Transformers: Rosario + Vampi...

By BraedimusSupreme

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A/N: this is a reboot and revamp of my 'Rosario Vampire' and 'Transformers' crossover book from my old accoun... More

Chapter One: First Day
Chapter Two: Sucs To B-Us
Chapter Three: Love's a Witch
Chapter Four: Attack of Fan Boys
Chapter Five: Fish Out Of Water
Chapter Six: Wolf VS Predacon
Chapter Seven: Kurumu's Slimy Stalker
Chapter Eight: Arts and Crafters
Chapter Nine: The Snow Girl
Chapter Ten: Maths Practice
Chapter Eleven: Summer Break
Chapter Twelve: A Martin's Wrath
Chapter Thirteen: Cousin Attack
Chapter Fourteen: Enemy of my Enemy
Chapter Fifteen: Settling Old Scores
Chapter Sixteen: The Secret is Out
Chapter Seventeen: Stand Alone... or Together
Chapter Eighteen: Demon VS Cybertronian Gladiator Pt1
Chapter Nineteen: Demon VS Cybertronian Gladiator Pt2
Chapter Twenty: Demon VS Cybertronian Gladiator Pt3
Chapter Twenty-Two: Welcome Back
Chapter Twenty-Three: Sister Issues
Chapter Twenty-Four: Parent's Day
Chapter Twenty-Five: Kento VS The Braedeys
Chapter Twenty-Six: Yukari's Growth
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Meeting Mum
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Apocalypse Begins
Chapter Twenty-Nine: He is Coming...
Chapter Thirty: 'The Fallen' Attacks
Chapter Thirty-One: Decepticons, Mobilize
Chapter Thirty-Two: Robo-Warrior
Chapter Thirty-Three: Jetfire
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Dagger's Tip
Chapter Thirty-Five: Battle of Egypt Pt1
Chapter Thirty-Six: Battle of Egypt Pt2
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Operation - Planet Restoration
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Man VS Machine
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Ski Trip Ahead
Chapter Forty: The Future
Chapter Forty-One: A Night Together
Chapter Forty-Two: Good Guy, Bad Guy
Chapter Forty-Three: Music Battle
Chapter Forty-Four: Nemesis VS Typhoon
Chapter Forty-Five: This is Halloween
Chapter Forty-Six: Akashiya VS Souh Pt1
Chapter Forty-Seven: Akashiya VS Souh Pt2
Chapter Forty-Eight: Lost In Space
Chapter Forty-Nine: Merry Christmas
Chapter Fifty: A Wedding??!!
Chapter Fifty-One: Every Blue Moon
Chapter Fifty-Two: Moka's Mother
Chapter Fifty-Three: Battle of Unicron Pt1
Chapter Fifty-Four: Battle of Unicron Pt2
Chapter Fifty-Five: Battle of Unicron Pt3
Chapter Fifty-Six: Relic Hunt Pt1
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Relic Hunt Pt2
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Relic Hunt Pt3

Chapter Twenty-One: Far From Home

1.3K 24 15
By BraedimusSupreme


A few weeks ago in the old abandoned silver mines, Braedey had fought against Nightstrike, a type of Decepticon that uses sonic screams that makes one suffer their worst nightmares, whilst he leeches Energon from his victims to stay alive. It reminded him when he battled those soul-sucking mermaids back on Youkai Academy. He was just glad Moka and the girls were safe in Japan, and didn't have to fight him, but his heart couldn't take it. Sigh... he missed them dearly.

The Snow Woman; Mizore. The 2 Witches; Yukari and Ruby. The busty and overly-friendly Succubus; Kurumu. And of course, the one who changed his life forever. The 2-in-1 Vampire... Moka...

Braedey was withdrawn from the school after his battle with Kuyou by his grandfather and the Headmaster. The Transformatrix bearer was confused as to why, but Grandpa Jackson told him that it's for his health, and for him to take a break, and try to recuperate after transforming into the beast that destroyed Cybertron, as well as the blood transfusion by Moka-sama. After some teary-eyed goodbyes, and very tight bear hugs from his friends, Braedey was forced to go back home to America, along with Rex and Jessie, who also missed the girls.

To say he was upset was beyond an understatement. For an entire month after returning home, Braedey didn't do anything at all. He didn't eat, sleep, go to school or even go out of his home. Hell, he didn't even go to a NASCAR race that was held just yesterday! Since Jackson and Braedey were so close, and Jessie, much to their surprise, Braedey's parents decided to send him over and perhaps the retired Air Force commander and his formerly most-hated cousin could snap him out of it.

Jessie was worried about her cousin's well-being. Ever since leaving that school, it's like a part of him was missing, as it was left back in Japan hundreds of miles away. She had regained hope for him when Braedey met Jane Henry Parker, but that was dashed when she saw that he wasn't interested in her, and she left right after one evening.

Rex McJones, who joined Braedey in his adventures after finally learning his lesson, was also worried about Braedey. He became the little bro he never had... or sometimes, never wanted. To think they used to be bitter enemies, but now here, he was worried sick about Braedey.

(Braedey's Bedroom)

Braedey laid on his bed, looking up at the ceiling in thought, not saying a word, as he stared at the white roof. His head was still spinning in circles over the events that had taken place during his final battle with Kuyou.

His bedroom was somewhat that of a typical 15 year old boy's room: a car poster next to the door, a flatscreen TV sitting on a wallunit, a single window nearby the bed, whilst the floor was clean and not a speck of dirt was on it. The colours were both blue and black, the bed having blue covers, whilst the floor had black carpets.

Braedey thought back over the events that happened during that day; he was exposed as a human being, but was rescued by his monster friends before he was killed at the crucifix, only for him to end up being roasted alive and died in Moka's arms. Then, he was brought back to life by Moka-sama, who gave him her blood, resulting in him becoming a human vampire himself. Finally, he used the Transformatrix to become the leader of the Decepticons himself; Megatron, nearly killing Kuyou in the process, but used Metroplex in the end, and eventually defeated Kuyou.

Then, the bedroom door swung open, making Braedey look over, snapping him from his thoughts, and he saw his mother, Naomi, standing by the door. She is a lovely and beautiful young woman, with fair lightly peach skin, looking around 35yrs in age, with bright gentle blue eyes, and a pair of small red lips. Her hair is a golden brown that reaches down to her shoulders with a gentle flow, whilst two small strands of her hair framed her angelic-like face, and she also has a small red rose hair clip in her hair. She has a firm slender body shape with a slightly above average bust and hip size, whilst she stands 5ft tall. She is wearing a sleeveless firetruck red dress that reaches down to just below both of her knees, a small pearl necklace around her neck, crystal blue flower earrings on her ears, gold bracelets around her wrists, and she has on a pair of light leggings that hugged her legs gently.

"Braedey, how long are you gonna be cooped up in this room?" Naomi asked him. "You've been like this ever since you've left Japan, and you haven't moved from that spot on the bed, except for going to the bathroom."

