Ouran High School Host Club [...

By AllBeautyDestroyed

136K 2.9K 2.3K

Being given a special scholarship to the elite school Ouran high school for your smarts and talent in arts, y... More

Ouran High School Host Club [RP]
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 1o
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Tamaki's ending~
Kyoya's ending~

Chapter 2

10.4K 232 349
By AllBeautyDestroyed

Name: [Surname], [Name]

Age: 17

Birthday: [enter birthday here XD]

Sex: Female

Blood type: AB-

Address: [enter address here! XD]

Phone Number: [###]

(Optional )Cell Number: [####]


English- 997/1000

Math- 992/1000

Science- 998/1000

History- 989/1000


Pervious School Grades

English- 98/100, A+

Math- 92/100 A-

Science- 107/100 A+ (Due to extra credit~)

History- 88/100 B+

Community Service Hours- 147/200 (I had to do 200 hours, not sure about everyone else though! XD)

GPA- 3.97

[Enter a bunch of useless information not regarding school here~ XD]


Kyoya smirked as his eyes read over your form. Why is it that commoners don’t care for their appearance? You didn’t look too… feminine. You looked like a lost boy… Your hair was brushed but it was still messy, like you had added gel to the tips/ends to purposely make it look messy. You wore your old school uniform, the white button up shirt was way too big for you and your pants had some holes in the knees.

Tamaki was still sulking in the corner, growing mushrooms, and then something hit him! You chose his daughter!

>:O That’s unacceptable!!

“NO! YOU CAN’T HAVE MY DARLING HARUHI!” Tamaki yelled, with fire in his eyes. Actual fire, really!

Girls swarmed into the room, swooning over the other hosts as you sat down with the brown haired boy. Something about him was… nostalgic?

“Oh my god~! Look! He actually requested~!” One girl blushed with hearts in her eyes.

 “SO MOE~!” another girl yelled

“Oh my!” One girl swooned and gracefully fell to the floor.


“Thank you for the request! I’m Haruhi.” The boy smiled with closed eyes. That voice sounds so… familiar and those eyes they look like someone you know or knew.

“Let me see your eyes” You whispered and reached over the table to touch his cheek. Haruhi’s eyes shot open at the feel of your cold hands.


Flashback to when you were 9



The little 9 year old girl sobbed as doctors rushed past her.

Everything went wrong.

So horribly wrong.

Why did it all come down to this? This wasn’t supposed to happen!

“Who is she?”

“That’s their daughter,”

“Well, get her out! She doesn’t need to see this!”

The nurse dressed in all white ran over to you, “Come on let’s go into another room,” She smiled down at you as if nothing was wrong. It was not comforting at all, even if it was meant to be.

The Nurse grabbed your hand and pulled you away from the hallway you were in. Although you were reluctant, you went with her anyways.

She dropped you off in a waiting room and quickly scurried away, probably back to what she was doing. The room had multiple chairs that were set in rows with coffee tables here and there.

The flowers on the tables were wilting; even the leaves and petals were falling off. Your small body tightened as you curled over holding your hand up to your heart.

It hurt so bad.

The tears left a dirty trail down your cheeks. It felt as if you had no more tears to let out, you had been crying so hard.

“Don’t cry.” You heard a voice whisper, in a way holding the same sadness. Your head shot up to see another little girl, probably your age standing there with sad brown eyes. They reminded you of candy chocolate bars.

You knew she was trying to help, but telling someone not to cry when it’s obvious they’ve lost someone is ridiculous. You sniffed and rubbed your eyes, trying to pull yourself together.

“There that’s better,” The little girl smiled and handed you a tissue. “My name’s Haruhi, what’s yours?”

“[Na-Name]” you whispered looking away from her.



End Flashback


“I… I know you.” You whispered leaning away from her, although it was not audible to anyone but yourself. The memory made your nose tingle as if you were trying to hold tears back; you were.

