Transformers: Rosario + Vampi...

By BraedimusSupreme

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A/N: this is a reboot and revamp of my 'Rosario Vampire' and 'Transformers' crossover book from my old accoun... More

Chapter One: First Day
Chapter Two: Sucs To B-Us
Chapter Three: Love's a Witch
Chapter Four: Attack of Fan Boys
Chapter Five: Fish Out Of Water
Chapter Six: Wolf VS Predacon
Chapter Seven: Kurumu's Slimy Stalker
Chapter Eight: Arts and Crafters
Chapter Nine: The Snow Girl
Chapter Ten: Maths Practice
Chapter Eleven: Summer Break
Chapter Twelve: A Martin's Wrath
Chapter Thirteen: Cousin Attack
Chapter Fourteen: Enemy of my Enemy
Chapter Fifteen: Settling Old Scores
Chapter Seventeen: Stand Alone... or Together
Chapter Eighteen: Demon VS Cybertronian Gladiator Pt1
Chapter Nineteen: Demon VS Cybertronian Gladiator Pt2
Chapter Twenty: Demon VS Cybertronian Gladiator Pt3
Chapter Twenty-One: Far From Home
Chapter Twenty-Two: Welcome Back
Chapter Twenty-Three: Sister Issues
Chapter Twenty-Four: Parent's Day
Chapter Twenty-Five: Kento VS The Braedeys
Chapter Twenty-Six: Yukari's Growth
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Meeting Mum
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Apocalypse Begins
Chapter Twenty-Nine: He is Coming...
Chapter Thirty: 'The Fallen' Attacks
Chapter Thirty-One: Decepticons, Mobilize
Chapter Thirty-Two: Robo-Warrior
Chapter Thirty-Three: Jetfire
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Dagger's Tip
Chapter Thirty-Five: Battle of Egypt Pt1
Chapter Thirty-Six: Battle of Egypt Pt2
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Operation - Planet Restoration
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Man VS Machine
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Ski Trip Ahead
Chapter Forty: The Future
Chapter Forty-One: A Night Together
Chapter Forty-Two: Good Guy, Bad Guy
Chapter Forty-Three: Music Battle
Chapter Forty-Four: Nemesis VS Typhoon
Chapter Forty-Five: This is Halloween
Chapter Forty-Six: Akashiya VS Souh Pt1
Chapter Forty-Seven: Akashiya VS Souh Pt2
Chapter Forty-Eight: Lost In Space
Chapter Forty-Nine: Merry Christmas
Chapter Fifty: A Wedding??!!
Chapter Fifty-One: Every Blue Moon
Chapter Fifty-Two: Moka's Mother
Chapter Fifty-Three: Battle of Unicron Pt1
Chapter Fifty-Four: Battle of Unicron Pt2
Chapter Fifty-Five: Battle of Unicron Pt3
Chapter Fifty-Six: Relic Hunt Pt1
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Relic Hunt Pt2
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Relic Hunt Pt3

Chapter Sixteen: The Secret is Out

790 20 5
By BraedimusSupreme

(Student Police HQ)

The Student Police offices were as oppressive as ever with its heavy air and minimal lighting. In his office, Kuyou was receiving a report from one of the spies he had commissioned to spy on the Martins and McJones. The spy was producing results, as he had managed to watch the fight between Keito and the Americans. It had also produced some new information about the mystery that was Braedey Martin.

"Martin's new form, right?" Kuyou murmured as a picture of Airachnid was in his hand. He had to admit, he had never seen a mechanical spider monster before. It was such a contradiction this new form of Martin's was.

"Yes sir, but it was weird." The spy reported. "Martin never planned on changing into this form. At several times, Martin attempted to use one form, but then changed into another. But at times like that, he complained he was going to change into something else. And at times, he blamed his limiter."

"Interesting." Kuyou commented.

"Yeah, and then there were times when it looked like he had the upper hand. He was really powerful and would soon deliver the final blow on his opponent, but suddenly, he changed back to human form." The spy continued.

"Really?" Kuyou sounded interested.