"There's a reason why I've been like this for the past four months." Braedey spoke back, making Naomi look at him in confusion. "Mum... I... I feel like... like I'm far from home for some reason."

"What do you mean, Braedey?" Naomi asked, sitting at the end of his bed, looking at her son in confusion.

"I know Coolsville is where I was born and bred, but..." Braedey sighed. "I feel like Japan has become my new home. I feel like I really belong there." He looked down at the Transformatrix, which now had the original insignia back on the dial. "With the Transformatrix, I feel like I can truly be what I was meant to be, and be free to transform."

Naomi had been told about the Transformatrix, by both her husband and Braedey, after the debacle with Unicron when he came to Coolsville and threatened Braedey back when the latter was only 10. She was skeptical of this, until Braedey changed into Sparkshot, and showed off his electrical and cloning abilities. Also, she had been told about Youkai Academy, thanks to the letters Braedey sent home to her and James, but she hasn't been told about the monster side of the school, and she thought it's a regular academy. Eventually, Braedey will have to tell her about that, and hopefully, she'll understand it as much as she does with the Transformers.

Naomi raised an eyebrow. "What would make you say that?" She asked.

Braedey looked over to the window, seeing the blue sky outside. "I feel like a part of me was left behind, Mum... I need to be with that piece to make me whole..."

(Youkai Academy)

Meanwhile, in Japan, or more specifically, Japan's monster realm, a pink haired girl with a rosary hanging from her neck is walking up to the Youkai Academy. Boys around her were drooling at the site of her stunning looks, but she paid them no mind. She only had her mind on one boy, her special friend, one that meant so much to her, and changed her life for the best...

Braedey Martin.

It has been 4 months since he left back for America against his will, but to her, it felt like 4 years! Moka Akashiya met Braedey completely by accident almost a year ago, but now, she was wondering if it was fate. Meeting him seemed to be just that for her friends: a stoic snow woman, 2 happy-go-lucky witches, and an amorous succubus. In his short time here, Braedey had helped a lot of monsters of her world, herself and her friends are just a few examples. He was a complete human, someone that was out-of-place in her world, but an extraordinary one at that.

"Thinking of him again, are we?" A tough female-voice spoke in her mind, or rather, her Rosario cross, interrupting her thoughts. Inside, was her true power... an S-Class super monster vampire, but it was also a polar opposite personality. Since meeting Braedey, she mellowed out, and deep down, even she missed him. He touched both of their hearts.

"Yeah, I can't help it." Moka replied sadly to her inner self. "I miss him so much."

"True... those transfusion packs are nearly as satisfying as his blood." Moka-sama added. She'd never admit it, at least not directly, but even she would love to see Braedey again.

"You know what I mean." The outer vampire interjected.

"I know, Moka. We DO share a body, after all." Moka-sama reminded her.

"Do you think we'll see him again someday?" Moka asked her other half.

The Rosario was silent for a moment before finally answering her. "... I don't know, Moka. I honestly don't know. But, if we do, we'll... someone's coming!" The light of her Rosario then died out.

"MOKA!" A young voice called. From down the road, a young girl skipped over to the vampire, wearing a witch's hat. "Moka! Good Morning, I... hey, are you ok?"

This girl was the smartest, and youngest girl to ever enroll into Youkai Academy, their school. Her name was Yukari Sendo, a 12 year-old witch. She was a little TOO smart for her age, as she was well aware of... let's just say M-rated relationship activities.

"Huh... oh, sorry. I'm... just a little sleepy." Moka lied.

"Braedey?" Yukari asked, already knowing the answer.

"Braedey." Moka sighed.

The 2 friends walked up to the school gate in silence. Up ahead; they see their three friends; Ruby, Kurumu, and Mizore chatting. Apparently, the two started an argument and went to Ruby for advice, since the poor succubus was frozen in a block of ice a few seconds prior.

Ruby thawed Kurumu out with a sunlight-like spell, that's when they all noticed Moka and Yukari coming up. "Good morning Moka, Yukari! How are you guys?" The older witch asked in a cheerful voice. Believe it or not, Ruby used to be just like Moka, having another persona anyway. Thanks to Braedey, she was able to find herself again. She never got to properly thank him though, since he was deported before she even got a chance.

Likewise, Kurumu and Mizore weren't exactly the friendship types. They used their powers to try and take what they wanted by force. Since meeting the American, they changed for the better. After Braedey left, they went into depression; he was the only person in their lives who actually tried to understand them. When he was withdrawn, it left a wound deeper than a 1000 knives cutting through them. They have gotten over it, but that doesn't mean they still don't miss him to death.

"Fine." Moka answered, though the look on her face gave her away.

Kurumu approached her, and gave her a tender hug, one the pinkette returned deeply. "We ALL miss him, Moka. But what can we do?" Kurumu hated the fact she was giving up on her self-proclaimed Mate of Fate, but really what CAN she do? It wasn't like they can pay for expensive plane tickets to America like it was nothing. Even monsters have bills to pay.

Mizore joined in to hug, making the warm moment slightly cold, but it didn't effect the mood. Yukari and Mizore also joined in the hug, whilst tears appeared in Moka's eyes.

(That Evening)
(Girl's Dorm)

That evening, Moka sat on her bed, looking at the moon up high in the clear sky, whilst small clouds seem to float by the large moon. She had her Bumblebee stuffed toy in her arms, clutching it close to her chest and her Rosario. She was thinking about the times she and Braedey hanged out together, and how close the two of them got before he left.

(Dorm Roofs)

The starry night that blanketed the academy for monsters was a sight to behold, even with the barrier hiding the school. Most of the students were too busy watching TV, surfing online, or even oogling adult websites to enjoy the wondrous sight above them.

However, one teen was laying out on the dorm roof, lying on a blanket, like he was on a picnic, gazing up at the stars. Braedey had taken advantage of the only night the skies were clear enough to see the stars. It was on times like this he looked up at the stars, and remembered who wondrous and vast the universe was. As well as how many adventures came from it, not to mention one great adventure in which he learned of the Transformatrix's true design and purpose. And how Alpha Trion said that if anyone could bring the beings of the planet of Cybertron to understand one another, it was him as he used the watch in that way.

He was so deep in thought that he didn't notice anyone behind him until a pair of slender arms wrapped around his neck. "Hey... How are you holding up?"

Braedey sighed leaning back into her, seeing Moka kneel behind him. She leaned in smiling, feeling her face next to his. For some odd reason, he felt better with her next to him, she helped to remind him that he still had a friend who could see his world. He smirked to her. "I'm doing okay."

"Good." Moka then jumped over, and laid down next to him, gazing up at the stars.

"Hey!" Braedey, only half protested, being deprived of his alone time, but then conceded, as she scooted over to him.

