The Maid's Son (COMPLETE)

By AmybooW

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Milo was 5 years old when his mom Amelia started working as a maid for the Grayson. Amelia was a single mothe... More

The Beginning
Wild Ride
The Plan
Prices To Pay
It's Show Time
First Date
My Prerogative
Self Revelation
Walk The Line
Perfectly Imperfect
Make It Rain
Live Love Play
Getting Closer
Heaven in Hiding
The End of A New Beginning
The Way You Lie
Fragile Heart
Mrs. Grayson
Strange Addiction
Nobody's Fool
My Boo
U Turn
All Kinds Of Mess
Be Careful What You Wish For
Ibiza, Spain
Back to Reality
Falling Apart
Starting Over
Lies & More Lies
Game's On
All I Am
Heaven and Hell
Love Forever Milo
A Shining Star
My Love, My Life
The Wait
The Life We Live
Celebration of Life
Garden of Eden
Dark Paradise
Fuel to Fire
Secret Garden
The Show
What Is Truth
Devil or Angel
Starting Over
So Am I
I'm Still Your Girl
Beautiful Chaos
The Promise
The Legacy
The Fall
The Battle
The Fallen
Silver Lining
My Shorty My Life
My Milo My Life
Devoted To You
My Valentine


632 35 3
By AmybooW

"Thinking something does not make it true. Wanting something does not make it real." - Michelle Hodkin,  The unbecoming of Mara Dyer

As Milo

I walk in to Carlos' pizza parlor and I spot Willow and my mom right away.  This is not going to be easy but it's something we cannot avoid.  We all need to know the truth even if it is going to hurt.  I wave to Carlos and he looks over to where the ladies are waiting, I nod.  I take a deep breath as I grab a chair from the next table.  They are sitting in a booth and I don't feel like sitting next to either of them.  Willow looks tired like she stays up for days but nonetheless she is still so beautiful.

She looks at me "Milo... "  That's all she says, my name.  I take her hand in mine and it is cold "You feeling okay shorty?"  She pulls her hand away from me "Yes I'm fine."  My mom says "Now I have both of you here.  It's time for me to tell you both the truth."  Carlos brings over the pizza "Eat up... don't waste my pizza okay?  I will charge you triple if you all don't finish it."  I look up at him "No problem man... you know we always polish off you pizza to the last bite."  He winks at me "Take all the time you need.  We are open till 3 AM."   I have to thank Carlos later... he always has my back.  After he walks away I say "You ladies heard him... eat up."  Willow picks up a piece and puts it on a plate for my mom.  Then she puts another piece on another plate and gives it to me.  She pours herself a full glass of beer and starts downing it.  I stop her "Shorty... can you eat first?  You are going to get drunk if you don't eat."  She gives me this half smile "Drunk is good.  I like being drunk."  My mom picks up a piece of pizza and puts it on a plate "My child... eat."  Her tone was firm and just loud enough.  Willow takes the plate from her like a child would "Thanks..."  Both my mom and I watch as Willow takes a bite, then another bite and another bite.  I know she cannot resist Carlos' pizzas.  We all eat our first piece of pizza in silence and I can tell my mom is also enjoying hers.

Finally we are done and Willow is again finishing up her beer.  She looks at me and then my mom "I'm ready..."  My mom pours herself a full glass of beer and downs it.  When I say she downs it, she empties the glass "Mom... slow down."  She pours herself another full glass and the pitcher is almost done.  She looks over to Carlos and raises up the pitcher.  Carlos of course knows what she wants.  I am the only one that's not drinking right now and maybe I also need a drink.  I pour the last of the beer into my glass.  I down it because I know I am going to need it.

As Willow

I don't know how I'm feeling right now.  Milo is here and I just want to get this over with.  I want to know the truth.  Why is Milo a Grayson now and WHO the fuck am I?  My whole life has been nothing but a lie?  I don't understand and I'm just so confused.  If Sheldon and Jacqueline Grayon are not my parents... where are my real parents?  As we wait for Carlos to bring us another pitcher of beer I say "Amelia... can you please tell us what's going on?"  I think she is on her 3rd glass of beer and her face is red "I want you kids to know you both are very much loved... no matter what I'm about to say."  I think to myself... really?  Living in a lie my whole life with people that are not my parents.  She continues "My sister Rosa... she was a waitress working at our uncle's restaurant... back in Italy.  We were from a poor family so we had to work to make a living.  Rosa started working since she was 14." Carlos brings over another pitcher of beer and walks away.  Willow picks it up and pours beer into our empty glasses.   My mom speaks again "Well... Rosa met Sheldon when he was on a business trip in Italy.  Sheldon Grayson kept going back to our uncle's restaurant everytime he was in town... My sister Rosa fell in love with him."  Amelia drinks some more before she keeps going "Then one night she came home and told me... she was pregnant with Sheldon's child." I think this is just like the movies and I smirk "So the waitress falls in love with this foreigner and has his baby.  He disappears..."  Amelia is not amused "Well... Rosa didn't tell him she was pregnant.  The only person that knew was me.  I was there when she gave birth to Milo... there was complications and she never got a chance to meet her baby boy."  I know I'm getting sad with teary eyes so I drink more beer.  Milo stops me again "Shorty... slow down please."  I am thinking who makes him the adult now. 

