By Rita304_V2

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NEW BOOK! y/n is your name. f/n is your family name. The characters in the story are Pein - Hidan Kakuzu - D... More

First meeting
Proving your worth
He makes you blush
You get hurt
Something is wrong
You use your charms
You do something nice
Accidental gropes
Time with his partner
They realize their feelings
The ship
Playing with their hair
You go on a date
When you cry
Make them blush
He is sick
Sleep together
Wake up
When you fight / He hurts you
When he cries/apologies
Getting caught kissing
He sees you naked
None accidental grope
The truth~
The truth 2
You get possessive/over protective
It's your birthday
He is being a pervert
Deidara - First time
Zetsu - First time
Obito - First time
Nagato - First time
Kisame - First time
Kakuzu - First time
Itachi - First time
Hidan - First time
Sasori - First time
The morning after
He turns into a kid 1
He turns into a kid 2
He turns back
He scares you
When he gets hurt
Laundry day
Meeting konoha shinobi
His past stories
You leave for a mission
I quit the Akatsuki!
He gets the news
Come back!
Bath time
Unusual friendships
You tease/seduce him
You get sick/hurt
You are preggers!
Unusual friendships 2
You scare him
First kick
You have a miscarriage
He has a nightmare
Meeting konoha shinobi 2
He holds the baby
Daddy/baby moments
The Devil's covet valley
The Devil's covet Valley 2
My personal covet
The Family Reunion
Aftermath cuddles
See their partner naked
The babysitter
The hidden truth behind their parents
You fight
You runaway
Seeking refuge
He comes back
Meeting konoha shinobi 3
The clash!
Judgment day
Trial Aftermath
Unexpected visitor
His birthday
Getting caught
The kids leave
Mission gone wrong
The kids get hurt

The mission

2.1K 59 7
By Rita304_V2

This took too much time because I had to research and rewatch a few episodes for accuracy. These are like almost exact style of any Naruto shippuden episode :D why? because they fill my heart with warmth, like I’m watching an Akatsuki part of the show
hope you enjoy these because they are very long and the next chapter is also, so it will take time❤
Now we commence🎢🎢🎢!
You headed through the snowy land feeling your heart almost stop from the continuously dropping temperature. The rain village was extremely cold most of the times but not as much as the land of iron, that was an ocean away from the land of snow. You trudged into the harsh wind and opened your scroll reading the written information and drawn maps.
The scroll said that there were 5 rogues living in a cave like underground base in the middle of nowhere and one of them was supposedly the leader; your target. And you were not going to let a minor setback like the weather, get to you. Endurance is a main point in a shinobi’s training and you will not let your Kami down.
You jumped from one rock to another, after spotting what seemed to look like a cave entrance. You skidded down on a snow slope and landed near a cave entrance, formed entirely from crystal clear ice with uneven icicles hanging down from the ceiling. You shook off the snow from your clothes and entered carefully not making a single sound. Everything was described exactly as the file said, which made you much more confident in your planning. You found a few stairs and headed down into the secret hideout.
Five men were standing outside talking, planning and completely distracted which was the perfect opportunity to strike. You released your chakra blades and jumped up landing between them then struck your blades at their necks. Some were slashed and some were able to avoid your attack but you were not going to fail this mission at all.
The fight dragged on but eventually you killed all of them and headed out with a smile. As you were going out the cave you froze in place at the sight before you. There was a huge army of those guys and they seemed like they were waiting for you. <An entire civilization of these people was down there but why wasn’t this written in the file?> you looked in horror at the masses of shinobi with weapons and metallic armor.
“**Heh not so tough now are we?**” a familiar voice spoke
You turned around and your eyes widened in shock as you saw Zetsu standing on top of the cave with a smirk 

"Zestu!! What is the meaning of this?" you yelled frantically

"**Confused? I thought you would be smarter than this but you walked right into my trap so willingly**Pein sama agreed to this. He wanted us to get rid of you and told us to do it somewhere far far away" the white side chuckled

You grit your teeth "That is not true!! You are lying to me!! Pein sama would never do this to me!...Im his-"

"**Angel? No you are a distraction...a burden. He thinks you are setting him back** heck he barely even trusts you I mean why on earth would he hand you tracking devices as a gift? He clearly doesn’t have faith in you. He used you to find and kill your clan because they know too much and to satisfy his own cravings **this Kami isn't who you think he is. This man is cruel and will do anything for the sake of his goal including killing his own teammate**

You shook your head in disbelief "NO!! I’m going to kill you!!!" 

He laughed “**you mess with me…you die** it was dangerous to keep you around when you know so much about us… you will be a hindrance to our plans...but before you kill us. You will have to go through them. After all you just killed their leader" he laughed and sunk into the ground.
You felt your heartbeat increase from fear. This was all a set up by Zetsu and you know Pein would never do this to you....would he?

Your breathing became quicker and more shallow you knew this was certain death. No person of your skill could fight off such a large amount of people at once. Your entire muscles tensed up and you were in full panic. You raised your blades up ready to fight and they all noticed your trembling hands which added to their evil glowers.
Was this it? it was such a short life you had… This vile creature has won. The plan of his mother’s resurrection will commence and Nagato will surely get killed. You teared up and the men charged with full force. 

You fought as hard and quick as you could, trying to kill all the men or at least have an opening to run off. Your robes were soaked in blood and it revolted you to the core. Your pristine white became the color of death....it was you sign of weak faith...your kami truly abandoned you. 

This kami is dead to you now...his faith washed away so easily. Even though you had to hold on to him in the direst situations to make it through, you were empty without his love...you were a sad shell made of skin and bones. 

Is this how atheists feel?....they are so…lonely. You gasped in pain as one of the swords went through your chest and out the other side. Your eyes widened in shock as you felt the coldness embrace you.

<Why do I have a Kami? In Death we are alone....no one is there to hold our hand. It is a struggle between you and yourself...No lover or kami can help you...Death is cold....and god is dead....nothing is real> you thought as you fell on to the snowy ground. The men didn’t bother giving you a quick death and left you there.
You were either going to bleed out or freeze before you do. A single tear fell from your eyes as the white snow around you turned crimson...just like your robes… so easy to taint....just like your faith.

