ᖇOOᗰᗰᗩTᗴՏ ᗯITᕼ ᕼIᗰ 《C.TZ × J...

Galing kay ONCE_upon_a_ToMoon

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"I've already given up on ever finding love, much less true love." A story in which Chou Tzuyu, orphaned at t... Higit pa

Chapter 1: Bad News
Chapter 2: Growing Up
Chapter 3: New Dorms
Chapter 4: Moving In
Chapter 5: That Jerk
Chapter 6: Morning
Chapter 7: A Nice Way to Start off the Day
Chapter 8: Work at the Bakery
!!!For New Readers!!!
Chapter 9: First Day of School
Chapter 10: The Night at the Dorm
Chapter 11: Asked Out
Chapter 12: Another Side
Chapter 13: The Visit
Chapter 14: Disturbance
Chapter 15: Fall of the Ears and the Grumbles of Stomachs
Chapter 16: Bastard!
Chapter 17: Detention
Chapter 18: A Lovely Chat
Chapter 19: Sleeping
Chapter 20: Party
Chapter 21: Breakfast
Chapter 22: Elevator
Chapter 23: Business Party
Chapter 24: Karma
Chapter 25: Movie
Chapter 26: Last Night
Chapter 27: New Couples
Chapter 28: Bakery Visit
Chapter 29: Broken Window
Chapter 30: Video
Chapter 31: Found
Chapter 32: In on the Secret
Chapter 33: Giving Up
Chapter 34: Changing Back
Chapter 35: Exposed
Chapter 36: I Thought I Was
Chapter 37: Loved
Chapter 38: A Habit
Chapter 39: Bet
Chapter 40: Destiny
Chapter 41: Love Signs
Chapter 42: Game
Chapter 43: Always Here
Chapter 44: Literature Test
Chapter 45: Playgirl
Chapter 46: Jerk Jimin
Chapter 47: Mint Green
Chapter 48: A Lost Friend
Chapter 49: Mistake
Chapter 50: I'm Sorry
Chapter 51: An Unexpected Friend
Chapter 52: Mine And Mine Only
Chapter 53: Mother In Law
Chapter 54: Unwanted Guest
Chapter 55: Trust and Confidence
Chapter 56: Phone Call
Chapter 57: Pain
Chapter 58: I'm Trying
Chapter 59: Coffee
Chapter 60: Instinctive Mistake
Chapter 61: Jealousy
Chapter 62: Another Loss
Chapter 63: The Letter and a Present
Chapter 65: In the Park
Chapter 66: All This For An Invitation?
Chapter 67: Sulky Boyfriend
Chapter 68: Insecurities
Chapter 69: Party Time
Chapter 70: Trouble Returns
Chapter 71: Mission Poison
Chapter 72: Walk
Chapter 73: Caught or Not?
Chapter 74: Pool Party

Chapter 64: Chocolate Cake

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Galing kay ONCE_upon_a_ToMoon

The yellow afternoon of the cool Tuesday slowly blended into an orange evening. Taking that as a sign of the day ending, students began retreating to their dorms, still laughing, joking around, and whispering gossips to each other, wanting to spent as much time together before they closed their doors behind them and began finishing their leftover homework, and then slumped down in their beds for school the next day.

The courtyard was soon emptied and deserted, for everyone had been eager to put a rest to their energized limbs. For as long as the warm weather remained, everyone wanted to enjoy their times outside before the leaves of trees took their autumn forms, falling in their foods when they lunched under the trees, and before the cold winds of winter, who slapped their faces red, were back. Their voices were tired, but also full of contentment. No one, except maybe a few, knew what kind of tragedy had struck one of their fellow pupils a few weeks ago.

Tzuyu stared out of her window in the living room, watching them squish through doors, running and pushing past each other. Since the window overlooked the courtyard, she had a perfect view from up here. Jungkook had removed the TV stand for her a few days ago and put the TV in his room because she rarely watched any shows or movies anymore. And if she did, she always had him sit with her, which he, of course, didn't mind at all. What place was better for cuddling than his bed? It was bigger than hers, and who knew if it might be needed when things got a little out of her control.

Though he did know that he solely respected Tzuyu's privacy, her being old enough (quoting his own words) "to do the eighteen plus" had him trying hard to control his manly hormones.

Does she keep getting even more beautiful day by day? he often asked himself. And is that even possible?

And to make things worse for him, she began to pay more attention to her appearance, and herself in general, now that she knew that she finally had someone to fully take care of her and watch her back. She wore tops that had him go crazy (even more crazier than for the ones Lisa wore, which were more skin than clothing) for the sight of her. The shorts and dresses she wore for the warm weather had him patiently waiting for winter to arrive so she could hide those damn slick, long legs of hers.

And he just loved the way how she always left a few strands of her hair hanging untied because she knew tucking them behind her ears was one of his most favourite things to do.

He was a boy after all. It was cliché, but a person may differ from others to you, but that didn't necessarily mean they were a whole different species.