What was she doing dressing like a boy though? Might as well play along…

“You have beautiful eyes~” You mused while smiling with your eyes closed. It was true too; she had huge brown eyes that were really pretty.  They were candy-bar chocolate colored but, slightly darker. You made sure that your voice was a bit deeper to pull off the whole ‘she’s a dude’ persona.

“Oh, uh, thank you!” You could tell she was nervous, she was probably wondering why a guy, like yourself, was hitting on a guy like him.

Funny thing was-- neither of you two were guys though.

“Oh my god!” One girl yelled as she hugged onto her squealing friend.  Hearts were flying from almost every girl in the room.

“Ah! I’m sorry! I didn’t even ask for your name! I didn’t mean to be so rude.” Haruhi apologized, making you chuckle at her. “It’s fine, I’m … [M!Name]” if everyone thought you were a guy, you would give them one. Hell, you be the best damned guy you could be.  It was spontaneous, your act to become a guy instead of a girl. But, after your decision you were happy with the choice you made.

“[M! Name], isn’t he dreamy~?” You heard one girl whisper among the crowd.

“I would request him if he were a host~”

“Kyoya-senpai, is [M! Name] a host? Or will he become one?” You looked over to see Arika ask with a blush on her face.  

Any way to make the host club money.

“Well, it was never planned that he would become a host.” Kyoya said with a bored tone, while pushing up his glasses.

oh my god! If he becomes a host, he won’t be able to request my Haruhi!!’ Tamaki yelled in his mind, thinking it was an awesome idea! He quickly ran over to you.

“[M! Name]!” he yelled


“We would love it if you became a Host! All men, such as ourselves—” he threw his hand motioning the rest of the host club “love to entertain woman! What do you say? Join our club?”

“Mehh… I actually am thinking about joining the Kendo club, sorry Tamaki.” You said with a bored expression on your face.

[M! Name]-Kun! You’re really going to join the Kendo club?” A blond boy, who looked way too young to be in this school, tugged at the end of your shirt with puppy dog eyes.

So cute~

“Uhh, yeah. Someone from that club helped me and I feel I should pay him back.” You figured he was probably just a midget since nobody is wondering why a kid is here. Maybe he was too short for you to see when you first opened the door to the host club?

“But, here, you get ~cake~!” He squealed with a blush crossing his cheeks at mentioning ‘cake’.

“ohh, I love sweets~” You smiled joining him in dreaming about cake.

“I think the strawberry on top is the best part~!” He sang, you swear you were getting a sugar high just standing next to him!

“Oh, yeah! And the frosting~!” He looked at you with wide eyes and a titled head before agreeing with you, eagerly.

“Here [M! Name]-kun~ We can share this cake!” He pulled you off the couch you two were on. Walking over hand in hand you sat at a different table.

“Re..Really?!” You ask with the look of joy plastered on your face, “Yep~!”

“Thank you!” you smiled at the other boy, who seemed to be enjoying your company.  You were defiantly enjoying his! The Kendo club seemed so… boring , now!

“I-I-I … Ahh! I want to request [M! Name] when he becomes a host!”

“Me too~!”

“Stealing some of our valued customers-” someone said, you turned your head up to look at him. “-and you’re not even a host yet!” another finished. The twins, they have that ‘mischievous’ look written all over their faces. Even though they were twins, you could tell the difference between them.

“Oh, I’m sorry!” You stood up and bowed slightly. They smirked at each other then simultaneously the turned and smirked at you. You weren’t taken back, they were twins after all. They probably do this kind of stuff often.

“Well, properly introduce yourself [M! Name].” Tamaki exclaimed as rose petals flew from around him.

“Um, right. I’m [Surname], [M! Name], class 2A… uh, and it’s a pleasure to meet everyone?”  You murmured quietly while. This is weird… All the girls went quiet to listen to you. Some developed hearts in their eyes, others blushed and some went back to talking among each other.