You felt your eyes blur and closed them slightly embracing your fate.
 You stood on a rock on the top of a big waterfall looking down at the deep pond underneath. “Wow it is so weird to be home again” You thought to yourself and jumped towards the cave behind the waterfall then dove into to the fresh crystal clear water cavern. You swam into an underwater canal going deeper into the water and reached an outlet. You surfaced carefully from the lake facing the giant Takigakure tree. 
You felt your stomach turn at the familiar sight and remembered the night of your clan’s persecution. It was still too early in the morning and the village’s roads and streets were almost empty, which was a perfect opportunity for you sneak up into the leader’s residence. 
Pein told you that Takigakure had accurate solid evidence of the Akatsuki’s existence and stance which they planned to share in a meeting with the other nations in exchange for money. Your job was to find and destroy the evidence in pure stealth and then flee the area. You spotted two shinobi guards outside his house and sighed <Hey Demon, report what you see **They don’t seem like sensory ninjas. The one on the left is a water based shinobi while the one on the left is lightening. I guessing they used a joined jutsu to disorient and bring down an intruder without killing them for the sake of investigation**>
You nodded and grabbed a rock throwing it towards the other direction, hitting a branch. The men were alerted and one of them went to check it out while the other remained in place at the door. You dropped behind the man at the door and cracked his neck then hid the body in a bush and killed off the other swiftly. 
You smiled proudly and entered the house, then started to look for the file Pein informed you about. You walked into a room that looked like his main office and spotted a few files on the desk laid around.
<**y/n stop….something is not right here** what do you mean? **the leader…he was in the house and I could sense his chakra but it vanished so suddenly… you need to abort the mission. If I can’t sense him then I can’t help you**>
You felt a bit anxious and ignored the demons warning heading towards the desk to check the files <**Y/n!! Don’t ignore me!!! it is for your own good**> your demon growled and took control of your legs forcing you to step away from the desk. <it is just a file and I’ve come so far just let me do this!!> You frowned searching the papers.
“Y/n f/n….the child that escaped” a voice spoke behind you.
You flinched and turned around quick as the leader of the village stood before you. He was very young of age. He had black eyes and long brown hair, wearing a kimono and a red scarf. His name was Shibuki…and he knew you very well.

