
By The_Alice_Killer

6.3K 161 21

Mitake Ran was found abandoned one day as a baby. She was taken to an orphanage to find a new home. It's been... More

Found Out
You Can't Hide Forever
Free at Last?
Finally Normal?
Let's Start a Band
The Truth
What is Going on?
What Should We Do?
Bullying No More
What To Do? Go On A Date Apparently


494 12 0
By The_Alice_Killer

Ran's POV:

I opened my eyes to a familiar sight. Not a sight I ever wanted to see again, though. It was the orphanage. And it was on fire. I could hear the flames crackling as they lapped at the wooden structure.

I looked around. The room I was in was completely barren. There was no way out. And the fire was inside. I'm stuck in here.

What do I do? I need to get out. I can't stay here.

I was in the middle of the room. The fire was surrounding me. I couldn't go anywhere. What do I do? I'm gonna die!

I curled up into a ball onto the floor. I'm stuck. I can't do anything. I'm gonna burn. Tears were streaming down my face.

I was too scared to look around. I don't want to see anything. This is really scary. I can hear the fire crackling. It's getting closer. It won't be too much longer before it reaches me.

I was shaking. I'm terrified. What can I do? I don't want this. I need to get out. I just... don't know how to get out. There has to be a way. There has to.

I felt the fire touch me. I screamed in terror.

"Ran? Shh... it's okay..."

I opened my eyes. Tomoe was staring at me in concern. I was breathing heavily. That... that must've been a nightmare. Thank god it wasn't real...

I was crying. I tried to wipe away my tears. Tomoe pulled me into a hug. I clung to her. I was trying to be quiet.

"Are you okay?" Tomoe asked me.

I nodded. I couldn't find my voice to speak. My throat felt dry. I don't think I can speak right now.

"Did you have a bad dream?" Tomoe asked.

I nodded. Tomoe frowned. I refused to make eye contact. I feel bad about waking her up.

Why'd I have to have a stupid nightmare? Why couldn't I just sleep peacefully? I was fine until night. The other times I slept I had no issues at all. So why now?

"I'm sorry..." I cried.

"What are you apologizing for?" Tomoe asked.

"For waking you up..." I sniffled, "And for being such a crybaby."

"My mom always said that people who cry are strong. Because they're willingly to show people how they feel instead of hide their feelings." Tomoe said.

"You think I'm strong?" I didn't believe her at all. I'm not strong.

Tomoe nodded, "Yeah. I mean... look at how much you've gone through. And yet you're still here."

"I don't feel strong..." I whispered.

"You will." Tomoe stated.

I buried my head back into Tomoe's shirt. I felt her brush my hair. I closed my eyes. I'm going to try and sleep again. Hopefully I don't have another nightmare.


When I opened my eyes, I was back. It was almost the same scene as before. Except, there was a way out. There was an open door. I didn't have much time to get to it, though. The flames would soon cover the path.

As I started running toward the door, I saw someone standing there. It looks like Tomoe. Maybe she's here to save me?

I started running faster. I want out of here. I need to get out of here.

I was almost to the door. Just a little more and I'd be free. But then, the door slammed shut. She had shut it on me. Why?

I started pounding on the door and screaming. I swear I could hear laughing on the other side. But why... why would she do this? She's supposed to be protecting me, not harming me.

The fire was almost upon me. There isn't anything I can do. I'm going to burn. It didn't take very long for the fire to touch me.

I woke up screaming. Why... why am I having these nightmares all of a sudden? Why can't I just go on with my life? Why do I have to remember the past?

"Ran! Hey, calm down... you're okay..."

Tomoe had me in a tight hug. I started crying as I clung to her. I feel bad. I'm disturbing her. She probably just wants to sleep and instead has to deal with me.

A knock sounded on the door, "Is everything okay in there girls?"

"Yeah. She's just having some nightmares. I can handle it." Tomoe replied.

"I'm sorry..." I cried.

"It's okay. I don't mind." Tomoe replied, "Do you wanna talk about it?"

I don't know if I do. What if she hates me for having that dream? My mind made her the bad guy. What if she thinks that's how I actually feel about her?

