Summer 79' | MJ FF

Offthewallbby द्वारा

59.8K 3.8K 8.1K

Who knew a kiss would lead to a Summer like this. अधिक

Prologue, The Beginning.
1. Class Of Seventy Nine
2. The Graduation Speech
3. You Gave Me The Kiss Of Life
4. Is This Love That I'm Feeling?
5. The Other Woman
6. The Roses Are Bizarre
7. Damsel In Distress
8.Dream, Dream, Dream
9.Unrequited Feelings & Realizations
10. Lets Ride
11. Lingering Love
12. Love Scheme 1: Jealousy
13: Love Scheme 2: The Third Kiss
14. Love Scheme 3: Deflowering Rose
15. Friends, How Many Of Us Have Them?
16. Michael's Other Lover
17. The Five Tarots
18. The Truth Hurts
19. New Flame
20. Butterknives
21. A Second Chance
22. Tell The Truth, Shame The Devil
23. The Lust Between Us
24. Man In The Mirror
25. Mulatto
26. Home Is Where Your Heart Is
27. Broken Dreams
28. Baby, Baby
29. One Hell Of A Date
30. Uproar
31. Frenemies
32. Love Confession
33. I Wanna Be Your Lover
34. A Matter Of Time
35. Nightmares Are Real
36. Love Don't Live Here
37. It's Hard To Say Goodbye
39. Doves In The Sky
40. Epilogue, The Ending.

38. Nightmares Are Real Part 2

962 75 159
Offthewallbby द्वारा



Day 4, Trigger warning

Today was such a gloomy mess.

The clouds were grey, and it had been raining
nonstop since the early morning. The existence of
the sun seemed to be in the midst of darkness.

Everything was bleak and just seemed so sad,
so unfulfilling. Everything just seemed hopeless.

Abhaya was staring out of her window with a
look of emptiness.

Today was the day Abhaya was supposed to
leave  little ole' Indiana, but here she was in
her room with non of her things packed.

Abhaya didn't know what the hell she was going
to do with her life now. Maybe get a job at the local grocery store and waste away. All the passion, the drive she once had, was suddenly gone. She didn't want to paint anymore; she didn't want to design clothes anymore. Abhaya didn't want to create anymore. All she wanted to do was be sad.

Michael had been crossing her mind a lot for the
past three hours. She knew he would be leaving in
less than four. She cried at the thought of him mleaving her in Indiana all alone.

They were supposed to be together, but he ruined it like how he ruined everything.

She hated Michael for what he did to her, but she still found herself loving him.

She couldn't stop. There was no book of rules to guide you through a broken heart.

No button would allow you to turn your feelings off.

She had no clue as to why she still loved the bastard, but she did. She would always love Mike. No matter how bad he fucked up, she loved him. But that didn't mean she wanted to be with him.

Abhaya never wanted to be with Michael ever again. She never wanted to see him.

She never wanted to hear his soft voice or his cute laugh.

She never wanted to kiss his soft lips. She never wanted to rest her head against his chest and listen to his heartbeat again. She never wanted to make love to him. She never wanted to laugh with him.

She never wanted any of those things with him, or at least that's what she told herself.

Abhaya didn't know why Michael made her feel so weak. He was her kryptonite.

For the entire morning, she had been fighting the
urge to call Michael back. Her foolish heart said to call Michael, tell him that the two of you can work through this, and leave Indiana with him. But her mind said that it was time to let him go.

Abhaya loved Michael too much, and that was her downfall. She had been letting him get away with shit since they were kids. No matter how big and how small they were, she would forgive him. She realized the love that she had with Michael was toxic. Like Jillian and Johnny. Jillian tried to make a home out of Johnny. She married him straight out of high school and gave him two kids.

As Johnny was working on his dreams, Jill was left stuck with the emptiness of her past dreams.

She was left with raising two babies that she loved
so much but rarely got help because Johnny was out fucking other women. He did what he wanted because he knew Jillian loved him too much to leave.

He played with her heart until she became heartless. He changed her for the worst. He broke her spirit.

Just as Michael did with Abhaya.

Michael was sitting on the edge of his bed with
his elbows pressed into his knees. His head was low
as he stared down at the shoes on his feet. He would be leaving within a few hours, yet he didn't want to.

He wasn't excited anymore.

The guilt that he felt in his heart was making everything he once felt happy about now bad.

Leaving Indiana without Abhaya felt so wrong.

It felt miserable to Michael. The joy he once felt
was now all gone. The guilt, the misery, the sadness.

