housekey (katsuki bakugo x re...

By ghostinajar

675K 23.9K 36K

you're living in japan at the age of 22, as a professional artist. life is good. well, except for the fact th... More

break in
Y/N's Profile
extra 1
thank you + new story!


36.9K 1.6K 1.9K
By ghostinajar

"Katsuki!!" I roared from the bathroom, wrapping a towel around my body. The door opened, revealing a groggy and pissed off roommate.

"It's like 6 in the morning. What the fuck do you want." Katsuki grumbled, scratching his neck. I blushed and slammed the bathroom door, cursing God for making me live with this fucker.

"You didn't have to open the fucking door, idiot! Where are my clothes?" I shouted, growing more anxious and pissed by the second. I heard an annoyed groan from the other side of the door, then a knock.

"Your dense ass left them outside the door. You could've just walked out and grabbed them. Idiot." Katsuki said as he opened the door and tossed my clothes to me, immediately shutting the door afterwards. I removed my towel and got dressed, changing into my work uniform. I had a part time job at a bakery, which I really loved. I opened the door, releasing the steam from the bathroom.

I knocked on Katsuki's door, waiting for the shitshow to start.

"What the fuck do you want, you just bugged me five seconds ago! Let me fucking sleep in peace, dammit!" A muffled yell came from his room. I grinned. It had begun.

"Oh, so I guess you don't want any breakfast then, huh? Too bad, I'll have to eat all the pancakes by myself!" I called out, walking to the kitchen and tying my apron. There was silence for a good 5 minutes as I cooked, then the sound of the door opening. Katsuki trudged to the kitchen table, sitting down and grumbling.

"You're lucky you make good food." He groaned, stretching. Katsuki's morning voice was the only good quality he had. I slightly smiled at the compliment he gave me and served two plates full of pancakes. He reached out and grabbed one, beginning to tiredly eat the pancakes. I sighed at him as I ate.

"You haven't been taking care of yourself or getting good sleep, dumbass." I chided, stabbing my fork into my third pancake. He grunted in response.

"Got no time to. All these fucking villains won't give me a break." He said seriously, intensely watching the TV screen as the news played. He got a notification on his phone and sighed, getting up from the table and changing into his hero costume, which was hanging up on the back of his chair. I never realized that this guy almost never caught a break. I almost felt bad for him. Almost.

"Good luck, Brain Zero." I snickered, eating my fifth pancake. Katsuki growled and flipped me off.

He finished his last pancake and headed towards the door, opening it and then slamming it shut once he left. My smirk faded, the house suddenly feeling dull. I finished the last couple bites of my food and took off the apron, heading off to work.

  'Guess I'll be early today.'

I walked past the vast jungle of apartment complexes and rubbed my eyes, trying to wipe the sleepiness away. I bumped into someone or something and stumbled backwards before my arm was grabbed.

"Whoa there, Mama Y/N, you ok?"

I looked up to see a man with red hair and sharp teeth grinning at me. I nodded, prompting him to remove his hand from my arm. I stared at him, confused.

"Do I know you?" I questioned, puzzled by the growing feeling of familiarity. He nodded, still keeping that same bright smile as before.

"Ejirou Kirishima. Or, as you might know me, Red Riot."

The gears in my brain turned and something clicked. My mouth formed an "o".

"You're one of the heroes I treated the other day, right?" I said slowly, tilting my head. He nodded, eyes bright. I smiled at him, but that look was soon replaced by a confused frown.

  "Aren't you on duty today?" I asked suspiciously, leaving Kirishima to shake his head.

  "Nah, today only Midoriya and Bakubro were called."

  "Midoriya?" I questioned. He made a bunny ear gesture with his hands.

  "Better known as Deku." He laughed. I nodded in recognition, smiling. He smiled warmly back.

  "Well, if you ever wanna hang out or anything, just ask Bakugo to give you my info. I'd love to try some of whatever you were eating the other night." Kirishima said, waving to me. I waved back.

  "Come visit whenever, it'll be nice to have someone brighter around for a change!" I shouted, starting to walk off. He laughed out loud and continued walking off into the distance. I walked inside of the bustling bakery and went behind the counter. The manager, Michiru, smiled warmly at me as I tied my work apron around my waist.

  "Y/N, dear, there was really no need to come in today, you've been working yourself to the bone. Why don't you go back home and relax?" She said gently, taking a cake out of the oven. No work today? I smiled happily at the thought of freedom, but a thought ate away at my conscience.

  'That Bitchsuki has been working hard lately, huh?'

  I internally slapped myself in the face for my good Samaritan instincts. I shook my head at Michiru.

  "Actually, if you don't mind, I wanna make something for a... friend." I mumbled, saying the last part through clenched teeth. Michiru nodded, smiling. I thanked her and went to the kitchen to get to work.


  I got home at about 10 am and collapsed on the couch, holding a cake in a blue box. The things my dumb ass does. I got up five minutes later, groaning. I opened the box and placed the cake on the table.

  It was a small orange sheet cake decorated with small explosions and tiny bombs made out of fondant. Katsuki's usual angry face was recreated on the top with icing, and above and below it were the words, "Good work, Brain Zero." I admired my hard work, snickering at the resemblance between the real Katsuki and the cake one, then jumped back onto the couch. I lay down across it, realizing just how tired I was.

  My eyes grew heavy and soon I was almost asleep. The front door opened, causing me to open one eye. Katsuki was taking off his hero suit as he was walking in, sweaty and bruised. He didn't seem to notice me laying on the couch, but he noticed the cake. He stopped in his tracks and studied it, looking at every detail. I kept watching him as his pissed off expression changed into a softer one, he started chuckling slightly.

  He turned around and noticed my body on the couch, prompting me to shut my eye. I heard the sound of footsteps approaching, then stopping. Something warm and soft touched the top of my head, messing up my hair slightly.

  "What a dumbass." Katsuki murmured, and his footsteps gradually faded, replaced by the sound of a door shutting. I felt warm inside. 'I guess he isn't that bad after all.'
The corners of my lips turned upwards, and I fell asleep smiling.

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