She slowly reached her hand up, almost tempting to grasp the stars above them. Braedey nearly blushed at the sight, as the star's light nearly shined on her. To him, she really looked beautiful in the light... suddenly; he shook his head of such thoughts. His brain returned to reality, as he realised what he was thinking. He looked away, a bit depressed, as he realized what he was thinking, and knew it to be impossible. After all, she only saw him as a friend...

"I'm really envious of you, Braedey." Moka spoke up, catching his attention as he turned to look to her. "I mean, you've been to a place most people have dreamt about in movies, books, or in their dreams themselves. Even astronauts have only gotten a glimpse and wonder, going only as far as the moon." She turned to look at him, and smiled, though looking rather nervous, as the question came up. "Say, um... Braedey?"

"Yeah, what's up?" Braedey suddenly gulped.

She nervously looked away, looking back up to the stars. "If, um... well, if you ever go on one of your adventures again. And that it involves you going into space..." She then turned to him, and pleaded with a sincere smile on her face. "... do you think I could come along with you?"

That question made the Martin boy shoot up in a seated position, as he looked to her confused. "Moka?"

Moka sat up too, waving it off as she blushed like crazy, seemingly embarrassed about the question. "Um, well, it's just..." She shook her head, as she smiled, looking back up at the stars. "Well, I guess I'm just curious about what's up there? All those worlds, and beings. It must be amazing to just know you can visit and be a part of all that." She sighed longingly. "I guess... I just want to see what it's like up there myself one day."

After hearing that, Braedey just had to smirk as he looked up at the stars, and finally answered. "Sure. Why not?" He didn't turn to look at her face, but he could tell that she was deeply surprised, as he finished. "It's not every day you get the chance to go space exploring a new galaxy, much less an unknown universe."

Moka smiled at that, and turned her attention back to the stars, as two shooting stars fell from the heavens above to earth.


Braedey and Moka were sitting next to each other, looking out on the horizon. The water was sparkling pretty in the sunlight, setting up a romantic-like mood.

Moka rested her head on Braedey's shoulder, making him blush. "The ocean... it's so beautiful." She sighed.

"Y-Yeah, it is... but not as beautiful as y..." Braedey replied, covering his mouth before he finished his emotion-filled response.

Moka giggled, well aware of what he meant. "I'm glad I met you, Braedey. You've been such a wonderful friend to me, always so sweet and caring..." She said to him, blushing also.


Braedey slowly opened his eyes as he woke up in a bed. He let his eyes wander around as he saw that he was in an infirmary. His eyes were back to their cobalt blue colour, whilst his fangs were retracted from sight, and his toned body was back to what it was before.

"Urg, what... what happened to me? OW, my head!" Braedey thought, as he rubbed his head with his right hand. He then moved to get up but found his left arm was being weighted down. He looked to see Moka, the Outer Moka, sleeping while holding onto his hand. He also noticed she was back into her pink haired self. "How long have I been out for?" He wondered to himself before he saw Moka was starting to stir.

Moka stirred as she got up and yawned before she opened her eyes to see that Braedey was awake. "BRAEDEY!" She said happily, as she jumped onto the bed and hugged him, while making sure to be gentle.

"Hey, Moka." Braedey said cheerfully, as he returned the hug, thankful that she hadn't accidentally squeezed him.

Moka pulled away from him. "I'm so glad you're awake. Are you ok?" She asked, almost like if she was a nurse.

Braedey nodded. "Well, I've had better days. This is definitely the first time I wake up in an infirmary after a fight. Either I'm losing my touch, or Kuyou was that tough of an opponent." Moka giggled at Braedey's remark. The guy had gone through a huge ordeal, and when he wakes up, he questions and he makes jokes. "So, what happened while I was out?" Braedey asked wondering if he missed anything interesting.

Moka smiled. "Well, while you were out, your Grandpa and the the Hunan/Autobot Alliance arrived on the scene, arrested the Security Committee, along with Kuyou, and took them away in their ships to some prison called Kaon."

Now Braedey smiled at that, as he leaned back on his bed. "Well, that's good to know. Looks like everything turned out alright that all our enemies are jailed." He said with relaxation.

They both said nothing after that as silence surrounded them a moment until Moka got another thought. "Say Braedey, I have one question." Moka asked quietly.

"What is it?" Braedey asked.

Moka looked at him in curiosity. "How did you know that I gave you a blood transfusion?" She asked, wondering how he knew that when he was unconscious and almost dead.

Braedey now had a thoughtful look as he looked unsure. "Well, to be honest, I'm not really sure. I mean, one moment I was almost dead, and I felt like I was wandering in an empty void in space and time. But then, I began to hear a voice. The voice began to call out to me repeatedly, like if it was in an echo. Then, I recognised it as your voice, or rather, your inner self, that seemed to beg me to come back."

Moka seemed to be shocked by that, as she thought, 'The Inner Me... was worried for him?' She blushed a little, realising something dearly. 'Then that means... she really does care for him.'

Braedey blinked for a moment, as he noticed the blush on her face. "Moka? Are you okay? You seem a little red.." he asked.

Moka blinked at that, as she lied. "Oh, um... I just feel a little, you know..."

Braedey could guess as he pulled at his shirt collar. "I think I know what you need. Honestly, pumping that much blood in me would've weakened you. Even a little." Moka smiled at his concern for her, as she gently placed her hadns on his shoulders, and slowly leaned in, as Braedey and she closed their eyes...

... and lightly kissed him on the lips.

When Braedey felt the lips on his, he opened his eyes, and blinked in surprise at this, but said nothing. He looked at Moka, who pulled back, and smiled at him. And for a moment, things... seemed to get better.

~End Flashback~

Moka felt like something had left her when Braedey had to go back home to America. She felt lost and alone without Braedey. Sure, she had Kurumu, Mizoram, Yukari, and Ruby, but Braedey, he was someone special to her, and her inner self.

'Braedey...' Moka thought to herself, as a small tear rolled down her right cheek. 'I hope you come back. We miss you...' She clutched her Bumblebee toy to her, then turned it around so it's face was looking at her. 'I... miss you.'

She placed a small kiss on the toy's forehead, and she headed off to sleep, the memories of Braedey and his smile and his face still in her thoughts.


One evening, Braedey, Rex, and Jessie got a message from Jackson about a Decepticon hiding out at an old rail-yard not far away. When they arrived at the old rail-yard, they saw the Decepticon, who goes by the name of Scrapmaster.

Scrapmaster towers 60ft tall, his chest and shoulders being broad, sporting many pieces of metal that form the cab and rear of the train, while his arms and legs are components of the main diesel body and engine, the legs taking up most of the diesel locomotive. He has a set of spikes on his knees, while his feet have three-toe claws on the end, similar to a T-Rex, while parts of the wheel assembly and bogies are on the back of the legs and inside the legs, the front and rear buffer beam of the diesel making up part of the waist, with what looks to be a ribcage design built into the chest area. His fingers seem to have jagged ends to them, making them a hazard when picking things up, but enough to rip through Autobot throats. The helm seems to be something unholy; two horn-like shapes protruding forward from the sides and under the helm of the Cybertronian. His shark-like teeth are noticeable, while having a sharp chin, with his facial plate looking masculine and firm. The claw from his diesel locomotive mode now sits on his back, ready to be deployed as an additional third arm, armed with some kind of blaster inside the claw of the arm. Finally, the Decepticon insignia is presented in the centre of the 'Con's chest.