All the negative emotions one can feel were hitting Michael all at once. He was starting to feel sick from feeling so sad. He could feel himself on the verge of throwing up. Michael had never felt so miserable in his entire life as he did now. He hated himself.

Michael stood up from his bed and walked over to
the window. He looked outside to see how harsh it was raining and how grey the sky was. The weather outside was a great depiction of how Michael felt entirely.

As Michael continued to analyze the weather, his eyes suddenly landed on a burgundy Rolls Royce.

The newest one is out.

That was Lily's car. Parked in front of his home.

Michael's look was one of confusion before it
turned into sudden anger. He immediately left out
of his room and dashed down the steps of his home before marching outside. Lily was about to see a side of Michael that she never knew existed. She saw him approaching the side of her car from the review.

From the scowl on his face, she could tell that
Michael wasn't happy to see her at all. The right side
of the passenger's door suddenly opened, and Michael ducked his head down, glaring at Lily with a look of menace. "What the fuck are you doing here, Lily?"

He questioned angrily.

"Why haven't you been answering my calls?" She
said while taking a puff from her cigarette.

She blew the smoke in Michael's direction.

Michael deeply sighed. The urge to choke Lily to
death became very considerable, but he held back. "Did I not make it clear that I didn't want to see you anymore? LEAVE ME ALONE!" He screamed at
her, causing her to jump slightly.

"So this is how it's going to end before you leave?
Are you just going to treat me like this? Like I was never there for you? Like I never loved you?"

She questioned.

"You never loved me! Lily yo—"

Lily began to yell at his accusation of her not loving him. She felt as though that was a lie. She felt as tho she did love him. "DON'T YOU FUCKING SAY THAT I DIDN'T LOVE YOU! I DID! I DO. NOW I MAY NOT HAVE SHOWN IT NICELY, BUT FOR YOU TO JUST...TO JUST..." Before she could even finish her thoughts, she started to scream.

Michael couldn't believe that he had dealt with all
of this craziness for so long. He just couldn't believe it. "Stop screaming! My fucking family is home!" Michael seethed at her. He didn't want anyone to come out and see what was going on. No one knew about Lily.

Lily continued just to scream. She was doing it purposely, and Michael was getting highly upset.

It got to the point of him not taking it any longer, so
he reached his hand inside of the car and grabbed Lily by her neck. He got inside of the car and started to shake her roughly. Michael felt like he was about to go crazy.

"YOU'RE RUINING MY LIFE!" He screamed.


Lily pressed the cigarette she had in her hands
down against Michael's wrist, causing a yelp to
release from within his throat suddenly.

Michael hastily brought his hands back and held
them to his chest. He placed one of his hands over the one that was burnt and clamped it. He was trying to prevent the pain from continuing. He was biting the bottom of his lip in agony.

His eyes were starting to become watery but not
from the physical pain.

It was the emotional and mental pain that he was in.

His heart was broken, and his head was
fucked up. Michael always had issues, but
right now, they were at the lowest point.

Lily watched Michael and could see that he was
about to cry. She started to laugh at him.

"You always fucking cry. You are so weak." She taunted him.

If Lily had the opportunity to kick Michael once he
was already down, then she would.

She knew that when Michael was at his lowest, he would crawl back to her.

That's the reasonwhy she always played on his sadness. She knew Michael was very sensitive.

She knew at times he could be weak, and she used
that to her advantage. Lily was evil.

She was the wolf, and Michael was the sheep.

Lily continued to abuse Michael verbally, and he just sat there and took it. He was listening to everything she said at first. All the belittlement, all the vile things about his insecurities she knew he had.

She even mentioned his skin disease.

She referred to Michael as a Dalmatian.

Lily was ruthless. Her words were wicked.

As Michael sat in hell with Lily, his mind
wandered to Abhaya. He thought about all the
times she invested all her energy into making
Michael feel good about himself and his insecurities.
The entire road trip with Abhaya consisted of her helping Michael build himself back up. Was he going to let Lily knock him down again? He wasn't.

He stepped outside of the car and ignored Lily's screams and hateful words.

Lily watched as Michael went inside of his garage
and seconds later came out riding down the street
on his red Suzuki. It didn't take her long to realize Michael was officially done with her.

None of the evil manipulations would work on him anymore. Her slave wasn't her slave anymore.

He was his own man, and he was going to leave
her all alone. Without Michael, she would have no
one now. She didn't like the thought of that.

She screamed inside of her car before beating
her hands against the steering wheel. She twisted
the key inside of the hole and started the ignition.

She pressed her foot against the gas, and she was off
to follow wherever Michael was going.

She wasn't done with him. She wasn't finished.