You gulped and stepped back “Shibuki sama” 
He looked at you sternly “You work with them now?... What a shame. I had hope for you y/n… I thought you were different… I let you go in hopes that you would be better than this” 
You didn’t know what to say remembering that night your clan got exterminated. Back then Shibuki’s father was in charge, Hisen. Shibuki was supposed to help exterminate as well but you begged him not to kill you. He always had a soft spot for the children of Takigakure and believed that compassion comes a long way, so he let you off.
“I’m sorry… I have to do this… It is where I belong” 
He shook his head “No… those monsters are not the people you belong with… you are not a bad person y/n. These men are full of hatred but I for one know how loving you can be. Back then when I asked you why you didn’t get rid of your demon you didn’t say for power or showed greed…you merely said that you liked him and that you fear he would be sad if you did…you are a sensitive girl y/n… you belong here…this is your home” 
You teared up “Then why did you kick me and my clan out this way, if this is home!!?” 
He nodded “My father ruled back then… now it is me…this is my choice. Please help me get rid of them y/n. They are a threat to so many innocent people” 
Your eyes widened and you shook your head “I-I can’t...**I WON’T LET YOU**” the demon barked 
“So be it then” He said calmly and preformed a few signs. The demon charged at him pushing him through the wall, breaking it. The boy jumped backward outside the house and slammed his palm on to the ground forming water dragons that were ready to strike at you quick to tie you down. The demon avoided them skillfully but one bit the back of your neck making you scream in pain as it sucked your chakra away. Shubuki preformed more signs and grabbed your forehead “Don’t worry y/n… I will free you” he said and you felt your body being ripped to shreds. The demon screamed in pain and thrashed around until he was fully torn out your body. 
You gasped in pain as tears streamed down your cheeks and watched as your demon fell on to the ground with a thud breathing shallowly. Shibuki opened a scroll and sealed the demon inside then released the justsu on you. You dropped down to the ground weakly feeling your eyes get heavy from the sudden lack in power. Shibuki held you in his arms and smiled “You will be alright now…I’m glad you came back”
Those were the last words you heard before you blacked out.
----- Translation to some names--------
Koeda - means “twig”
Itsuki – means “tree”
Daiki – means “great tree”
Hideki - means “Amazing tree”
You stood near the entrance of Takigakure and took a deep breath, smelling the familiar scent. It was extremely nostalgic and it made your heart hurt; the smell, the sound everything about this place. You loved your home but it was the people there that you loathed and just like Kakuzu you haven’t stepped foot in there for many years. You preformed a few signs and changed your appearance before jumping into the water and diving down to the underwater cavern then surfaced out to the hidden village. You couldn’t believe your eyes. The village has changed so much. There were new buildings all around with electric poles and convenience stores and playgrounds. It was like a completely different place. 
You sighed in disappointment “they have all this tech and enhancements now but can't bother finding a way not to get wet when entering the village” you grumbled seeing that your make up was ruined. 
“Tell me about it” a voice behind you spoke 
You turned around and saw a young charming man giving you his hand to take you out the water. You hesitated at first but took his hand and got pulled up
“Are you new here to Taki?” he asked and you gave him a charming smile and nodded “I am…but my roots are from here” you lied
He smiled happily “Is that true? Then I need to show you around! I don’t really have many friends and I got some spare time...and it isn’t everyday a cute girl says more than two words to me" he laughed then stopped “I think I said too much heh”
You didn’t want to give yourself away and saw that you had enough time to kick back and relax “Sure why not?...I'll come with you” 
The man showed you almost everything from restaurants to parks to facilities and you had so much fun. He bought you some local weird colored dango even but he talked an awful lot. 
“Koeda you baka! Father is looking for you! why are you here slacking off?…who is this?” a voice spoke 
<Koeda? Isn’t that a girl’s name> you sweatdropped looking at the boy next to you
The boy turned around and smiled rubbing the back of his head “Oh Hideki!…I was just err… showing this girl around. She is new”
Hideki frowned and glared at you. He looked stern and was dressed in what seemed like a warden outfit. “I am not familiar with you. state your name, business and state of affiliation with Taki” 
You gulped “ I’m o/n (other name) f/n, My parents were from Taki but I was born outside and decided to come back and see it for myself” 
“Why were your parents out?” 
“I am the granddaughter of y/n f/n. she ran away 75 years ago. Her father was the head of the Taki guards” you tried to bend the truth
The man squinted in suspicion until the boy shoved him aside “Nii san! Quit interrogating her. She is a guest not one of your prisoners” 
The brother frowned “Whatever just hurry back to father. He is furious with you” 
Koeda, you thought his name was, nodded and took your hand pulling you after him. “Wait! why are you taking me with?” You yelled 
“if I get a guest dad would be less furious. I showed you around, so you owe me that” He laughed 
You sweatdropped <I wanted to wind back but now I’m in too deep…shit!>
You reached his father’s workshop which was in the giant Takigakure, carved tree through one of its massive roots. Koeda entered keeping you close. 
“Father I’m back!” 
“KEODA YOU WORTHLESS CHILD!!! YOUR MOTHER WAS RIGHT WHEN SHE NICKNAMED YOU THAT NAME! INFRONT OF THE TREE YOU ARE BUT A USELESS DEAD TWIG!” The father yelled storming into the room then stopped seeing you, and looked at his son questioningly. 
“Father this is o/n f/n she recently came to the village and I got caught up showing her around” Then he turned to you “o/n this is my father, the great Daiki sama”
Your eyes widened <Daiki??This is my target… fate just dragged me into this man’s home upon entering within hours…this was too easy> 
You bowed slightly “Nice to meet you, Daiki sama” 
The father smiled “Do me a favor girl, don’t hang out with Itsuki much. Hideki, his older brother, is more suitable to form a decent conversation with” The old man spoke
You nodded then looked around “What exactly do you do here?” 
“He is in charge of sealing and banning dangerous jutsus and listing them under the kinjutsu section” Itsuki said earning a smack on the head.
“This type of work is top secret you idiot! Don’t go around blabbering” the father spoke and you smirked 
“Thank you that is all I needed to know” you said catching their attention and with one quick movement you stab the father through the heart. 
They both stared in shock and the front door burst open “ITSUKI WHERE IS THAT WOMAN?? SHE ISN’T WHO SHE SAYS SHE IS! SHE IS Y/N F/N THE IMMORTAL!!!” Hideki yelled and froze seeing that he was too late. 
You chuckled and ripped the poisoned kunai out the old man’s chest “Thanks for making my job easier Itsuki chan” You smirked changing back to your form.
The warden snapped in fit rage and attacked you but you preformed some signs making your body ghostly and untouchable then ran out through the wall. 
“That… that is the phantom Kinjutsu” Itsuki told his brother and they both ran after you. You sprinted as fast as you could before they had a chance to call or alert anyone around them. However you heard the sound of a loud horn in the distance and knew they had alerted the officials. You jumped from one rooftop to another and reached the exit then dove in to the water swimming out the village. You emerged from the pond coughing a bit because you tired yourself out then continued to escape the area.
This was indeed some luck you had. Pein wasn’t going to believe how smooth this mission went…but there was the same horn like sound once more but this time it got louder.
( so easy :D )
You reached the outskirts or the cloud village and decided to sit down on a high cliff and catch your breath after the long journey before you get to work. You didn’t know if your heart was racing because of the run here or the anxiety you had from actually triggering a titanic nation by cutting its supply routes alone. If you got caught, there will be a zero chance of survival.
You shook your head trying to toss the negative thoughts away and got up taking a deep breath, opening the map. The cliff had a good view of all four bridges. You had to do this simultaneously by control masses of the explosive bubbles. You stood up and preformed a few hand sign and blew few bubbles then held each one bringing it to your lips pouring inside of them a strong form of acid and sent them off to the main beams of the bridges. You planned to weaken them with acid first then use the explosive bubbles to fully knock them out beyond repair. It was stealthy and more efficient than blowing each bridge with masses of explosives like Deidara. 
Your main concern was for someone to pass by and see you, since it was the main route to the village. The bridge’s metal began to steam and boil from the strong acid and now was your chance to blow it up. You formed tons of oil filled bubbles with one blow using the massive tailed beast chakra you had covering almost the entire river that was running underneath them. You prepared yourself to blow them up and lit up an explosive tag then threw it at the bubbles, watching the bridges blow up one by one as the bubbles caught fire. 
That was until your noticed and little child running on the fourth bridge. He was startled seeing the bridges in the distance explode and froze like a deer in headlights. You gasped and didn’t know why, but your body acted out on its own accord. You sprinted off the cliff and ran towards the bridge as the explosions went off inches away from you causing hot rubble to fall from the sky and a huge acidic smoke to emerge.
Before the last bridge blew up you caught on to the child and rolled off it as it lit up and dispersed with a loud boom noise. You held on to the child tightly shielding him from the hot rubble until the explosions subsided leaving no trace of the bridges; it was like they never existed. 
You got up and left the scene away from the acidic gas that was emitted and put the kid down making sure he was alright because he was clutching to you the whole time.
“Are you alright?”
He nodded but the fear was clear on his face. You hugged him close and rubbed his back “It’s alright. It’s over. What where you doing out here all by yourself?”
“tracking you down, Akatsuki” a firm voice came from the rocky cliffs around you and a group of masked Anbu dropped down surrounding you.
"Tracking? You use a child as your sensory nin?" You said in confusion. The little boy escaped your arms and hid behind what seemed the leader. They used whips to wrap them around your body before you could run. You tried using your slime to slip out the whips and they tried to electrify you which failed. However the leader wrapped charka strings around your body and pulled you back with a chuckle "can’t slip away from chakra" he said and hit the back of your head causing you to black out.


You heard the sound of dripping of water and felt a sudden ache on your neck going down your spine. You opened your eyes slightly seeing a dim light then sat up noticing that you were in a jail cell. You got up in panic and touched the bars trying to see a way out. 

