Transformers: Rosario + Vampi...

By BraedimusSupreme

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A/N: this is a reboot and revamp of my 'Rosario Vampire' and 'Transformers' crossover book from my old accoun... More

Chapter One: First Day
Chapter Two: Sucs To B-Us
Chapter Three: Love's a Witch
Chapter Four: Attack of Fan Boys
Chapter Five: Fish Out Of Water
Chapter Six: Wolf VS Predacon
Chapter Seven: Kurumu's Slimy Stalker
Chapter Eight: Arts and Crafters
Chapter Nine: The Snow Girl
Chapter Ten: Maths Practice
Chapter Eleven: Summer Break
Chapter Twelve: A Martin's Wrath
Chapter Thirteen: Cousin Attack
Chapter Fourteen: Enemy of my Enemy
Chapter Fifteen: Settling Old Scores
Chapter Sixteen: The Secret is Out
Chapter Seventeen: Stand Alone... or Together
Chapter Eighteen: Demon VS Cybertronian Gladiator Pt1
Chapter Nineteen: Demon VS Cybertronian Gladiator Pt2
Chapter Twenty: Demon VS Cybertronian Gladiator Pt3
Chapter Twenty-One: Far From Home
Chapter Twenty-Two: Welcome Back
Chapter Twenty-Three: Sister Issues
Chapter Twenty-Four: Parent's Day
Chapter Twenty-Five: Kento VS The Braedeys
Chapter Twenty-Six: Yukari's Growth
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Meeting Mum
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Apocalypse Begins
Chapter Twenty-Nine: He is Coming...
Chapter Thirty: 'The Fallen' Attacks
Chapter Thirty-One: Decepticons, Mobilize
Chapter Thirty-Three: Jetfire
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Dagger's Tip
Chapter Thirty-Five: Battle of Egypt Pt1
Chapter Thirty-Six: Battle of Egypt Pt2
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Operation - Planet Restoration
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Man VS Machine
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Ski Trip Ahead
Chapter Forty: The Future
Chapter Forty-One: A Night Together
Chapter Forty-Two: Good Guy, Bad Guy
Chapter Forty-Three: Music Battle
Chapter Forty-Four: Nemesis VS Typhoon
Chapter Forty-Five: This is Halloween
Chapter Forty-Six: Akashiya VS Souh Pt1
Chapter Forty-Seven: Akashiya VS Souh Pt2
Chapter Forty-Eight: Lost In Space
Chapter Forty-Nine: Merry Christmas
Chapter Fifty: A Wedding??!!
Chapter Fifty-One: Every Blue Moon
Chapter Fifty-Two: Moka's Mother
Chapter Fifty-Three: Battle of Unicron Pt1
Chapter Fifty-Four: Battle of Unicron Pt2
Chapter Fifty-Five: Battle of Unicron Pt3
Chapter Fifty-Six: Relic Hunt Pt1
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Relic Hunt Pt2
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Relic Hunt Pt3

Chapter Thirty-Two: Robo-Warrior

600 16 27
By BraedimusSupreme


"Hey. Look who came sashaying back." Everyone turned around to face the Twins, in between them was Kento, who was slowly walking towards the rest of the group.

"Hair growing like a Chia Pet. Look at him." Mudflap added, and Kurumu glanced at them. She did not understand that statement, not one bit.

"I had to give you all some room after Braedey's outburst earlier today." Kento explained, though it was more like he made an excuse.

"That's 'cause you're a wussy." Mudflap said. Kurumu lowered her head, so her chin was pressing against the base of her neck, and giggled quietly, while Skids outwardly laughed at his brother's comment. Once calming herself down a little, and stopped acting childish, Kurumu looked back up just in time to see the twins 'bro fist' one another.

"I heard you've got yourself a problem, Braedey. I think I know somebody who can help us all out." Kento explained, as Kurumu landed next to him, and hugged him.

"Who, exactly?" Braedey asked, and the girls and Autobots awaited Kento's answer.

"Codename: Robo-Warrior."

(New York City)

The City of New York, often called New York City or simply New York, is the most populous city in the United States. With an estimated 2015 population of 8,550,405 distributed over a land area of about 302.6 square miles (784 km2), New York City is also the most densely populated major city in the United States. Located at the southern tip of the state of New York, the city is the centre of the New York metropolitan area, one of the most populous urban agglomerations in the world. A global power city, New York City exerts a significant impact upon commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and entertainment, its fast pace defining the term New York minute. Home to the headquarters of the United Nations, New York is an important centre for international diplomacy and has been described as the cultural and financial capital of the world.

