
By chaosmoon75

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Sephiroth had wandered the lifestream, alone and not allowed to become part of the planet after his last deat... More

To Wander or Not?
Starting Down the Path
Is Better Even Possible?
Is That Really What the Planet Needs?
Coming to Terms
The New Crisis
The Questionable Awaken
Conditional Challenges
What the Dawn Brings
Unexpected Answers
What Makes Family?
To Look Beyond
Is Pain Universal?
What the Planet Gave Us
Bad, Yet Somehow Still Better
Friendship and Freezing
Another Reason
Down the Rabbit Hole
Solutions and Trust
Plans and Protection
Shattered Compromises
A Brush With Death
Strengthening Bonds
Negotiations and Unexpected Truths
Look to the Future
Here's to the Future
Epilogue - New Life

Offers and Agreements

59 4 0
By chaosmoon75

Chapter 29

It took all her willpower for Sephiroth to remain awake while they waited for Angeal and Zack to return. It helped that the sight of the revived alien and his family was touching. As much as she still felt she could never atone for all she had done in the past, it was nice to know that when it mattered, she was still able to accomplish something worthwhile. She knew Genesis felt the same as well. Since they were still leaning against one another, their connection was open, even if it was dimmed with their exhaustion.

It had only been a half-hour since the alien announced the return of the other two before they showed up. Sephiroth raised a brow at their presence, but then remembered that the male had said they would be coming back by the shorter route. She grimaced slightly at the knowledge that she had been taken the long way around the first time she had been there, but it made sense.

Both Angeal and Zack were glowering at the two of them before they even reached their sides. The female that was leading them broke off as soon as they were in the clearing and headed to where the others were while the two Soldiers headed for Sephiroth and Genesis. Neither of them were given a chance to explain before Angeal spoke up in a reproachful voice. "I knew I should not have left the two of you. You are both so damned reckless." He paused and took a deep breath. It was obvious that he was worried, especially as they had not moved at all since they sat down. When he continued, there was a slight tremor to his voice. "I understand why you both feel the need to prove yourselves, but you need to realize that your deaths would leave a void that could never be filled."

When Sephiroth opened her mouth to speak, Angeal held up his hand to silence her. "I know, you still think that your death was justified, and when you were still merged with Jenova that might have been true, but that was not who you really were, and it definitely isn't who you are now. You have become what you should have been all along. Take my word for it. And if you don't want to believe me, then sit down and have a talk with Cloud when we get back. I am sure there are things that you both need to hear from each other."

Sephiroth gave him a confused look but didn't get a chance to argue. They were interrupted at that point by Zatier. The tall male barely gave Angeal a glance before he knelt to be on eye level with Genesis and Sephiroth. "I am aware that this situation has been complicated for all of us, but there is no doubt I owe you my life. Even though it was your blade that brought me down, I find that your willingness to help when it put you at risk is something not many would do, on any planet we have touched. Thank you."

He stood at that point and finally turned to Angeal. "We understand they will need rest before we can discuss terms. Please allow us to extend what comforts we have. There are stasis pods on all our ships. They can use them to rest. We will allow all of you access so you can see they will be undisturbed."

Angeal gave the two that were seated a worried look, but Sephiroth spoke up. "That would be appreciated. We should only need a little sleep and then we can go over everything."

The male gave them a nod. "Please follow me."

Angeal still didn't look convinced, but he helped Genesis to his feet while Zack moved to help Sephiroth. They both grimaced at how weak their legs were, even after sitting there for more than a half-hour. They knew it was not unexpected though, so they didn't complain as they were nearly carried to the closest ship. Once inside, Zatier showed them to the area with the stasis pods and explained how to use them. They all watched with slight awe. Even the beds they used were a technological marvel. Sephiroth was glad to see it, though. It meant that their sleep would be optimized and when they woke, they would be fully rested. She only hoped that the fact that they were human and not fully alien would not make a difference in the way it worked.

Once both Sephiroth and Genesis were settled, Zatier left them. He did caution them to be careful of the things they touched since they were left alone in the ship. The tall male had barely left before Zack jumped up to start exploring. Angeal rolled his eyes but didn't stop him. It wasn't like he hadn't expected it. He did call out before the younger man disappeared. "Don't push any buttons. The last thing we need is to wind up in space accidentally, or worse."