Jungkook had always thought that things like these, like loving someone to the end of the world, for example, were to a certain extent. But Tzuyu kept proving him wrong. And what made it better was that she never grew annoyed or tired of him telling her "I love you" or saying "You're so beautiful" again and again.

He was all hearts for her soft, squishy and cute side under the hard shell the years had formed over it for protection her heart needed. But now he was there, all that it needed were its beatings for him.

Though she had been weak in her vow of never loving a boy again, he was sure that he wouldn't be in his. She was a precious gem to everyone's lives, and he made it his duty to love her, protect her, and cherish her, for all of his.

So . . . back to the window again: she could catch a better view of the outside this way rather than looking out at the stone wall of the other dorm building from their bedroom windows. Though they only lived five stories high, the people below seemed like colorful ants to her.

Jungkook wasn't home. He had to work extra shifts for a few days since he had taken a whole week off just to look after her. She had no one to talk to but herself, and she kinda liked it that way. It was good to be alone and just have yourself for a company once in a while.

But she was still remorseful. She was still mourning the death of the woman who had raised. The bracelet Jungkook had given her rested on her wrist, and she stole occasional glances at it as if it might disappear. Just like that. Poof!

She always felt her emotions take over when she thought about the day exactly a week ago when Jungkook had presented it to her. By looking at how things were going before she saw it, she was still trying to comprehend how in the world had she broken down like a baby when she was all in the mood of teasing and having fun. She honestly hadn't even cared about the gift back then; her body was all giddied up for spending some more time with him after the tense visit at the Otakawa Orphanage.

But anyway, things had been looking up for her, and their relationship ever since. The bracelet was just another layer of cementing love on their chemistry.

But after what Jungkook had done, Tzuyu didn't think that she'd be able to forgive him for all the struggle he and her friends had gone through, though Jungkook hadn't been bothered by the trouble and hard work at all. As long as she was happy, and as long as their love remained, that was all he needed.

Tzuyu felt a sudden rush of gratitude falling over her, and that was overcome by the ginormous love she felt for him. She made sure that she kissed him hard when he came home.

She wanted to thank him once again.

She wanted to make him happy, though not for once again, but forever.

But for the time being, she bunched up her hair in a messy bun (leaving out a few strays, of course), and tied her rose-colored apron around her tiny waist. The enormous rainbow of gushing emotions poured out of her every pore in every color as she managed to control her hyperactive body. Boy, she never thought that being this happy could make someone this jumpy. On her skips to the kitchen, her uncontrolled hands almost knocked over two vases, one that was given by Jungkook's mom as a little decoration for the place, while the other, she just bought yesterday.

She twirled and danced, humming along a sweet melody. Her hands stuck out before her and she imagined Jungkook's hand on her waist, him pulling her close that she could practically see his breath dancing along with them in their tiny ball. Realizing there was no music, she cued up piano instrumentals on her phone. Perfect. Now all she had to do was close her eyes and let his imaginary figure, dressed handsomely in a crisp black suit, lead her down to the middle of the ballroom. Her hand rested gently in his while his other one secured a comfortable grip on her waist.

They moved back and forth, softly, their clicks of his shoes and her heels adding a rhythm to the music. Her dressed flowed about her, making her resemble a red flower. All eyes in the room were on them. The cool draft escaping in through the window soon disappeared and sudden warmth took over. She could smell the fragrance of his all too familiar expensive cologne. It all seemed so real. It was as if she could actually feel his skin pressed against hers.

He twirled her. He pulled her close to him again. He lifted her up with both hands, letting her feel the sensation. And he ended it with a long, sweet kiss.

She was so lost in her imaginations that the passing time was a stranger to her. She didn't want to open her eyes, fearing that this perfect scenario would disappear, and it wasn't until she heard his deep laugh, so close that she went rigid in shock. "You're crazy, Tzu," came his chuckled whisper.

The maddening rush of butterflies in her began wobbling, making her stumble in her step. It was as if those winged insects were tiny machines and a few had loose screws. Ironically, the music she'd played ended and it was auto-played by another piece, this one more suspense, the drumming of drums beating in her eardums.

She opened her eyes, but immediately looked down in embarrassment when she saw Jungkook laughing before her, her face flushing a color as red as her apron.

He pulled her into another dance routine, though this one was a little off-beat. She remained stiff in the steps, all the flexibility her body was groving with gone. When he realized his dance didn't match with the melody, he began humming his own. Tzuyu got more self conscious as the seconds passed, and finally, she shook him off.

"When did you come home?" she asked, still not meeting his eyes. She had been so immersed in her little wonderland that she had totally forgotten about the dinner she was going good to prepare for him. "You're early."

Jungkook erupted into laugher again. He jumped back on the sofa, making a perfect landing, and sprawled down comfortably on it. "Ah, Tzu . . ." he hooted. "What were you doing?"

"Uuhh . . ."

"It was cute." He rolled back so he was laying on his stomach, and propped his elbows up to place his head on. "Hey?" he called. "The guy you were dancing with--I mean, in your imaginations--was it me? Or was it that guy you were fangirling over in that movie?"