"You are awake already" a voice spoke. The same man approached you with a smirk "sit tight little one. We are getting the interrogation room ready for you. The Akatsuki will be caught and stopped once and for all" he said and left 

"NO!!! LET ME OUT OF HERE!!!" You felt your anxiety rise and panic take over you. Even if you didn’t talk they could force their way into your mind uninvited and extract everything. Your breathing became tight and everything began to spin. Your ears almost stopped working and all you could hear was the sound of your heart almost jumping out your chest. There was no way out and if they got to the information then everything you know...all the people who actually thought you were worth something would seize to exist...all because of your stupid good heart. You teared up and remembered something from your past.

It was way back when you worked for Yagura sama. He had the guards implement a thin scroll into your body just in case a scenario like this happened...it was a seal that can remove your entire memories...and it was irreversible. You had no choice and it was your only option in order to protect yourself and the organization and your identity as well.

You reach for your forehead protector untying it and looked at your sad reflection. Your tears fell onto the metal but you tried hard not to cry at a time like this. You had to act quick before they came back. You snapped the metal in two, creating a sharp edge, feeling as if you broke your soul as well.

You lifted your pants leg and dug the metal into your leg where the small scroll was placed then removed it while whimpering in pain and used the fabric of the forehead protector to wrap the deep cut wound.

The scroll was covered in blood but it slid right off the protective case. You opened it taking out the paper and preformed a few hand signs. 

<I’m sorry Deidara...I hope you come find me and forgive me for this...that is if they chose to keep me alive...I’m going to miss you so much...please don’t be mad or think that I have abandoned you. It is my way of protecting you>

You let your tears fall and placed your palm on to the scroll then a strong surge of pain hit your head. You screamed in pain and gripped on to the side of your head. It was unbearable and you felt as if your mind was melting away. You sobbed seeing your memory disappearing. Names and faces of people you knew were gone. Your happy moment and saddest ones all gone...even your name and your identity ....who are you now?... Where are you?...are you a good person or a bad one?....good people don’t normally go to jail... 

<I....I don’t remember being a bad person> you thought looking around confused. Until the guards came running and saw what happened, noticing the scroll in front of you and your lost disoriented condition.

"Hello...Are you here to help me?" You asked them and they looked at each other not knowing what to do.


You headed towards the steam village hoping that you were on the right track. You passed by a small restaurant on your way there and decided to get some rest and buy something eat because it was getting dark. You ordered some hot soup and a rice bowl then sat down to eat. 
“Hey mister did you happen to see a pale creepy man with long black hair and yellow eyes pass by here? He normally travels with a silver haired guy in round glasses” You asked the owner of the place 
The man shook his head “No I’m sorry. I haven’t seen anyone like that” 
“oh…well thanks anyways” you spoke and he left back into the kitchen. You took out the doll to stare at it. It was like one of those complicated wooden puzzles that were impossible to solve. It was going to be a long search and walking into the sound village disguised as an Uchiha, wasn’t going to work again to lure Orochimaru out. You needed to think bigger and better. You finished up and went outside going back to the common route to reach yugakure. 
“Stupid Orochimaru; always hard to find…but all the proof points here…what the hell is he doing in the steam village any-” You stopped and facepalmed then sprinted off knowing exactly where he was. Orochimaru wanted to talk to you but Sasori interfered. He is in the same village you were found in…that’s right he was at the Jashinist’s cave!
You jumped from rock to rock climbing the steep mountains and dropped in front of the cave panting slightly. You walked in and saw that it was empty, much to your disappointment. 
“Where the hell are you?!” You yelled creating loud echoes into the cave. You sat down on the ground in disappointment. The night was too dark and there was no moon shinning on the sky tonight. You laid down on to the ground holding the doll in your hand cursing your luck. “My hunches were wrong!!… Orochimaru isn’t here… I’m just so lost…if only I had at least a bit of truth” You mumbled sadly then felt your eyes get heavy from the long sleepless trip and you fell asleep with the doll in hand. 
Morning came and you squirmed a bit noticing you had fallen asleep on the rough ground. You heard the sound of fire and smiled at the warm feeling then held onto the blanket tight. <so warm>

Wait …Blanket?...fire? 
You opened your eyes quick and sat up seeing a small campfire in fornt of you and a blanket over your shoulder. <what the hell?> you panicked and looked down at your clothes making sure they were still there then got up to see there was a food bento next to you. You hesitated at first but your stomach grumbled and you were starving. You opened it up seeing some soup and rice then frowned. 
“Didn’t I order the same thing yesterday?” you asked yourself
“I wanted to get you something else but I wasn’t sure what you liked” a voice spoke
You turned around quick to see the same man from the small restaurant entering the cave. You stood up quick and took a step back “w-why are you here?” 