"Yeah. It was as if he was suggesting that the machine forced Martin to change back." The spy also reported.

Kuyou frowned at this. This supported the theory that Martin's watch was a limiter much like Akashiya's Rosario was. Still, there were too many unanswered questions about him. Too many for Kuyou's liking. "We need to keep a closer eye on Martin." The more they found out about Braedey, the more mysterious he seemed to be.

Kuyou despised not knowing something. "There's something about this Martin that grows more suspicious. I don't like it."

(Three Days Later)
(Newspaper Club)

Things had quieted down ever since the attack from Keito and her little bug girl trio. The false Newspaper Club had been gone for some time, with no show of them at all. Though most of the students missed the three girls; they couldn't get enough of them in sexy outfits or bikinis. But, they returned to the fandom of the girls from the original Newspaper Club, and seemed to attract more female attention due to not just Braedey, but also McJones, who didn't officially join the club, but rather was around as an unofficial body guard of sorts for the members of the groups who got group-jumped. Plus, Kento joined up as extra security in case. But at the moment, a meeting was being held in the classroom-made club... with Braedey in the middle, and Gin grinding him out.


Jessie and Moka stepped up in between the two, as his cousin defended him against the werewolf. "Gin, please! Try and calm down; you didn't hear the whole story from us. THEY attacked us, so we had the right to defend ourselves."

"She's right, Gin." Moka defended, but knelt down to Braedey, as he seemed a bit ticked off about something. "Braedey, what's wrong? What did the enforcers do to you and Jessie before we got there? Did they hurt you?" She asked him

"Worse." Rex answered, as he folded his arms, leaning on the wall, and looked to Braedey. "Ain't that right?"

Braedey sighed, and in disgust, answered. "Yeah. They offered me a job within their security force."

All the girls, even Kento and Gin, and a much hair-standing on end Nekomome, all shouted. "WHAAAAT?!"

"You're joking, right?" Kento asked in concern. "They did?"

Braedey got up as he defended. "Don't worry, don't worry. I didn't accept their invite."

Gin grumbled, as he combed his hair with his fingers, scratching his head on this predicament. "If the Security Committee's gotten that interest in Braedey in wanting to recruit him..." And then he pointed to Braedey. "Then you're even more of a threat to them than it was ever formulated."

Suddenly, they all felt a huge chill from around them, as a voice asked. "Why's Braedey's such a threat?" They all jumped at that startlement, as Mizore popped up from the supply closet.

Jessie whispered. "Wow, she really knows how to hide well."

"Mizore..." Braedey heaved a sigh of relief. "Can you please stop doing that every time you get?" He asked her.

Mizore smiled a little, as she blushed a little. "I will... but only if you can please start calling me your little Snow Bunny."

All jokes and sweat drops aside, Gin answered Mizore's question. "It's because Braedey's been making a sort of reputation for himself. Even if he doesn't know it. The toughest, biggest, and more troublesome students have been going after him, and he's brought them all down, plus/minus the girls helping you out once in a while or most of the time. Teachers that are complete scumbags brought to the attention of the police, all by you nonetheless. Not to mention you do it all for free."

Kurumu beamed in delight on this, as she glomped Braedey from behind. "That's because Braedey's a true-blown hero! He's also my hero!"

Braedey sweat dropped as he pried himself loose from Kurumu. "Besides... I'm sure they'll probably overlook this, once the Headmaster gets word of this." He then balled his fist and smacked it into his free hand's palm. "And if they start trouble again, Rex, Gin, and I could always team up to go head first to smack them down."

"As much as I'd love to do that, it would just add more fuel to their fire. And besides, Braedey, the Security Committee have gotten away with this for nearly three years now." Gin groaned, as he rubbed his forehead in agony. "The Headmaster can't even do a thing about them. Especially Kuyou."

"You mean the Butch with the blonde hair?" Kento questioned.

"Yes, the blonde butch." Gin nodded. "The guy's a virtual sociopath and an obsessive glory-madman. Ever since he was appointed power, his word's always been law, and no one's stood up to him. And those who do, he always has locked up."

