I'll Protect You Book 1 (Min...

By Sk8ergurl98

19.5K 439 45

Jeon Y/N is a quiet college student and sister of Jeon Jungkook, A member of a gang Called BTS. You're just a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38

Chapter 37

254 7 4
By Sk8ergurl98

After cooking for what seemed like forever, you finish. Taehyung just finished hiding all you case stuff and helps place all the food on the table. 

Everyone else arrives just in time. They all walk in and sit at the table. "What kind of concoction did the three of you make this time? Also is the ER ready for us?"

 You all scoff. "It isn't going to kill you... Kimchi stew and Pasta." 

"Poisoned, I guarantee it."

You hit Jungkook and he stares you down. "YAH! I'M OLDER THAN YOU!" 

You don't look at him. "So, is that suppose to mean something to me? You're also my annoying ass brother." 

"Which is exactly why you should respect me!"

Seokjin whacks you both on the back of the head. "Enough you two. Thank you for the food Jimin, Taehyung and Y/n. I'm sure it's lovely." 

"You're only saying that cause you taught them everything they know." 

"Not true. We learned from our parents too." 

"Yea yea, let's just eat."


You get a text from Jackson regarding some information about the case, but don't tell the others. 

You place the phone back in your pocket and think you might have figured out the whole case or at least a big chunk of it. You plan to tell the others tomorrow about it.

You look at everyone eating and feel your heart warm and a smile plastered across your face. You feel so happy with everyone together and never want it to end. 

You've never been happier in your life.

Yoongi looks at you and smiles, seeing you smile so brightly. He's never felt so content and at peace, until he met you. 

You are his whole world and he wouldn't know what to do without you. He never wants to know how it would feel without you, but little does he know, that's going to change.


You all finish eating and Jungkook volunteers to clean up with Yoongi's help. 

The others plop down on the couch and look around. "Okay, you said you were locked up in here for so long to reorganize, it looks the same to me."

You, Jimin and Taehyung all look at each other then the others. "We were planning it all out. I have stuff that's being shipped here. You're lucky I even let you in before it was ready." 

Hoseok looks at you. "Yeah, why did you let us in?"

"I missed you all. I decided a break was needed. The place isn't done yet but I haven't moved anything, so why not." 

Seokjin shakes his head. "Okay sure. I don't buy it but whatever. I've got my eyes on you three." 

You all roll your eyes and put a movie on.


Jungkook and Yoongi join the rest of you after they finish cleaning. Jungkook sits with Namjoon while Yoongi sits on the other side of you on the floor. 

You smile at him and he smiles back. You rest your head on his shoulder while he rests his head on your head.


After the movie ends everyone except Yoongi and Jungkook leaves. "Y/N-ah be safe and don't do anything stupid. I'm looking forward to the competition next week. I can't wait to see you all onstage again." 

"I got it Kook. Go home." You kiss his cheek before he leaves.

Yoongi looks at you. "You sure you'll be fine alone? I can stay and cuddle with you aaaallll night." 

You chuckle. "Go home and rest Yoongi. Text me when you get home so I know you're safe." 

Yoongi throws his head back and sighs. "I don't want to though."

You kiss him on the lips softly before whispering. "Go. Home. Yoongi." 

He tilts his head forward again and looks into your eyes for a minute. "Fine. But this isn't over." 

You roll your eyes. "Bye Yoongi." 

"Bye Y/n-ah" He kisses you again before leaving.

Once you see him turn the corner in the hall you lock all the doors and windows. You peak out the window and wait for Yoongi to drive away. 

You notice a male shadow figure across the street watching Yoongi leave then look up at your window. You quickly close the curtain and text Jungkook to warn him to keep an eye on Yoongi. 

He responds to let you know he's already on his way to the dorm to keep an eye on Yoongi. You sigh in relief then turn all the lights off before heading to your room.

