My human mate

By maia_l

152K 3.1K 260

One simple school fight. That's how this all started. Well it wasn't that simple of a school fight, it was ac... More

My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
my human mate
my human mate
my human mate

my human mate

3.6K 103 43
By maia_l

im very sorry if there are any mistakes. also very sorry it took me forever to update. i should treat you guys better, i know. tell me whatt you think about this chapter please.


i woke up at 5:30 the next morning, and completely exhausted. Allison and i had gone at it all night. i debated skipping the morning, but quickly changed my mind when i heard my dads voice in my head last night, and remembered him saying Allison was at risk.

i cooked some breakfast for Allison and left to join the other members who would be running with me.


i woke up to a note and a plate of waffles instead of Cole.

note: i'm sorry i wasn't here to watch you wake up and i hope this breakfast makes up for that. I'm out running patrols with some other members. I'll see you in a couple hours. i love you very much and eat your breakfast!  -Cole

 i groaned when i read the eat your breakfast part. smart boy, he was finally catching up. i quickly wrapped a robe around me and ran down the steps with the plate in my hand. i quickly dumped the waffles down the garbage disposal while running the hot water. i heard the back door click open so i immediately grabbed a glass and filled it up with hot water.  

 "Hey cupcake," Cole said while grabbing the glass. "Shit!" he yelled while dropping the cup and glass shattering across the floor. i screeched when one cut my foot slightly. "why was the water so hot?" Cole questioned me, while lifting me up on the counter and working to clean up the glass.

"I must have switched the faucet the wrong way."  i muttered under my breath.

"Allison, they are labeled hot and cold," he claimed while cleaning the gash in my foot.

"fuck," i hissed when he poured the chemicals over it. "shit that hurts." i clenched Cole's shirt while he worked the glass out of my foot.

"Sorry," he muttered, "this is deeper than i thought, i just need to get it bandaged but you probably shouldn't run for awhile." he pulled the wide bandage across the top of my foo.

"Cole," i whispered while pulling his head up to my height, " i'm a werewolf now. remember? this should be completely healed in an hour or so."

"Sorry, I'm just, distracted." he whispered while pulling me closer. he wrapped his arms around my neck and hovered above my lips. "I wont kiss you unless you tell me why you were 'distracted'"

i groaned at Cole's words. "Jerk," i muttered. then slipped down from the counter and sliding away from him.

"wait a minute!" he yelled, swooping in and grabbing my hip. he smoothly pulling me back against his chest. "we need to talk to about some stuff. can we go back to the room and talk?"

"Yeah!" i yelled out making it obvious that i thought he was talking about sex. "Let's go back to the room to-" i stopped messing around when i saw his eyes. he was worried, and scared. "Okay, let's go back and talk"

we quietly entered his room and he gently shut the door behind me when i realized something. "Hey, why isn't anyone else in the pack house?" Cole acknowledged that he heard me but made no move to answer. instead he guided me by the hand to sit down on the bed. "I mean, i thought that everything with my dad happened they would all still be a little iffy and stay here. i guess not. i mean, I'm DYING to go for a regular run too. and the book store, i haven't been there since before we even met. i cant even remember how many times I've re read Looking For Alaska."

"Allison please, i need to talk to you and you're rambling."

"Sorry," i whispered will sliding down next to him on the bed. suddenly embarrassed i slid under the covers. "Something bad is going to happen isn't it?" i asked.

"Yeah, something bad is going to happen," Cole answered while sliding next to me. i pulled my head through from the covers and stared at the ceiling. Cole wrapped one arm around my waist and the other behind his head, now staring at the ceiling also, like the magical answer would be written in gold letters on his ceiling.

"This has something to do with my dad, doesn't it?" i quietly asked.