On the Brooklyn Bridge, Bumblebee lead the convoy, with Mudflap and Skids just behind him, whilst Aloha Trion watched the rear. Braedey, Kento, Moka, and Jento were in Bee's alt form, whilst Kurumu, Yukari, and Mizore were in Alpha Trion's alt form. Sure, Alpha Trion was getting some attention with his alt-mode, but others guessed it's a concept truck of sorts.

"So, who's this Robo-Warrior?" Braedey asked.

"This Robo-Warrior? Everything about anything alien or Cybertronian, he's supposed to know." Kento explained. "One time, I somehow hacked into his website, and I saw some of those Cybertronian symbols and shapes."

"Thanks for helping out, K." Braedey smiled, nodding to him.

"Anything for my friends." Kento smiled back to him.

Bumblebee soon drove down what looked like a poor neighbourhood, and parked in front of a meat store. Moka leaned over to Braedey, and she slapped a baseball cap on his head, before climbing out of the car. She smiled to him, and kissed his nose.

"This is it." Kento deduced.

"Its a Deli." Braedey noted, as the others arrived. "It's got a good front!" He commented.

"All right, wait here." Kento told Braedey and the others. "I'll take a quick look round, then you guys come in." With that, he walked into the meat store.

"Kento, even if we've known him for a while, is a bit... strange." Kurumu whispered to Braedey, as she glomped him from behind.

"What was your fist clue, huh?" Braedey asked sarcastically.


Inside the meat store, the inside was cold, and there was meat hanging from hooks from the rooftops. A line of elderly people were gathering near the cash register or ordering the meat on display.

"Number forty two; we got your kishka, knish, kasha-varnishka and kreplach combo right here." A male voice spoke out, and a man with a sharp nose with black hair stood by the register. "Cash only. Who's next?"

"I told you to cure the lox in the brine then smoke it." A small elderly woman argued at him.

"Ma, you want me to cut my hand off or what?" He retaliated. Kento went up to the counter. "Take a number, young man." The male said.

"RoboWarrior?" Kento asked, catching him off-guard. "Know him?"

The man looked at the shapeshifter with a shocked expression. "Never heard of him." He said.

"Never heard of the Human/Autobot Alliance?" Kento added.

"You must be talking about that high-class black-ops undercover operation with Pentagon-level security." The man stated.

"RoboWarrior." Kento confirmed. He then saw Braedey and his harem enter the deli. "That's him! That's the guy right there!"

He looked at the Transformatrix bearer. "No." He said; he seemed to be in disbelief.

"Agent Seymour Simmons." Braedey clarified, showing a smirk. "It's been some time."

"Alright! Meat store's closed!" Simmons yelled. "Everybody out!" The elderly people looked around in confusion, before slowly making their way out of the door. "That means you, lady." Simmons led them all out.

"Braedey, do you know this guy?" Kento asked him.

"To an extent." Braedey replied. "He and my grandpa have had a run-in back when I was ten. You could say we were old friends or acquaintances."

"We are not friends." Simmons spat at Braedey. "You and your grandfather were the case that shut down Sector Seven, got the kibosh disbanded. No more security clearance, no retirement, no nothing. All 'cause of you, and your grandfather."

"Friendly piece of advice, Simmons; my girlfriend is a vampire, whilst her fellow friends are a succubus, a witch, and a snow girl. They will kill you in your sleep." Braedey said casually, jerking a thumb at Moka and the girls behind him.

"Moron! Where's the whitefish?" The group turned their heads to see an old lady that looked an awful lot like Simmons, standing in the doorway of the back room, yelling at a man that was beating fish.

"Hey! Don't touch me with the pig." The 'moron' yelled at a man carrying pigs, completely ignoring the old lady, and Simmons glared at him.

"Yakov!" Simmons yelled at him.

"What?!" Yakov yelled back.

"You don't get Christmas bonuses standing around! You want those new teeth you saw on SkyMall?" Simmons asked, his voice threatening.

"It's my dream!" Yakov replied.

"Help her out." Simmons said simply.

"You live with your mama?" Kurumu asked, and she looked up at Simmons with a satisfied smirk on her face.

"No, my mama lives with me, big busty. It's a big difference. They've got your face all over the news, alien boy." Simmons said, quickly changing the subject.

"Yeah, I know." Braedey replied glumly, and he glanced at the television that Simmons gestured to.

"And what's all the talk about the Autobots causing issues? I don't want to know. So, good-bye. You never saw me. I got bagels to smear. Vanish." Simmons said, his tone clearly saying that it wasn't up for discussion.

"Simmons! Hold on. I need your help." Braedey pleaded, and he chased after Simmons as he walked away.

"Reaaaally? You need my help?" Simmons said, his voice sarcastic and taunting.

