Of Witches and Ghosts

By 1WhiteWitch

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*AU After a horrific incident in New Orleans, young witch, Samantha Manson, finds herself being moved to a sm... More

Changes of the Wicked Kind
Memory Lane
Midnight Rendezvous With The Dead
Comparisons and Déjà vu
Academic Battleground
Hot to Touch
The Market
Buy an Enigma
Fainting Spells
Dog Days
Savage Daughter
Secrets and Cats?
Local Crones
Eye of Newt
Mr. Mayor

Urban Blight

50 3 3
By 1WhiteWitch

How did he know I fainted?

Why do I hear one story from him, and another from Danny and the others?

How much do I need to worry about that kid from the news?

Thoughts were buzzing around Sam's skull. She sat at her kitchen table, stirring her cup of tea on autopilot, Nyx relaxing in her lap as usual. One after the other, until one particular thought stopped her mind right in its tracks.

His voice...Phantom's voice was scratchy that day...just like...Danny?

Could it be possible?

Anything is possible, of course.

It would explain a lot.

Her memories flashed back to the conversation she overheard that day, between Danny, Tucker, Valerie, and Lancer. Danny had said she had told him about the Heat Fiend. But it had been the mysterious Phantom she spoke to.

Barbra's premonition echoed in her ears.  "You'll need it if you want to save him, your true one. He walks in two worlds and yet he belongs to neither."

Two worlds?

Oh Fates, oh my...Danny and Phantom...


Sam practically jumped out her chair, and Nyx did not appreciate the disturbance.

She looked up to see the concerned icy blue eyes of the very boy that plagued her thoughts.

Danny places a hand on her shoulder. "Sam, are you okay? You looked a little dazed; do you feel faint again?"

Sam's cheeks flushed. Are they really the same person?

She took a breath. "N-no, I'm just tired."

Danny sat down at the table, ignoring the suspicious glare from Nyx. What does that cat have against me?

He cleared his throat and smiled at her. "It's almost time to go. Your grandma let me in."

Sam smiled back. "Alright, I'll get my backpack."

After putting her cup in the sink and saying bye to her Gramm, Sam found herself walking down the sidewalk with Danny.

And, believe it or not, he was making her laugh.

"...There was ectoplasm all over the kitchen!" Danny laughed along with her. "I thought my mom was gonna have a cow!"

"Do all of your dad's inventions end up like that?" Sam asked, almost choking on her own laughter.

"Only the ones my mom doesn't help him with," he smirked at her.

"Your parents seem like fun people," Sam chuckled. "I'm jealous."

Danny scoffed. "If you think wacky jumpsuits and constant embarrassment is fun. Their quirks haven't exactly given them the best reputation."

Sam flicked his shoulder.

"Hey!" Danny jokingly yelped as he touched the assaulted spot.

"There's nothing wrong with being different," Sam scolded. "I think it's cool! You shouldn't be ashamed of who they are. As long they love you, who cares what anyone else thinks?"

Danny looked shocked for a moment before his face relaxed into a gleeful smile. He ignored his heart as it started to flutter a bit. "Oh, trust me, I know they love me. They make obvious every damn day. So much, once my dad was so proud that he had me wear one his jumpsuits."

"Really?" Sam smirked as she tried not to laugh. "Did it look good?"

"No, not, really," Danny sniggered as he scratched the back neck.

Sam stop holding back and just laughed even more. Danny's blue eyes glistened and glazed, his smile turned blissful as he listened to her laugh.

Before he could even stop himself, he spoke. "You have a nice laugh."

Sam blushed and covered her mouth. It came as no surprise to anyone that Sam did not laugh too often, at least not genuinely. The only other time she's laughed in the last month of her living in Amity Park was that time in gym with Valerie.

This was actually the first time she has really laughed in front of Danny. In fact, it's probably the most she's laughed since being in Amity Park.