"Yeah." Cole said. "I'm so sorry Allison. i had him when we were fighting, i really did. but i got the call that you were really hurt. i mean, i knew practically all of your bones were already broken so if they were calling me for help it must have been worse. so i ran off, and he escaped into the woods. practically everyone that was on his side died, or at least we thought they did. look Allison, we have been getting random attacks on some of the wolves while they're out on patrol. so far they have been in a pattern. at first we thought it was just a couple of rouges, just trying to start a fight, but after awhile we realized these weren't rouges. they were healthy, and trained. we think your dad has set up a new pack that's even bigger than ours. i think he gathered together all of the rouges that would join, which most would because if they didn't agree he would've killed them, and he must have had more loyal pack members hiding away when we attacked. I'm so sorry Allison. i know you probably don't want to fight against your dad, but you have to train with our top fighters in case they attack you when you're solo. i know it wont be hard for you, you'll just have to learn a couple new techniques."

"i want to fight."

"Allison, you shouldn't, its against your dad."

"HE KILLED MY MOTHER AND TRIED TO KILL ME AND PROBABLY YOU! it wont effect me if i fucking kill the bastard, he needs to die, that is the only way things will ever be better. and Cole i love you but this is not your decision to make, I'm a big girl and make up my own mind. I'm fighting."

Cole let out a deep sigh, "There is know holding you back, is there?"

i grinned up at him then pecked him on the lips. "No way baby, I'm wild." i jump up from the bed, "so, when do i start training?" i asked him.

"It's so cute when you raise your left eyebrow like that," Cole said while walking up to me. he kissed my forehead, the my cheek, then me. "And when you call me baby," he moaned while kissing my neck. i leaned in to him automatically, and immediately moaned when he kissed my mark that was still extremely visible. "you start at noon." he whispered in my ear, "also, i'll be training with you guys." he adds last minute. i push back from his chest

"Wait, you are going to be training along with us? Who in the hell thought that would be a good idea?"

"i did!" Cole grinned.

"You asshole!" i push off him and smile when he pulls me back in to kiss me. i take a glance at the clock. 11:46. "We should get going, and i have to change." i moved into the bathroom to brush my hair and pull on my clothes.

"I'll be out here waiting." Cole said as i closed the door on his face. a couple minutes later I'm filling up a water bottle for both of us and we are on our way out.

"Yay!" i said while doing a little leap, "I haven't trained in forever! I'm totally going to kick ass next track season if we keep this up. well, not like i didn't kick ass before but still. ill feel better this time."

"You're honestly the cutest and shortest thing i have ever seen," he kissed me.

"Hey, lets make a bet. i bet i can kick your ass during training." 

"Please, there is no way you could beat me. you haven't even been a wolf for a month, ill give it to you, you can run, but besides that you're toast."

"Whatever you say, hotshot." i smirked while walking ahead of him, he does not fully recognize the power i have over him. 


"Okay, so far you guys have been doing good fighting with your partners," the trainer said while i smirked down at my partner. poor guy, he was going to have so many bruises tomorrow. "but now i want everyone to fight against a new opponent. we will cycle through so you get a hit at everyone." Cole grinned up at me and i flicked him off. "Devin, how about you go first." Devin proceeded to the circle we had formed and began fighting the opponents the trainer called out in order. he was alright, won half of the time, but had way too many weak spots to be a big time war fighter. when i was called to fight him, i easily beat him. the line of people to still fight slowly came to an end until there was just Cole and i left. "I'll go easy on you, if you want baby girl," he whispered in my ear before we began to fight. i frowned then punched him in his gut. 

"i suggest you don't," i said back then beginning the fight. i am tiny, i have learned that the only way for me to win a fight is to get the first hit, and use my elbows. so i did that. Cole groaned as my elbow collided with my jaw, i have to admit, it hurt me a little, hurting him, especially now that the mating process was complete, but i refused to let that change how i hit him.

"Bold move, cupcake." he said before wiping my feet out. that was dumb. i jumped up as quickly as i had fallen and traced Cole's arm.

"i like things that are bold," i muttered while tracing his mid side. i began to circle around him until i kneed him in the back and made him fall on his stomach. i tackled him before he could even get up. we stayed like that for awhile, rolling around the ground throwing punches. in the end i was on top of him, giggling slightly. "i win, hotshot," i said while kissing his jaw.  he smiled then sweeped us both off the ground. he lowered me to my feet and we turned to listen to the trainer. 