Braedey ducked down behind a crate, as gunfire goes past them and struck some of the empty barrels nearby. Rex had coated his body in armour, while his hands had morphed into swords, and striking back against some bullets. Jessie ducked behind some empty oil barrels, while throwing some Energon discs, getting the attention of the Decepticon, as it swung its claw and arms about, trying to strike them down.

"Man, this 'Con really doesn't like to play around." Braedey commented, firing an assortment of fire blasts at Scrapmaster's back, distracting him. "Keep the heat on him." He then pulled out what could be a gun handle. At that moment, the device began to change form, shifting sounds coming from it, as it began to grow to about 4ft long. The device revealed to be a diesel tommy gun.

Once armed, Braedey fired his tommy gun at the Decepticon, making Scrapmaster yell out in frustration, and he swung his claw and fists about, trying to strike the Transformatrix bearer, but to no avail.

"Everyone, try and slow him down or until he enters submission. We cannot allow Scrapmaster to take the Spacebridge." Braedey called, now throwing the gun to Jessie, who grabbed it, and opened fire on Scrapmaster.

Down at the other end of the warehouse they're currently inside of, there is a tunnel constructed out of old scrap metal and components from around the old rail-yard, the tunnel occupied with an apparatus of ring structures.

Braedey swiftly activated the Transformatrix, selected a form, and pushed down the core, engulfing him in the blue flash of light. As the light faded, now in his place is a 30ft tall Decepticon, it's metallic body was lean and slender and its scheme was primarily black with purple highlights. But what really separates this form from the rest was instead of a face or even a horizontal visor, this one's entire face is just a blank screen. And finally, the Transformatrix dial was in the centre of its chest.

"Soundwave superior." Braedey spoke out in a stereophonic voice. "Scrapmaster inferior." With that, he jumped into action.

"Hey, snappy." Jessie called. Scrapmaster swiped at her with his claws, only for her to dodge the attack, then generated a powerful ball of Energon, and launched it at the Decepticon, making him yell out from the effort.

Rex jumped into the air, his armoured gauntlets striking Scrapmaster in the back of the helm, naming the Deception stumble forward, only to get an uppercut from Soundwave. The faceless Decepticon next clapped his hands against both sides of Scrapmaster's helm, disorientating the 'Con, making him stumble back, only to get struck down by both Jessie and Rex, knocking him down off his feet.

"Nice work, team." Soundwave spoke up. He then saw Scrapmaster start to rise up. "Not on my watch!" He delivered a strong uppercut, sending the Decepticon flying back in a daze, only for Soundwave to throw Scrapmaster into a nearby container.

"Don't touch me, creature!" Scrapmaster snarled, snapping his claw at the humans. He then looked up and saw the Spacebridge ahead of him.

"Don't let him get in that thing!" Jessie shouted.

Rex picked up a large I-beam nearby, and tossed it at Scrapmaster, only for it to miss and hit the Spacebridge. All of a sudden, the ring structures sparked to life with greenish-blue light. A few seconds later, a swirling portal takes shape at the end of the tunnel. Then, it activated and zapped the Decepticon and Soundwave as the portal opened up.

"You've damaged the transmission field!" Scrapmaster shouted, only for him and Soundwave to be both sucked up into the portal, and it closed behind her, leaving Braedey's teammates in the warehouse alone.

"Braedey!" Rex shouted.


A barren desert planet. One with two suns that it orbits. A barren wasteland of sand dunes that stretched out as far as the eye could see. The two suns were both high in the sky, and the desert sand was practically baking under its rays.

Suddenly, the silence and calmness of the desert was shattered, as Scrapmaster and Soundwave landed in the desert. Soundwave shook off the landing, then looked at Scrapmaster, and charged forward. The Decepticon grabbed Soundwave by his legs, and he threw her into the ground.

"You vermin-ridden carcass!" Scrapmaster grunted, rising up to his feet.

"Was that an insult?" Soundwave asked sarcastically, and if he could, he would be raising an eyebrow.

"Your friends interfered with the Spacebridge settings and coordinates." Scrapmaster grunted, now looking at the area around them.

"To be fair, we were distracted, with you were trying to kill me." Soundwave countered.

"That's right. I was." Scrapmaster grinned maliciously. "And in fact, I still am!" He lets out a roar, and leapt forwards.

Soundwave jumped out of the way, then fired a blast of energy from his right hand at the Decepticon, making him groan and grunt. Soundwave next deployed a sonic shotgun of sorts, and fired sonic pulses at Scrapmaster, blasting him off his feet and falling onto his back. Scrapmaster snarled deeply, and prepared to charge...

...A tremor could be felt racing across the ground, making the two nearly lost her footing and fall over.

"Was... was that an Earthquake?" Soundwave asked.

The ground nearby started to shake, the sand slowly becoming more loose, and cascading down the sides. Suddenly, a large creature erupted from the sands beneath it.

The monster was a worm and a big one too! It towered nearly twenty-feet above the three beings, setting its predatory eyes on them. It was a big, ugly creature - wkth dark red armour plating across its form, plus small black spikes jutting out of its body, with a large mouth, ringed with tiny teeth and five black appendages that extended further than the mouth. The creature gnashed at them with its large teeth and the trio split into three.

"Hit the dirt!" Scrapmaster shouted as they fell forwards.

Soundwave swiftly deployed sonic cannons, and opened fire at the worm, sending multitude of sonic blasts at the creature, sending the worm off of its path. With the creature disorientated by the blasts, it burrowed back into the ground. Soundwave landed, just as the huge worm re-emerged from the sand. The creature snarled at them, only to turn its attention to Scrapmaster, who was running off.

"Scrapmaster, run!" Soundwave shouted.

Scrapmaster turned and fired his Energon cannons, which seemed to do nothing to the monster, as it continued to charge forwards with a roar. Soundwave now flew into view, with his Predator drone mode, and fired a volley of sonic missiles, the missiles striking the worm around the head of the beast, and the beast shouted out in anger as Scrapmaster tried an explosive bomb, which battered against the worm's form, causing it to burrow back into the ground and crawl away from the assembled party.

Soundwave landed on the ground, transforming into robot mode. "What was that thing?" He asked to Scrapmaster.

"A Sollorozian." Scrapmaster explained, panting heavily. "Its kind is numerous on this planet. In this planet." He added.

"Then. we'd better get off world before any more of those beasts show up." Soundwave suggested, starting to walk off.

Scrapmaster looked back at him incredulously. "We?" He echoed.