Braedey ripped his hat of his head in frustration, before glaring at Simmons and continuing "Look, I am up to the end of the fuse that'll cause me to explode like an angry stick of dynamite! I had witnessed one of the most dangerous beasts in the known universe kill my best friend right before my very eyes, and that monster wants me to find some kind of ultimate weapon thanks to the symbols in my head and on my watch!" He gestured to the symbols on his Transformatrix. "And on top of that, I'm a wanted fugitive by the rest of the world. So, you think you got it rough, meat boy?" He ranted, his voice desperately angry, confused, and worried.

"You said images in your head and on your watch?" Simmons asked again.

Braedey nodded. "Right."

"Meat locker, now!" Simmons yelled, and he walked into the back room, the teenagers following him.

"Dead pigs." Braedey muttered casually, as they walked into the meat locker playing host to a lot of slaughtered animals.

"Yuck!" Kurumu, Moka, and Yukari groaned at the same time, and they covered their noses with their hands to try to block out the smell.

"Gross." Yukari gagged at the smell.

"Disgusting." Mizore muttered.

Simmons came to a halt, and he crouched down on the floor, above an entrance to what looked like a basement. "What you're about to see is top secret ... Do not tell my mother." He declared, and he lifted the metal cover, releasing a white cloud of smoke, and a steel staircase down.

"Swine flu. Not good." Braedey mumbled.

"Now you know. Next time you eat a goat or a pig, there's a story behind it. Saaad little story." Simmons revealed, as he climbed down the staircase into the lower level.

The hideout was pretty much a room under the meat locker; filled with old VHS tapes and newspaper clippings, a mini TV showing the news, lamps left on, windows, files filled with all kinds of paperwork.

"Okay, files, files. We're talking about symbols." Simmons mumbled, as he ran around the room.

Yukari approached the decapitated head of a smaller sized Decepticon, and reached her hand out to remove the glass case around it. "What is this thing?"

"Ey! Still radioactive. Hands off." Simmons stated, and he slapped Yukari and the hand with a yellow folder.

"Okay. No touchie." Yukari conceded.

"Okay, Robo-boy." Simmons gained the attention of Braedey. Simmons ripped open the folder, revealing pictures of the exact same symbols that Braedey had been seeing, and drawing. "Any of these look like the symbols you saw?" He asked.

"Yes." Braedey ripped the folder open and its contents into his own hands. "These are the right ones. They march those on my watch."

"Where in the world did you get these?" Kento asked to Simmons."

"Before I got fired, I poached S-7's crown jewel, over seventy five years of alien research, which points to one inescapable fact. The Transformers; they've been here a long, long time." Simmons explained, as he scaled a filing cabinet, to reach the folders piled up on top of it. "How do I know?" He asked, and he ripped out another, much thicker, folder, before tossing it into Yukari's arms, making her fall to the ground. "Archaeologists found these unexplained markings in ancient ruins all over the world."

"China. Egypt. Greece." Simmons stated, slapping down pictures taken from all around the world, each picture showing the exact same symbols that Braedey was seeing. Without wasting anymore time, Simmons flipped on a projector that showed filming of an archaeologists expedition. "Shot in 1932." The camera closed in on the same symbols etched into the stone of the walls. "These the symbols you're seeing?"

"Yes." Braedey nodded. "They're the same ones."

"Same ones over here, right?" Simmons asked again, and Braedey nodded once more. "So, tell me, how did they end up all drawing the same things? Aliens. And I think some of them stayed."

"Some of them stayed?" Moka asked in question. She didn't expect that.

"Check this out. Project: Black Knife." Simmons now whipped out pictures of vintage vehicles. "Robots. In disguise. Hiding here all along. We detected radioactive signatures all across the country. I pleaded. On my knees with S-7 to investigate it, but they said the readings were infinitesimal, that I... was... obsessed! Me. Can you imagine that?" He ranted.

"Amazing." Yukari looked at the images of the antique vehicles.

"Okay, Simmons." Braedey finally got to the point. "There's a Decepticon here now on Earth, who's deadlier, nastier, and more ferocious than Megatron."

"Worse than Megatron?" Simmons asked.

"Much worse." Braedey nodded. "And he's looking for some kind of ultimate weapon of retribution here on Earth." He added.

"On Earth?" Simmons asked.
"On Earth." Braedey repeated.
"An ultimate weapon?" Simmons asked.

"And these symbols, the maps, they would lead him there, and could possibly be the end of the world as we know it." Braedey explained further.

"You talked to your Autobot friends about this?" Simmons asked.

"No, the weapon is before them. Whatever this ancient ultimate weapon is, it predates them all. It's before them." Braedey explained.

"He's right. None of the Autobots we can talk to know." Moka added, and Simmons nodded in understanding.

"Well, then we're porked, unless we can talk to a Decepticon. I mean, I'm not on speaking terms with them." Simmons said, and Braedey sighed in frustration.