Amelia finishes her beer and picks up another piece of pizza "This is good mio figlio."  I think to myself... that is not even your real son Amelia.  She takes a few bites and she continues again "Well... I claimed Milo to be my own.  Rosa passed away and I was not about to give her a bad name you know?  So I raised Milo as my own. "  She excuses herself to use the restroom out of nowhere.  With her gone I am alone with Milo.  I take another piece of pizza even though I don't have much appetite... I just don't know what to say to him at the moment.  He of course wants to talk "Shorty... I missed you.  I'm so sorry for everything that has been happening.  I don't want to change things between us."  I am trying so hard to hold back my tears... I cannot speak.  He leans over to me and takes my hand in his "I just want you to know shorty... no matter what happens and even when the whole world is lying to you..."  He stops and I look at him waiting to see what he has to say.  He leans closer to me with his lips on my forehead "My love for you is true.  No lie no shame no shit... just simple and pure love.  You might have been a Willow Grayson... but you are MY  Shorty... just Shorty."  Tears starts streaming down my face.  I begin to punch him.. his chest "I hate you so much Milo ass... You are just ASS Milo... you are nothing but ASS."  I grab both of her hands "You can call me whatever you want Shorty... but you know I love you as Milo.. the boy that shared his bubble gums with you... only you."  She starts laughing "You suck Milo... You really suck."  

My mom comes back and she sees Willow laughing crying "Are you okay my child."  She turns to me "What did you do to her?  I am not very happy Milo." I know my mom loves Willow like her own and I want her to tell us everything today... "Mom... please tell us what we need to know.  No more lies..."  My mom again holds up her glass "Okay then... drink up first."  Willow and I pick up our beer glasses at the same time "Cheers..."  Milo says.  I say "Cheers to the truth... nothing but the truth."  I down my beer and I say "No more lies please... "  


As Amelia

What I was about to do or say was long overdue.  I have both of my 'kids' here and I have to do what's right... oh GOD please help me.  I contemplated for a while when i was in the restroom.. thinking if I was doing the right thing.  Finally I thought to myself... Yes... do it Amelia... 

I sit down again and I have to drink my beer "Anyway so Milo here is Sheldon's son.  I raised him like my own because there was no way I could tell my parents the truth.  I took all the scrutiny for my sister Rosa just because I loved her."  I  take another huge gulp of my beer trying to finish it.  Milo stops me "Mom... stop.  Slow down okay? I'm gonna call Frank."  I am somewhat buzzed but I am still pretty rational "No... don't.  I still have a lot to say."  I actually have to text Frank right now so I say "Hold on... let me text Frank and tell him I'll be home a little late."  

I finish texting "So... I found out whom Milo's dad was... Sheldon Grayson.  I of course went to look for him.  I found out his wife Jacqueline couldn't have kids when I met up with him.  He told me he wanted Milo in his life and if I would help him... to hide the truth that Milo was his very own flesh and blood. I was more than willing... I loved Rosa.  Sheldon told me they were adopting a babygirl and he would have everything planned out."  I feel short of breath as I tell my kids that... kids yes Milo and Willow.  

"The day when I went to Sheldon... he was not a bit hesitant nor nervous.  He looked at Milo and he said 'I will give you and him everything you both need.  Keep my son in my life."  That was when I thought of what I had to do.  I needed to keep Milo Grayson in his life.  

I look at Willow "I'm so sorry child.  Jacqueline couldn't conceived.  She had health issues and which was why she was okay with all of these.  The .first time I met with her, she told me don't ever let Milo know about this.... she would be fine doing her part.   She accepted us into her home as maid and son... which I was grateful for also."  

I look at Willow with tears now down her face "I'm so sorry... I didn't want you to find out this way."  She pushes my hand away "Not funny... I don't know what I'm going to tell my  fiance tonight... Adrian... because he is for sure going to kill me." 

My son Milo  or I mean my nephew Milo looks at her "Shorty... I'll go home with you.  Don't worry okay??"  She places her hand over mine "It's okay Ass Milo...I'm okay.  Let's just eat and drink up tonight.  I don't care who you are... I have to go home later and be alright ."  


As Willow

I got my answers tonight... even if I wasn't ready for it.  I found out what was the truth or half the truth.  I was ready to go home and face my fiance Adrian.  I felt bad actually because he thought all along I was someone else... when I was really not.  I felt like I woke up one day as Willow Grayson and now I was an orphan?

I didn't care anymore at the moment because I just wanted Sheldon Grayson to be alive again.

Milo leaned into me whispering "I miss you so much Shorty... I miss everything about us.  Our apartment... our everything our life together."   I missed him too "Ass Milo... I miss you so much.  Why don't we go back to your place and just fuck." 

I said it... I really said it.  I wanted to fuck and it was all that has been on my mind since Milo came walking in.  

Next thing I knew... he sent Amelia in an uber... calling Frank "She would be home in 20 minutes."  I looked at him looping my arms around his neck "I love you Milo... I am so in love with you."  He laughed gripping my waist "Shorty... I love you.  I would do everything for you."  The only thing I can think of right now was to ask him "Even if I'm not a Grayson?  You will still love me?"  

He answered "Yes I love you Shorty.. not as a Grayson... I will love you till the end and even some more."


As Willow

I am lying naked in front of him on our bed... our home. I never have to be afraid to be naked in front of Milo.  I don't want to be constricted and I never want anything in between us.

I am not a Grayson... but I still love my parents.  And I love Milo... My first and my forever lasting love.

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