"Yes, we." Soundwave acknowledged, looking back. "You couldn't defeat that thing alone, and neither could myself. If more of those things come in to attack again, then none of us have any hope of getting off this planet alive unless we work together. You know I'm right." He added, crossing his arms.

"I know no such thing." Scrapmaster grunted with disbelief.

"I don't like this any more than you do." Soundwave scoffed, then started to walk away, only to look off into the distance. "So how do we get off this planet, wherever it's called?" He asked.

"We are on Sandokan." Scrapmaster explained. "A desert world, one that has seen conflicts between Autobots and Decepticons. More specifically, with the Wreckers. It is now useful only as a teleporter relay station."

"So, why didn't we beam into the planet's Spacebridge?" Soundwave asked.

"The damage to the Spacebridge must have temporarily shifted the focusing access." Scrapmaster deduced.

"Can you fix it?" Soundwave asked to him.

"If we find the Spacebridge station on this planet, we won't need to fix it. Simply avoid hitting it with a rock while it's activated." Scrapmaster grunted.

"So, where is it then?" Soundwave asked.

"Impossible to tell." Scrapmaster grunted.

"Impossible for you." Soundwave walked up onto a ledge, looking out to the distance. His scanners began to look about the landscape, looking around at the contours and slopes and hills. "Scanning for signs of Spacebridge station." He spoke out.

Soundwave deployed his sonic cannon, and fired a column of sonic waves, which crossed over the land, an echolocation of sorts. A few seconds go by, then the spark of a light could be seen in the distance. "There. Found some kind of settlement. Looks to be 60.12 Klicks away from our position." He reported in.

"It'll l take a day or so to get there on foot." Soundwave informed, then he started to head off, with Scrapmaster watching on. "Well, what are you waiting for?" He asked to him, stopping and looking at the Decepticon. "The sooner we make our way over to the Spacebridge, the sooner we can get back home." He insisted.

"Your kind... it disgusts me." Scrapmaster grunted in disgust, turning his form away. "I will not allow such a creature to spend a moment longer in my presence."

"Well, I can fix this." Soundwave tapped the Transformatrix, and in the flash of blue light, and he turned back into human form. "See? I'm only just a plain human being."

"That is even worse! I shall traverse to the Spacebridge alone." Scrapmaster turned and started to walk away.

Braedey started to involuntarily twitch in anger, feeling his vampiric strength coming into play... just as they heard the ground rumble again. A signal to another Sollorozian approaching. "We have to watch each other's backs. We don't want any more Sollorozians to show up on top of us... or under us." He said to him. Braedey saw Scrapmaster turn away. "Now what?" He grunted in annoyance.

"If I am forced to travel with you, then you must keep ten paces behind me at all times." Scrapmaster ordered to them.

"But I'm the one who knows the way." Braedey argued back.

"Ten paces." Scrapmaster stated firmly.

"Fine. Whatever." Braedey sighed with a groan. "Let's just keep moving."

With that, the duo started to make their way across the desert landscape for the Spacebridge, preparing for a long journey.


Later, the human and Cybertronian duo continued their trek through the desert, the two suns beating down on their forms. For Scrapmaster, the heat wasn't much to give him any discomfort, but he mentally activated his internal cooling fans to cool himself down. Braedey had taken off his jacket, tying it around it around his waist due to the heat, starting to feel the sweltering heat.

"Is this hot enough for you?" Braedey asked out sarcastically.

"Yes." Scrapmaster replied simply.

"No." Braedey interjected. "I wasn't really asking. It's an Earth expression. It means it's really hot out here."

"It is obviously hot. I do not see the point in reiterating what the three of us already know." Scrapmaster spoke back.

"Makes me glad I didn't say 'It's not the heat, it's the humidity.'" Braedey shrugged.

"There is no humidity. It is, in fact, the heat!" Scrapmaster snapped.

"I know!" Braedey spoke back exasperated. "Just trying to make conversation with you." But then, he saw a crater in the sand with some water in it. "There. Water!"

"Your powers of deduction are truly staggering." Scrapmaster grunted sarcastically.

"Oh, so you do know humour." Braedey muttered. "I'm gonna go get some water for you." He then headed over to the waterhole to get some water.

Braedey knelt down next to the water, taking some to drink, then filling a water bottle he had with him. But then, before he got to his feet, he saw four large black spikes shooting out of the sand around him, and it was closing around him. Swiftly, he activated the Transformatrix, and selected a form, engulfing him in the blue light.

As the flash of light faded, in his place is a 20ft tall, blue and white colour schemed 'Bot with the vehicular form of a six-wheel Toyota Hilux pickup truck. The four rear wheels were on his lower legs, the other two on his back, whilst the front bumper and windscreen was the chestpiece, the rear truckbed and tray being the back pieces, the helm in a design combination of Bumblebee and Bulkhead, whole having a breathing mask of sorts with two tubes connected to the back of his neck, with a few hints of Starscream and Dreadwing, whilst the hands were similarly shaped like Optimus's hands. The Transformatrix symbol was present on his chestplate.

"Freezerburn!" He uttered out eerily.

Using his intangibility, Freezerburn phased through the mass of the Sollorozian, freezing the beast from the inside and out, before turning tangible. Once doing so, he transformed into his alt-mode, and arctic off-road six-wheel Toyota Hilux, and raced over to Scrapmaster.

"It was a trap." Freezerburn sighed, shifting into robot mode.

"Gullible prey can often be lured with the right bait. Many predators can use this to their advantage." Scrapmaster explained to them.

Freezerburn looked over their shoulders to see the Sollorozian starting to break out of the ice. "It's getting loose." He observed. "Let's get out of here."

"You cannot issue commands to me!" Scrapmaster shouted at them. "None will. Lesser beings do my bidding." That was when the Sollorozian broke free of the ice that was restraining it, and glared at them with its nonexistent eyes. "And I bid you to fight!" He ordered.

"With pleasure! You do the same!" Freezerburn shouted, before blasting himself forwards, kicking up sand and dust everywhere, blinding the Sollorozian as Freezerburn went intangible and phased through its maw, freezing it again, only for it to break free. "I don't know how much longer we can keep this up." Freezerburn said.

"Follow my lead." Scrapmaster ordered.

"And do what?" Freezerburn asked.

"Freeze it!" Scrapmaster ordered again.

"I already tried that." Freezerburn countered.

"From inside! Keep him frozen until I say otherwise." Scrapmaster clarified.

"You'd better be right about this." Freezerburn launches forward, becoming intangible again, and flew through the predatorial beast, freezing it completely.

"Now!" Scrapmaster called.

Freezerburn then flew out of the Sollorozian, just as Scrapmaster blasted one round of Energon into its frozen head, exploding outwards and destroying the creature, sending debris flying forwards.

"Wow. Nice shot." Freezerburn spoke up, only to fall onto his knees in exhaustion, turning back into human form.