“[M! Name] what’s your favorite food?”

“What are your hobbies?”

“When’s your birthday?”

You were bombarded with questions, it kind of felt like an interrogation. You felt yourself shrinking with each question they tossed at you, it was intimidating, really! The girls that were questioning you all looked at each other then all at the same time they looked at you, with wide eyes and asked the same question-

“Will you become a host?”  Some of them giggled.

“You are pretty popular with the ladies! I declare you now- Officially a member of the host club!” Tamaki stood on a slowly turning pedestal as a spot light was on him. Rose pedals flew around him.

“What?! I never agreed to that!” You yelled, but your yelling went unheard by almost everybody. The girls clapped as Tamaki made the announcement.

“I read about your scholarship, you do need to join 3 clubs, why not this one?” You knew who that was, you turned to look at Kyoya. Who simply smirked as he said it. You joining the club would probably bring in some new costumers, but you would defiantly need to fix your image. Kyoya chuckled to himself as he looked at you thinking about it.

“Um, [M! Nick-Name]-Chan, please join a club you’ll like!”  The little blond boy yelled with a smile on his face.

“Ah, yes. [M! Name] this is Mitsukuni Haninozuka.” Kyoya introduced you to the kid.

“You can just call me Honey~!” He smiled and held onto his pink bunny.

“This club does seem fun and everyone here seems nice too.” You pondered on whether or not to join.

“[M! Name]-Kun, will you become a host?” A girl asked shyly as she fiddled with her fingers, you smirked in the slightest. You made your decision.

“Only If you say ‘pretty please with a strawberry on top~’” You mused and laughed lightly. Yep, you decided to join both the Host Club and Kendo club. You just needed to find one last club and get started.

The girls face lit up like a red firework, “Will you join the club? Pretty p-please with a str-strawberry on top?” She stuttered, but had a hopeful smile on her face and a blush.

“Tamaki-senpai~ I would like to join your—”

“Oh I knew you would come around~! We need to fix your image and give you a title!” Tamaki exclaimed proudly as if he found buried treasure.

“Things you need to learn, they are quite simple, really. I will be your mentor on how to become a gentleman like myself. I know it sound intimidating but, I know you can do it, my little flower!” Sparkles exploded around him as he brushed his hair back with his hand.  His light purple eyes sparkled too!


“Here! Go put this on—” “—and then we’ll have Tamaki’s hair dresser take over~” The twins looked at each other broadly before pushing you into the dressing room. Making sure the curtains were completely closed you pulled out the uniform from the brown bag they had given you. You changed into it rather quickly, in fear one of them would come in.


Getting dressed this morning you noticed something that was not manly, what-so-ever.

Your chest was far too large! How in the world did everyone at school confuse you to be a boy with the size of these?! You grabbed your chest in a small fit of anger.

‘I can’t believe I’m actually doing this…’ you sighed as you cut off a long piece of duck tape and began to tape down those womanly assets of yours.

Minutes passes before you got them taped down enough to your liking.

You figured this would just be a great time to get your acting skills up, or even test them out.


The curtains flew open, it startled you but luckily you were already dressed in your new uniform.

“Not bad.” One twin observed you from top to bottom, “Not bad at all.” The other twin said mimicking his brother’s actions.

“Dude, you need to fix your buttons.” The ruder twin pointed out, you had buttoned it all wrong. These two may look alike but, damn! Their personalities are so different- whether they see it or not.

You had an undershirt on so you didn’t mind unbuttoning the blue coat in front of them.

“So, what are your guys’ names?” you asked nonchalantly as you re-buttoned your coat.

 “I’m Hikaru~”

“And I’m Kaoru~”

“Let’s play the ‘which one is Hikaru game~!’” They both sang at the same time before snickering at each other.

“Guys, I don’t think that’s fair! He doesn’t even know you two yet.” Tamaki ran up acting as if he were saving you.

