Male Singers Pregnancy Series

By xmoonlight_dahyunx

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This is my fifth pregnancy series book. I have four previous ones. This one is for my favourite male singers... More

1. Talking About Having A Baby
2. Making A Baby (Smut)
3. Finding Out You're Pregnant
5. Celebrating The News
6. Becoming A Father (His POV)
7. Telling His Family
8. Morning Sickness
9. First Scan
10. Starting To Show
11. Telling The Fans (Insta Post)
12. Babysitting For A Friend/ Relative
13. Finding Out The Gender
14. First Kick
15. Gender Reveal Party
16. Baby Shopping
17. He Sings To Your Bump
18. Pregnancy Photoshoot
19. Prenatal Class
20. He Buys Something For The Baby
21. Decorating The Nursery
22. Picking A Name
23. You're Uncomfortable And He Comforts You
24. Getting Ready For Baby
25. Anticipating The Birth
26. Labor/ Delivery- Shawn ๐Ÿ’–
27. Labor/ Delivery- Harvey ๐Ÿ’™
28. Labor/ Delivery- Niall ๐Ÿ’š
29. Labor/ Delivery- Ruel ๐Ÿ’œ
30. Labor/ Delivery- Khalid โค๏ธ
31. Labor/ Delivery- Eric ๐Ÿงก
32. Labor/ Delivery- Hunter ๐Ÿ’›
33. Labor/ Delivery- Charlie ๐ŸคŽ
34. Baby Comes Home
35. First Night
36. He Changes A Diaper/ Nappy
37. First Bath
38. Birth Announcement (Insta Post)
39. Family Photoshoot
40. Family Meeting The Baby
41. Date Night
42. Cute Family Time
43. He Babysits While You're Out
44. Family Day Out
45. Baby's First Smile
46. Baby Crawls
47. Baby's First Word
48. Baby's First Steps
49. Baby's First Birthday

4. Telling Him

1.8K 18 1
By xmoonlight_dahyunx

Shawn 💖

The other day I found out I'm pregnant when I was out shopping in the mall with Karen and Aaliyah. I'm so happy but I haven't told Shawn yet. None of us have. His dad knows. We are all about to surprise Shawn himself today. Karen and I have made a cake and iced it with 'You're going to be a daddy'. We thought that would be a surprise way of telling him I'm pregnant. We had to get Shawn out of the house for a few hours so we could do this. His dad has taken him out to distract him so he doesn't find out. The cake is all made now. It just needs to be decorated. It's cool enough so me and Karen start decorating it I ice it and then pipe on the writing. I have a steady hand when it comes to things like this. Shawn and Manny will be back soon so we are going to be ready. We have a mini party organised and we are going to turn out the lights. Manny texts us when they have pulled up the drive. Me, Karen and Aaliyah turn off the lights and get into place. The guys walk in and we turn on the lights. "Surprise" we says. "Wow! What's this?"
Shawn said looking surprised. "Why don't you look on the cake? Y/ N has a little something for you" Karen said. "Okay" he said. I get out the cake and take it to Shawn. "Read the cake" I said. "I'm going to be a daddy. Oh my gosh you're pregnant, my love" Shawn said. "Yes I am" I reply. "I can't believe it we are going to have a baby" he said putting his arms around me and kissing me. "We are" I smile. "How come everyone knew before me?" Shawn asks. "Because they did. I wanted to surprise you in a special way and your family made it possible" I reply. "Y/ N this is the best surprise I've ever had. I can't wait to to have a baby with you" he said. "Aawww you two are going to make the best parents ever" Karen said. "Not as amazing as you and dad" he said. So we celebrated by having some of our homemade cake and a little party to celebrate baby Mendes. I found out just at the right time

Harvey 💙

The other day I found out I'm pregnant and I'm going to surprise Harvey tonight when he gets home. I've been keeping it from him for the last few days. Thank God he didn't see the test I took. I managed to hide up from him. Today I went out to get a cute baby onesie made that says 'Hello Daddy' on it so like the baby is talking to him. Awwww I was thinking of some cute message to put on it and I thought of that. Anyway Harvey is due to get back soon. I've laid out the onesie on our bed on his side so when he walks in he'll see it. I casually sit on the couch so I don't give anything away when he gets home. I think he'll be so happy when he sees it. About 15 minutes later and the door opens and Harvey walks in. "Hey. I'm home, sexy" he said. "Hey, hottie. You're home" I reply. "Yes I'm home go you, baby" Harvey said sitting next to me and kissing me. A few minutes later he walks into our shared room. I quietly follow in after him. "What? A baby onesie. Are you for real, babe?" Harvey exclaims. "Yes I am. I'm pregnant" I reply. "Yessss I'm gonna be a dad. I'm so happy. Arrgghh" he said putting his arms me. "Me too. I knew you would be, Harv" I reply. "Fuck. We're having a baby. I can't wait to tell my fans. They're gonna go crazy" he said. "Hmmm yeah I'm sure you are" I reply. "How long have known for?" Harvey asks. "A few days" I reply. "You kept it from me for that long" he said. "Yes because I was figuring out away to tell you" I say. "Well that's amazing. This is so cute. It's like the baby is saying hello to me" Harvey laughs. We kiss for a while and then go and have something go eat. I knew Harvey would be so happy to find out I'm pregnant