"Now that the danger has passed, I can locate water myself." Scrapmaster knelt down on one knee, the claw on his back rising up above his helm. He reached his right arm around, attaching his claw to it, which transformed into a drill-like appendage, and began to drill through the sand.

"Whoa. Didn't know you could do that." Braedey commented with curiosity.

"There is water beneath the sand, if one looks deeply enough." Scrapmaster focused, digging his drill deeper before finally finding what he was looking for beneath the surface. "There." He sighed, and began to retract the drill back.

"Weren't you a Constructicon before being who you are now back in your youth?" Braedey asked curiously.

"I was never a Constructicon in my youth." Scrapmaster grunted in defiance. "I am a loyal Decepticon, one who stays to the words of Megatron, and will follow the orders to the letter." He grunted.

'Talk about not being a conversationalist.' Braedey muttered in his head.

Scrapmaster then retracted his drill, which he placed back on the third arm on his back, which turned back into a claw, and water started flowing up from the bottom of the sand.


Soon enough, it was sunset, with the two suns setting just above the horizon. Braedey had managed to recover, with the temperatures of the desert slowly going down, but overall, it was still around 30° or so in the sun.

Once Braedey had finished up hydrating themselves, he followed after Scrapmaster, continuing on their trek towards the settlement. But, as they do so, Braedey could head what might be rustling in the sand.

Braedey looked around in concern. "Did you hear something?" He asked.

"I heard nothing, human. Except you... which is the same as nothing." Scrapmaster grunted back.

"Whatever." Braedey replied sarcastically as he followed after him, completely unaware of what could be insect-like beings that were forming underneath the sand. Soon after, an entire swarm of sand insects had appeared and started crawling after them.

"I believe that I am beginning to grasp your concept of humour." Scrapmaster grunted.

Soon enough, the two heard and felt a massive rumbling beneath their feet and looked behind them.

"More Sollorozians underground?" Braedey asked.

"No. Worse." Scrapmaster replied.

"What could be worse than-" Braedey stopped himself, as he and Scrapmaster looked behind him, and gasped as he saw the swarm of four-inch-tall metal creatures that stood on four, stubby legs, with two stubby arms, a bulbous head, and two purple optics, while also having armour across their forms that looked similar. "Holy..." Braedey spoke out in fear.

"Scraplet Insecticons." Scrapmaster announced in worry.

"Scraplets are one of the deadliest diseases known to mechanical lifeforms in the entire galaxy, and the most dangerous vermin to crawl on the face of Cybertron." Braedey stated, while they back up. "A complicated form of alien parasite, which lives solely to eat, reproduce, and then some. Their sense of vision is based on a combination of heat-seeking and metal-detection, geared towards identifying edible silicon-based life-forms.

"ALL Cybertronians are prey to these creatures." Scrapmaster added in. "They can eat any type of metal. Even LIVING metal."

Scrapmaster fired multiple blasts of Energon from his blasters and claw cannon, shooting the Scraplets at the back, with Braedey pulling out a gun, and firing Energon blasts at the Scraplets as well.

But, as this was happening, some Scraplets started to fly in, biting across Scrapmaster's form, making him yell out in pain from the little creatures biting against his armour, Braedey firing energy blasts at those Scraplets to get them off his form. The two nodded to one another, and continued to shoot at the Scraplets.

"This should only take a few moments." Braedey commented. That was when the trio looked upwards to the hills and saw the immense size of the swarm. "Did I say a second? Cause now, it feels more like an hour." Braedey ran out of the attack formation, Scrapmaster looking over to them. "Scrapmaster! This way!" He called to him.

Scrapmaster followed Braedey up the cliffside, as Braedey transformed into Hotrod, now shooting a fire blast to the rock next to them, sending it loose from its formation, and hurtling downwards towards the Scraplets, crushing them all. Unfortunately, Scrapmaster was almost swept away by the sand fall, only for Hotrod to grab his arm, lifting him back up onto the rock.

"You're welcome." Hotrod said to him.

"How dare-... unhand me!" Scrapmaster took his arm back, and started to walk away, only for Hotrod to stomp up and stand in front of him.

"What is wrong with you?" Hotrod demanded from him. "You don't like the 'Bots that I've transformed into, I get it. But come on! I just saved your life! So, just cut me some slack once in awhile, mate!" The Decepticon said nothing, and they continued back on the trail, with Hotrod watching on.

"Ten paces behind." Hotrod grumbled as they continued moving. "I'll show him ten paces behind."

They continue on with their trek to the settlement, as the suns set below the horizon, and the moon soon up high in the sky.

"This is as good a place as any to set up camp for the night." Hotrod spoke up, seeing the clear area they're by.

"No. We shall walk through the night." Scrapmaster grunted.

"No. We shall camp here for the night!" Hotrod snapped.

"I would not use such an insolent tone with me, lesser creature." Scrapmaster challenged, he and Hotrod not at one another's throats.

"Oh really?" Hotrod asked.

"You have not yet dealt with me at full strength. See how the cool night air has come to restore me?" Scrapmaster challenges.

"Yeah..." Hotrod spoke up. "I noticed..."

"I shall carry on from here. On my own." Scrapmaster grunted, now starting to walk away.

"So be it. Go then. I'm setting up camp." Hotrod snapped, him starting to gather some nearby sticks.

"You two have outlived your usefulness to me." Scrapmaster stated, now starting to walk away, only for the trio to hear the familiar growling of the Sollorozian underneath the surface, making them stop.

"We shall... camp here for the night." Scrapmaster caved in.


After setting up a campfire, Braedey transformed back to human form, and he sat around the fire to keep himself warm. All the while, Scrapmaster kept his distance, not wanting to interact with the "lesser being".

"Pull up a boulder. Sit down." Braedey suggested to Scrapmaster.

"So your infernal pit can distract me so you could strike me down? I will not." Scrapmaster snapped.

"It's just a campfire." Braedey countered to him, getting tired of Scrapmaster's berating and cold persona. "It's an Earth tradition. You sit around it and, you know, talk."

"To you? For what conceivable purpose?" Scrapmaster asked incredulously.

"To know one another. Start anew. Make amends." Braedey added in. "And get to know one another. I'm Martin. Braedey Martin. And you are..."

"I am Scrapmaster, member of the Decepticons, and a loyal follower of Lord Megatron." Scrapmaster stated firmly. "And I do know about you, shapeshifter, with the accounts of your exploits against fellow Decepticons on this planet."

"Although, I am curious about you." Braedey spoke up, the Decepticon raising a metal eyebrow to him. "Were you always a Decepticon, or something else before that?"

"Why ask such questions?" Scrapmaster asked to the human. He was mentally confused. Why was this brunette asking him about his personal life?

"Well, this is a better way of understanding one another, and knowing who we are." Braedey replied. He then thought of something, adjusting the fire so it'll become brighter. "Weird. Despite the fact that we don't trust you as far as Grimlock or even Omega Supreme can throw you, it's good to know that the three of us have managed to work together to survive. I mean, we may not be friends exactly, but we're not full-blown mortal enemies anymore either." He shrugged.