Zack poked his head back through the door with a grin. "You take all the fun out of it." He sobered as he looked to the two that were already asleep. "Don't worry. I am curious, but mostly I want to see if they are really keeping their word." Angeal smiled warmly at Zack's retreating form before he settled in to wait for his friends to wake up.


It was several hours later that Sephiroth woke. Angeal had been pacing the small room and looking at the various contraptions to try and stay awake himself. He was surprised to see her stand from the pod. "I wasn't expecting either of you up for several more hours at least."

She looked over at Genesis and then gave Angeal a curious look. "How long did I sleep?"

"Only a few hours at most." Angeal waved at the machine she had just been in. "It seems like they weren't kidding. You look fully rested."

She gave him a nod before she looked back as well. "I do feel rested. This is an amazing piece of technology. From what I have heard since you left, it seems as though most of their power comes from their advanced knowledge. They are obviously physically stronger than an average human, but the rest of their feats, including the barrier, are all products of machine enhancement."

Angeal raised a brow and looked around. "That makes sense when you point it out. If they are Jenova's family that means they must have lived for thousands of years. I doubt they could live that long and not become advanced. Plus, that giant ship had to have been around before they even left their planet. When you think about it, it's kind of mind-boggling."

Sephiroth nodded absently as she looked around. She suddenly turned back to Angeal with a confused look. "Where is Zack?"

Angeal shook his head and smiled. "He was exploring, but about an hour ago the male we talked to first, Zutan, came and asked if one of us could possibly help wake the scouts. They wanted someone familiar there. Not that any of them know Zack, but they don't know me either, so he volunteered. They should be waiting when you are ready to go talk to the aliens."

She raised a brow in surprise. "I wasn't expecting them to release the scouts until they were ready to go. Hopefully, that means that our actions were appreciated."

Angeal gave her a scowl before he spoke. "Even if that is the case, what you did was rash and could have ended up with you both dead instead."

She shook her head. "I had no doubt that they would not harm us if we were able to succeed."

Angeal opened his mouth with a harsh retort, but he wasn't given the chance to say it as Genesis had woken up as well. "Peace Angeal. While I agree that it might not have been our best decision, it served the purpose we intended. We need to look forward."

Sephiroth turned and gave him a contemplative look but didn't add anything else. Angeal threw his hands up and gave them both an exasperated look. "I don't know why I bother. I'm surrounded by the most self-sacrificing people on Gaia."

Genesis only gave him a smirk as he walked past but Sephiroth clapped him on the shoulder and gave him a half-smile. "You know that you would be willing to do whatever it takes as well, so don't pretend you don't understand. The world isn't yet to the point that we can expect long lives." Angeal frowned at her but didn't say anything as he followed them out.

Once they were outside, Sephiroth was greeted by the sight of the remaining scouts standing and saluting at her appearance. She was slightly awed at the sight, given that they all knew who she was. She grimaced at the memory that part of it could be due to the fact that their minds were altered. She pushed the thought aside quickly though, as nothing could be done about it until they left. She saluted back before she turned to the waiting aliens. "I know we stated that we need to discuss terms, but honestly, there is not much left to go over. You have shown that you are no longer a threat to our world, so you are free to go whenever you are ready."

They all gave her shocked looks, but she continued before they could speak. "There are a few requests I have before you leave, however. None of them are requirements, so please do not feel like we are pushing you. All I ask is that you hear me out."

They looked at each other for several moments, but Zatier stepped forward quickly. "Given all that has transpired, listening is the least we can do."

She gave him a nod and headed back to the covered area. "Please sit with me." They all followed her as well as Genesis and Angeal. Zack was still talking with one of the scouts, but he didn't bother to hide the fact that he was watching them all.

Once they were all situated, she turned to them with a blank face. "I cannot condone what was done, but I understand it. None of your actions before today will be held against any of you." They all gave her confused looks, but she quickly continued before they could speak. "What I really wanted to talk to you about is the future."

At that their confusion only grew, but they kept their silence. She gave them each a small smile before she continued. "The first thing I wanted to address is this area. I know you said you set it up to help rebuild the life that was drained from this region, and I believe that is exactly what needs to happen. I will not ask that you stay, but I would like to request that you leave the barrier up to allow the life you have started here to flourish. The planet needs all the help it can get."