Danny, realizing he had said that out loud, chuckled nervously and went back to rubbing the back of his neck. A nervous habit of his.

"H-heh, I..." he stuttered, sheepishly.

"Thank you," she replied in a shy, hushed voice.

Once again, the two locked eyes and shared a timid smile with one another.

Danny opened his mouth to speak again, only to be interrupted.

"Hey, guys!" Tucker hollered at them as he walked towards them.

Sam waved. "Good morning."

"Hey," Danny said, quickly. Great timing, as usual.

Tucker looked back and forth between Danny and Sam, observed their red cheeks, and put on a rather shit-eating grin.

"Am I, uh, interrupting somethin'?" He snickered.


"Of course not!"

It didn't help that they objected at the same time.

Sam shyly tucked her hair out of her face. "We should go," she stated. "We're going to be late."

As they started walking together, once again a knowing smile stretched on Tucker's face as he rolled his eyes.


The smell of bulldozer exhaust nauseated Sam. She glared at the men in hard hats as they took chainsaws to the beautiful trees.

She could feel her power, her magic with the growth roil and rumble in her blood. She could crush every single bulldozer and crane on the site like they were toys.

The sign that she, Danny, and Tucker walked by said that an ugly new office building was being put in place of the lovely trees. By order of Mayor Vlad Masters.

She hadn't even met the man yet, and she hated him.

They were currently outside Valerie's apartment, waiting for her. Sam crossed her arms and growled as a beautiful tree was carelessly sliced down.

Danny must have seen her anger. He came up behind her. "Sam, you...okay?"

Sam huffed. "Sure, fine."

Danny glanced at her to see that she was practically boring holes into each and every construction worker. It came as no surprise to him that something like a construction site would upset her. Her grandmother had told him how much she loved nature, plants and animals alike.

Maybe I should try to distract her.

"Sam..." Danny started.

"Daniel!"  Called a suave, older voice.

Within a instant, Danny gritted his teeth. Sam looked at him, now confused at his sudden look of utter irritation.

Danny faced a tall, middle aged man. He was dressed in a debonair black suit, and his silver hair tied back in a low ponytail. The man held an arrogant, yet gentlemanly air about him.

He strutted over to them like an overconfident peacock.

Anger rolled off Danny in tidal waves. The black haired boy had stood firmly in front of Sam, making sure she was hidden behind him. Nevertheless, Sam peeked over Danny's shoulder at the man.

"What do you want, Vlad?" Danny snapped. He spat out the man's name as if it were poison.

"Is it so odd for a mayor to say hello to the citizens of his city?" Vlad putting a slimy grin on his face. His eyes then landed in the violet eyed girl looking over Danny's shoulder.

"Ah!" The mayor exclaimed. "A new friend of yours?"

Danny growled. "None of your business."

"Manners, my boy," Vlad sighed. He turned his attention to Sam. "Wonderful to meet you, my dear. I am Vlad Masters, mayor of Amity Park."

Sam's eyes grew dark. "You're Vlad Masters?"

The amused look on his face didn't diminish in the least. "Yes," he hissed.

Sam brushes past Danny, ignoring his anxious expression.

"So, this is your construction site?" She snapped.

"Indeed it is, my dear girl," Vlad chuckled. "I have to expand my business."

"Is making ugly buildings part of your business?" Sam said angrily as she crossed her arms.

Despite his worry, Danny couldn't help but smile behind her. As if she couldn't impress him anymore than she already has.

A little spark of annoyance gleamed in Vlad's eyes, but it quickly became overshadowed by an arrogant smirk. "All in the name of our progressive era, Miss...?"

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Manson."

"Ah! Manson!" Vlad exclaimed. "Jeremy and Palmea's daughter. Samantha, correct?"

Danny exchanged uneasy looks with Tucker.

Sam's face remained firm. "Yes," she bit out.

"Your father is an old business friend of mine," Vlad chuckled. He looked down to his silver wristwatch. "Well, as pleasant as this chat has been, I have more pressing matters to attend to. If you children will excuse me."

