chapter six

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"What." she whispered horrified. "You're...Kylo Ren? You, Ben, you're the supreme leader of the First Order?" She whispers horrified.

Aster looked heartbroken. I felt an almost painful feeling in my chest just looking at her like this. She must be so disappointed in me. Even I'm disappointed in myself. I don't want to tell her what happened. It would be too horrible, and I'm sure she would never speak to me again.

"The Dark Side is a very tempting place, and the First Order is where those temptations are satisfied." I said. 

 However much I loved her different colored eyes, I couldn't bring myself to look into them. I was worried she might lash out at me, or ignore me, maybe even get up and run away or in the worst case cower in fear. That would be the normal reaction to a childhood friend and love interest saying such a thing. I could never bear Aster to fear me. It would break me, but Aster has never been normal, she has never followed the crowd, so I shouldn't have assumed she would do the normal thing in this situation.

"But, but surely you don't believe using the Dark Side of the Force is how the galaxy will prosper? That getting rid of the balance in the Force will help bring peace to the galaxy?" Her question was unexpected and I wasn't sure what to answer at first. I knew the answer was 'No'. Of course, there wouldn't be peace if you only used anger, hatred and fear to install that peace. 

"It's about power, Aster." I say, resisting the urge to sit down next to her.

"What is? You want to have the power to decide over the galaxy, and the only way to do that is through the First Order?" She asks. I nod. 

"Why do you want that power?" She asks frustrated. I don't expect her to understand. While Aster has always been inherently selfless, I had always been quite the opposite. 

I look at her, stunned. I try to think of an answer, but I don't know what to say. I've always been power-hungry, I won't deny that, but now that I have that power, I'm not sure why I ever wanted it.

I say nothing and Asters brows furrow. She gives her head a little shake as if to rid herself of the conversation.

"What's going to happen to me? You say you wont hurt me, and now that I know you're Kylo Ren, I understand you have to power to decide, but that doesn't change why I was taken here." She crosses her arms in front of her and looks up at me, determination in her eyes. 

I'm glad of the change in topic.

"Well, you were last seen with the BB unit and the girl, so just tell me why you were with them." I say. She frowns even deeper and I wonder what she knows.

"Why do you want to know? What is so special about that BB-unit." 

"It has a map leading to Luke Skywalker." I say, expecting her to be shocked, but she doesn't react at all.

"And why do you so desperatly want that map? What has your uncle done?"

I say nothing.

"Is he desturbing the Force?" She asks. I sigh. 


"And who's to determine what side of the force should be kept and what side should be eradicated?" Aster ask. "You? Is that what the power is for?"

"Yes. I don't think you understand how much of a presence Luke Skywalker is in the Force and how much of a disturbance it is to me, Aster." I say exasperated.

"So what, you're just going to kill him. Your own uncle, just like that? The last Jedi. Dead."

"YES! That's exactly what I'm going to do!" I yell.

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