He smiled and raised his hands “Don’t be alarmed. My name is Yuudai but you can just call me Yuu. I saw you in my restaurant yesterday night with a strange figurine in your hand… you said you were looking for Orochimaru” 
Your eyes widened and you relaxed “You know where he is?...you know about this doll?” 
He nodded sitting down on the ground near the fire and took out a necklace from under his shirt showing you the Jashin symbol. 
“You are a jashinist? …but you seem so humble” you said sitting down and picking up your food again to eat
He chuckled “Unfortunately yes I am and they are many more but we live in hiding” 
“Is it because of yugakure’s sudden pacifist shift?” you asked curiously
“No none of that… this man, Orochimaru, has been trying to catch us for years. The cult still lives on but recently he has caught 20 of us and we can’t fight back because his body kept morphing and his skin kept shedding. He is after our secrets” 
You shook your head “When is he never… Do you know anything about this doll then?” 
“I’m surprised you are holding such artifact so freely. This isn’t a doll. It is the first jashinist artifact to ever exist. They used that to turn immortal. There was only two of it. We called them the ‘blood twins’. You have one but the second was destroyed when Orochimaru attacked us during a ritual. We knew you would come back with the second…Jashin sama said so” 
You frowned “so what? I’m like this chosen one now?...you should find another Savior. I’m selfish as heck” 
He laughed “well more or less. Great things and miracles happen in this cave. I’m the only one left not caught. I wished for a savior and then you show up… has anything unusual happened to you in this cave?” 
You thought and remembered Sasori turning human then blushed. “Yes…a lot of things happened here” 
He smiled “This cave looks into our hearts and reveals truths we never knew we wanted to hear… they make us spontaneous” 
You held the doll up “So this artifact is what makes you immortals?”
“There are three holes on its chest. it needs to have three drops of blood poured in. the initiate’s, then brother’s and the host’s” 
You looked at him confused and he explained further “The initiate is the new member, the brother is any fellow jashinist who already has the blessings and the host…is the owner of this doll, bless by jashin sama himself upon birth… you are a sacrificial piece that will not die. But it comes at a price” 
“Sacrificial piece? Is the price being stabbed in the chest?” you said tensing up a bit 
He shook his head “No…it comes at the cost of your memory. It seems to distort you but never harm you physically”
You froze “My memory?... I lose it each time you have an initiate?!” 
“There was a boy before you who was the host. He lived between us and is caught by Orochimaru as we speak. The snake is studying his blood to unlock the secret behind our abilities” 
You held on to the doll and sighed “You want me to stop him to preserve your secrets and bring the boy back?”
He nodded “I know where his hideout is… We aren’t exactly nice people but I hope you will be willing to help us” 
You sighed and nodded “it is my mission to kill him… He has hurt so many clans and people and I promised someone I’d bring him his head… I’ll do it. Lead the way”
(Kisame’s girl is always too cute... I don’t want anything happening to her )
You jumped excitedly from one branch to another then dropped down next to a small village entrance. You looked at your file that had a picture of the town then at the village. It looked smaller in the picture. You target was supposedly living here however you had no picture and no names, nothing. He was said to be a kirgakure shinobi and the only help you had was a small picture of his back tattoo that was a swimming shark with octopus tentacles wrapped around it and swords piercing through the shark’s back.

You chuckled at it “Kisame would probably hate this guy” you said to yourself then entered the town looking around seeing kids playing around and merchants selling items to people and some old ladies in the corner gossiping about the passing youths. It was like a small idealistic town but what you noticed most was the town’s logo.

It was some sort of square shaped flower with swords coming out of it and it was on everything! Flags, shops, even textile prints on silk kimonos. It seemed like they took pride in who they were and you got curious about it, so you approached a smith working near by an armory. 
“Excuse me sir. Can I know more about your town’s crest… it seems interesting”
He put down his hammer and smiled “You passing by?“
You nodded “Yes…I couldn’t help but get curious about this place. You are all so lively”
He nodded “Yes we have been this way for years. Our crest has a story actually. This town is the foundation of all weaponry manufacturing. We ship out all sorts of weapons to the big nations”
You smiled excitedly “I know a guy who would love to hear about this place… he is a swordsman…It is weird I haven’t heard of you before?” 
“Well we take no part in wars and such and it is a small town so there is nothing that invites people in, besides purchasing weapons. this town is like a huge factory. The mountains and grounds surrounding us are stacked with the world’s finest metals, which is what the triangular sharp shapes represent in our crest. However, It is not the metal that makes the sword, it is the way you handle and forge it” 
Your eyes shone “Wow… so amazing. I don’t want to distract you form your work but do you know someone who can tell me more this village? Like a village leader of some sort” He nodded and pointed at a faraway house on the side of the mountain. “Old man Kenji sama lives up on that hill. He knows the entire history and demography of this town and takes pride in it” 
You bowed politely and thanked him then headed to the far away house <maybe he knows the man with this tattoo> 
You jumped over the low fence surrounding the house and walked between the garden only to see a really old man sitting on the porch with a cane in his wrinkled hands. His white hair was so long and his eyes were barely visible from all the wrinkles. You knelt in front of him “Excuse me sir…Are you kenji sama?” 

He didn’t answer and you sighed remembering that elderly always had difficulty listening “EXCUSE ME SI-“
“I HEARD YOU THE FIRST TIME!!” he snapped making you flinch and pout “But you didn’t answer”
He shook his head “kids with no manner…show me your blade”
“my blade? Why?” you said weirded out by him 
“To see if you are worthy of talking to” 
You reached for your sword and handed it to him. He brought it near his face looking at the sharp edge “Impossible there is only one person I know who is capable of this… You… who are you and where did you get this from?”
You scratched the back of your head “this was handed down from generations in my family. It belong to my great grandfather”
He hummed and touched the handle studying the details “You are a noble from Kirigakure…a rogue…probably working as a mercenary” he said and you gasped in amazement  “you can tell all that by my sword?!”
He looked at you “you are literally wearing a slashed kirigakure headband” He said and you sweatdropped forgetting about that
“Obviously your sword is brighter than you are… so what family are you from?” 
You frowned “No! no more questions! It is my turn to ask question” You said snatching your sword away from him “I need to find a man with a shark tattoo. It is important I find him” 
He looked at you suspiciously “Why?”
You pouted “Do you know this man or not… if you don’t I’ll get going” You said and walked away.
He hooked his cane onto your shirt and pulled you back “You sure have no manners… follow me” He said and got up taking off his sandals to enter his house. You sighed and followed him inside. 
But your eyes widened seeing the wide range collection of blades hung on his walls until he stopped in front of a glass case. You got close and saw that it was the exact replica of your sword. “You have the same one?” you asked in shock
He nodded “That is because I crafted it” 

You felt confused “How?...My great grandfather crafted mine” 
He nodded “you are a decedent of the first Misukage, the man who made the seven swords of the blood mist. I know because I was his apprentice. I was just a little child back then. We worked on them together. he was truly a crazy old man but I had deep respect for him…it is a shame he passed… that is why I founded this village”
You smiled then looked down sadly “It is you isn’t it?…you have the tattoo you are my target because you hold such vast knowledge, that is why they want you alive”
He nodded “Listen kid… I don’t have much time left on this earth and I have never had the blessing of starting a family… I could teach you all you need to know…this information is technically rightfully yours to keep because it was your great grandfather that discovered such techniques…or you could end it here and take me back alive to die in some cell slaving away to make dull blades for greedy bastards… your choice…I obviously have no power to win a fight against you at this age” He said 
You gulped and thought “his techniques?... the one he used to forge Samehada even? “ you spoke in disbelief and gulped <I could always tell them that he died of old age…I can take these secrets to myself… I’ve always admired the Misukage and I always wanted to own a blade as amazing as Samehada. Maybe I can make a signature blade of my own. The Akatsuki will have to wait and I have time to spare. Things like this happen once in a life time and I'm not going to waste such a chance>
You smiled and nodded “I want to learn…if you don’t mind”
He smiled “My master’s decedent is now my apprentice…how the blood mist tides have turned” He chuckled and pulled you close with an inviting hug. 