With the same cocky strut he arrived with, he walked away to his awaiting limo.

Before getting in, he sent a menacing smile to Danny. "Wonderful to see you again, Daniel. Give your mother my regards."

For a split second, Danny's eyes flashed a ferocious green. His fists clenched.

That creep. He's lucky I don't freeze him where he stands.

Danny's anger boiled, before a gentle hand landed on his arm. His now human blue eyes were met once again with Sam's violet gaze.

She now had the same look of concern he had earlier. "Danny, are you okay?"

Taking a deep breath, Danny calmed down enough to smile at her. "Yeah, sorry about that."

"Man, that Vlad creeps me out," Tucker shivered.

Sam crossed her arms. "Do you guys have run-ins with him often?"

Tucker nodded towards Danny. "Danny does. His parents are college friends with him."

Danny was next to shiver. "That, plus he's got a thing for my mom."

"Ew!" Sam gasped.

The sound of machines beeping broke the conversation.

"Alright, Stan!" Called one the construction workers. "This big one's next!"

Sam looked over in horror as they got closer to an absolutely gorgeous oak tree. Chainsaws at the ready.

No way!

Like the second wind of a hurricane, Sam's fury came roaring back. Her hands clenched and shook, and her blood pumped in her vein. The electric pulse of unfamiliar magic rumbled through her.

Similar to the sudden rumbling in the sky.

The clouds grew dark, and winds kicked into high speed. Lightning crackled across the sky like a whip!

"Hey! W-where the hell did this come from?" Tucker called over the howling wind, clutching onto his red cap.

Danny held his hand over his brow to protect his eyes. "I don't-..." He looked over at Sam, only to be shocked.

She stood firm in the sudden harsh change of weather, like she didn't even notice. Her arms were held strongly at her sides, her fists still tightly curled. Her furious glare at the workers didn't lessen.

And he may be imagining it, but he could swear there was the slightest glimmer of green in her long raven locks that flew around her face. But it was gone before he could get a good look.

"C'mon! Let's get this one last and then get inside!" Another worker cried as he cautiously looked the sky.

As soon as Sam's eyes flashed a furious red, bolts of lightning struck the ground around the tree, throwing the workers off their feet and sent them running. One specific bolt struck a crane that had been holding up a chopped tree.

With the neck of the crane damaged, the tree came down on top of one of the bulldozers, effectively smashing it. Thankfully, no workers had been inside of it.

Sam jumped at the loud and sudden flash of lightning. With her focus broken, the storm clouds quickly calmed and dispersed.

With the dangerous weather now gone, everyone came out from cover. Concerned and confused muttering could be heard amongst them.

"What the hell was that?" Valerie exclaimed. She came running out as soon as the sudden storm stopped.

"Whatever it was," Tucker said, adjusting his red cap back the way he likes it. "It sure did come out of nowhere."

Danny was busy swiping loose leaves out of his hair. "No kidding. That was weird, wasn't it, Sam?"

His voice didn't reach Sam's ears a first. She was too busy staring at the destroyed equipment and the bewildered construction workers.

What in the hell? Weather control? I've never been able to do that.

But...Hayley could.

Sam's eyes widened. Once again, she has acquired a power that wasn't hers. One that had belonged to her one of her sisters.

"Sam!" Danny called, waving his hand in front of her face.

Just like when he startled her in her kitchen, Sam jumped. "What?"

"I asked you about what just happened, but you were totally zoned out," Danny stated. "Sam, are you sure you're okay? I can walk you back home."

Sam cleared her throat and shook her head. "No, Danny. I'm fine, really. I was just startled by the sudden storm."

Danny didn't look too convinced.

"C'mon, guys!" Tucker called. He and Valerie had already started walking. "Let's go. We're gonna be late!"


"Could it have been Vortex?" Jazz quipped. "Random weather definitely sounds like him."

