TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Ma...

By Burning_Poppy

202K 5.6K 2.8K

Nine years since the start. Nine years since the dead became the apex predators of the Earth. Nine years sinc... More

Christmas Eve Special
Christmas Special
New Year /Eve Special
Book 1


2.5K 84 19
By Burning_Poppy

You and Clem decided to stay in your room for the rest of the day. You both needed to rest, so you talked. You told stories about your pasts. Some funny, some happy, some sad.

Clem: We're a lot alike.

You: Except I brutally murder people.

Clem: You need to stop saying that.

You: It's true.

Clem: So stop making it true.

You: It's not that easy.

Clem: You're right, but I'm here to help you.

You: Yeah, thanks.

There's a knock on the door.

Clem: Come in!

The door opens and Kate and Javier walk in.

Kate: Hey, how are you guys?

Clem: We're good.

Javier: We haven't seen you since this morning. We thought we'd check on you.

You: We thought it would be good to rest today.

Kate: With those injuries that was smart.

Javier: I think you'd like to know that we finished off those people. We had a team storm their main community. They liberated the place, so you won't have to worry about them anymore. I don't know if we would have been able to if you hadn't have stopped John, Y/N.

Charlie must have blabbed.

You: Oh, yeah.

Your voice drops to a depressed, emotionless tone. Clem notices and puts a hand on your back.

Javier: Did I say something wrong?

Clem: When we heal up, are you guys going to put us to work?

Clementine ignores him and changes the subject.

Kate: Yeah, we'll give you something that doesn't involve standing. And Y/N we don't know much about you, so we haven't really got a clue where to put you.

You: We need to find the rest of our group.

Javier: Right. You guys can go out and find them then come back. We'll keep your room warm for you.

Clem: Thanks. You know when we're good to leave.

Javier: Probably whenever you want. But I'd wait a few days.

Clem: No, you wouldn't. If it was Kate out there, you'd already be gone.

Kate: She's not wrong.

Clem: We are going to wait a few days. Y/N will probably end up carrying me and he can't really do that right now.

Javier: Well just enjoy yourselves then. We've got a band playing in the main plaza tomorrow if you want to go.

Clem: A band?

Javier: It keeps people happy. Helps them forget about everything.

Clem: Right. We might go.

Kate: Hope to see you there. I'll come check on you guys in the morning with Eleanor. We'll leave you alone for now.

Javier: Yeah, sleep well.

Clem: Thanks.

They walk out of the room.

Clem: If it makes you feel better, I don't think he told them about what happened. Just that you killed John.

You: I don't care. I know what happened, and so do you.

Clem: At least they don't though.

You: I don't wanna know what I did. I definitely don't want you to.

Clem: I'm not going to judge you because of it.

You: But you know how much of a monster I am. You've seen it firsthand.

Clem: Hey, I will not hold that over your head.

Clem: Liar.

You: Could you go to bed? I need to some alone time.

Clem: I-

You: Clem... I've been alone for about nine years. I need to be alone for a little bit.

Clem: Ok. You can come get me if you need me.


You've laid on the couch staring at the ceiling for hours, trying to sleep. Your brain has been too active though. You roll on your side and close your eyes. Finally, you feel the sensation of falling asleep.

Clem: Stop!

Y/N: Get the fuck out of my way!

You open your eyes to see Clem, your Clem, standing in front of a different you. You're a spectator watching from the sidelines as the different you stands face to face with Clem, a knife in his hand. The two of you are standing at the door of your room.

Clem: You can't do this!

Y/N: Fucking watch me!

Clem: I told you I would be here to help you... Now let me!


Clem: No, you'll have to kill me.

Y/N: Fine.

You watch as the other you kicks her leg out from under her and slits her throat as she falls. She squirms around on the ground gripping her throat as the other you steps over her and walks through the door. You want to help her, but you can't; you want to close your eyes, but you can't; you want to scream, but you can't.

Clem: Awful isn't it. That could happen one day.

You hear Clementine's voice behind you.

Clem: You think you wouldn't do it, but you also feel like you have to kill. Like it's the only way you can live. I stood in your way.

She stops talking like she's waiting for a response.

Clem: Right! You can't talk. Hold on.