Braedey arched an eyebrow at all of this, not knowing what to expect from this Kuyou now. He then thought of a certain someone who had become drunk with nothing but power, plus his own ideals to make a new world order, then declared a worldwide civil war...

'Kuyou is almost like... him...' He thought to himself, eyeing his Transformatrix. Kento could sense this as well.


After the little meeting from the Newspaper Club, homeroom was beginning, as everyone was called out in attendance. However, even if homeroom was going on, Braedey's mind was wandering elsewhere, as his thoughts turned to Kuyou. The guy seemed considerably dangerous from Gin's description, but he only got a glimpse of what the guy did. And from what he heard of other students, who were lucky not to get arrested, this Kuyou guy ruled the committee with a tyrannical and cruel iron fist. He was power hungry, a tremendously cruel individual who took great satisfaction in the pain of others and thrived on the fear and submission his actions received. In addition to that, a student Braedey had secretly interviewed said that he was arrogant and a megalomaniac, who believed that he was the law and that he was free to interpret and execute it in anyway that he wished. In conclusion, the essence of an evil tyrant.

'No doubt about it.' Braedey thought, as he tapped his pencil on the desk. 'I will stop at nothing till he has been brought to justice. He must be stopped, no matter the cost.'

At the moment, Moka looked to Braedey, and could tell something was bugging him deeply. She couldn't put her finger on it, but it must have had something to do with the Security Committee. But, she shook her head as she returned her attention back to Miss Nekonome. 'It's probably nothing. But still... I should probably...' But the class, as well as Moka's thoughts, were interrupted, as the door gently swung open... and revealed the Security Committee, along with their leader walking in.

Miss Nekenome gulped, as she tried to remain the authority member. "Um, excuse me... but..."

"Don't worry, we won't be here long." One of the Committee members replied, a fellow with dark hair combed to the right, and wore glasses, who stood with a larger fellow with dark brown hair, with a bang nearly covering his right eye.

Kuyou walked through the class, until he stopped at Braedey's desk. The American sighed, as he stood up, as he and Kuyou stood parallel to another, staring each other down. But this time, Kuyou didn't seem to have a conniving smile on him. So, Braedey spoke up, breaking the intense silence. "What is it now, Kuyou? You don't like our club showing our faces in class? Or are you here because I took down one of your goons?" He asked.

"Not quite, Martin. This is business." Kuyou replied, very calm about it. And then he announced. "Braedey Martin. The Security Committee wish to bring you in for interrogation."

Braedey raised an eyebrow, as he asked. "Interrogation? For what?"

"For being under suspicion of being a Human." Kuyou stated firmly.

That last sentence earned a row of gasps and whispers in the classroom. Even Braedey felt his blood run ice cold from that accusation, as he was in silent shock of that accusation. But, none was even more worried for him than Moka, who grew paler from that piece of information. However, Braedey remained as hard as stone; he knew that if he faltered, Kuyou would grow suspicious. And worse, if the truth got out about him, they would suspect his cousin being human, witch/sorceress or not. Rex... he'd probably get out without a scratch. And even worse, they'd piece together that Moka had known his secret this whole time; vampires always had a craving for human blood, and considering how many times she had drank from him, there'd be not alibi for it. Braedey was in a tight pickle now.

"That's a load of crap!" Kurumu busted out of her desk, looking rather PO'ed at the Security Committee's head. "Braedey's not a human! Stop making such ridiculous accusations like that!"

"She's right." Moka stood to defend him as well. "Braedey isn't a human..."

"SILENCE!" Kuyou shouted, causing the whole classroom to nearly shake. Even Kurumu buckled under the weight of not just the volume of his voice, but of the massive aura permeating from him. He then looked to Braedey as he finished. "You will come with us for questioning. If you have nothing to hide, then we'll let you go."

"Guess I have no choice, do I?" Braedey stated, as he felt Security Members behind him. He sighed, as he nodded. "Alright, I'll go."

"Excellent." Kuyou smirked, and then nodded to the others.