Michael drove to Abhaya's house to see that her
car wasn't home. He muttered a few curse words underneath his breath as he looked around. Michael didn't know what the hell was going on inside of his mind, but he knew that he had to see Abhaya. He started up his moped and was on his way to drive around town in search of her.

It was raining so hard that it was becoming a hazard for Michael to drive. He had no helmet on.

The ground was slippery. His clothes
were now soaking wet. It was dangerous
for Michael to drive, but he didn't care.

The only thing that was on his mind was Abhaya.

He wanted to see her and do whatever he could to convince her to come to Atlanta with him. It was a great chance that she wasn't going to agree to that.

Probably a ninty nine-point nine percent chance that she wasn't going with him, but he was still going to try.

He was still going to beg for her love no matter how pathetic he may seem, which was very.

Michael knew he didn't deserve Abhaya, but he
loved her too much not to fight to get her back, and even if she did hate him, even if she wanted no parts
of him, Michael wasn't leaving Indiana without
telling Abhaya that he loved her.

Michael was now in the downtown area.

It was only two cars out and of them belonged
to Abhaya. As soon as Michael recognized that car,
he quickly switched his moped off and got off. He ran over to her car to see that she wasn't inside.

He looked from his left to his right to not see anyone within the area.

He began to run around like a fool, not knowing where the hell to look and where the hell to go. He could feel himself about to just cry from all the frustration, but he held it in long enough to spot her finally.

She was down towards the town's strip, where all convenient little stores were located.

She seemed to be out of breath. She was leaned down with her hands over her knees. Michael was about to run over to her, but the yelling of his name caused him to turn around. Within the distance, he could see Lily walking towards him. She had been following him this whole time, and he didn't even realize it.

It was something in Lily's appearance that seemed to startle Michael. She looked so...Deranged. Any bit of light she once had in her eyes was now long gone.

"Have you been following me!?" He yelled at her.

Lily said nothing, but she continued to walk towards him. Michael's eyes scanned how the both of her
hands were behind her back as if she was trying to
hide something. Slowly, Michael began to walk backward. He almost stumbled from how slippery
the streets were, but he managed to catch himself.

"W—What do you have behind your back, Lily?" Michael questioned in fear. Something in the
back of his head was telling him to fucking run.

"I wish things didn't have to be this way, Michael..." Lily said. The rain that was falling from the sky was ruining the makeup Lily had on.

Her eyeliner was running down her face.

She looked so deranged.

"What way!? What way do they have to be!?"
Michael was starting to panic. Lily shifted her eyes over Michael's shoulder to see Abhaya down the street.

She shakily sighed.

"So it's been Abhaya this whole time, huh? This is the girl that made you lose your love for me?" Lily slowly lifted her hands towards the front to reveal an AMT Hardballer Semi-Automatic handgun.

The same gun her husband took his life with.

Michael gasped. He had never felt so scared in his entire life. "So who am I going to get rid of, huh?
You or her? Maybe both. I guess it depends."

She began to wave the gun around before pointing it towards Michael's head.

Michael started to speak with shaky breaths.
"Lily. Don't do this. Abhaya is Johnny's daughter. That's Jillian's daughter...please don't do this."

"I fucking know that, and quite frankly, I don't care.
I don't care about anything anymore, Michael. No one loves me. You don't love me. What's the point of caring about anything?" She questioned.

"But I do!" Michael said in a panic. "I do love you! I love you, Lily plea—"

"DON'T FUCKING LIE TO ME!" She screamed
before clicking the gun. Michael was face to face
with the devil now. Nothing he could say was going
to stop her rage. Nothing.

Lily pointed the gun back towards Abhaya, who
was standing with her backs to them. She didn't
know the dangers that were going on. She didn't
know her life was about to change so suddenly.

Michael noticed that Lily was about to shoot the gun off in Abhaya's direction, so he immediately took off running towards her. He heard a plethora of shots go off, but he didn't look back. He kept on running.

"ABHAYA! ABHAYA!" Abhaya listened to her name from a voice that sounded like Michael's.

At first,she thought she heard things until she turned around to see Michael running to her.

She looked at him in confusion before getting angry. As soon as he got close to her, she began to yell at him.

"Michael, leave me the hell alone! Don't you
have somewhere to b—" Before she could finish her statement, she felt Michael pull her into his embrace.

His arms were wrapped around her so tightly that
she could hardly breathe. She tried to push him away, but he wouldn't budge.

His head was lying against her shoulder, and Abhaya could hear the choppiness of his breath.Like he was having trouble breathing. Eventually, the tightness of his grip began to loosen around Abhaya. She could feel Michael's body sliding down hers until he fell to his knees.