You walk into the bathroom and shower. You stand there for a few minutes after cleaning up and let the water run over your head. 

You can't get the male figure out of your head. You get out of the shower and dry off before changing and complete your night skin routine.

You walk out and lay flat on your bed. You plug your phone in to charge while playing on it. You eventually put your phone down after Yoongi tells you he's safe. 

You feel more at peace and decide to go to bed, falling asleep a few minutes later.


In the middle of the night, you start to have one of your nightmares about Jimin then another about Yoongi. You start to toss and turn as it feels so surreal to you. 

You wake up after hearing a smash come from the living room then the alarm blaring through the apartment.

You jump out of your bed covered in sweat from your PTSD episode, throwing your boots on, that are next to your bed. 

You turn the light on to see your living room window has been smashed in. You grab your bat from under the couch and begin to search the apartment.

You go towards the spare room when you hear something fall in the room Jungkook keeps his stuff in. 

You turn to it and slowly open the door with the bat when someone grabs the end of the bat. You kick straight in front of you, nailing them in the stomach.

They stumble back, letting the bat go. You throw the light on. "Who the hell are you!?" 

They say nothing and instead charge at you. You swing the bat at them but they are faster. They grab the bat and throw it across the room.

You look at the bat go flying with wide eyes. You gulp and look back at the man, slightly trembling. 

You don't let the fear running through your body stop you though. You charge at the person throwing a punch at them.

They dodge it though and punch you back, hitting you square in the jaw. You stumble back, surprised at their move. 

You can tell its a male by the way they grunted when they landed their punch and from the impact.

The two of you begin to attack each other. You get a few hits in but you aren't strong enough or as skilled as he is. 

You may be one of the best fighters at your company but he is way better. The man gets a few more hits in on you.

You now have a cut on your forehead and cheek, followed by bruises forming on your stomach and side. 

You can feel yourself running out of energy and getting weaker. You aren't trained for this much fighting. Your attacker notices as well and takes advantage of it.

He grabs you and attempts to drag you out of the apartment. You scream, kick and try elbowing him so he'd release you. But fail, all it does is slow him down. 

He tightens his grip on you and you scream louder. The alarm blaring muffles your screams.

"LET ME GO!" You kick harder. You're now in the living room near the window. "LET ME GO PLEASE! YOU'RE MESSING WITH THE WRONG GIRL! I'LL KILL YOU!" 

The man chuckles and look out the window to see two more shadows.

You hear someone smashing at your door, trying to get in. You let tears escape your eyes and can feel it sting in the cut on your cheek. 

The blood from both wounds are dripping down your face now. You whisper yo yourself. "Jimin please... Yoongi... Tae... Someone... Please."

The man is about to throw you out the window when the door flies open finally. You both look over to see three figures come flying through the door. 


You feel your body go numb and become dead weight in your attackers arms.

The three men charge at the man holding you tightly. 

He hesitates and then groans before dropping you. "This isn't over Sweetheart." He then jumps out the window and lands with the others before taking off.

You sit on the ground and close your eyes while trying to calm down. The men run over to you. Two head straight for the window while the third kneels in front of you. "Y/n-ah are you ok?" 

Without opening your eyes you throw your arms around his neck and let your tears just pour out. He hugs you tighter, while the other two approach you. 

"Y/N-ah, it's okay. Tae call Jungkook. I'll shut the alarm off. Jimin try and move her away from the glass." 

Taehyung nods and does as Hoseok says by calling Jungkook but there's no answer.

Hoseok walks over and disarms the alarm then signals to the neighbors everything is fine. They all walk back into their apartments. 

Jimin lifts you up and places you on the couch. Seokjin then storms in and looks around. Seokjin sees you and runs over. You still haven't released Jimin. 

"I got your text Jimin and came as fast as I could. Namjoon went to get Jungkook at Yoongi's dorm." 

Jimin nods and Hoseok closes the door before returning to the window.