You crouched between the tall grass like a wild cat ready to pounce at your target. It was a young man in charge of a group of bandits that were terrorizing the nearby villages. The Akatsuki got paid to exterminate them. Pein would normally send Deidara or Hidan for things like these but the rogues were smart because they would always run hide inside old relics or ancient temples that the villages preserved throughout the years.  Kusagakure didn’t want its temples and relics destroyed because they took pride in their ancestors and wanted a calm quiet extermination of those rogues. You got news that they were between the borders of the land of fire and kusagakure, which lead you up to this moment. 
You saw the young man holding a map and looking around, which was a perfect chance to attack. You activated your eyes and sprinted quickly to catch the boy. He turned around to block your attack and jumped backwards then began running. 
“Shit” You cursed and ran after him, trying to catch him out in the open before he found a sacred place to hide in. You were almost out of breath and tried tossing tons of Kunais and shurikens at him but he avoided them so skillfully.
He was starting to get tired and one of your kunais managed to pierce his arm but he kept on going until he reached his sanctuary. 
Your eyes widened in fear seeing the ancient abandoned building he was heading for. It was the Uchiha clan hideout. You grit your teeth at the bitter fate pulling you closer to that place. You didn’t want to step there again. you hated this place!
 You activated your mangekyo sharingan and released Susano. The chakra demon grabbed the boy out of fit rage before he entered the stone walls and crushed him in his fist making the boy scream in unbearable pain. You dropped him to the ground and got close to him with an angry look and glowing red eyes “You made a mistake” You said threateningly “Where are the rest?” 
He coughed out blood and looked towards the round structure then died. You sighed in agitation <In and out quickly… ignore all forms of distractions> you told yourself and you sprinted into the hideout looking for the rest of the rogues. You were extremely quick that they barely had enough time to react or protect themselves. You tore them down one by one, bathing the Uchiha’s sacred land with dense intruder blood. You killed your way through the masses, not leaving anyone alive from men to woman to children until they were all gone and you fell to your knees to rest and take a breath. You looked up at the wall in front of you and saw the painting of Izuna. It reminded you to get out as quick you could so you got up and headed out. 
“Wait… come back” You heard a voice speak but you chose to ignore it and quickened your pace. 
“Please… don’t turn your back on me” he spoke and you continued to walk faster 
“I’m sorry… I was wrong!! PLEASE!!” the voice called out and you stopped cursing your good heart then turned around and saw Izuna standing inches away from you. You stepped back but he took your hand to stop you “Please listen to me” 
You frowned “Why would I?!! you want me dead!! Even though I barely done anything to you! Shouldn’t you be dead after Itachi fought you!”
He shook his head “I’m a projection… I’m not really here in this world! I want to leave but I still haven’t found my closure and you haven’t either after your mother’s passing… I’ve lived for years going through my mixed bloodline until this day… I will tell you everything, if you promise to play along please”
You hesitated at first but nodded “fine” 
He smiled “Thank you” He said and pulled your hand taking you deeper and deeper into the hallways.. you looked back seeing the exit almost disappear and knew that if something were to happen you would certainly not have any form of escape. 
The entire background changed to that same scene on the red sakura bridge. You looked at your reflection in the water and saw that your face was different and Izuna’s reflection joined you.
“As you know, her name was Miwa. She was from the Senju clan and she was outstandingly gorgeous” He said and you turned to look at him. 
“Before Konoha was established, we were enemies…women back then were not allowed to fight. They were only there for medical purposes and procreation. I met Miwa the day my brother and Harshirama clashed near one of the senju settlements. There was a celebration back then and we had crashed it to surprise them with an attack. I spotted her hiding in fear and pulled her away from the fight. It was unethical to kill a young defenseless woman. I hid her and she mended my wounds as a thank you. For a second, I believed we actually had a chance at peace…the same thing Hashirama and my brother spoke of ” He stopped and his smile disappeared “She was so… pure…a thing I lacked. I tried to see her again and snuck out breaking into the enemy land. She was really timid and refused to see me at first, but eventually I grew on her and she would leave the house whenever she had a chance and….we would meet here… in this place”

He looked at you and took your hands in his “I wanted her to be mine… I was complete enamored with everything she did or said. I wanted her to run away with me, but it was too complicated… and she decided it was best to leave each other because this love was ridiculous. I was so sad that day that I lashed out on her. She left crying after slapping me…” 
You sighed and leaned on the rails “Will you were looking at something impossible. Senju and Uchihas are mortal enemies… I don’t know why but we are made this way… but it just is”
He shook his head “There was a reason for that. After awakening my ultimate mangekyo sharingan I read the stone tablet. Each person would interpret it their own way and that is when I learned the secret” 
You looked at him confused “What secret?”
“The Uchiha and Senju come from the same bloodline. We are distant brothers, in some sense… we are all tied back to the father of all ninjutsu. The sage of the six paths”
Your eyes widened at those words “That man is a myth” 

