kid + fack

By -raspberries-

92.7K 4.2K 4.1K

finn has a child and jack doesn't seem to mind [highest ranking: #6 on 'fack' #4 on 'itmovie' #4 on 'fack'] More

whoa 30K
life update & things


837 37 24
By -raspberries-

its been a week, a full week since Jack and Fin seems each other. they both haven't called or text each other and Millie seemed to be around more with her boyfriend. Finns mom always has been working more hardly getting to see his mom.

his friends were all busy with things not being able to hang out. it seemed empty in Finns house now since Milkie had taken Lydia to see a movie then off to somewhere else. the two story house was quiet as finn laid on the living room floor. he felt like when millie left him, but obviously not as bad because he knows jack is still here, hopefully.

"what to do, what to do" finn whispers to himself. he then noticed how odd it is that now with Lydia gone how boring his life is. though he knew, parenting as a teen really stocks up all your life.

Finn decides to go out by himself and see what he can do. so he gets up changes and heads out for a walk. he should enjoy this time instead of being caged inside a house.

Meanwhile Jack was at his house groaning in frustration. he had lost his phone for about a week now. he didn't know where he placed it or even the last time he had it. he remembers he had it with finn then after that poof gone! without a phone he couldnt contact finn or even leave the house.

jacks dad was mad once he found out so he made sure jack didn't leave the house. jack still had his video games and his little brothers but his phone was what kept him in touch with everything and everyone.

for the fifth time he searched his room finding completely nothing. both his brothers even promised that they didn't have it at all and jack knew they wouldn't keep the joke going for this long.

"fuck!" he yelled in frustration. he wad worried what finn thought and if he texted him worried. he didn't want anyone worried for him at all. he hadn't seen his friends in a week or even finn.

jack felt like he was going to go crazy being suck in the house. his dad knows how much he loves being out so staying in the house was a perfect punishment. now jack gets to hear his brothers arguing and his parents fights they have through the phone.

all the reasons he hates being home were getting worse and worse the more he stayed in his room. sometimes he'll blast music only to get yelled at by his little siblings on how they are trying to take a nap or how they are trying to focus on their games.

he couldn't even use the home phone because he doesn't recognize any of his friends numbers. the only number he knows is to the pizza shop that was in their old town.

so jack laid in bed with earphones in that he found in the kitchens random drawer sighing. he hated being trapped inside his stupid house. he closed his eyes as the base began to settle not being harsh on his ears. he drifted off to sleep slowly imagining being at the park and watching the stares appear in the sky one by one.

Finn sat on the bench of the park smiling. it was on the opposite side where all the kids were at so it was quiet. the only sound was the wind between the trees and the squirrels claws against the bark.

though he is always caged in his house he never mind it since being out doors was never really a thing for him. he didn't like the beach or the dirt but recently its been well. he's been wanting to go to things outside (still not the beach since he hates the sand).

the smell of the wood and the freshly cut grass gave him a warm feeling in his chest. maybe because he's finally enjoying it or maybe because it smells like jack. he groans realizing his mind always goes to him.

maybe he should text him or even call. maybe jack is waiting for finn to text first but that doesn't seem right. finn hates being confused and hes realizing again why he never dated after millie.

not only because she completely shattered his heart and made him ever loose trust on him and his daughter but because its always so complicated. millie was easy because they were both young basically fooling around. now that he is older he needs to be more open and communicative to his partner.


jack isn't his partner or anything so he has no right to call him, right? they are friends though and friends should care but finn doesnt want to make him uncomfortable. maybe he just needs space since they hung out for a long time? finn is just over thinking everything.

"its fine, i dont need to reach out first. he needs space and i should respect that" finn says smiling. he gets up and walks back home putting in earbuds. he listens to his favorite playlist as he enters his house finding it still empty.

he began to cook for his mother and himself (Lydia is now staying over at Millies since the mother thinks Finn should have a break). he cooks pasta making sure not to mess up.

by the time his mom gets home everything is done and they begin to each. they talk about their day and finns mom is surprised that finn left the house. he leaves out the whole jack situation not thinking that it's important enough to tell his mother also he didn't want her getting the wrong idea.

"how was it? finally going outside and enjoying it?" she asked as she continued to eat happily.

"great! it felt like ive been needing it and now that i did it a lift is lifted off my shoulders" finn said and she nodded smiling.

they continued to talk back and fourth even after they finished. the cleaned up together making sure everything went back to where it was. they said good night and walked into two different rooms.

only difference was that finns mom went to sleep peacefully as finn laid awake wondering if he should text jack.


couldn't sleep so i updated!! i hope you guys enjoy this one!

sorry for any typos i didn't preread it!!

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