Abhaya looked towards the far back to see Lily with
a gun in her hand. Smoke was coming out, and Lily stood there frozen like she couldn't believe that she shot the gun off. Slowly, Abhaya looked down to see Michael bleeding to death and realized he had just been shot. His eyes were still open, and he was breathing, but they were harsh breaths.

Abhaya looked down at her hands to see Michael's blood dripping from them mixed with the rain. Her mind instantly went back to that awful dream she had. She realized that the dark shadow that was once in her dream was Michael in real life. She screamed.

Sandy Springs Hospital

Abhaya sat in a waiting room with her nerves shot
to hell. Her clothes were drenched in water from the rain, as well as Michael's blood. She had been sitting
in the waiting room for almost an hour now, and she felt like she was about to go insane.

All she could think about was how she watched Lily run off into her car and speed off. All she could think about was how she had to drag Michael to her car and speed to the hospital. Michael was bleeding so much in her car. The white seat on the passenger's side was now drenched in Michael's blood.

Abhaya felt her hands shaking from nervousness. Currently, Michael is in surgery. Dr. Martin, the same doctor who looked after Michael the last time, was now helping him once again. Michael was in the traumatic surgery department with all the best doctors in the hospital looking after him.

Dr. Martin would come out and keep Abhaya posted on how Michael was doing from time to time. He said that he lost a lot of blood, but they gave him a few blood transfusions. He said that right now, they were working on removing the bullets. It's was two.

Abhaya felt somehow relieved because no bad news was given, but she still felt nervous for Michael. She had been crying like crazy and praying profusely.

Please, God. Please let Michael get through this. Please don't take him away from me.

He's so young, and he has so much to live for.
Please don't let him die. Lord, please.

After praying for as much as she could pray, Abhaya found herself in better spirits somehow. She just sat and waited for Doctor Martin to come out, and he did. He had come out almost three hours later.

She watched as he sat in a chair in front of her.
She smiled a bit. "How is he, Doc?" She asked, but he didn't instantly answer like he did the last few times. His head hung down low, and he sighed.

Abhaya asked again. " is he?"

Doctor Martin finally looked up at her. He stayed professional and began to explain what was going on.

"During surgery Abhaya...Michael's heart kept giving out because the two bullets were around in that area. He was shot in the back twice, and went through the front of his chest."

Abhaya was still as stone as she continued to listen
to Doctor Martin.

"We were able to get the first bullet out successfully, but the second one... the second one punctured a major artery. An artery that was connected to his heart, so when we took that bullet out...Michael suddenly went into cardiac arrest. We did everything we could do, but his heart just couldn't take it. I'm sorry to inform you, but Michael has died."

Abhaya felt her heart drop.

", but you said that he was doing okay. Doc, you said Michael was doing okay just a a few hours ago..."

Abhaya was in disbelief.

Michael wasn't dead. Not her, Michael.

"I'm so sorry, Abhaya." Doctor Martin said.

Abhaya was still in disbelief. "I wanna see him."
She said. Dr. Martin began to shake his head. "I
don't think that's the best thing to do rig—"

"NOW! I WANNA SEE HIM NOW!" She yelled.

A few visitors and nurses looked over at Abhaya
and Dr. Martin because of the loud outburst, but she didn't pay them any mind. All she wanted to see was
if Michael was gone. Dr. Martin sighed, but he agreed to let her see Michael. He brought her back to the traumatic surgery unit, and within minutes, they were at the front of a door.

Dr. Martin felt somber once he opened that door for Abhaya and watched her walk inside.

He closed the door behind her to give her some
privacy at such a time.

Abhaya felt her breath hitch inside of her throat
when she saw a covered body on a surgery table.

She sauntered over to the table and swallowed deeply when she stood beside this body.

Slowly, she began to peel the sheet down from the body until a head was exposed. It was Michael's head.

He looked like he was just sleeping, is all, but
when Abhaya continued to pull that sheet down and reveal the two holes in Michael's chest as well as a significant cut that split Michael's chest open, she knew right then and there Michael wasn't sleeping.

Michael was dead.

Abhaya felt her heart explode. Never in her life had she ever felt the type of pain she was feeling now. One by one, tears started to trickle down the sides of her face.

"Michael..." Her voice was raspy as she spoke.

She leaned her head down against his and wailed.

"Please wake up. Please...I love you so much. Michael, I love you...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Michael told himself that he wouldn't leave
Indiana without telling Abhaya that he loved her,
and he didn't. He didn't get to do either one.

I'm crying as I type this omg.

It's two chapters left, you all.

Thanks for reading.

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