“No he is real…myths come from truths” 
You looked at him a bit confused “so what does this have to do with Miwa? Or me?”    
He smiled “I wanted to kill the Senju for denying her love to me…but it was obvious that not me or Madara were strong enough to beat the Senju…I needed to create a stronger bloodline… I wanted Miwa to be my wife and bear my children, so that I can merged back the two bloodlines and create children with the power as strong as that of the six sage! It was a brilliant idea” he said with an insane smile
You stepped back from him in disgust “You used her to kill her family!!”
He nodded “and she agreed. She ran away one night” He said caressing your cheek softly “And we settled in a faraway house secretly hiding from all the chaos. That night…she became mine and she bore my two children. Much to my disappointment they were both born with the Uchihas blood and no sign of the Senju… I felt like I wasted my time!!!and my anger got the best of me… and I killed her in front of her own children after disowning them and tossing them away as orphans of the war” 
You were displeased hearing at that and pushed him away “What where you even trying to achieve by doing that?!”
“The same thing my brother tried to do all those years. He wanted to have the Rinnegan. He was the only uchiha known to awaken them and ended up handing them to an Uzumaki boy which is now your leader. I know this because he has my eyes. I fell into despair after Miwa’s death and loathed anything remotely related to the Senju…and those bastard took away my life… the only way to get nearly as close to having the Rinnegan, was by giving my brother my eyes…and he swore to keep my secrets and take care of my children”
All this information was truly overwhelming and you squinted in suspicion “wait… if all that is true… when are you telling me all this now?...what do you aim to achieve now?” 
“the Uchiha genes were too dominant and hid away my childern’s Senju’s side. That was until your mother married a man outside the clan. His DNA that mixed with her released those hidden Senju genes because he was a medical shinobi. I thought you were a mistake like your mother and her mother and so on but no… I was wrong… your body is adapting amazingly and that was clear the last time we met”
Your eyes widened “Are you saying…. I can awaken the Rinnegan as well?” 
He nodded “Exactly… and I’ll be willing to teach you how if you stay here” He said taking your hand in his looking through your eyes with his pitch black ones. 
You looked at the water’s reflection and saw that you were back.
“Please help me achieve what I long for… I want to repent myself and help you. I saw through your eyes that there was someone out there impersonating my brother… I’ll help you take him out. Please give me the privilege” he pleaded.
You sighed and nodded “Okay… I’ll stay” 
He smiled “Smart girl” 

You hired a special group of shinobi to guide you on your journey to the land of grass. You hoped the plan would go smoothly. How hard could it be to catch a group of mercenaries anyways. The guards you hired were extremely tough and have protected the toughest Daimyos in journeys like this. 
You walked between them looking around feeling tense by the overly quiet atmosphere until on key, the guards stopped and looked around “They are here” 
You heard laughs going around from the trees until a big bright light blew up inform of you creating a smokescreen. You gasped in shock and the shinobi around you took out their weapons as the phantom like mercenaries revealed themselves. But something wasn’t right, they kept taunting and laughing and each time one of the guards tried to use a jutsu, they would scream in unbearable pain and fall down. You were confused because the battle wasn’t even that intense. Where was the pain coming from?
That was until one of the shinobi’s understood what happened then carried you up in his arm and jumped off. You yelled at him to stand back and fight but then saw the remaining guards explode involuntary!
He ran as fast as he could and explained to you “I have worked with someone who used this jutsu before. They toss a small type of parasite in the air that grows inside of you depending on the amount of chakra you use! if we fight back we would surely die like the rest. So keep your energy at a minimum you highness”
You felt a sudden weight of panic wash over you and began to shake in fear hearing about the unfair cruel jutsu, until the shinobi got stabbed in the back by a thrown sword and he fell on to the ground dropping you “Daimyo sama… run quick… Konoha is only a few feet nearby …. They will assist you no doubt… HURRY!… I’ll hold them back” He said getting up and preforming a few hand signs. You quickly got up and ran off, heading toward konoha. One of the shinobi grabbed your leg but you weren't going to let him get to you. As far as they know you never had any ninjutsu training but ever since Zetsu showed up, you have been training with him each time you got the chance. You preformed a few signs and blew some wind bullets at his face.

He screamed in pain and let go of your leg then you sprinted off. You felt a strong pain in your chest and teared up knowing that you weren't supposed to do that and opened you top slowly to see a spider like creature growing under your skin. You ran as fast as you could and came skidding in front of the two konoha guards at the entrance "YOU NEED TO HELP MEE!!!" You panicked 

They both stood up quick "D-Daimyo sama? What happened!! What are you doing here!?"

"I was attacked" You panted heavily feeling the world spin around you. You held on to one of them feeling the pain get sharper in your chest "I need Princess Tsunade quick" you said breathlessly and fell unconscious from exhaustion.


You opened your eyes slightly and looked around hearing beeping noises. You were in a hospital room hooked to a machine that was measuring your pulse. The door opened revealing Tsunade. You tried to sit up as she closed the door and got close. 

"Don't sit up yet the wound is deep and could tear open again" he said with concern on her face.

You decided to listen to her and laid back down "I’m so sorry to trouble Hokage sama...the mercenaries came out of nowhere I thought I had the upper hand but their jutsus were too strong"

She sat next to you with sad look and placed her hand on yours "How long are you going to continue to impersonate your brother, y/n sama?"

Your eyes widened and your felt your heart beat quick causing the machine next to you to beep quicker, which made you feel so vulnerable to her stare. You almost forgot about that option, when you asked for medical attention. "It's a long story...I prefer you keep this to yourself please"

She sighed "y/n sama you obviously bit more than you could chew here. You are in constant danger and wrapping your chest this way each day isn't healthy. Eventually people will find out...so why not reveal yourself?"

You frowned "reveal myself? And loose the respect I gained through the years, from the other Daimyo because I'm a woman? I'd rather die. You are a woman too but I don't expect you to understand. The village asked for you by name and you are a master in what you do and are extreme strong...Me? I'm  weak and I strive to be in control because when I was a girl I had zero control over my life....I never had the freedom you had...I never had anything but those four walls and arranged marriages" you said then stopped hearing your heart beat increase and the machine beep some more. 

She sighed and nodded "That is your choice y/n. I'll ask Suna to see if they can escort you back to the land of wind safely, away from those mercenaries...you are in luck because I met them in battle before and know everything about them....now please rest your body"

You nodded "Thank you Tsunade sama" 

She gave you a smile and left the room. You opened your kimono to see the big stitched scar running down your chest to your up stomach and teared up. This was going to leave a scar but another mental scar has been dug into your mind. Where was Zetsu? Normally he would swoop in and save you regardless of the dangers but you didn’t see or feel his presence at all. Is it possible that Obito was right? Is Zetsu just using you? and now that he has all the information he needs, he decided to get rid of you through these mercenaries and placed the blame on Suna....your mind went blank and you closed your eyes letting your negative thoughts and trust issues get the best of you.