They immediately forced Moka out of her chair, as she was being escorted along with Braedey. "Wait! Why is she coming along?" He asked.

Kuyou turned as he smirked. "Let's just say... it's insurance that you'll come along quietly."

And with that, the Security Committee walked out of the classroom, even with the students all whispering and doubting about Braedey being a monster. The Newspaper club members looked in worry, almost to the point of whispering to themselves. "What are we gonna do?" Kurumu asked.

"We could go after them." Mizore whispered. And then held her hand up as it started to slowly encompass itself in ice.

"You two." Another security member said from behind the two, causing the two to freeze in slight startlement. "Come with us. You'll be needed for questioning as well."

The two looked to one another, and silently not arguing about it, did as they were ordered. As they all walked down the hallway, making a skeptical of the situation, the Enforcer, one of Kuyou's Four Kings, the one wearing the glasses, walked up to Kuyou, as he reported, "Sir. We haven't caught the others: Rex McJones, Jessie Martin, Yukari Sendo, and Gin Morioka."

Kuyou thought about it for a moment, and smirked. "I wouldn't worry about them. The interrogation will go off without a hitch. As for Gin... well, I'm sure he'll make sure to keep his remaining members in line."

With Kento, he was hiding in plain sight thanks to his ability of camouflage, hiding his appearance against the walls of the hallway. Once the Security Committee had gone down the hall, he appeared out of thin air, looking in the direction they've gone.

"I have to go and tell the others." Kento muttered in worry, and he sprinted off to go find Jessie, shifting into his kyubey form to go find some shortcuts.

(Student Police HQ)
(Interrogation Room)

In the darkroom of the student comities headquarters were Kuyou and a group of his followers with the one and only Braedey Martin sitting on a chair he had been forced on with 4 guys around him in case he attempted anything.

"Okay, you got me in your little headquarters. Now tell me where my friends are?" Braedey asked in a tone as his face showed no fear from being in Kuyou's presence all alone while being surrounded by his goons. His eyes however showed defiance and a hidden anger that could turn to wrath.

Kuyou's enforcers narrowed their eyes in anger at how Braedey was speaking to their renowned leader with such disrespect as if he thought he was the one who was in control of the situation.

Kuyou on the other hand still had his smirk. "Don't worry, Martin. We haven't done anything to them." Despite hearing that Braedey wasn't relieved at all as he could see he had more to say. "For now, that is."

Hearing that, Braedey instantly stood up, which made the 2 of the 4 guys around him grab him by the shoulders to keep him still. Braedey didn't fight back, as he wasn't planning to do anything yet as he first wanted information on how he was being accused of being a human.

"You should control yourself better, Martin. That recklessness could get you killed." Kuyou said with a certain glint in his eye. "Right now, your friends are being questioned like everyone else."

At hearing this Braedey raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What do you mean by everyone else?"

Instead of answering, Kuyou raised his left hand as a flame the size of a torch appeared which started to show black and white like a TV screen before it cleared up to show Saizo sitting on a chair in what appeared to be Kuyou's headquarters.

(Interrogation Sessions)

"Yeah, I did smell something human in him. It was so much like a humans'. I thought he had their scent all over him. Plus that form he took to beat me wasn't anything I recognised." Saizou said none chattily, before the view changed to the former gym teacher Okuto Kotsubo.

"Braedey Martin? Now that I think about it, his sport scores in gym class were pretty average. His level of physical ability was almost like that of a humans'." Kotsubo said, before the screen changed again to a student Braedey didn't know.

"Yeah, I did something human occasionally." He said before the screen changed again.

"I sometimes see Moka kissing his neck..." A blonde girl with 2 ponytails on the sides said, before the screen changed yet again. This time showing another unfamiliar student with glasses.

"I smelt it, a human scent." He said, before it changed again to show another unfamiliar girl.

"He's suspicious sometimes. I once saw him go into an alley before he can out as a Yōkai I didn't recognise." She said softly, before it changed again, quickly showing another unknown face that was male this time.