Ellian gave her a true smile before she spoke up. "We had not thought of that since things have concluded, but your request is admirable. The barriers are powered by our ships. We no longer need them all and can leave one, but we would recommend that access to this area continue to be limited. We can program the barrier to respond to certain people's touch. It should allow any you deem fit and their descendants to continue to have access. By the time the power source is depleted the region should no longer require the barrier."

Sephiroth surprised both Angeal and Genesis when she smiled so widely it could almost have been considered a grin. "Thank you. That is more than I anticipated, but it is exactly what this planet needs."

Zutan gave her a smile in return. "It is no drain on our resources and is the least we can do to make amends and repay you for what you have done."

She gave them a nod. "There is one other thing I would like to discuss. From what we have been told, your race is itinerant. You have no place to settle. I would like the opportunity to speak with everyone and offer the chance for those of you that wish it, to settle here on Gaia."

None of the gathered people had been expecting that request, but it was Angeal that recovered first. He grabbed her arm and his voice was a harsh whisper. "That isn't something you can offer on your own."

She frowned at him but didn't get the chance to respond. The smaller female, Lamay, spoke before she could. "We understand the magnitude of your offer. Just as we cannot speak for our entire race, we understand that you cannot speak for yours. We will put off our return until mid-day tomorrow. At that time, if you and yours still wish to speak to our race about this, we will take your chosen representatives with us."

Chaos broke out at her answer and it took several moments for Sephiroth to be heard above the two sitting next to her. "Enough!" She gave them both glares before she turned back to the aliens. "Thank you for considering my request at least. Do you have anything else before we leave? If not, we will return before the appointed time tomorrow."

All four of the aliens stood at that point and the Firsts followed suit. Zatier was the one to speak. "You continue to prove that your race is unexpected. We know that there have been horrors committed, but the good outweighs the bad. We are honored to find such a fledgling race and look forward to seeing you before we leave."

Sephiroth had to hold back a chuckle at humanity being dubbed a fledgling race, but she knew that from their perspective it was more than true. Still, she was glad things had ended with as little bloodshed as possible. Given how the whole mess had started, she had expected worse. She gave the tall male a nod. "Tomorrow then." At that, she turned to Zack and the scouts. They were all staring in shock. She shook her head at them before she turned to Angeal. "You know the shorter path out. Lead the way." It was easy to see he had things to say still, but he held them in as he turned to the forest and motioned them all to follow.

When they made it out of the barrier, Sephiroth and Genesis were surprised to find most of their group had made camp just outside. True to their word, none of them had entered, but they were all ready for whatever might have come up. None of them complained at the fact that it was safe for them to return to the ship. All the scouts were given a quick once over by Aerith before she cleared them to head to the airship that had most of the wounded. Once they were on the way, she pulled Sephiroth off to the side. "They are fine physically, but we will need to check them again before we can clear them to go back in the field. We can do that after everything has settled though. I don't want to wait too long, but I know that you are probably not up to it right now."

Sephiroth gave her a smile. "I am surprisingly rested. Things did not go at all as we expected, but I'll go over all that when we get back to the ship. It's something everyone will need to know." Aerith gave her a curious look but didn't press her for details.

Once they were back on board the ship, Reeve called for everyone to meet. The deck was the largest open area on the airship, and even so, it was crowded. Rufus and Tseng were there, as were all the members of Avalanche and Weiss. The only people missing were the ones that had been sent back to Edge already. Sephiroth looked over the gathered people with a smile. It amazed her that somehow the motley group had not only managed to find a way to work together but had succeeded in stopping the entire human race from being annihilated with very few casualties. If someone had told her just a month earlier that this would be the outcome, she would have asked to have them committed.

Her thoughts were derailed when Reeve finally called for everyone's attention before he turned to her. "Sephiroth, please fill all of us in on what happened. Have the aliens surrendered?"

She looked at everyone one more time as she stood. She felt that most of the gathered people had seen enough hatred and pain in their lives that they would understand what she had initiated. She had faith that they would not object. "They have agreed to leave in peace, and they have also agreed to leave behind one of their ships. The power source it carries will be the only way to keep the barrier up. We will continue to have access after they have left."

Rufus spoke at that point with a glint of interest in his eye. "Researching that ship could go a long way in helping to rebuild."

Sephiroth's face was blank when she responded. "The barrier will still be in place. It will only be a select few that have access and the ship will never be able to leave or we risk the failure of the ecosystem being rebuilt. It will only be there to help the planet recover from the wound it is still working to cover."