Niall 💚

This morning I went to the fertility clinic to find out the results of my fertility tests and it came back with a positive result that I'm pregnant. Niall isn't home yet but he will  be soon so I can't wait to tell him. I know he'll be anxious and excited to find out if I'm pregnant or not. He'll be in for a surprise when he comes. Niall will be home soon. I'm cleaning up the house and tidying before he comes home. He tells me not to but I always like him to come home to a nice and clean house. He had a radio interview today so he's been gone most of the day. He texts me to tell me he's almost home. Can't wait to see my love and tell him our good news. The door opens and Niall walks in with a smile on his face.  "Hey, my love. I'm so happy to be home to you" he said. "Hey, darling. I'm so happy to have you home" I reply. Niall kisses me and we go into the lounge and sit down on the couch. "So you didn't tell me. How did the appointment go this morning? I've been anxious to know" Niall said. "Sorry I didn't tell you I was waiting till you got home to tell you. I didn't want to tell you on the phone" I reply. Niall looks at me and grabs both my hands and says "Darling, just say if you're not pregnant. I will be disappointed but we can try again". "Niall, you don't have to be disappointed. It's amazing news. The doctor says it's been successful and I'm pregnant" I reply. "OMG really really. Y/ N, this is the most incredible news for both of us. I can't believe it we are having a baby" Niall says jumping for joy. "Or it could be babies" I say. "So we're having twins or triplets" he asks. "Maybe we don't know yet. Dr Brown said we'll find at our first scan" I say. "That's awesome. Can't wait to finally be a daddy" he said. Niall shuffles closer to me and kisses me. Niall is overjoyed to know that everything has been successful and we are finally pregnant

Ruel 💜

I've known I'm pregnant for a couple of weeks now but I haven't told Ruel yet. I know neither of us are ready and we are only young. He got me pregnant on our first time together. I know my parents won't be happy. The only person who knows is my best friend Cassie. She went with me to the doctors. I kinda too scared to tell Ruel because what if he doesn't stay with me. We are only 17 and neither of us wanted a baby this young. Ruel and I are hanging out tonight but I'm still finding the right time to tell him which is not yet. Ruel and I are sat on the couch at his place on our own. "Y/ N, are you okay? You don't seem yourself all of a sudden" he said. "No I'm fine. Just a little tired" I reply. "Y/ N. Don't be silly. I know you better than that. If there's something on your mind. Please tell me. You know I'm the most understanding and thoughtful guy you know" Ruel said. I look at him with a tear in my eye. "What's up, sweetie? Don't keep me hanging" he said. "Ruel, I be mad but I went to the doctors the other week and I'm-I'm-I'm pregnant" I say. "What? You're pregnant" he replies. "Yes I am. I'm so sorry to tell you. It was a big mistake having sex without a condom but I'm pregnant. What should we do" I say. "Y/ N, no I'm glad you did. We will get through it together don't worry. Abortion is not an opinion in my eyes. I don't believe in it. We are keeping this baby, Y/ N and are going to give he or she the best life possible" Ruel said. "Yeah that's it. I don't want to tell my parents just yet as they'll kill us" I say. "We can tell them another time when we are both ready" he said. So I'm glad I told Ruel and he's really understanding and we'll both get through it together

Khalid ❤️

Tonight I'm going to surprise Khalid with my pregnancy news. I'm going to surprise him in a special and different way by painting my belly. My sister who is an artist is doing it for me. She's painting a cute baby elephant and writing 'Baby' on it. She's really skilled and know what she's doing. I know I'm in the early stages of pregnancy and people usually do this thing later on but I just thought it would be a cute way to tell Khalid I'm pregnant. Can't wait to show him. My sister is just finishing the painting. We have to wait for it to dry for sometime. "There we go. All done. Be careful not to smudge it" she said. "It's perfect, Y/ S/ N. I love it" I reply. "You're welcome, sis" she smiles. My sister leaves soon and I wait for Khalid to arrive. About an hour later the door opens and he walks into my apartment. "Hey, I'm here" he said. "Hey, babe. I'm in here" I say from the lounge. "Hey. How are you beautiful?" Khalid said. "I'm good. Are you?" I reply. "Yep all the better for seeing you" Khalid said kissing me. "Khalid, there's something I need to show you" I say. "Okay what's that?" he replies. I stand up from the couch and lift up my hoodie to reveal the paint that my sister did. "What? This is what I think it is" Khalid said. "Yes what do you think?" I say. "You're pregnant, babe. We're having a baby. Whoa" he said. "Yes I am" I reply. "That's amazing. I can't believe I'm gonna be a dad. It's honestly amazing" he replies. "Awwww you're happy" I say. "Of course I am. We talked about it. Didn't we?" Khalid said. "Yes we did. I'm pregnant" I say. "Our baby elephant is in there" he smiles scooping me into a hug. "Love you, Khalid" I say. "Love you too, Y/ N" he smiles. So I hold Khalid I'm pregnant and he's so happy just like me