"That guy Martin and Moka-san are always together no matter where they go!" He shouted out before he was cut off for the change.

This time, revealing a familiar face which was the school swim teacher that Braedey fought earlier in his semester, Tamao Ichinose, who was wearing the same swimsuit from back then. "It's strange. When I was holding him, I could swear he smelled like a human. Also when I fought him, I saw some strange blue light appear in the pool before it died down to reveal Braedey in that frightening form he called Hammerstrike." Tamao said before it the screen returned to being flames.

(Back In the Interrogation Room)

"As you can see, no matter who we ask, they all say the same thing which points to you being human and suspicious." Kuyou said arrogantly, earning a small sweat drop from Braedey, either due to slight nervousness or from the heat before Kuyou continued. "Even your own comrades..." He said before the flame showed screen again this time showing Kurumu.

(Kurumu's Interrogation)

"Do you really think Martin isn't a human at all?" A male voice asked who was probably behind what would be a camera showing her.

"Of course I am!" Kurumu said loudly.

"Why are you so sure about that?" The same voice asked.

"Cause I've seen Braedey transform into many monster forms. That should be all the proof he needs to show that he's not a human." Kurumu said, as if it should be obvious.

"But, out of all the forms you've seen him take, none of them are any that you recognise from any of the other species right?" The voice asked.

Kurumu faulted a little at hearing that. It was true that she didn't recognise any of the Yōkai Braedey transformed himself into, but with the exception of his werewolf form. But, she just thought that was because he was from America and there were different kinds of Yōkai there.

"Well... that's true, but that's just because Braedey's from America, so there's probably many unknown Yōkai there that we don't know about". Kurumu insisted.

"Do you know what kind of monster Martin is exactly?" The voice asked.

Kurumu answered immediately. "That's obvious; he's a shapeshifter".

"But that doesn't really answer the question: shapeshifting is his ability, and that doesn't tell us which shapeshifting Yōkai he really is." The voice countered, making Kurumu falter slightly at the truth behind his words. Seeing this, the voice continued. "You're supposed to be one of his friends, and yet, he hasn't told you which yokai he is?"

Hearing that Kurumu looked down in uncertainty, as she pondered her thoughts while the screen changed to show Mizore.

(Mizore's Interrogation Room)

"Even if I don't know what Yōkai he is, it's supposed to be forbidden to say which one you are so in a way Braedey is just following the rules." Mizore said as if she was being asked the same questions as Kurumu.

"Well, I'll admit that's true, but don't you find it strange that despite your friendship with him, you still don't know which yokai he is? Also, isn't weird how all the yokai he turns into are all unknown and unheard of species no one's ever seen before?" The red haired girl asked, who was one of the four kings of Kuyou's group.

Hearing this, Mizore also began to falter slightly, which the girl saw and decided to push forward to.

"Also as I recall, Braedey already knows what Yōkai you and the others are, and yet, he still remains a complete mystery. Why is that exactly? Does he find you untrustworthy to know which Yōkai he hails from?" The girl pestered further, making Mizore more unsure at her harsh but truthful words, as the screen warped to Moka who was looking nervous.

(Moka's Interrogation)

"I've already done some investigating on you and Martin. You seem to really like drinking his blood, and if I recall correctly, vampires love the taste of human blood, the most that must be why you like his blood so much, because he's really a human." A deep voice asked, which belonged to the tallest member of the four kings.

"That's not it!" Moka protested. "I drink his blood because it's really tasty, not because he's a human."

The enforcer said nothing, as he revealed a cup of water, and placed it in front of Moka who now looked startled and more nervous. "I've also investigated one more issue. Vampires fear fresh water and can't stand it".

Moka was now looking fearful.

"That's right; this cup is filled with fresh water." The guy now said with an evil grin, as the screen died down back into flames that Kuyou finally dispersed.

(Back in the Interrogation Room)

Braedey was now worried about Moka, after seeing that cup of water. He remembered how in pain she was when she jumped into the pool to save him, and could only wonder what that creep would do to her.

"At this rate, even your friends will become like those guys over there." Kuyou said tauntingly.