The two siblings and Valerie sat on the bleachers in the gym with Sam getting ready to practice on the gymnastics equipment. Ms. Tetslaff had agreed to let Sam use it as long as she was careful. Sam wanted to get some training in.

Danny told Jazz and Lancer about the odd occurrence that morning at the construction site. All day they had been trying to figure out what could've possibly been the cause.

"It couldn't have been," Danny shook his head. "My ghost sense hadn't gone off once. Besides, Vortex is very...extravagant with his work. He would've done more than just couple minutes of lightning."

Valerie sighed. "Then what could it have been? It seems a lot of strange things have been happening, and the usual suspects aren't causing them."

"Maybe it has something to do with that Heat thing Danny fought a few weeks ago..." Jazz pondered.

Danny listened to the conversation pretty well, until his eyes landed on Sam while she was stretching. He tried not to stare for too long, but she looked so nice in those shorts. A pair of black shorts and a purple tank top was all she wore, no shoes, which gave him the amusing sight of her dainty little feet. She wore heavy set combat boots a lot, so seeing her bare feet for the first time was...cute.

Danny blushed as his eyes traveled up her long legs, flared out hips and her tiny waist. It was easy to get a good glance in as she stretched her arms up to the sky.

It was only then he heard his sister screech in his ear. "Danny!"

Danny nearly leaped out his seat. "What?"

Jazz rolled her eyes. "I asked you if you've seen any more monsters like that Heat Fiend or that thing that the Good Witch destroyed in the park."

Danny raised a brow. "Good Witch?"

"That's what people are calling her," Valerie laughed. "I think she might be stealing your thunder."

Danny scoffed. "Whatever. And no, Jazz, I haven't."

"Well, I guess we'll just have to keep our eyes and ears open until we figure this out," Jazz said. She then smirked at her brother. "You can stare at Sam all you want after."

"I wasn't-!" Danny yelled, before clamping his hand over his mouth. He quickly looked at Sam. She hadn't noticed while she was getting the uneven bars ready to use.

"I wasn't staring," Danny huffed quietly.

Jazz and Valerie didn't look too convinced.

They then watched as Sam jumped high up and grasped one the bars strongly. She gracefully swung up and around the bar, before adjusting her grip and swinging herself over to the other bar.

"Whoa," Danny breathed.

"Whoo!" Valerie cheered. "Go, girl!"

Sam laughed as she held herself upside down on top of the bar.

"Do you miss your gymnastics team from New Orleans, Sam?" Jazz asked.

If that's what you wanna call them. "Yeah, sometimes," she flung herself off the bar and landed harmlessly on the mat. She walked over to the balance beam. "Just kinda weird to go through the day without them."

Danny frowned at her slightly dismal tone. He wondered what had happened to Sam back in her hometown that lead to her moving in with her grandmother. It must've been awful since she had been unconscious for a few weeks before coming to Amity Park. Or at least that's what her grandmother had told him.

"And we should definitely keep looking for her," Jazz said.

"Huh? Who?" Danny asked.

Jazz looked at him. "The Good Witch. Maybe she knows something about these monsters and everything that's been happening. She defeated that creature in the park."

Danny scratched his head. "Absolutely, but how are we going to find her? We don't know anything about her. We don't even know if she's still in town."

Valerie shrugged. "Guess that's just another thing we have to keep an eye out for."

Unbeknownst to the trio, Sam had been listening in for a while. They were not talking as quietly as they think they were.

Good Witch? Interesting.

She then glanced at Danny, who was too busy talking to Jazz.

Ghost sense? Even more interesting.


The moon hung high in the sky, shrouded in clouds.

A young woman tossed and turned in her bed. She was drenched in sweat as she screamed in pain. It felt like every artery in her body was set on fire. There was a vicious roaring in her head.

Her roommate came in rushing to help, calling an ambulance.

None of them noticed the blazing set of red eyes glaring at the dark shadows of the room.

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