Being Alive ( D.W)

By Gerlithequeen

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Book 3 "Because i love you" I don't own Supernatural or the pics i upload. I only own Elena and her story. More

3. 1 The Demon Life
3.2 Turning Back Normal
3.3 Speechless
3.4 "Carry On My Wayward Son"
3.5 Aunt Bunny
3.6 "What Was That About?"
3.7 Hidding
3.8 "Tell Me It Was Them Or You"
3.9 "I'm Not Scared"
3.10 Good & Bad Charlie
3.11 Young Dean
3.12 Cain
3.14 Charlie
3.15 Nadya's Codex
3.16 Oh My God
3.I7 Go Ahead, Kill Me!
The Darkness
A Baby
"I'm In Heels"
"We Are Not Fighting"
"What Was I Supposed To Do?"
"Who Crushed The Impala?"
"I Already Have My Answer"
Killer Costume
The Cage
"Are You Still In Love With Me?"
"Careful, Sammy"
"Cupid's Mark"
Lucifer Inside Cass
"I Saw You Dead"
"Bonding Time"
The Horn
God's Plan
"Don't Go, Please"
Screw You
Mary Winchester
Family Hunting Trip
Killing Hitler
Vince Vincente
Mr. President.
"Who Is Dean?"
"Where's Dad?"
"Do You Trust Dean?"
"Where We Happy?"
The Supernatural Books
"What Is Wrong With Cass?"
"You Made A Deal?"
Mr. Ketch and Mary
"Don't Go"
The Rift
Alternative Universe
Let Me Return The Favor
"I Love You, Dean"
New King Of Hell
"My Queen "
"It Was Mary "
"So You're Choosing Her?"
"We Have a Child?"
"She's The Trigger"
"I Love You"
Bonding Time With Jack
Bringing Him Back
Saving Dean
The Box
"Why Are You Giving Up On Us?"
John And Mary
"Michael. He's Gone"
"Damn Right, Doll"
"Leave Me Alone"
"I Love You So Much"
Queen of Hell
This Is The End Of The World
"You Did Not Fail Me"
"I Missed You So Much"
"You Enjoyed it"
"You Were Right"
A Trip To Purgatory
Alt. Sam and Alt. dean
"Happy Birthday, Leny"
"Just Drive"
"Would You Trade Me?"
"We Are Free"
"Please, Bring Him Back To Me "
"Welcome To Heaven, Boys"

3.13 "I Need Your Help, Dad"

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By Gerlithequeen

Two weeks later. At the bunker. Night. 

I jumped awake when i felt Dean next to me go crazy. 

He was  having a nightmare again and was tossing around. 

Dean was screaming my name in  his sleep "no no! ELENA! no !"

My heart broke. 

Sam stormed into my room with a raised gun. 

He looked at me shocked.

I nodded "i'll handle it"

Sam sighed "Elena-"

Me "i said that i'll handle it, Sam. go back to sleep"

He nodded and walked out. 

I sat up and shook him "Dean, wake up"

No reaction. 

I shook him harder "Dean, please, wake up"

Suddenly he groaned annoyed and opened his eyes "what is going on? are you okay?"

I looked at him confused "Are you okay?"

Dean nodded, tiredly "of course i am. why did you wake me up?"

Is he kidding me?

I shook my head, lying "nothing. It was just..I had a little panic attack, i guess. are you sure you're okay?"

He nodded "i was okay till you woke me up"

Me "Sorry for waking you, Dean"

Dean shook his head "nah, it's okay, baby. come here"

Then he pulled me into his arms "try to go back to sleep, baby"

I nodded, confused "sure"

Later. Morning. In the kitchen 

I walked inside and saw Sam standing there making coffee and a sandwich.

Me "morning"

He looked at me "morning"

I poured myself a coffee and looked at him. 

Sam "where's Dean?"

Me "He was in the shower when i walked out of the room so i guess he's now getting ready"

Sam nodded "What the hell happened last night?"

I took a deep breath "the same thing that's been happening since the night he killed Cain"

Sam looked at me confused "i thought it started a week ago?"

I shook my head "no, it started the night after he killed Cain. It just gets worse by each night"

He nodded "Elena, we have to do something"

I nodded "i know. Sam, that's the only thing i can think about."

Sam shrugged "i have no idea either "

I nodded "i'll think of something. Just give me at least 2 days, okay?"

He nodded.