"You and I are enemies." Scrapmaster grunted.

"Come on, Scrapmaster." Braedey sighed. "We've been able to see past our differences. Probably because I know what it's like to be... well, not like you exactly, but a whole bunch of other forms like you, whether they're Autobot, Decepticon, Predacon, or Insecticon, even a Titan." He looked to the Transformatrix, Scrapmaster eyeing the device. "Thanks to the Transformatrix, I can walk a mile in other lifeforms' shoes. That way, I understand what it's like to be them. Because, we sort of have been."

"Such presumption. But what else is to be expected from genetically inferior creatures?" Scrapmaster grunted.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Braedey asked with narrowed eyes.

"Why would I, a Decepticon, be slightly interested in befriending the revolting likes of you?" Scrapmaster argues.

"I'm just trying to be nice. Find some common ground here." Braedey stated.

Scrapmaster stomped up to his feet, glaring at the human being. "You and I are more than mere enemies. The Decepticons are the most powerful and most feared beings in the universe! Anything lesser than us are nothing but mongrels. Hideous abominations of nature! Especially humans! The moment I no longer have to rely on you for my own protection, Braedey Martin, I shall eradicate you and there will be one less vermin infesting a grateful universe." He threatened to them.

"You can't really believe all that." Braedey shrugged to him. "Not after everything we've been through. Not after the way we saved your life."

"Well, you were trying to kill me." Scrapmaster spoke back.

"Not kill. Detain." Braedey countered to him.

"You are tired, human. I will take the first watch." Scrapmaster suggested.

"No. It's okay." Braedey shook his head. "I'm wide awake. Get some sleep, Scrapmaster. I'll take the first watch."

"Very well." Scrapmaster nodded his helm to him.


A few hours go by, and it was the dead of night on Sandokan. Scrapmaster was taking watch, with Braedey fast asleep on the now cool sand.

Scrapmaster looked over to Braedey, and started to walk over silently, raising his right claw upwards, just as Braedey's eyes fluttered open. He shouted out, just as Scrapmaster shot his claw out at a lone Scraplet Insecticon, one the size of an African Lion, which was looming towards the bearer and pounced, hitting the ground. Braedey prepared his Transformatrix. Scrapmaster brought his hand down on the Scraplet... just as it shot up and bit down on the Decepticon's arm!! Scrapmaster shouted out in pain, just as Braedey pulled out his gun and fired a shot at the Scraplet, sending it flying away, as the dismembered hand landed on the ground. The Scraplet Insecticon got back up, only to be stabbed by Scrapmaster crushing it under his foot.

Braedey looked to the damage on Scrapmaster's right arm; his forearm had been ripped open by the Scraplet, with Energon lines and cables heavily damaged and spilling Energon down onto the sand. The metal bones inside the core of the arm looked to be mangled.

"Yikes. That doesn't look good." Braedey commented. "Can that be repaired?"

"Not from such an injury as this. Not in these conditions!" Scrapmaster groaned in pain, now on his knees and taking some deep breaths.

Braedey looked over to the Energon-bleeding arm and hand on the ground, then he has an idea. Swiftly, he transformed into Ratchet, picked up the broken limb, walking over to Scrapmaster, while the Decepticon watched on to see what Braedey has in mind. Ratchet placed the severed hand back on Scrapmaster's arm, then deployed his arc welder torch from his left hand, and he began to reattach the limb, reconnecting the cables and pipes, as well as repairing the hand, which now had a red and grey colour scheme, the top of the knuckles sporting an Autobot logo.

Ratchet nodded at his work, Scrapmaster looking at his reattached arm with surprise, as the Autobot Medic turned back into Braedey. "Better?" He asked.

"Why would you help me?" Scrapmaster asked, confused by why the Transformatrix bearer did this. He tried to flex his fingers, which they responded slowly, but he soon got full control back.

"Why would you help vermin like me?" Braedey asked back.

"It was in my own interest to stop that creature from harming you." Scrapmaster replied, looking to the remains of the Scraplet Insecticon that he stepped on.

"Well, it's in my own interest to help anybody who needs it." Braedey said. "That's what heroes and Autobots do."


Later, Braedey stood over the fire, adjusting the firewood with a stick. Scrapmaster sat nearby keeping an eye out.

Just then, the ground started shaking hard, Braedey diving for cover, as Scrapmaster looked over to them as he blasted a round of Energon to the fire... just as the shaking stopped. Braedey looked to Scrapmaster, smiling... just as a Sollorozian bursted out of the ground and roared at them, sending burning wood everywhere.

Scrapmaster ran forwards, and avoided its strikes, as he shifted his right arm into his cannon, and fired a blast at the Sollorozian. Scrapmaster ran away before he was suddenly scooped up by the Sollorozion, leaving him dangling over its maw.

"Now, Braedey Martin!" Scrapmaster called.

Braedey grabbed a flaming piece of wood and ran forwards, then jumped up onto the creature's back. He looked to see Scrapmaster was about to fall into it's maw. Braedey quickly crawled his way up over to the front of the creature. Braedey tossed the torch into the Sollorozian's mouth, and looked on as the inside of the creature was set on fire. Braedey jumped off, grabbing Scrapmaster as the Sollorozian let him go. Then, it spat the fireball out of its burning mouth before looking to them with an angry glare, then it burrowed back into the ground, leaving them behind.

"Maybe you were right." Braedey commented. "Maybe we should walk at night."

With that, the human walked onwards back onto the path as Scrapmaster followed him behind, all of them heading off to the settlement.


"Thanks for helping me back there, again." Braedey thanked to the Decepticon. "This is a huge thing to me, Scrapmaster. This might be proof that maybe, just maybe, underneath that exterior, you're not so bad. Despite what you said about us before, you really do want to try to be friends with humans."

Scrapmaster stopped, looking at the teen. He turned to look over at his repaired right arm, seeing the craftsmanship the Transformatrix bearer had performed on it, but said nothing.


Soon enough, the suns were beginning to rise on the horizon of Sandokan. Braedey and Scrapmaster finally managed to make it to the settlement, which happened to be an abandoned Decepticon facility, one that looks to have been eroded over time, with rust coating on each surface around them.

"Looks to be abandoned. Possibly left to rust when the Decepticons deserted this planet." Scrapmaster deduced.

"Okay. There should be a Spacebridge here..." Braedey spoke out. He looked over to one of the larger warehouses, and there, practically ready to go and power up, was the Spacebridge. It looked like it hadn't been affected by the weather of Sandokan at all. "There it is! Come on!" Braedey smiled in relief. But, as he ran forwards... he looked back to see Scrapmaster wasn't following him anymore. "Not the whole 'ten paces behind' thing behind." He muttered with exasperation.

"Go home, Braedey Martin." Scrapmaster said to them. "I shall remain here."