"Those guys?" Braedey asked, cautiously.

Kuyou snapped his fingers, and a magical cube seemed to appear out of nowhere, before it shattered revealing what was inside, which turned out to be the members of the Love-Love Alliance, who look rather beat up and not even conscious.

"It's them?" Braedey questioned.

"Yes, and they told us about the time you fought against them, while still in human form. You apparently were very weak, and couldn't fight back until you finally transformed. So Martin... why is it that someone who's supposed to be as strong as you couldn't handle 3 weaklings like them until you transformed?" Kuyou asked, menacingly.

Braedey was now starting to look a little nervous and unnerved. "Maybe that's because I can't unleash my powers unless I transform, which is why they said that." He said, a little hesitantly.

Kuyou, however, wasn't fooled. "I don't think so, Martin. You see, I managed to receive anonymous information that your limiter is actually some kind of human weapon that allows you to change your appearance into unknown Yōkai, so you can fool everyone into thinking you're one of us." He said smugly, which earned a shocked look from Braedey at what he heard.

'No way. That... that's impossible. There's no way he could have known about the Transformatrix. Only I, Moka, Jessie, Kento, and even Rex know the truth about it. So how did he learn about it?' The sudden horrified truth came to Braedey's mind. 'Is it possible... one of my enemies is here? In the academy... and is working with Kuyou to eliminate me?' Braedey thought frantically, before he calmed down and narrowed his eyes.

"Who in their right mind told you that crazy story?" Braedey asked, hoping Kuyou would say the name of the one he wants to know.

"I have no reason to answer that since seeing your reaction, I wager that his info is accurate, isn't it human?" Kuyou asked threateningly. Braedey was now looking off balance as he was starting to worry more. "If you don't confess, then Moka will suffer the consequences for it dearly." Kuyou said, as Moka's scream was heard the moment he finished talking earning Braedey's attention. He kept hearing her screams of pain and suffering while having no idea where she was since her voice seemed to be coming from everywhere. "There's a little pond behind this shrine. If this interrogation keeps taking so long, I'll sink and drown her there." Kuyou said darkly.

After hearing that, Braedey finally lost it. "DON'T YOU DARE LAY A FINGER ON HER!" He roared suddenly, while lunging for Kuyou with his hand already preparing to activate the Transformatrix. But before he could, he was tackled from behind and held down by the 4 goons. "Get off of me!" Braedey snarled out to no avail, as Kuyou stepped on his head.

"What's wrong, Martin? Aren't you going to transformer to fight me, or is it because you can't reach your weapon that you can't?" Kuyou mocked with a superior tone that annoyed Braedey.

Braedey was feeling anger like never before, he kept trying to reach the Transformatrix to go Grimlock, Leobreaker, Hotrod or even Energon. Heck, he'd go with Metroplex, Omega Supreme, or even Trypticon at this point. Maybe even Optimus Prime. But, he couldn't free his arms to do it, as he heard another scream from Moka.

"What's wrong, Martin? Aren't you going to save your dear friend? Or are you finally going to admit the truth that you're a human?" Kuyou asked, for what would be the last time.

Braedey looked at Kuyou with hatred, anger and the desire to teach him a lesson. But, as he heard another scream from Moka, he lost all feelings and developed a surrendering face. 'I'm sorry, guys.' Braedey thought to himself sadly. 'I'm sorry, Moka. I wish this dream could last forever... but sooner or later, we all have to wake up.' Braedey sighed in defeat, as he finally gave in to Kuyou's demands.

"Fine... it's true... I am a human." Braedey admitted. "Now release Moka!" He yelled out, aggressively.

As soon as he heard this, Kuyou's smirk grew into a grin, which then grew into full laughter, as he reared his head back in triumph while the guards that held Braedey down got off him and vanished. "heeheeheee! AAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAA! Did you hear that everyone?" Kuyou said mockingly.

He snapped his fingers again, and Braedey turned around to see 3 cubes appear where they broke open... to reveal Moka, Kurumu and Mizore, all looking shocked at Braedey.

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