Rufus did not look pleased by her answer, but Reeve cut in. "That all sounds like the best possible outcome we could have wanted. When do they plan to leave?"

At that question, she took a deep breath to finish what she had started. "They are waiting for midday tomorrow. I have asked that they allow representatives from humanity to accompany them back to the main ship. I wanted to talk to the rest of their race about settling on Gaia."

Chaos erupted after her announcement and it took Cid yelling over the loudspeakers to get everyone to settle enough to listen. Once it was mostly silent, Reeve looked at her with a contemplative look. "They are a dangerous race. Are you sure it was wise to even suggest something like that?"

Sephiroth gave him a firm nod. "They have as much potential for good or evil as humanity. While I was with them, I found that they feel hate, but they also feel joy. Genesis and I healed the male that was near death. That is one of the reasons they were so amiable. Our actions allowed them to see that humanity is not full of monsters. We are capable of greatness as well. The Cindarian people are not as different from us as you might think. They have wandered for millennia and it is within our power to help them. If they agree, they could do more to help this planet than humanity is capable of alone. They have already proven they are willing to do so, even when they were set on destroying the peoples of Gaia."

Silence fell after she finished speaking, so it had everyone shocked further when Aerith moved to give her a hug. She still held her hands afterward and gave her a smile. "I knew you were capable of escaping the hatred that was forced on you."

Sephiroth gave her a confused look, but she didn't get a chance to ask what the girl meant. Aerith had turned to face the rest of the group and her voice sounded hopeful when she spoke. "Sephiroth is right. This is a pivotal point for this planet. We have the opportunity to both help people that need it, but also, we have the chance to make our planet a better place as a whole. Please do not dismiss this out of fear that the few represent the many."

There was scattered mumbling after she spoke until Reeve stepped up again. "This is not something that can be easily decided. I suggest we all take time to think about it and vote in the morning after we have all had time to digest the situation. I know that we are few compared to everyone that will be affected, but we also represent the majority of the world government. I can safely say that everyone here wants what's best for the planet, so whatever we decide, it will be with that goal in mind."

No one spoke for several moments. It was Cloud that stood finally. "I agree. It's late tonight, so everyone should rest, and we can go over it in the morning." He paused and looked to Sephiroth. "You said we have until midday, right?"

She gave him a nod before he turned back to everyone else. "I'll see you all tomorrow." He didn't wait for any other responses before he turned and headed down to the bunks.

Several people shook their heads at his retreating form before they turned back to Sephiroth as she spoke again. "I will stay up here on deck for a couple of hours. If anyone has questions, I will be available."

Most of the group broke off at that point and followed Cloud down to the bunks. Rufus stayed behind, but Tseng put a hand on his arm when they saw Reeve approaching the three Firsts. Reeve was shaking his head when he spoke to them. "You know, you have put us all in a quandary here. These are all good people and they want to do what's right but knowing what that is in this situation is not so clear."

Sephiroth frowned at him but he chuckled at the sight of it before he continued. "Don't worry. I will say that I am surprised you requested it, but I'm glad to see you think beyond yourself. While the answer may not be easy, your motives were good. I can't fault you for it. As a matter of fact, I will go out on a limb and say I'm proud to see it. The fact that it was you that asked is almost more surprising than your request."

By that point, Sephiroth was giving him a full-on glare, but Angeal spoke up before she could say anything. "Well, since you knew her when we all still worked for Shinra, it shouldn't be that surprising. We've all had our bad days, but we managed to find a way through it and will continue to do so together."

Reeve chuckled again. "You're right. It's been a long time coming, but I think we are all on the upside." He turned at that point and waved over his shoulder as he followed the others down.

Sephiroth watched him go with a contemplative look until Genesis caught her attention. "He was right about one thing. Your motives are in the right place. Whatever may come of this, I will say that you have surely fulfilled whatever you were tasked with."

Sephiroth's eyes widened slightly at his words before she grimaced. She shook her head at his questioning look before she turned to the rail and looked out over the crystalized landscape. Angeal and Genesis shared a curious look before they joined her. She looked to them both as they settled on each side of her before she finally smiled and looked out again. "I may not have found what I was tasked with yet, but somehow I feel like I am closer to it than I ever thought I would be." Neither of the men understood what she meant fully, but they both knew it had something to do with the fact that they were together again and the closest thing to a family any of them had left. Those thoughts were what kept them occupied until they all decided to follow the rest to their beds finally.

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