Suds In The Bucket [A Bensler...

By GirlandHerKeyboard

11.7K 545 31

At 18, they left Manhattan to be together. Between Olivia's parents disapproving of Elliot and them finding t... More

23: The End


435 18 1
By GirlandHerKeyboard

Quietly, Olivia shut the door while her mother stood on the other side. She went and lifted Jane up before taking her into the kitchen. She held her daughter as she made her bottle, before hearing a voice behind her.

"You are my only child, Olivia. I have loved you since the moment I found out that I was pregnant with you." Serena spoke. Olivia rolled her eyes before shaking her head.

"You didn't give me a choice... all I could do was run away because of how you treated me. And I haven't always been your only child." Olivia spoke. She thought she'd be more scared after hearing her mother in her house, but she knew that it was going to happen. Her mother always had to have the last word.

"Kevin was a different story..."

"Really? Because we never talked about him after he died. You took down all of the pictures of him and you wouldn't tell me where he was buried. Mom, if you wanted to make it seem like you really loved me, you would have let me talk about my brother."

"Your brother... he is dead. We don't need to talk about him after what he did."

"He would have run if he could have. But you had him under your thumb for too long, and Kevin just had to do something to rebel. The coke and the meth... they are just what he chose to get the hell away from you and Dad." Olivia shot back. She walked over and sat on the dining room chair, before starting to feed her daughter. Serena walked over and sat beside her.

"I do love you." Serena breathed.

"Do you love Kevin? We both made mistakes, and his just led him to pass away. Mine took me away from you, and led me to have four beautiful children." Olivia spoke quickly.


"Mom, get out of my house. Please. I don't know if you are here because you are guilty about almost killing my daughter, or about having me hating you for yet another reason, or maybe it's because you didn't want to have another death on your hands... but either way, it doesn't matter. Just go away. Leave me be." Olivia huffed, before ignoring her mother completely. She focused on her baby, and she did that until Serena left.


Having Serena there made Olivia realize that it was time to tell Elliot about Kevin. To explain what had happened. To tell him one of the many reasons why she was so ready to accept his hand and run.

"Hey, you are up early," Elliot spoke, as he came into the kitchen and saw his wife drinking coffee as she watched Jane sleep in her bouncer.

"I've been up all night." Olivia sighed, before kissing her husband.

"Why? Was Jane being trouble?" Elliot questioned as he leaned down and kissed his daughter's forehead.

"No. It was my mother... she showed up late last night." Olivia frowned. She stood and went and got Elliot a mug of coffee before refilling her own.

"What?" Elliot asked quickly.

"She came over to apologize. Then she claimed to love me." Olivia sighed as she sank down in her seat.

"What do you mean?"

"She claimed that she loved me. But I don't believe her. I never have."

"But maybe she does, Liv. It's hard to not love you. I know that I fell for you so fucking hard."

"Elliot, I have a brother. His name is Kevin."

"What?" Elliot breathed.

"He died when I was 10 and he was 17. He was getting urged to join the church as a pastor, and he was getting sent on mission trips all over the world. He spent most of his teenage years going to Central and South America. He came back when he was 15, and had tattoos, piercings, and had shaved his head. He was rarely sleeping and then I started noticing changes in him." Olivia spoke.

"You never told me." Elliot breathed.

"It's because I wasn't allowed to tell anyone. I didn't have a brother when he passed away. I was the only child, and my parents made that clear because they were ashamed of him." Olivia breathed.

"Can you tell me more? Or-"

"Elliot, I noticed him drinking beer and whiskey a lot, and then it was the meth and coke. I don't know how many times I'd have to clean up blood from his face. His nose was always bleeding." Olivia frowned.

"Liv... I'm so sorry... why are you just now opening up?" Elliot asked, as he reached out and caressed his wife's cheek.

"Because I wasn't allowed too. I told you." Olivia breathed.

"Why were your parents so ashamed of him? He is their son. We could never hate our kids." Elliot huffed.

"Because he didn't want to follow in my father's footsteps. It probably also didn't help that he was bisexual."

"Do you miss him?" Elliot asked.

"Like crazy..."


Olivia wasn't the same the rest of the day. She kept her distance from her husband because she felt bad about not telling him about Kevin. About leaving a whole part of her life out, because she didn't feel comfortable talking about it.

"So, Elliot told us about Kevin," Bernie spoke, as she joined Olivia outside. She grabbed a sheet and started to hang it up, as her daughter in law hung up two pairs of overalls.

"I knew that he would. He loves talking to you and Joseph." Olivia replied.

"So, are you sure he's dead?" Bernie asked, and Olivia nodded.

"I remember his funeral. I also remember finding him dead in his bedroom. Laying on his bed, his eyes wide open... it was one of the hardest days of my life. That day, the day Grant died, and the day I had Jane early... they are all tied." Olivia sighed. She moved down a bit before grabbing a few shirts and started to hang those.

"We can find where he is buried. We can tell you and then you can visit him." Bernie spoke.

"He may be in an unmarked grave, knowing my parents... but thanks anyway. I just need to start getting over things and letting myself heal... and that's why tomorrow we are baptizing Jane."

Hey guys! Thanks for reading and please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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