My Dear Queen (Elsa X Female...

By introvert_bean

42.5K 1.7K 572

Elsa never expected to find love. But one day, a mysterious warrior princess from a dangerous place walked th... More

Prologue: A disturbing letter
The offer
Not alone
A liar's touch
The kissing quest
My girl
Darkest Secret
A lover's touch
The past haunts
Run, Elsa!
Kisses and goodbyes
All is lost
The price
Darkness rising
Like father, like daughter
The King is dead
Epilogue: Long live the Queen
Author Notes
One Year Special: Fall In Love Again
A mother's touch
A better past
Prince Anatoly
A less disturbing letter


1.8K 86 29
By introvert_bean

Elsa had always imagined her first kiss to be... Well, different. It was years ago, probably during her teenage years when she thought about it for the first time. She imagined herself in her room, in a beautiful white gown, waiting for the lucky man to show up. She never met him before, only at the wedding ceremony when they exchanged rings. She gulped, feeling her anxiety rising in her chest. It was an arranged marriage. The only things she knew about him is his name and title. They matched her with someone who's royalty, just like Elsa herself.

After waiting for some time, which seemed like hours, the door opened, revealing the man who's supposed to be her husband. He was taller than her, but quite far from handsome. She tried to convince herself that he's not that bad looking, but deep within her heart, she knew that it doesn't even matter anymore. Elsa swallowed the limp in her throat and pressed her lips together, trying to hold herself back from crying. He came closer to her. Elsa gasped in fear when his disgusting hand touched her body. He showed her no mercy, his large fingers digging into her delicate flesh. Elsa began to cry, tears rolling down her flawless cheeks. He roughly forced his lips against hers and with a violent push, they both fell on the bed as the King and Queen of Arendelle. No one would have helped Elsa that night. And not because they wouldn't hear her screams of pain and hopelessness.

But with Cassandra, it was different.

When warm and cold finally met, sealing their lips in a tender kiss, for a moment, everything seemed brighter in their cruel world. Still shaking from excitement, Elsa pushed her body back to Cassandra's, burying her head in the crook of her neck. Her hearth was still rapidly beating in her chest, the feeling of their earlier kiss still lingering on her lips. She gripped Cassandra's shirt tightly, holding onto her for dear life.

The warrior chuckled. The joyful sound was like music to Elsa's ears, filling her with nothing but pure bliss. It felt so good to let it go again. "You got me worried for a moment."

The blonde giggled as she felt Cass plant a soft kiss on the top of her head. "Sleep with me." She whispered, voice muffled and tickling against her neck.

A blush was spreading across her cheek, as Cassandra soothingly ran her hand up and down Elsa's back. Sleeping with this beautiful woman in her arms does sound alluring, but that's probably not what she meant. "Are you sure? Lately, I've been having trouble with sleeping so that it might be not the best idea. I don't want to bother you, dear."

Humming lightly, Elsa lifted her head, looking directly into the other woman's grey orbs. "I don't care." She said, without hesitation, the tone of her voice sounding somewhat confident.

"Ohh, how rebellious." Cass chuckled, freeing a hand to place it on Elsa's cheek. She sighed, her lips turning into a loving smile. "And so pretty."

Elsa blushed, breaking eye contact as she did so. "I-I'm not pretty." The blonde never ever felt like an attractive person. So why every second person has to lie to her about her looks? Sure, people called her beautiful before, but she thought that's only because of her title. She was always so jealous of her little sister. Anna was truly beautiful, enthusiastic and loved by every single person she met. Nothing like me.

Cass sighed, then a smirk formed on her face. "Pardon me, young lady, you are so right. I should have thought more before speaking because you are gorgeous."

Elsa froze to the spot, her mind failing to work. Her gaze dropped to Cass' eyes again, and seeing the sparkle in them made her say the next sentence out aloud. "And you have the most beautiful eyes." She blushed deeply, realising what she just said.

Smiling, Cassandra pressed a small kiss to Elsa's forehead. "Why, thank you; they are the result of bathing in the blood of countless virgins." They both let out a hearty laugh, the sound of happiness filling the room. After the laughter died, Elsa looked at Cass with nothing but admiration shining in her puppy eyes.

"I should probably go and fulfil my queenly duties." Said Elsa, breaking the idyllic moment.

With a low hum, Cassandra leaned in, closing the remaining distance between their heads. She pressed a small, tender peck to Elsa's lips and released her from her tight embrace. "You shouldn't be working now, Snowflake. When was the last time you enjoyed a quiet moment by yourself, huh?"

Face deep red, Elsa folded her arms, keeping them close to her body as she lowered her gaze to the ground. For a moment, she stopped to think, wondering if she had any free time since her coronation. "Well, I have some time just for myself every day." After her daily tour in the village, the Queen has fifteen minutes for herself each day. It's not much, but definitely more than nothing. Why am I lying to myself? I barely have time to breathe!