Seokjin grabs the first aid kit before returning to your side. "Y/n-ah I need to see your face, so I can treat your wounds." 

You nod and pull away from Jimin but still hold onto his arm. Taehyung and Hoseok look over the window and the surrounding area.

You look at Jimin. "How'd you guys know I was in trouble? I didn't have my pendant on to signal help." 

Jimin looks at you with worried eyes. "Hoseok put a notification alarm on Tae's phone and his phone plus mine. The minute your alarm went off we were notified and came running."

You nod and Seokjin begins examining your face. "You got some nice cuts but they won't scar." He touches your side and you wince in pain. 

Jimin snaps his head at you even more worried while Seokjin lifts your shirt slightly revealing the bruises. "These need to be iced asap. I don't think there's any internal bleeding, but I'd keep an eye on her." 

Jimin nods. "You're staying with me no arguments." 

You nod in agreement. 

Hoseok and Taehyung then go outside to wait for Jungkook and check the surrounding areas.



Meanwhile Namjoon races over to the dorm and spots Jungkook's car. He knocks on the window causing Jungkook to jump slightly. 

Jungkook rolls the window down and looks at Namjoon with a concerned look. "Hyung? What are-" 

"Jungkook you need to go to Y/n's apartment. I got a text saying her alarm was going off and she wasn't answering her phone. Jimin, Tae, Hobi and Jin are on their way there now. I'm going inside to sit with Yoongi to make sure he isn't the next target."

Jungkook begins to panic. He grabs his phone and realizes it was on silent mode. "I had my phone silent. There's a text from Tae, her apartment was broken into, she was attacked." 

Jungkook shows Namjoon the texts, updating him on everything. Jungkook speeds away while Namjoon runs inside the dorm hall. 


Namjoon finds Yoongi's door and bangs on it. 

Yoongi sluggishly opens the door. "Namjoon? I was sleeping, wha-" 

Namjoon shoves himself inside and shuts the door locking it up. Yoongi wakes up fully and watches Namjoon, surprised. 

Namjoon secures the windows and searches the dorm room just to be on the safe side. 

"Namjoon, want to explain?" 

Namjoon walks over and looks at Yoongi. "You're under protection still."

Yoongi looks at him. "Wait what? Why?" 

Namjoon blocks him from being able to run out the door. "Jungkook told us all that there was a suspicion that your father was still trying to send people after you. So him and Y/n have been keeping an eye on you in secret."

Yoongi's eyes widen. "WHAT!? So why are you here now then, not in secret?" 

Namjoon looks at Yoongi. "Jungkook told me the truth outside after an accident happened. The case was never closed. Jungkook left it open cause something felt off to him."

Jungkook had told Namjoon that he kept the case open and was looking into it some more, but never mentioned that it was actually you, Jimin and Taehyung who have been working on the case more. Jungkook didn't give him full details either, just enough to cover for everyone.

Yoongi stands there still for a minute. "Where's Jungkook then? What accident?... Wait, is Y/n safe though?" 

Namjoon gulps a bit, as he knows how Yoongi will react. "You have to remain calm, and you can't leave here right now. Not until more protection shows up."

Yoongi nods and grows impatient. "Is she okay?"

"Y/n's alarm went off at her apartment. After she didn't answer the phone the others took off to investigate. Y/n had been attacked and when they got there they had to stop her attacker from kidnapping her." Namjoon explains what he knows to Yoongi.

Yoongi freaks out. "I have to go see her. Is she okay? Was she hurt badly? How bad are her injuries?" 

Namjoon holds Yoongi back from leaving. "Yoongi you need to calm down. You aren't helping anyone by freaking out. Chanyeol is on his way with Sehun and Kai."

Yoongi shakes his head. "Calm down!? How do I calm down when the love of my life was attacked and you don't know 100% that she's fine!?" 

Namjoon takes a deep breath. "Jimin and the others are with her, she's fine. They got there on time."