You feel a weight lifted from you. You somehow know that you can move and talk now. You turn to the lifeless version of Clem that's been taunting you.

You: What the hell?!

Clem: What?

You: I would never do that!

Clem: You seem to think otherwise.

You: Fuck you!

Clem: We have some more things to look at if you'd like to go.

You: No. I don't want to see it.

Clem: Don't have much of choice.

Everything goes black and you hear muffled talking. Light slowly fills the area around you, and you see yourself, a different you again, on the ground, beaten and bloodied, Clem being held up by two people, and John knelt down over you. You're in the forest where you killed him.

John: You took everything from me. Now I'm going to repay you, by taking everything from you.

Y/N: No please!

John: How'd you do it again? Kill my wife I mean. You broke her before you killed her right?

He grabs Clementine's arm and bends it a way it shouldn't bend. She screams out in pain.

Y/N: Stop it!

John: Not until she's dead. She will die the way you would kill her.

He kicks her knee hard, sending her to the ground. You see the other you stumble to his feet and try to stop John, but John quickly brings his knee into his stomach, knocking him to the ground.

John: You can't do anything. Might as well stop trying.

John brings a knife to her throat and slowly cuts along it. Her eyes go wide as she begins to choke on her own blood.

Y/N: NO!

John grabs her and throws her beside the other you. You watch as the other you tries to save her, but ultimately fails.

Clem: What do you think happens next?

You: I...

The other you stumbles to his feet again and does everything he can to kill someone. John is just toying with him. Eventually John ends the fun and stabs the other you in the throat.

John: That's what you did to Tom right? Just stabbed him in the throat.

The other you falls to his knees and pulls the knife from his neck.

Clem: You don't have long.

The other you uses the last bit of life and strength left in him to stab the knife into John's side. With that, the other you falls down to the ground and dies.

Clem: You got her killed.

You: John's dead.

Clem: I know but imagine if you hadn't of killed them all in time.

You: Obviously I just did imagine it.

Clem: One more?

You: No.

Clem: Come on, please! I love seeing you hurt.

You: Fuck you.

Everything goes black again. Muffled voices begin, and the scene slowly comes into view. It's dark and rainy. Twenty-two people stand far enough away that you can only see their silhouettes. Clem stands behind another you with a whip covered in glass shards and rocks.

Clem whips the other you with it once, but the second time he grabs it. He pulls it away from her and whips it at her. It latches onto her face. He runs over and gets behind her as a barrage of bullets slam into her body. The other you then runs into the woods.

Next you are by the cars. Three Clementines stand guard over them. The other you quickly kills one and hides her body, then moves onto the other two. He whips one and it catches onto her body. She tries to rip it off. As the other Clem is in shock, he plunges a knife into her head. Clem manages to free the whip, so he grabs it with both hands, wraps it around her throat, and squeezes. Soon she stops moving, but the other people are coming. Probably more Clementines.

He grabs a rifle and hits the headlights of the cars out. Once he's done bullets wreak havoc on the cars. He hides until they stop. Using the darkness to his advantage he moves from Clementine to Clementine killing them all. Until there's one left. He raises the rifle to the back of her head.

Clem: You're a monster.

Y/N: Yep.

The other you walks away as Clementines rise from the dead and begin devouring the last one.

Clem: I don't know what to feel about that one. It was kind of weird.

You: Please stop.

Clem: But its so fun!

You: I can't watch anymore.

Clem: Fine you boring ass.


Your eyes shoot open and you sit up. Your covered in sweat. It's dark in the room and you can barely see. You stand up and walk to the bedroom door slowly opening it and peaking in. You can see Clementine sleeping on the bed peacefully. You're thankful for that.

You slowly close the door and walk to the couch. You sit down on it and lower your head into your hands. Your dreams are getting to you. You don't know what to do about them.

Clem: You could always jump out the window.

You quickly stand up and look around the room. There's nothing.

Clem: God you're an idiot.

Clem's voice seems to be everywhere at once.

You: I should go get some air.


Clem's POV

Y/N just opened my door. I don't know if he wanted to talk or he was checking on me. I should go make sure.

I grab my crutches lying beside the bed and slowly stand up. It's almost too dark to see. I jump to the door and open it. Just as I open it, I see the door to the apartment close.

Me: What is he doing?

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