I took a sip of my coffee "Can you do me a favor and not tell Dean about his nightmares?"

Sam asked confused "Wait, he doesn't know?"

I shook my head "he doesn't remember at all.  every time when i wake him up, it's like the nightmare never happened. I just don't want him to worry about that too"

He nodded "Yeah, sure, i won't tell him"

I nodded "Thanks, Sammy"

He nodded "sure"

In the control room.

I sat down at the table and opened the table.

 Dean walked over to me and gave me a kiss  "morning, doll"

I gave me a little smile "morning, handsome"

He gestured to the laptop "what do we got?"

I shook my head "Absolutely nothing"

Dean "Really?"

I nodded "yeah. I mean, no weird deaths, no demon signs. "

Dean nodded "All right, so a snow day"

Then he sat down across from me.

Me "how'd you sleep, Dean?"

Dean "like a drunk baby, well, till my baby woke up, again"

I nodded "yeah, sorry"

Dean "i'm starting to get worried about your panic attacks, baby. "

I sighed "Dean-"

Dean "i mean, i don't mind getting woken up by you in the middle of the night but not for that reason"

I raised an eyebrow "and for what reason would you like to get woken up in the middle of the night?"

Dean started to smirk "you know"

I rolled my eyes at him " what do you wanna do today?

Dean "i say we get drunk and shoot cap"

Me "we do that every day"

He shrugged and took a sip from his coffee. 

Me "why don't we watch a movie?"

Dean nodded "Sure. Whatever you want"

Me "It's a French movie"

Dean's eyes lit up "you mean like nudie French?"

I shot him a look.

Dean "sorry. But you don't like French movies"

I nodded "of course i do"

he shook his head "no, you don't"

I nodded "i do"

Dean "baby, you're my girl, i know you and you don't like French movies"

I rolled my eyes "Well, it's about  mime that's secretly a cockroach"

Dean grimaced "i don't get it"

Me "but Sam said -"

Dean asked confused "who cares?"

Suddenly Sam walked over to us. 

i looked at him "Sammy, would you like to go watch the movie you were talking about the other day"

Sam looked at me confused first but i shot him a look. Thank god he caught on. 

Dean "you wanna go with Sam?"

Me "well, you don't wanna go with me. Or do you want me to go alone to the movie theater in Wichita?"

Dean looked at me for a second before looking at Sam "you will not let her out of your sight, you understand?"

Sam rolled his eyes. 

I stood up and walked over to Dean "we won't be back till tomorrow morning"

Dean "Well, i trust you. ....both of you. Make good choices"

I nodded and kissed him "bye. Love you"

Dean "i love you too"


I pulled over behind Cass who was leaning against his car. 

Sam and i got out and walked over to Cass. 

Me "Thanks for coming, Cass"

He nodded "of course. Where's Dean?"

Me "this is about Dean?"

Cass sighed "is he...?"

Me "He's getting worse"

Cass sighed. 

Sam "Cass, we've gone through every other option. "

Me "We gotta talk about-"

Cass shook his head "don't say it"

I asked irritated and hurt "do you think i want this? do you think Sam likes it? we're not fans of it either. But if we want to get rid of the Mark..."

Sam "Charlie's gone radio silent. Everything else we've tried has been a dead end. So..."

Cass "I'll drive"

At a playground. night. 

The three of us got stopped by a guy. 

Guy "that's far enough, Castiel"

Castiel asked confused "Excuse me?"

The guy "i have orders. You aren't allowed upstairs"

Me "Says who?"

The guy "hold please"

Sam and i looked at each other confused. 

suddenly  a portal opened in the sand and a grace flew through it while the grace from the guy got out of the guy. The two graces switched places and the portal closed. 

The guy smiled when he saw Cass "Hello, Castiel "

Cass "Hannah"

Hannah "i swore i'd never occupy another vessel but we need to have this conversation face-to-face"

Cass "what conversation?"

Hannah "what do you want in heaven?"

Cass "Metatron"

Hannah "why? Is this about your grace? Are you fading?"

Castiel "I'm fine. For now"

Sam "this is about my brother"

Hannah "because Metatron might have information about the Mark of Cain"

Cass "No. We know he has"

Hannah "so he says. But Metatron lies"

Me "Hannah, we just want to talk with him"

Hannah "no, you want his help. But we both know the only way Metatron helps you is if he's free. And i can't let the scribe out of his cell. not again. He's too dangerous"

Cass shook his head "We won't-"

Hannah nodded "yes, you will. Because you're desperate"

Cass "after everything i'Ve done for heaven"

Suddenly more angels showed up. 