"Like fifteen minutes?" The raven-haired woman chuckled as Elsa sheepishly bit her lip. "Because that's definitely not enough." Cass sighed, shaking her head, concerned for Elsa's well-being. "Look, just take it as you're on vacation, okay? You're not in Arendelle; you can take a break now." Her blush deepening, Elsa smiled.

Taking a break wasn't the problem. She deserved it anyway. The issue here is a certain warrior, who somehow managed to start melting the ice that's sitting on her heart. And it's all Cassandra's fault. In a good way, of course. The thought of the warrior troubled the blonde's mind, starting a few nights ago when she accompanied the queen to her bedroom. And when she came back barely alive from chasing the man who tried to kill Elsa? She could hardly rest, causing her more than one sleepless night.

Now, Cass isn't the problem itself. It's her behaviour that troubles the younger woman. During her stay in Arendelle, Cassandra spent most of her free time in the guest room, working and writing letters to diplomats in order to make her homeland a better place. "I ought to enjoy myself while you were working the whole time when you were my guest. It seems rather unfair to me." Elsa frowned.

She inhaled sharply and bit her lower lip. Elsa almost fainted at the heavenly sight, but then Cass chuckled at her. "Touchè, my dear. But I won't let my guest work while she's supposed to take a break from her queenly duties and enjoy her stay."

"Are you implying that I'm a poor host?" Elsa asked, her voice picking up a playful tone, lips turning into a wicked smile.

Cass' eyes widened, stunned by the blonde-haired beauty's question. "Why, I would never. But seriously, you can do whatever you want on this ship. I just preferred if you enjoyed your stay while you can. I hope you brought a coat because Ovrilon is a very cold place and it's almost winter."

A cheeky grin crawled upon Elsa's lips, creating one of her most playful smiles. With an elegant turn, she made her way towards the door of Cassandra's cabin. She looked back at the warrior over her shoulder. "The cold never bothered me." And without any further words, she left, leaving the smiling Cassandra behind.



Sighing, Cassandra sighed another paper. Before she could travel to Ovrilon, her father gave her a bunch of work, because his lazy ass is too royal to get anything done.

Wulfacar was a soldier, a no one before he met his deceased wife, Zara, who was still a princess at the time. After their daughter was born, Wulfacar became sick and failed to recover from his previous illnesses since then. He deserted from his position in the army, and his life continued as the queen's husband. His health only became worse after Zara died. Cassandra's uncle, prince Zander refused to become the new ruler. He's just not that type of man. And of course, Cassandra was too young at the time to take her mother's place. Leaving no heir to the throne, Wulfacar was declared as the king of Ovrilon.

But why on Earth a king would be a good ruler and do his assigned duties? Cass always wondered why her father never attended meetings or signed papers, leaving all the work to his daughter. He showered himself with riches, while Cassandra travelled and fought for her kingdom and her life on the bloody lands of the battlefield. Spending all the money on luxuries and wars, the development of Ovrilon slowed down, and then completely stopped. At the age of eighteen, when the crown princess arrived back to her homeland, she was shaken by its terrible state. She's been to so many places, while her country suffered under her Wulfacar's reign. And of course, she put herself on the blame.

"Hi." Jumping in her seat, Cass faced the door, only to be welcomed by Elsa, Queen of Arendelle. "I see you are working again."

The warrior chuckled, and with an elegant motion, she placed a pile of papers on top of each other. "Ahh, yes. Someone has to do it."

"I-I see..." She bit her lip. "I thought I might retire for the evening, but I don't want to disturb you."

"Don't even worry about that. Make yourself at home, dear."

"A-alright then." Cass turned back to her work, and she swore she heard Elsa gulp behind her. It didn't take long until the blonde spoke again. "Cassandra? I..." The blonde took a deep breath. "I'd like to ch-change into my sleepwear."

It was Cassandra's turn to blush, her cheeks turning deep red, just like her own sleepwear, a set of satin pyjamas. "O-okay. I won't look, I swear."

Cass closed her eyes and covered them with her sender hand. A part of her felt the temptation to look and get drunk at the sight of Elsa's bare form. But that would be inappropriate. And probably a bit too fast, based on that their first kiss only happened a few hours ago. Damn it, Cassandra! You're not a horny teenager! Well, at least not anymore.

"Y-you can look now." The warrior let out a deep breath of relief and uncovered her eyes. But then she saw Elsa wearing a blue nightgown, which looks so damn good on her in Cass' opinion and she almost choked on air. "Are you not joining me?" The blonde asked sheepishly, her eyes reflecting the candlelight on Cassandra's desk.

Her body trembled with excitement at the thought of sharing a bed with Elsa, but then she shook her head. "No, I still have fo finish this. I'll join you later. Sleep well, Snowflake."