Yoongi finally snaps. "AND WHAT IF THEY DIDN'T!? SHE'D BE GONE OR WORSE... DEAD!" 

Namjoon grabs Yoongi's arms and forces him to look at him. "She is fine Yoongi. Jimin has her, he won't let anything happen."

Yoongi takes a deep breath and sits on the couch with his head in his palms. 

Namjoon sits next to him waiting for Chanyeol and the others to arrive so they can get Yoongi out of his dorm safety. 

Yoongi sits there waiting impatiently to hear from you.



At your apartment Jungkook just arrived. 

He runs towards the door where he sees Taehyung and Hoseok looking around the yard and up at your window. Jungkook notices the smashed window and his heart sinks. 

Taehyung notices him and gets Hoseok's attention. The two boys walk towards Jungkook. 

"She's ok Kook. A couple cuts on her face and some bruising. She's shaken up and scared but Jimin hasn't left her side and Seokjin is treating her wounds." 

Jungkook nods and follows them inside.


Jungkook walks in and sees you on the couch and Seokjin cleaning your cuts up while Jimin has his arm around you, comforting you. 

He runs over and sits on the other side of you. "Y/n-ah, are you ok?" 

You nod. "I am now."

Jungkook hugs you and you calm down even more hugging him back tightly. You release him so Seokjin can finish patching you up. 

"You're cheek is going to be swollen for awhile, he hit you pretty good." 

You nod and Jimin hands you some ice.

Jungkook looks around the apartment knowing you're in good hands with Jimin and Seookjin. 

Seokjin finishes patching you up and throws all the tissues in a bag to burn later, so there's no trace of your blood around.


A half hour later, Namjoon arrives with the others and walks in. 

You are now sitting in a chair at the counter with Jimin. 

Yoongi runs into the apartment and looks around till he sees you. His heart sinks when he sees you. He rushes over and engulfs you in a big hug. 

"I'm okay Yoongi." 

He holds you tighter. "I was so scared." 

You hug him back. "So was I." 

Hearing you admit you were scared shows Jimin and Yoongi how serious the situation really was.

Yoongi finally releases you and looks at Jimin. "What do we do next?" 

Jimin looks at you. "I'm keeping her at my apartment with Taehyung for now. You will be staying with Namjoon and Seokjin at their place. Our goal is to keep you two safe."

Yoongi nods and walks over to Jungkook. They look around together while Chanyeol approaches you. "We'll find who did this." 

Sehun nods. "Your family is our family now." 

Kai places his hand on your shoulder. "And no one messes with our family and gets away with it."

You smile at them softly and thank them before they proceed to help the others. 

Jimin looks at you and helps you up. "I'm taking her out of here with Tae." 

The others nod and hug you before you leave. 

Yoongi gives you a kiss then watches you leave with Jimin.



Once you're at Jimin's apartment, you jump in his shower. 

Jimin sits outside the bedroom door afraid to leave you for too long. 

You let the water just run over you then get out. You look in the mirror at your bruises and change into the sweats Taehyung packed you.

You walk back out and open the door, knocking Jimin over who was leaning on the door. He looks up at you.

You kneel down. "Fine we'll lay on the ground then." You lay down resting your head on his chest. 

He shakes his head and smiles at you.

Taehyung walks towards the room and stops to look at you two. "I want in on this too!" He runs over and lays down so his head is resting on your thigh. 

"I love you guys." 

"We love you to Y/n-ah and won't let anything bad happen to you."

You nod. "I know. I trust you guys. I don't know what I would have done if you didn't save me... again." 

"We won't let anyone hurt you again or take you. We'll figure this all out and you'll be safe again."







If only they knew how wrong they actually are...

Hey all, Hope you're enjoying the read, Book 1 is almost over but book 2 is in the works. Let me know what you guys think, I want to hear your opinions on this book. STAY GOLDEN!!!

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