"Actually, I am." Kento said, standing up. Everyone glanced at him with a confused expression. For how long had he been on speaking terms with a Decepticon?

About two minutes later, Kento came back with a metal box in hand, which he slammed onto the table. "Let me out!" An angry little voice demanded from inside the box, and Braedey's posture tensed further.

"Relax, Braedey. Don't kill the Decepticon." Moka said, and she placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Are you sure that we should do this? I can't transform into some of my forms in here. What if it decides to attack?" Braedey asked.

"Don't worry, Braedey. I caught this guy myself, and he doesn't have any weapons on him. It's safe." Kento reassured, and he looked at his friend waiting for his approval.

"Okay. Open it." Braedey sighed, and Kento nodded.

"This is going to be a little bit sad." Kento said, before she clicked the latch, and ripped open the lid of the box.

A blue Decepticon, the size of a lap dog, leapt out of the box the second it could, and Kento grabbed the metal leash before he could get far. Braedey's tense posture, and guard lowered the second he realised that the Decepticon on the end of the leash, and he really was harmless. His limbs was flailing, and he was screaming vulgarity, while trying to get closer to Simmons, but the leash didn't budge. Yukari and Kurumu almost laughed at the sight of the angry little Decepticon; it was like watching an angry kitten!

"I will have so many Decepticons on your butt!" The Decepticon threatened Simmons, and his pulling against the leash was put to a stop, by Kento.

"Hey! Behave, you!" Kento ordered, and aimed a hand at the Decepticon's head, his index finger lit up in flames. The small Decepticon stopped his struggling, and resulted to glaring silently at Simmons instead.

"What is that mean to be; a mini Decepticon?" Braedey asked, and Moka glanced at him after his stupid question.

"Yeah." Kento answered. "Managed to catch this one trying to sneak into your bedroom back at Youkai Academy a few days before we left for Coolsville." He explained.

"And you're trying to train him?" Kurumu asked, as she tugged on the leash. The small Decepticon glared at Kurumu, and pulled his leash up over his shoulder, clearly feeling slightly possessive over it.

"I'm trying to." Kento mumbled to her, slightly angry that he wasn't having that much luck in the training department.

"I spent my whole adult life, combing the planet for aliens ... " Simmons said, and he observed the little Decepticon.

"Got to get me off this leash." The Decepticon growled, and he attacked the chain with his teeth, trying to break it loose but to no avail.

" ... and you're carrying around one in your purse like a little Chihuahua." Simmons said in disbelief. The Decepticon stopped biting his leash at Simmons' words, and slowly turned around to face him, his anger clear as crystal.

"Huh? Do you want a throwdown, you pubic 'fro-head?" The Decepticon growled, and he held his arms out in a 'come at me bro' motion. Kurumu glanced up at Kento, and gave him a look, clearly saying, 'move it along'.

"Hey, little guy. Listen, I'm sorry about what happened to your optic, so if you're a good boy, I'll fix it up for you. Okay?" Braedey promised, and the girls only then noticed that the Decepticon had one glowing blue eye, clearly broken and singed by fire. "Can you tell me what these symbols are? Please." Braedey continued, and he looked at the Decepticon with an innocent, and breathtaking smile, making the girls look at him with an amused grin.

The little Decepticon bent down on one knee, and looked over the symbols, clearly forgetting all about his anger. "All right. Uh. Oh, I know that. That's the Language of the Primes." He announced.

Braedey's eyes widen in shock. "The Language of the Primes? Are you sure?" He asked.

"Braedey, do you know this language?" Moka asked.

"Yes." Braedey nodded. "Optimus has been teaching me how to read this awhile ago. I've only scratched the surface of the language, but it's pretty tricky to read and say."

"I don't read it, but these guys... where the frick did you find photos of these guys?" The Decepticon asked.

Kurumu smiled down at him. "He kind of grows on you, doesn't he?" She whispered to Kento, and he chuckled in response.

"He is kind of cute, like a puppy." Yukari whispered in agreement.

"Is this them, little guy?" Braedey asked, holding up some pictures of vintage transportation.

"Yeah. Seekers, pal. Oldest of the old. They've been here thousands of years, looking for something. I don't know what. Nobody tells me nothing, but they'll translate those symbols for you. And I know where to find them." The Decepticon said, his tone very proud and boastful, he was enjoying the attention, a lot.

"Show us." Simmons pressed.

The Decepticon nodded, cracking his fingers. He spun around to face a large map, and many green lasers shot out of his one good optic, each pinpointing different places on the map of the USA.

"The closest one is up in Washington D.C." Kento said, and Braedey looked at the map, pointing to the map.

'I guess we're going to the Smithsonian.' The Transformatrix bearer thought.

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