at the rushing man, his voice had a hint of rasp but it sounded better than it did some hours ago. His hair stuck up in every direction with dry drool at the corners of his mouth.

Jungkook was too focus to reply and ran from the room to the front door, throwing it open and propelling himself down the stairs of Jin's apartment to race towards his car where his laptop resides. He pulling the door handle only to curse because it was locked and he forgot the car keys. He raced back inside grabbing his keys off the counter, passing a sleepy Jin wrapping is a fluffy blanket.

"Kookie?" Jin yawned, confused about what was going on.

Jungkook ran out the door without responding and pressed the unlock button on his key, he hopped inside and yanked his computer out of his case and booted it up, praying the hacker got lazy and forgot to erase evidence.

Jungkook logged in once his computer was up, once in he immediately set a tracker onto the unknown account which took about two minutes to locate. It was the most nerve-racking two minutes of Jungkook's young life, he could feel his heart pounding in his chest as his locater narrowed in on the account's whereabouts. His palms began to sweat as he anxiously waited. He watched the never-ending circle of death loading on his screen, all it did was increase his anxiety.

Suddenly, the screen turned green indicating that the account was found, Jungkook was close to tears. Finally, after months of tracking this fucking hacker, he finally made a breakthrough! This was the best news he could have hoped for.

Jungkook clicked on the locator info and waited while it loaded. He scrolled through the location and transaction, he froze as he read the owner of the account. His heart dropped to his stomach and suddenly the tears of joy turned into something else entirely. He swallowed as dread filled him. He must of read the name 20 times by now but it didn't feel real until he read it out loud.

"Min Yoongi."

Jungkook squeezed his eyes shut hoping this was an awful dream but the name didn't change. "What are you doing, Yoongs?"

Pretty short but oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️ started school and one of my courses requires 8 books like wtf pray for me y'all 😭

Goal: 20 votes

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