"It's okay if you don't want to talk. I understand it's hard to talk about these things." Tomoe said.

"I... I was back at the orphanage..." I stammered, "And... it was on fire..."

"Oh... you had a dream of you dying in the fire?" Tomoe guessed.

I nodded. I hope I don't have to talk in any more detail. I don't want her to know about the second dream. I don't know why my mind decided to create that dream. It doesn't make a lot of sense.

"Do you want to try and sleep again? We can stay up for a while if you don't." Tomoe asked.

"I'd like to stay up..." I said quietly

"Okay. I'll turn on a light." Tomoe said as she climbed out of the bed.

She turned on a lamp. I'm glad that there's light in the room again. I sat up on the bed. Tomoe climbed back into bed. We stared at each other for a while.

"I hope the nightmares don't come back." Tomoe said.

"Yeah... I... I'm really sorry about waking you up..." I mumbled.

"Stop apologizing. It really isn't a bother to me." Tomoe stated.


Tomoe held a finger to my lips, "No buts."

I scooted over so I was pressed against her side. Tomoe wrapped an arm around me. I rested my head on her shoulder.

"Hey, Ran? Do you ever wonder about what happened to your parents?" Tomoe quietly asked.

"Not really... I've always just thought that they abandoned me." I replied.

"So you don't think something bad happened to them?"

I shook my head, "I told you before... I feel like there's something wrong with me... so I just thought they felt that too and got rid of me..."

"Do you know what you think is wrong with you? You keep saying that but you've never told me exactly what it is." Tomoe asked.

"I..." I was caught off guard by that question. I had never really thought about what could be wrong with me. I've always just said that something is wrong with me.

"You don't know, and yet you've convinced yourself it's true." Tomow said.

"It was the easiest way to cope with never getting adopted..." I mumbled.

"So it's always been your way of reasoning why you weren't chosen?"

I nodded, "Yeah..."

"So... um, you wanna do anything?" Tomoe nervously asked.

"Do you have any books?" I asked in reply.

Tomoe nodded, "I have some. You want to read?"

"I like reading. It helps me when I'm upset." I said.

"Let's read it together then!" Tomoe declared as she grabbed a book.

I looked at the book. I've never heard of this one before. At least it's something new. I've read all the books the orphanage had to offer.

Tomoe handed me the book. I ran a finger across the cover. It's a very colorful book cover. After a moment, I opened the book up. I turned to the first page of words.

Tomoe and I took turns reading each page out loud. It wasn't a very long book. We finished it relatively quickly. Tomoe set the book back where it had been.

I yawned. Now I'm tired again. I want to go back to bed, but at the same time, I'm a little scared to. I don't want to have another nightmare. I don't want to relive that again.

"Ready to go back to bed?" Tomoe asked.

"I... I don't want to..." I mumbled.

"Scared you'll have another nightmare?" Tomoe guessed.

I nodded. I looked down at the bed. I feel so stupid for being afraid. It's a dream. It's not real. It shouldn't bother me. But yet, it does. It does bother me. It feels so real. I can't tell it's a dream when I'm in it. I can't wake up from it until it's too late.

"I know you're scared... but you need rest. It's the best way to help you recover." Tomoe said.

"I'll try... and sleep..." I mumbled.

"Okay. Remember that I'm right here. You can wake me if you need me, alright?" Tomoe told me as she laid down.


I laid down as well. We went back to how we first were. I was hugging her tightly. She's going to turn out the light and then it'll get really dark again. I'm not ready.

"I guess I could leave this light on. Would that help you?" Tomoe asked.

I quickly nodded. If I can have the light, maybe I can sleep better.

"Alright. I'll leave it on." Tomoe said.

I'm glad. I hate the dark. I wish I'd grow out of that fear. It makes me feel really weak. I don't know why I'm afraid of the dark. I wish I could figure out why I am.

I closed my eyes and tried my best to fall asleep. I could hear that Tomoe was already asleep again. I peaked my head out and looked at her. She looks so peaceful right now.

I hope my sleep can be that peaceful too. I don't want anymore nightmares.

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