With a smile, Elsa laid down, pulled the blanket on her body, sinking into the soft bed. She sighed as she felt a sweet ache of the day as her body could finally rest. "Good night, Cassandra."

While Cass continued signing papers and reading trade offers, Elsa's mind raced with thousands of thoughts. Firstly, she felt a bit at unease by the warrior's presence. She still doesn't know why, but she makes her blush and stutter with no reason.

Shifting softly, she turned to face the other side of the bed. Cassandra's side. She was supposed to be laying there, right beside Elsa. She never shared a bed with anyone else in her entire life, except Anna and her parents, when she was still little. It made her heart beat faster in her chest.

Gaze wandering around the cabin, and she turned to look at Cassandra. Of course, she had many chances to admire her, especially when she was unconscious, laying in bed, mostly without moving. But this...This was different. Now she's so...alive and attractive. Elsa watched her for some time, wondering if Cass would come to lay beside her before the madness of sleep takes her away. Her muscles slightly throbbing whenever she moved the pen in her hand, her chest rising and falling with life. On top of that, once or twice she buried her hand in her raven locks, making Elsa bite her lip. She watched her for a bit longer, and then closed her eyes to fall in restful sleep.


Brushing her hand against her closed eye, Cassandra signed the last paper with one elegant and tired motion. Her body was screaming at her to go, lay down, wrap her arms around Elsa and sleep. But her mind was telling her something else. She'd love to just fall asleep with Elsa, but the thought of her being so close makes the warrior unusually nervous. Maybe she's not that tired.

She quetly groaned as she felt her legs becoming numb under the desk. How long has she been sitting here? Minutes? Hours? She lost track a while ago. Maybe it's already bright outside, and she wasted a whole night working for someone who doesn't even deserve it. No, it's not for Wulfacar. She's working for her people.

Yawning, she finally rose from her seat, the chair making a squeaking sound against the wooden floor. She cursed under her breath but saw that Elsa is still soundly asleep and that calmed down her racing heart. Letting out a sharp breath, she smiled to herself, gazing at the beautiful woman in her bed.

Unsure of what to do, she made her way towards the shelf at the other side of the cabin, seeking for something to read. The wood was slightly creaking under her footsteps, but Elsa was still in the abyss of sleep. She hoped the queen is dreaming about something nice tonight. Without hesitation, she took out a book filled with various novels in it. It was a gift from her beloved uncle; of course, she treasured it.

With a tired smile on her face, she walked to the edge of the bed, just to admire Elsa for a few moments. She looked so divine, even in her sleep. Unlike Elsa, her feelings didn't scare her. But the feeling of losing another person she cares about did. Every time she loved or just tolerated someone a bit more than usual, the person died or disappeared. Even the thought of the same happening to Elsa made her anxious.

Releasing a small sigh, she turned to walk back to her desk, but as soon as she took the first step, she felt a sharp pain in her toe and cried out. "FUCK!" She immediately pressed a hand to her mouth, stopping herself from releasing any further sounds.

Then she heard Elsa shifting, and a moment later she was awake, popped up on her elbows to look at her. "What happened?" She asked, her voice soft and heavy from sleep. But still, she looked beautiful as ever.

"I'm so sorry for waking you up! I-I kicked the bed by accident." She felt stupid for being so awkward.

Elsa hummed, her eyes shut as she let out a small yawn. "And why would you kick the bed?"

Stunned, Cassandra didn't know how to answer at first, but then remembered that Elsa is probably still tired and such question is typical at the debt of sleep deprivation. "Because...because I'm clumsy?"

"Just come to bed, Cassandra." She said without even realising the meaning and earlier worries behind her words. And when it kicked in, she was already blushing.

Chuckling, she walked to her side of the bed. "Do you want me to read you a bedtime story?"

"You're joking."

"I'm not."

"You're just as bad as Anna."

"I don't think that's a bad thing."

It is not, Elsa thought. "Okay, but just a short one." Cass almost jumped in excitement, a broad smile forming in her lips.

"These are novels. Most of them are short." She hopped down on the bed and tucked her lower body under the covers. Then, she turned her attention to Elsa and just stared at her. The Queen raised an elegant eyebrow. What? "Don't you...want to come a bit closer?"

Her cheeks turning ten shades redder, Elsa nodded. "O-okay."

With a few tired motions, she shifted closer, until their bodies met, making both women nervous and excited at once. Smirking, Cassandra wrapped an arm around Elsa's slender waist and pulled her even closer against herself, so the blonde could lazily rest her head on the Ovrilonian's shoulder.

"So...I think this one will do." After clearing her throat, Cass began her story. Elsa tried to pay attention to all of her words, but the closeness and warmth of Cassandra's body easily distracted her. She mentally shook her head, focusing on the novel.

It didn't take long until Elsa's eyelids began to feel heavier with each spoken word. She closed her eyes and let the soft, yet deep tone of Cassandra's voice rock her to sleep.

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