"Of course, it was you!" she exclaimed, exasperated. She couldn't believe it was a question he'd ask.

"Good. It better be. Or else I would've made you spend one of those movie nights in my room." He then stopped to reconsider his words and spoke again, a small smile pulling his lips. "Actaully, why wasn't it him?"

She gave him a look. "Pervert."

"Call me anything you want, Tzu, but I'll be a pervert for that body anywhere, anytime," he answered in a flirtious tone, and blew her a kiss. She flicked it away with her fingers. "Hey!" he protested.

She sighed as the butterflies took off again.

Though she knew he really didn't mean that, and though she hated herself about it, a tiny plant of doubt grew in the pit of her stomach. And it was bothersome.

Was he unintentionally trying to lead their love on the same track as his and Lisa's? These two relationships had a lot in common in several ways (like how the couples had met through their insecurities), though they were totally different.

Isn't that all Jungkook and Lisa did when they were together--kiss and make out? Didn't that pretty much sum up their relationship? Lisa was the needy one there, Jungkook might be the needy one here. Tzuyu knew how easily she could turn him on, and he often made perverted jokes about it.

But the thing was, Tzuyu never felt uncomfortable with them. Was it that she was changing now that she had a partner, or was that she just knew that he would never use her?

Second option, definitely. She'll go with with it. They never did it properly ever again ever since those first two times, but of course, they were still growing with young minds, so of course, they did do some little shenanigans here and there when they got time because, like said before, it was an easy task for her to turn him into a sex beast.

Internally laughing at herself for such thoughts, she lightly slapped her right cheek, and that made Jungkook continue his hooting laughs once again. "You scare me sometimes, Tzu."

"Hey, cut it out," she pouted. Sensing the innocence behind his voice, she felt ashamed for even comparing the two relationships.

"Sorry, can't."

"Fine, I'll eat the chocolate cake myself, then." She smirked with a tiny shrug of her shoulders.

Immediately, he stopped laughing.

It almost seemed like the room was consumed by silence this whole time.

What cake?" he drooled.

Tzuyu smiled. She knew he was a sucker for her baking. "Glad that had it stopped, but I'm kidding."

He sat up and, giving her a nasty look, began slipping off his shoes and socks. "You really wanna have a sleepover at my place, don'tcha?" he asked, holding one sock threatenly in his hands.

"Heck no!" She scowled and made an X with her arms.

"Looks like it." He hurled his smelly garment at her, but before it could hit her, she struck it down with her fast reflexes.

"Now you're definitely not getting it." She kicked his sock away and turned her back to him, heading to the kitchen. "I was planning on making some, anyway."

"Really?!" Like a child, he shuffled off from the sofa and scrambled up to her for a back hug. "Can I please have some? I'll die if don't," he pleaded, planting small kisses on her neck. "Look, it's my birthday next month."

She laughed. "Add fifteen more days to that, bunny boy. Your birthday is a month and half away. You'll get some when it arrives," she teased.

"Noooo!" Jungkook whined and held her back from her shoulders.

Tzuyu pushed him back. "And you used to call me a kid."

He stuck out his bottomed lip. He hated it when she brought up his teasing from the past to tease him back. He knew he had a five year-old hidden somewhere inside him, but back then, he never got the chance to let his personality run around freely. Now that he already found his wife, he had someone to look after that insecure child inside him. Well, actually, ever since she'd been too afraid of losing him, he hadn't been able to recall that last time he'd felt insecure. "But I loved you back then, too," he said. He had no idea why he said that or how it made sense.

Apparently, Tzuyu felt the same. "I don't see how's that relevant to this situation?" she reasoned with him and ruffled his hair.

"It means that let's make cake together," he said. "Right now. C'mon." He picked her up in his arms and carried her over to the kitchen counter. "Where are the ingredients?"

He patted her leg and, waddling over to the fridge, he began pulling out eggs and a gallon of milk.

"What are you doing?" she asked and jumped off from the marble surface, shivering at the sudden cold touch. But he just picked her up again and set her back down on the counter.

She gaped at him, wondering like always how he did that so effortlessly. Sure, his muscles were huge, thick bulges, but the way he did it without a single grunt was a bit unsettling.

"You just have to sit, wifey," he replied, his voice confident. "Just tell me what to do. I'll make the cake myself." He stopped to push back his hair and roll up his sleeves. "Can't let you take all the credit for good cooking skills now, can I?"

Woah! Maybe that was too much confidence. But other than that, she wanted to tell him that it was really SeokJin who took the title for the master cook. But she knew better than to listen to him boasting a whole speech of her cooking being the best to him in the whole wide world.

"Alright," she sighed and motioned with her hand for him to go ahead.

"Yass!" he whooped, smashing a fist in the air. "Let's get it!"

Ye-ah, she thought, her struggling to get out a breath as he tucked her hair behind her ear. Let's hope that's the only thing we get tonight, not a burned up building.

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