"What?!" Braedey gasped in shock. He didn't believe what he was hearing. Scrapmaster wants to stay behind? Here, on this barren planet?! "Did you hit your head when the Sollorozian attacked us or something?" He asked him incredulously. "The Spacebridge is right there. We can finally get off this sandtrap of doom, and get back to our lives."

"I have spent too long with you. And as a result, I have therefore myself become contaminated." Scrapmaster said to them.

"Contaminated?" Braedey asked, slightly offended by this statement.

"As evidenced by my uncharacteristic behaviour, risking my own life to save yours; a human being." Scrapmaster gestured to Braedey, and to his reattached right arm.

"Scrapmaster, what you did was a good thing." Braedey insisted to him.

"I have obviously become infected by your influence, and am now myself unclean." Scrapmaster then said.

"Even if I believed that was true, why would you remain here on Sandokan?" Braedey asked.

"In self-imposed exile, as I should be." Scrapmaster explained to them. "Because of my changed Spark, I can no longer return to the Decepticons. And for all the crimes that I have committed, nor can I return to Cybertron. I am a disgrace to my own kind. The only honourable choice is to remain here." He looked out to the barren landscape around them.

"No." Braedey muttered in worry. "I... I can take you to Optimus Prime. You'd be welcomed amongst them, and you can learn from your mistakes." He offered.

Scrapmaster shook his helm. "Disgracing my own allegiance to align with another.... it does not sound right in my own mind. And for my betrayal against the Decepticons, I will no doubt be hunted by one team for my treachery. I would endanger those nearest to me if I were around you."

"I... I thought I had gotten through to you." Braedey said, sounding hurt and saddened. "I thought you had changed."

"This much is true. I have changed. And now, I must pay the price." Scrapmaster bowed his head to him.

Braedey sighed sadly, and he made their way to the Spacebridge, while Scrapmaster watched him be on his way.


Back on Earth, at the abandoned rail yard, Jessie and Rex have been trying to get the Spacebridge to work so they could find Braedey, but to no avail. So, they brought Ratchet to see if he could work his magic.

Ratchet worked on a section of the main rings and sighed. "Everything looks like it's in the proper position, but I can't make it work." He informed to them.

"You have to fix it, Ratchet." Jessie insisted. "We have to find-"

"Wait." Rex interrupted, then pointed to the Spacebridge. "Look."

Everyone looked over and they saw the Spacebridge activate, the blue/green portal appearing in the centre of the rings. A moment goes by, everyone looking to the portal in concern, then Braedey jumped through the portal, landing on the ground, as the Spacebridge closed up. The Transformatrix bearer dusted the sand off himself, and breathed shaky sighs.

"Braedey!" Jessie called happily. She ran up to him, and hugged him, the Autobots watching on with smiles on their facial plates.

Rex shook hands with Braedey. "You gave us a big scare there."

"Sorry, partner." Braedey apologised.

"Where's Scrapmaster?" Jessie asked. "Did he get away?"

"I doubt it." Braedey replied with a sigh. "He's done something honourable that not many loyal Decepticons would do... Chose a path of good."


Scrapmaster looked on at the Spacebridge, seeing the portal close and shut down. He bowed his helm with a sigh, and he began to walk away, hearing the roar of the Sollorozians in the distance.

Scrapmaster clenched his fists, raising his right arm, the Autobot insignia glistening in the sun, then he transformed into his BR Class 42 'Warship' diesel locomotive form, his claw resting on his roof, and he raced away across the desert, a trail of dust in his wake, as he ventured off into the depths of Sandokan.

(Back on Earth)

After the whole ordeal with Scrapmaster, Braedey began to make his way home. He didn't feel like transforming and rolling out tonight, so he began to head down an empty street to home. As he does so, he noticed someone ahead of him.

It was Japanese man, possibly in his late 30's, wearing a fancy black suit, and he was waiting for him by the streetlight that was outside of his home.

"Braedey G. Martin? Also known as the Shape-Shifter with no ranking?" The man asked. Braedey didn't know what he meant at first, but realised it was a class system for... wait, could that be why he's here?!

'Now, now Braedey. Let's not jump the gun. Besides, unless the Alliance is involved, there's no way.' Braedey thought. "Yes, that's me." He answered.

"Good, then I'm in the right place." The Japanese man nodded with a smile. "I was asked to give you this." He then pulled out an envelope from his suit jacket. It looked just like the one that was strikingly similar to the one he got from school when he was transferred to...

'No way. That's just a coincidence. Anyone can pick up any similarly shapes envelopes.' Braedey thought again, keeping his mind rational. He went to open it, but the man stopped him.

"Oh no. Don't open it yet." The man told him. "It's confidential information. You may see the contents while you are alone."

"Okay?" Braedey raised an eyebrow, confused.

The man then straightened up his jacket, and bowed. "Thank you. I'll be on my way." With that, he left into the dark of the night, leaving Braedey confused about the letter he has in his hand.


Late that night, the clock just changed to 10:57PM. Braedey has been having a hard time falling asleep. He mind kept rethinking about what happened earlier with that man that handed him the letter.

Braedey got up, and headed over to the adjacent bathroom. He puts some water in his face, and gave it a wash. But, as he dried his face off, he looked in the mirror, and to his shock, he saw his vampiric self in the mirror!

"Whoa!" Braedey stepped back, then he leaned forward to look at himself. He could see his eyes were the same red as Megatron's optics, whilst his body was now toned and muscular, and his hair was the same platinum silver as Moka-sama's, plus he had sharp fangs. "You're... you're like Moka's inner self." He muttered.

"Correction." The reflection replied, making Braedey jump back. "I'm the vampiric blood that resides within your veins, but have taken a spiritual embodiment that only you can see in a reflection." He stated to him.

"So, what happened when I became a vampire?" Braedey asked.

"Unlike Moka's inner personality, you have full control of your vampiric abilities." The reflection explained. "In addition, like Moka's inner form, you have exceptional strength and speed, and high durability. But, it comes at a cost."

"A cost?" Braedey asked in confusion. "Of what?"

"Just like the Transformatrix, your vampiric transformation only last for a period of time." The reflection replied to him. "So, if I were you, I would time your transformation wisely." Then, the reflection vanished from sight, leaving Braedey in thought of his vampiric persona, looking back at his own reflection.

Braedey walked over to his bedside table, then he grabbed the letter, and sat down on the bed. He peeled it open, and grabbed the sheet folded inside. He then unfolded the paper, and took a look at it. His eyes widened at what it was.

It was a notice that his current school initiated the Student Exchange Program again... To Japan... For Youkai Academy!

Braedey's heart burst in excitement and happiness. He was going back!! He really was! He was so happy, happier than he felt in a very; VERY long time! Smiling and putting the thought and letter aside, Braedey laid down in bed, and let sleep overtake him. For even a hero needs his rest, especially for the next school year...

Youkai Academy, here we come!!

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