"Good run today guys, i expect you guys to work out on your own time later today and i will see you guys the same time tomorrow." 

we all turned to get our things and walk back when a girl i remember being Delilah walked up to me. "Hey!" she said, extremely chipper,"your name is Allison, right?" 

"Yeah, I'm Allison. you're Delilah." i said smiling at her. 

"Good job today. i mean, i know you're a new wolf, and you kicked ass today for being one." 

i looked up at Cole and smirked, "See, i do kick ass," he shook his head at me.

"Dont let her put that idea into your head," Cole jockingly said while snaking his arm around my waist. 

"Anyways you fools, what are you doing later tonight? maybe we could hang out?" 

"Yeah, definitely!" i said a little to eagerly. "I mean, sure we can do that," 

Delilah giggled and we began making plans until the trainer confronted us. 

"Hey, Allison, can i talk to you for a minute?" 

i looked at Cole, frightened. "Of course." i said while turning around to talk to him. 

"I kept a close eye on you today because of how its your first time training, and you did spectacular. You were probably as good as some of our best fighters. This is great progress for just recently turning, but it is extremely rare. of course i am proud to already have such a well trained student, but i think this particular training group is to easy for you. tomorrow you will be training with a different group, at 8:30."

"Fuck," i muttered under my breath. why so fucking early?

"I'm sorry, what was that?" he asked, 

"It was nothing."  

"Okay, well anyways, if tomorrow you do as excellent as you did today, would you mind if we did some tests? nothing major or too harmful, we would just like to see how someone with such little experience can fight so well as you."

"Uh yeah, sure, i guess that wont be a problem." i told him

"Great, make sure you are eating healthy from now on so we can see you're absolute best results." he smiled then walked away, joining another group of people his age. i made my way back to the house and up to Cole's room. he was in there reading on his bed. 

"What was that all about?" he asked as soon as i closed the door. 

"oh nothing really, " i said while beginning to peal my sweaty clothes of my body, "he just wants to move me to a different training secession and then maybe do some tests on me if i can still fight as well with the new group." i said while grabbing a towel to get in the shower. Cole followed me into the bathroom and sat on the toilet. 

"Let me guess, 8:30 training?" 

"Yeah, how did you know?" 

"That's the one I'm in. i just asked my dad to move me down for your first training, so we could see how well you would do. Did you say yes to letting them test you?"

"Wait, so tomorrow i will still be training with you?"

"Yes Allison, keep up. did you say yes to letting them test you?" 

"Yeah, why wouldn't i?" i turned the water on and hoped in the shower, "Its just a couple tests, he said they shouldn't be too harmful. we really need to get some girl soap, I'm sick of smelling like a man."

"I like it," Cole said while pulling the curtain back and kissing me,"it makes you smell like me. I will be down stairs whenever you're finished." he said before pulling the curtain back. 

I sighed and lowered myself to the floor of the shower.I was worried. Worried about so many things. I don't want this thing with my dad to be real, I don't want to do badly with the new training team, I don't want to be tested on tomorrow now that I actually think it through, I don't want people to find out about my eating disorder, and I really don't want anyone else in my life to get hurt anymore. 

I ran my fingers through my hair, and then heard a scream. "Allison?" I heard Cole asking in my head. "Was that you?" 

"No, i am fine. who was it?" I asked. I began turning the water off and pulling on clothes that I found laying around on the floor. So much for being clean. I went into the hallway and listened for the screaming. I quickly found the room and entered. 

i gasped as i entered. "Cole, it's Delilah! Send help now!" I yelled through our mind link

"It will be okay Delilah, its okay." I said while lifting her head. "Where is it?" I asked.

"My stomach," she moaned out, "I think I might have to cancel our plans tonight." she laughed out. I laughed while beginning to address her wound. She had been stabbed several times with a silver knife in her stomach. The knife was still in her stomach, but lodged under her rib cage. 

"Shit," I muttered. 

"Cole, get in here now!" I screamed through mind link. It was silent. "Cole?" I asked. Something was wrong.

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