You headed towards the konoha gates and approached the two guards there with a smile "Hello"

They greeted you back with smiles and took your invitation card and ID to make sure it was you. 

"Enjoy your stay in Konoha" one of them said bowing politely and you entered. Konoha was such a lively and big village. It wasn't long before you saw Kakashi walking towards you and waving. You went to him and bowed slightly "Kakshi san…Thank you so much for this...I never got to thank you in person"

He smiled and rubbed the back of his neck "Don't worry about it...Do you want to grab something before we go?" He asked shyly but you shook your head thinking that the sooner you go back to Obito the better. This research must only take a day and not more, if you hoped to head back to your special boy.

The masked man nodded and began leading the way towards the abandoned Uchiha quarters. You walked in the ghost town and felt a little sad.

"What a shame" you mumbled 

He nodded "yes it was...but it was inevitable I guess"

You looked at him deeply "I heard you knew Itachi Uchiha...you were really surrounded by alot of death...has it affected your teaching skills?"

He sighed placing his hands in his pockets "well it did...first years of teaching didn’t really go as smooth as I thought it would....I failed many students...until I met those three… They had a bit of compassion"

You smiled "they are similar to your old team?"

He laughed "there is no escaping your analysis is there?"

You raised your hands "Sorry I didn't mean to pry...it is a bad habit of mine"

He shook his head "None sense ...you are just doing your job" he said then stopped in front of a rosy looking house with a purple tinted roof.
“This was his grandmother’s house… Obito never knew his parents and lived with her all his life” He explained to you then got up the small steps and pushed open the door. You heard the metal hinges creak like they were a thousand years old and followed him inside. Despite the house being dusty and abandoned you still felt it was rude to wear your shoes indoors, so you took them off and entered. It was a modest two story house. The kitchen and main hall were downstairs and the bedrooms were upstairs.
You found a few dusty frames and got close to wipe the dust off and smiled at the cute picture “Is this Obito?”
He nodded “Yes that is him on the day of the Chunin graduation. He was bit slow but he worked hard”
You smiled hearing how adorable he was “What was he like as a partner?”
He sighed “Well he was always late to things. Never on time for any meetings under the excuse that he was helping the elderly one his way or getting a cat out of a tree” He chuckled “He even managed to miss his genin graduation ceremony. Rin had to hand him his degree herself”
“It seems…Rin really cared for him”
He nodded and walked upstairs motioning for you to follow. You entered his bedroom and looked around it was a bit messy with books scattered around but it was so spontaneous looking. Kakashi grabbed a picture frame and handed it to you “This is Rin… she was a smart and caring medical shinobi”
You got worried about how much you were similar to her. It was now understandable why Obito is always swarming around you to keep you safe, and you were happy to know he felt such emotions towards someone “How did she treat Obito?”
He leaned onto the wall and crossed his arms “Well she babied him a lot that was for sure. It was almost like he was constantly trying to win her heart and he promised her that he would be hokage to end the war so they could be happy… he always seemed to blush around her”
You awed and looked at the picture once more but squinted curiously seeing an X marked tape over one of the people in the picture “who is the one under the X”
He smiled “That’s me… we were not on good terms back then… he considered me his rival because he thought I was better and trying to steal Rin away from him…but in truth he was better than all of us”
You nodded “Was the body ever recovered?”
“No…the cavern that collapsed had massive rocks covering it and the war was ongoing by then… so they left him there…but many shinobi bodies were not recovered”
You put the picture back “Do you know where his real body is?”
He nodded
“did you go there?”
He looked away sadly and you got close to rub his shoulder “I’m sorry…this is probably too sensitive to talk abou-“ You stopped feeling a weird presence nearby. You heart beat increased and you got frantic until two Anbu entered. “Y/n f/n you need to come with us”
You stepped back fearfully “w-why?”
“The Hokage has requested we bring you to her” 
You looked at Kakashi then at them but didn’t want any trouble or to seem suspicious so you nodded and walked over to them willingly. “Alright”
“I hear you have been up to a lot of research lately regarding a shinobi’s mental wellbeing. Do you think this amount of research would help with the mentality of the shinobi with war trauma…or children who have a difficult in coping with their parent’s death or even behaving at the academy?” The Hokage asked curiously looking at all your research papers that you had done over the years.
You smiled “Yes… mental health can come a long way for everyone… it is not common around because normally shinobi are trained to be tools, who don’t think for themselves but I think it is wrong… if a ninja fights, he must fight for the sake of protecting his village, not because he was told to or enforced. He would give his all to protect those he loves. Trauma is a common thing that degrades their minds at a young age and needs extreme attention… as for the children it plays a role in seeing themselves belonging to the village as whole not just their parents. A village is like our home but bigger and more colorful”
Tsunade smiled hearing those words “It never occurred to me that we would ever meet an outsider, who has the will of fire”
You felt your excitement rise hearing praise from the Hokage herself.
“Well as you know I’m basically a medical nin but I believe medical services are not always the full side of a treatment. That is why I would like to make you an offer”
You looked at her curiously “An offer?”
She nodded “I want to fund your research and help you begin a small test program at our academy for a year and if good signs began to show, we will permanently place you in charge of a new mental health ward”
You gasped at the offer and couldn’t contain your happiness but remembered Obito and looked down sadly “That is an amazing offer… Never in my life would I have believed that I’d have such a chance. Thank you so much for your support Hokage sama…” You stopped then looked at her “But I can’t leave my home… My boyfriend will freak out”
Her face fell and she sighed “y/n, you are blowing up a big chance here. You can bring him with you, we don’t mind. And by what I recall from your files is that Kusagakure mistreated you and your parents for years because you were incompetent in battle…it isn’t like you are betraying them”
You nodded and thought deeply of your next words. Obito helped you get here and he would never stand in your way… he said it himself that he would do anything for you to achieve your goal. He saw great things in you and while following his past around, you stumbled upon this dream… you had to accept for the sake of your dream… your goal.
<I’m sure he will understand> you thought and bowed down formally “I accept your offer… when can I begin” You said happily and she smiled back. 

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