๐€๐’๐“๐„๐‘-๐Ž๐ˆ๐ƒ | Kylo Ren

BแปŸi AstarGazer789

1.9K 39 4

"Aster." it comes out monotonous because of his mask and he immediately regrets it. She stiffens and stares... Xem Thรชm

chapter one
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen

chapter two

184 4 0
BแปŸi AstarGazer789

It had gone two days and the BB- unit didn't leave. He stayed with us while we were looking for parts and came to the town to get food portions. On the first day in the town with BB-8, Unkar Plutt had offered us 60 portions for the droid. We were shocked. Neither of us could ever imagine so much food at once and the offer was tempting at first, but we both knew that we would not be trading BB-8 for food. So we took the portion we were offered and left back home. The day after we didn't go to Niima outpost. We hadn't found anything worth trading for. 

It was now the third day with BB-8. Today we went to town. Both of us were hungry and tired. It's difficult to sleep as it is, but on an empty stomach it becomes almost impossible. 

The three of us walk through the small market to trade the few parts we might get for food. BB-8 rolling along ahead of us as Rey tells me about what she would do if she ever left Jakku. 

The usual sound of metal clanking and people chattering that usually fills the air abruptly stops and we both notice the change in atmosphere just before a group of Unkars Thugs come running from around the nearest tent.

Rey immediately starts fighting them off successfully, hitting them with her metal staff that she always carries with her. She knocks out one of the six that attacked us and continues on to the next one. I try to defend myself as well, using my identical staff to fend them off, but I don't like hurting people. I end up having to whack one of them in the knee and he collapses when he tries to reach for me.

Rey is a good fighter, she can fight anything and hardly ever loses a fight. I've seen her train. She tried to teach me, and I know some basic fighting skills, but there are simply too many of them. We both have our metal staffs and are attempting to beat up the Thugs. They are trying to get BB-8. One of them successfully covers him up and tries to run away with him, Rey is at him in seconds. She knocks him in the head and I wince at the sound of metal hitting his head. That must have really hurt. I look down at the alien, feeling sorry for him, although I shouldn't, they did attack us after all.

In the end Rey get's most of them. I might have gotten one, out of the six that ambushed us.

"What the Hoth is going on." Rey breathes, franticly looking around as I kneel down to BB-8 to untangle him from yet another net. 

"It's BB-8 they're after." I say. "Care to tell us, BB-8?" I give the droid a pointed look. 

"Let me guess. It's classified, isn't it?" Rey butts in. The droid beeps. Of course it is.

"Well, we got to get out of here before they wake up." Rey is about to grab her staff from the ground, when out of nowhere a man with a pilots jacket and water trickling down is face comes running up to us, frantically looking around at the tents. We both share a quick look, staffs not lowering just yet. 

"We have to go, now." he says desperately and with that he grabs both our hands and pulls us through the village. BB-8 zooms after us.

"Let go of my hand!" Rey shouts at him, but either he doesn't hear it or he's ignoring her. I have no idea what is going on, but I can feel the exhaustion taking over and almost trip from the man running so fast.  "Let go of us." I yell at him, but again he doesn't react.

Finally, after we have run across the entire outpost, does the man stop and lets go of both our hands as we crouch behind a tent. He holds a finger to his mouth and points at two people clad in white armor. 

I gasp at the sight of something I never thought I would see.


"Why are they here?" I  whisper in confusion. The man hears me and points at BB-8. 

"That droid is wanted by the First Order. He's got a map leading straight to Luke Skywalker."

Rey and I gasp simultaneously, but for different reason. Rey has always marveled at the possibility the Jedi and the Force are real. I on the other hand, have seen it all up close and personal.

"Luke Skywalker is real?" Rey whispers in awe. The man nodds, but before he can tell us more, the sound of blasters disrupt the silence again.

We must have been spotted, because out of nowhere they are firing in our direction. We all run for our lives. I run in the direction I saw Rey go, but must have got diverged by the ongoing fire from the Stormtrooper's blasters becasue she's nowhere to be seen. I stop and look around in panic, but I cant see her, BB-8 or the strange man. Panic starts to take over and I don't know what to do. There are guns firing all around me and TIE- fighters shooting at the tents. I decide to try and get out of the village, so I start to run in the direction of home, but before I get very far, the gang of Unkar's Thugs surround me. 

I grab the metal stick from my shoulder and to the best of my ability defend myself.  I hit one across the head and he falls to the ground, I turn to hit another one behind me and don't notice the one I just struck, gets up and goes to pick me up from behind. He lifts me by the waist and into the air. Luckily I didn't drop my staff and am able to hit him in the head once more. He lets go and we both fall to the ground. There is one to the right of me and I swing my staff at knee height, knocking him over. Again and again I hit them with my staff, but not hard enough, because the hits don't seem to affect them as much as I want them to, and they easily hit me back. I know, the Thugs know, and I'm sure Unkar Plutt knows, wherever he may be, that I don't have a chance. They overpowered me in record time and I can barely stay upright. My body collapses due to exhaustion and pain. One of the Thugs knocks me over the head and get's my leg and drags me across the sand. 

The TIE-fighters have stopped firing and the air is still and quiet once again. 


The thug pulls me across the sand, ignoring my shouts to let me go.

"REY!" I shout. "HELP!" I try to get away, but he's too strong. The thugs doesn't stop until we have reached the nearest ship and my heart loges in my throat at the sight of the man clad in white aromor standing there. 

A Stormtrooper. The thug pulls me to a stop in front of the man, and pushes me to my knees. Another stormtrooper slaps a pair of handcuffs around my wrists.

"Don't move." He grumbles as I try to free myself. From behind him, Unkar Plutt emerges and the trooper goes to speak with him. I try to hear what they say, but only catch the last sentance.

"-yes, if you want to know about the girl with the droid, she'll know." Unkar says to the man clad in white while pointing at me. The Stormtrooper looks at me as well, his mask hiding any indication as the who he is and what he might be feeling.

"Rey." I whisper. She must have gotten away with BB-8 and the stranger. I can't help but feel relieved that she is safe.  They both look back at my determined face masking my fear. Unkar smiles a sadistic smile as he walks back in my direction.

"I hope you enjoy your time with the First Order, you two eyed freak!" he spits in my face. The scar above my left eye twinges at the mention of his insult. I used to love my eyes, but after becoming on of Unkars slaves, it has caused me more trouble than I would like. My breath comes out in short panicked pants. I haven't felt this terrified in a long time. The Stormtroopers approach me and roughly pull me up and drag me onto their ship. 

ฤแปc tiแบฟp

Bแบกn Cลฉng Sแบฝ Thรญch

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