“Hmm… you do clean up well! I think you will make a great host!” The blonde yelled as his purple eyes looked at how good you cleaned up. He pulled you out so the hair dresser could work on your hair…

(Now whether your hair is long or not it doesn’t matter (I should’ve put this in sooner! Sorry). I think guys with long hair are attractive~ ;o aha!)

After half an hour of sitting in the chair the lady was finally done with your hair. She twirled the scissors between her fingers, like a pro. She was dressed in high fashioned leather clothing and she rocked a black bob-hair cut.  Her bangs were blunt and straight across.

“Master Tamaki, your approval?” She smirked to herself as she pushed down her sunglasses to reveal bright blue eyes.

Everyone here just has to look like models, huh?!

“Ohh! You’ve done a wonderful job!” Tamaki yelled in excitement as he ran over to you, the hair stylist disappeared through some door pleased with her work.  . . You didn’t even get to thank her…

“I’ve got it!” Tamaki exclaimed “You will now be the adopted son in our family!” He hugged you tight and spun around, tears of joy exploding from his eyes. Tamaki let you go but continued cheering in happiness. You flew across the room when he let you go, but landed gracefully on your feet.

“You know, being the ‘adopted son’ is better than what I started out with.” The voice laughed lightly behind you, you knew it was Haruhi. She walked over to you.

“What was your place at first?” you turned to her smiling.

“I was his ‘little piglet’ or the ‘dog’, he has his own fantasies…” she sighed in slight annoyance at Tamaki calling her piglet. She didn’t look like she was her by will. Haruhi was a good actress too, she pretended she wanted to be here, but it was obvious she didn’t want this. Her teeth were clenched together tightly as Tamaki began to rant on how ‘he loved his family~’.

“Haruhi, why did you join this club?” you asked in a low whisper that Tamaki couldn’t hear; you didn’t want to throw off his grove! He was defiantly amusing to watch. She seemed to tense up a bit more when you asked the question.

“Well, it’s a long story…” She sighed and kept quiet. You didn’t want to push an answer out of her, so you just dropped it.

“Why are you starting school late?” She asked,

“Well, I just recently moved back to Japan. I went to live with my Aunt for the Summer.” You replied, the reason you went to live with them was difficult to explain, but very easy to understand. Haruhi nodded understanding why you came to school 2 weeks late.

“[M! NICK-NAME~]!” Hunny yelled with tears in his eyes as he ran up to you with his pink bunny. You bent down hugging you knees. “Is something wrong Hunny-senpai?” You asked tilting you head to the side as he stood in front of you and sniffled his cries. He used his free hand to rub is nose, which was now pink.

His bottom lip quivered as he did his best to tell you what was wrong. “I-I tr-tripped over my-my U-Usa-chan and no-now he’s di-dirty!” He sobbed as he showed you an only slightly dirty bunny.

“Well, Usa-chan what’s to know if you’re okay?” You asked as you grabbed the pink bunny from him and held onto it with care. This bunny was obviously important to him; it reminded you of the panda bear, ‘Ooboo’ that has always been on your bed since you were little.

“I-I hav-have a boo-boo!” He cried slightly, his tears easing up at care you were giving him. He showed you the small red scratch on his elbow. You chuckled lightly, “You need to be more careful, Mitsukuni.” Takashi scolded the boy as he stood over you two.

“Here.” Takashi mumbled as he put a band-aid over the boy’s ‘boo-boo’. It was cute how Takashi cared for Hunny. You had a feeling you were really going to enjoy this club.

Alright, this is up to you gus~ Do you want Haruhi to become a love interest too? I’m perfectly fine with writing girl x girl. And, I feel … dirty for putting Hunny as a love interest when he looks… you know 7? XD! I cant help it! You know you’ve had some dirty thoughts on him too! >:D Don’t lie~! Aha! All the hosts are love interest~ Depending on Haruhi or not! XD

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