Cass snapped "after all i've done for you"

Hannah "I'm sorry"

Cass "you should be"

Sam "Let's go"

Cass turned to us and we started to leave. 

He asked irritated "What, we're leaving?"

Me "you really wanna fight off four angels? "

Cass "so, what, you just wanna give up on Metatron?"

I shook my head "no, we need him. It's time for Plan B. We break him out"


Sam "So back in the '50s, Oliver Pryce was a kid psychic. He performed everywhere. Carnivals, Atlantic City, you name it. He was the real deal. Now, the Men of Letters were teaching him how to control his powers when they got, you know ..."

Cass looked at the tablet in front of him "Brutally slaughtered?"

Sam "Point is, he's one of the good guys. He might be happy to see us"

Cass "or not"

I looked at him confused but then he looked at the house of that Oliver. 

I sighed "oh boy"

The whole property was covered in "no trespassing" and "private property" signs.

Sam sighed "Let's go"

We walked over to the house. 

Sam knocked on the door "Mr. Pryce?"

no answer.

Sam knocked again "Oliver Pryce?"

No answer. 

Cass "I'll break it down"

Sam "dude, dude, dude, chill"

Cass asked confused "what? i'm helping"

Sam "just follow my lead"

then he knocked again and the lights went on .

Sam "Mr. Pryce. This is Sam -"

The door opened and Oliver stood up "Winchester. You're Sam Winchester, Man of Letters"

Sam nodded confused"yeah, how did you-?"

Oliver "mind reader, remember?"

Then he looked at me "Elena Singer?"

 I nodded "In flesh and blood"

He looked at Cass "and you are?"

Cass didn't say anything .

Oliver looked at us confused "what are you ?"

Cass "I'm an angel"

Oliver shook his head "no, you can't be"

Cass "why not?"

Oliver "Because i'm an atheist"

I smirked "well, not anymore"


I looked around. There were books all over the place.

Cass walked over to a poster of the young Oliver Pryce "that's you?"

Oliver nodded "hmmph. Was me.I don't do the psychic stuff no more. Being around people is kind of ...hell. All those brains yapping all the time drives a guy bananas"

Cass "Because you can hear everyone's thoughts?"

Oliver "Well, not yours. All i'm getting from you is colors"

Then he gestured to Sam "but the hippie over here. I'm seeing some creep -ass Hobbit-looking fella. A prison cell?"

Cass "That's heaven's jail"

Oliver asked shocked "Heaven's got a freaking jail?"

I nodded "yes. And we're looking to break someone out of it. Kinda like "Prison Break: Heaven Edition."."

Cass "we have an inside man but we need your help to talk to him"

Oliver "and if i say no?"

I shook my head "we're not asking, Oliver"

Oliver looked at me before nodding "I'll get my crap"

Then he walked away. 


Cass, Sam, Oliver and i were sitting around a table.There were some candles in the middle of the table. 

Oliver "you got anything that belonged to the deceased?"

I nodded and took my dad's cap out of the bag. 

Then i put it on the table. 

Oliver nodded "Good. Now, shut up and hold hands"

We all grabbed out hands. 

The he started to speak something in latin. 

the lights started to go off and on and the candle flames started to go crazy. 

Me "Dad? Dad, can you hear me? we need your help. please. "


Me "And, uh that's what's been happening. The short version of it, anyway. You still there, Bobby?"

Dad "Yeah, kid. It's just really good to hear your voice"

I smiled in tears "Yeah, same, dad"

Dad "okay, if, uh, i'm understanding right you've gotta figure a way to get the Mark of Cain off Dean before it turns him back into a demon?"

i nodded "pretty much. Yeah"

Dad "so just another day at the office for you and the boys, huh?"

I smiled, nodding.

Dad "put Dean on the line"

Me "Dean's not here"

Dad "why not?"

Me "because he's not here"

Dad "Elena, cut the crap"

I sighed "Dean is not in a good place right now, dad"

Dad "so, what's the play?"

Cass "Each soul in heaven is locked in its own private paradise. That's where you are now. you need to escape. You need to find the gate to Earth and open it. Ad then you and i will find Metatron. He's the Scribe of God"

Dad "hey, Elena, you remember when this job was just chopping up some fang and then tossing back a cold one?"