Eric 🧡

It's Eric and I's first wedding anniversary today and we are going out tonight for a romantic meal to celebrate. We are going to the Korean restaurant he proposed to me over a year ago. It's lovely and so romantic too. I am also going to tell him I'm pregnant too. I have saved the pregnancy test I took me wrapped it up in a box and I'm going to give it to him over dinner. Can't wait to. I've hidden it in the trunk of the car and I'm going to sneak out and get it. We are all ready to go to the restaurant now. Eric and I are all dressed up for our date. "Let's go, jagiya and celebrate our anniversary" he said. "Absolutely I cant wait" I reply. We walk outside and get in the car and drive there. Soon we arrive and get out of the car and walk in and then get seated at our table. I will tell Eric later I'm pregnant. We pick up the menus and have a look. We've been here before so we know what the food is like and it's really good. So we order what we want and wait for it to come. "Y/ N, I can't believe it's a year since I married you. The most amazing woman in this world" Eric smiles. "I know, Eric. I love you. You're the most amazing husband in the world" I say. So our food comes and we tuck in and eat. It was so good. After we had eaten, I go out to the car and get the surprise for Eric. He didn't see me going out. I just said I needed the bathroom. "Where did you go and what's that?" he said when I got back. "If you open this, you'll see" I reply. "Okay let me see" he replies. "A pregnancy test. You're pregnant, babe. That's so amazing. I can't  believe it" Eric said. "I am. I wanted to surprise you today on our anniversary" I reply. "Yesss I'm so happy. I can't believe it. We are going to have a baby, baby" he said. "We are indeed" I reply. "This is the most special anniversary ever" Eric smiles. So we had an amazing time tonight at our anniversary meal. I told Eric I'm pregnant and made him the happiest man in the world

Hunter 💛

Hunter has just got back from buying me a pregnancy test from the pharmacy. I decided to take one as I wasn't feeling good. Hunter is waiting downstairs for me with Ezra. I sit on the toilet and take the test and wait did it to come back. I call Hunter up so we both can both look at the results together. I've put the test face down on the counter top. Hunter comes into the bathroom. "Have you done it yet?" he asks. "Yes I have" I reply. "So what is it?" he asks. "We're about to find out together" I reply. "I hope you're pregnant. My fingers are crossed" Hunter said. He stands by me by the sink and we both close our eyes and look at the test together. "You're pregnant. Yesss I'm so happy" Hunter cheers. "Me too. Yay! I was so hoping it would be a positive one" I reply. "We are having another baby. We are going to be parents again and Ezra is going to be a big brother" he said wrapping his arms me and kissing my lips. "Well let's go and tell him" I say. Me and Hunter celebrate our news for a few minutes before going downstairs. Ezra won't understand we are having another baby as he's only two years old. "Buddy, momma and dada need to tell you something" Hunter said putting Ezra on his lap. "Yes we do" I say. "Well we just found out that you're going to be a big brother. There is a baby in mommy's tummy" Hunter said. Ezra looks at both of us and smiles. "Baby, baby" he said. "That's right there's a baby in me, sweetie" I say. So Ezra knows now. Hunter and I are so so happy that the test came back positive. We are having our second child and we couldn't be happier

Charlie 🤎

I've known for a few days I'm pregnant but I haven't told him yet. I'm about to today. I've been reading ways to surprise your partner with your pregnancy and found a way I like. I've got up early and written a message on our chalkboard we have in the kitchen. I've written 'You're going to be a daddy, babe'. I wonder if he'll see it when he comes down for breakfast this morning. I obviously haven't told him as I'm surprising him. Charlie and I wake up and lay in bed for a bit before going down and having breakfast. I don't think he heard me when i got up a few hours ago. Well I hope he didn't because that would give it away. We both go down together. "So what do you want for breakfast, babe?" Charlie asks. "Ummm probably just cereal this morning" I reply. Charlie goes to the fridge and opens it up noticing the message on the door. "What? Are you serious, babe. I'm going to be a dad" he says. "Yes you are, Charlie. You're going to be a dad" I reply. "Wow! Amazing. You don't know how I feel right now" he said. "I know you'll be happy" I reply. "Yes I am. So happy. I'm so happy I decided I wanted a baby with you now. Well I got you pregnant and were having a baby now so yeah life is great" Charlie said putting his arms around me. "Awwww I'm glad you're happy, honey" I say. "I am so happy" he said. Charlie and I have breakfast celebrating our news. I'm so happy I told him in a special way as he can't wait to be a dad and I can't wait to be a mom. Such exciting times ahead

A/ N: so hope you liked that bit. Let me know your favourite pregnancy reveal

Also today I got a Shawn hoodie from his tour from H&M. Just like the ones from tour but much cheaper. I did buy a t shirt when I saw him but I wanted a hoodie So happy with it

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