I nodded "i miss that"

Dad "Ditto. So while i'm playing Steve McQueen anyone gonna be looking for me?"

Cass "Everyone. The angels will not like a soul wandering free"

Dad "We got a way to slow them down?"

Me "not exactly but you'll figure something out, dad. You always do"

Dad "Listen, i appreciate the warm fuzzy but i ain't exactly playing on the big leagues these days.I'm mostly drinking and reading the classics. Truth is..I'm rusty. And maybe there's somebody better out there. "

Me "do you really think that i would be reaching out to you if there was someone better? You're all we've got"

Dad "Hell, i'm already dead. What's the worst that could happen?. So where do we start?"

Cass "you need to find your heaven's escape hatch. Look for something that shouldn't be there. That's your way out"

At the playground 

We were hiding behind the trees, waiting for the portal to open again. 

Suddenly i saw the portal opening. 

Sam "go, go, go, go"

We rushed over to it and Cass jumped through the portal. 


It's been half an hour now since Cass jumped through the portal. 

Me "they should be back by now"

Sam sighed "Elena, calm down"

Suddenly the portal opened again and Cass and Metatron walked out. 

Metatron smiled at us "Miss me?"

I rolled my eyes. 

Metatron "do you smell that? that smells like freedom. Well, let's go. I call shotgun"

Cass snapped "you don't get to make demands, Metatron. You're not in charge here"

Metatron "oh, i'm afraid i am. I know about the Mark. I have your grace. I make the rules. It's called leverage. Learn it, live it, love it"

Cass made a little cut into Metratron's throat and put his grace into a vial.

Metatron gasped in pain. 

Suddenly Sam shot him in the leg. 

Metatron cried out. 

I nodded, impressed. 

Cass "we have your grace, Metatron. You're mortal now. So you will answer our questions, or Sam will, um, blow your fricking brains out. It's called leverage, Metatron "

I smirked at Castiel, impressed.

Sam  "Learn it, live it, love it"

Me "how do we get rid of the Mark?"

Metatron "i don't know"

I grabbed my gun and aimed it at him. 

Metatron shook his head, panicking "oh, no, no, no! it's old magic. God-level magic. Or Lucifer-level. But you can't ask him, exactly, can you?"

Cass "what about the tablets?"

Metatron shook his head "no, there's nothing in them about the Mark "

Sam "So when you said, "the river ends at the source-"."

Metatron "i was just making up crap.I was trying to buy time till i could screw you over"

My stomach dropped. 

Sam shook his head "no"

Metatron "What? it worked before. "

Cass looked at us "He's telling the truth"

Me "what now?"

Cass "shoot him"

I aimed my gun at Metatron. 

Metatron panicked "no, no no! your grace.I wasn't lying about that. there's still some left. I'll take you to it. "

Me "It's your call, Cass"

At the bunker. 

Sam and i walked inside and i saw Dean sitting there eating something. 

Me "hey"

Dean "how was the movie?"

Sam "French"

Dean shook his head. 

I walked over to him and he moved back to let me sit on his lap. 

Sam "what about you? what did you do last night?"

Dean "played some pool. It was kind of boring"

Sam nodded "all right. I'm gonna clean up"

I nodded "Yeah. Night"

Then he walked away. 

I turned to Dean who looked at me. 

I smiled confused "what?"

Dean shook his head "nothing. I just missed you"

I smiled "i missed you too. Hey, i'm gonna head to bed, okay?"

He nodded "sure, i'm gonna finish eating up and then i'm all yours, okay?"

I nodded "okay"

Then i stood up and walked into my bedroom. 

I walked over to the bed and sat down on it. 

I took the letter out Cass had given me from my dad. 

Then i read it "Elena, so..this is weird, huh? Look, i just wanted to say that Cass told me what you're doing for Dean. And i'm not asking you to stop but maybe going behind  his back ain't the best idea. Your man, he can be stubborn. But i think he'd understand. And i know it's the life doing a little bad so you can do a lot of good. But sometimes, the bad's real bad. And the can come at one hell of a price. I ain't there on the ground. And whatever you do i know you'll make the right choice. you're a good girl, Elena Singer. One of the best. And i'm damn proud of you, kid. I was content up here but getting the call from you it's the happiest i've been in forever. No matter what it costs. Stay safe, keep fighting, and kick it in the ass. -Bobby"

I smiled in tears and looked up  "i love you, dad, and i miss you so much "

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