My Broken marriage


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Seokmin- 'its not a mistake but a miracle.' (Y/n)- ' mistake or miracle, its just the same... you never love... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1:
Chapter: 7
Chapter 16
«Last chapter»


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'Its been 3 months I got back with seokmin. My family knew and accepted him. I was sitting with Wonwoo while we were watching our favourite drama. But suddenly I remembered something that made me feel guilty.'


'I was waiting for someone at the park.'

Hi (Y/n)...

'I looked the person and waved at him as the person approached me.'

Hi Taehyung. So...why do you asked me to come here? Anything happened?

I...I..I want to say something..

Taehyung are you ok?

I...(sighed) I will fly to London tonight..

(Shocked) what?! And you're telling now..why didn't you tell me earlier? Why today? Why are you leaving?

Hey (Y/n)..relax..sorry cuz I didn't tell you earlier..I just can't..

(Y/n)....I..(hold my hands) fell in love with you..

(Shocked) w..w..what?

Its true...I fell in love with you since we met at New York. When I knew you divorced with seokmin I thought I stand a chance but actually not once. When I knew you get back with him...I was kind of disappointed with that...but I guys love each other and you are really happy with him..

Taehyung...why are you telling me this now?

Cuz I cant go without telling you the truth..(Let go of my hands) I am sorry (Y/n)

Why are you sorry? I am suppose to be sorry at you..Ah seriously..I feel like I am a jerk now..

Stop it (Y/n)...

How's the company if you're gone? I mean you are not running away from your family too right?

No (Y/n)...I will handle my dad's company at New York and Jennie will handle the company here along with Hanna.

Oh ok...

So..I better get going (offered his hand) see you next time mate?

(Took his hand and shook it) see you next time too mate...

'Suddenly I felt tears were rolling at my cheeks.'

Bye...(let him go)

Bye (Y/n)...

End of flashback

(Y/n),where you at?(waved his hand in front of me)

Ah..wonwoo...(annoyed) what do you want?

Are you ok?


I want to tell you something..


I met irene yesterday


She asked me about you and threatened me.

That Cockroach...what did she say to you?

She said if I dont tell you to break up with seokmin,she'll do something horrible to you..

Seriously! Oh my god! She is really a psycho now.

Actually I dont trust her to do something horrible to you


I mean...she's still your sister

Wonwoo..she took seokmin and manipulated him to divorce me back then. And you knew that I was so sad about it. No! I dont trust her anymore beside she is not my sister..

(Y/n)..stop saying nonsense..She will always be your sister.

Never..Dont be so pathetic,wonwoo. I will never accept her back..

You're mean..just forgive her! (He roared)

Oh...I'm mean? Who start it first?! She did!

Why are you fighting?! Wonwoo?(Y/n)?

Ask him yourself jungkook.

'I ran to my room and locked myself inside.'

My fault? What did he mean by my fault? Damn this is nonsense..

(Skip tomorrow morning at the office)

Psst (Y/n)...are you ok?


(Nayeon) look like your doom.

Its..I had a fight with my pathetic brother.


No...wonwoo.How am I going to fight with that bunny?

Oh...(saw someone) shit! Continue your work.

What's wrong? (Whispered)

The Biggest boss came..


Jeon (Y/n)?

Shit.(whispered )

'I turned around and saw.'


I dont know that you work here.

I just started around 5 months ago.

Father,everyone is ready. Oh! Hi (Y/n).

Good morning boss.

Talk to you later Ms.(Y/n)

'He left the scene and I sat back.'

Yah Nayeon! Why didn't you tell me that Mr.Lee is coming today?

No one know.



(Skip lunch)

(Y/n),lets go have our lunch.

Sure. But wait for awhile. I want to go to the toilet. Wait me downstairs.


'I went to the toilet and did my things. I went out from the cubical and washed me.'
'Suddenly I felt someone chocked me from behind. I struggled to let it go but the grip was too strong. I cant look at the person because he/she wore a mask'

Hi (Y/n) (Smirked)

I..I..irene..what do you want?

Your dead body!

Please let me go...


'Suddenly she dragged me while I screamed for help. She dragged me to the staircase and end it at the rooftop.'

You will die today,bastard!

(Seokmin POV)

'I was doing my work cuz I did not eat lunch with (Y/n) today. Suddenly, the door was knocked continuously by someone. I let the person in and he looked terrified.'

What's wrong, Jun?

Ms.(Y/n)! the rooftop..

What?! Who?!

I dont know but Ms.Y/n was screaming for help.

Call the security! NOW!

'I ran to the rooftop and hoping she's fine. I opened the door and saw someone choked (Y/n) from behind her.'

Hey!Let her go!

(End POV)(Jungkook POV)

'I parked my car in front of Seokmin's company and get out from it. I entered the building with wonwoo and Hanna and saw Nayeon standing.'


Oh..good afternoon mr.jeon.

Jungkook please. What are you doing here?

Waiting for (Y/n). What are you doing here?

We have something to discuss with the boss with the new representer from Kim
Trading enterprise. This is Kim Hanna, the staff that represent kim trading enterprise today also my girlfriend. And this is my brother also the CEO of the Jeon company,Jeon Wonwoo.

Nice to meet you Hanna,Wonwoo.

Me too.


Wait..Jun! What happened?

(Y/n)...someone got her..


What?! BOY! LEAD US TO THE ROOFTOP NOW! Hanna you stay here with Nayeon. Wonwoo let's go.

Let's go.

'We ran to the rooftop and saw seokmin and (Y/n) was choked from behind.'

(End POV)(Y/n POV)

'I saw someone came from the door and turn out seokmin. After a minute jungkook,wonwoo and some securities came.'

Help me..please..

Ah...come here to see the show. Ok. Its a free show about how ms.(Y/n) died.(laughed hysterically)

Irene..please let her go...we talk about this in a good way..please..

Never! Stay away or she die.

'My tears started to pour drastically.'

Please...let her go...I promise I will give you or anything but please let her go.

Now you beg at me seokmin. Last time you dumped me like a garbage! No! I will still kill her! She is a curse to us! So stay back!

Stop this please...dont kill her please..I need her irene..

(Smirked) sure...who wouldn't need this girl? A perfect,kind ,special and pretty girl like her. But what about me?! If I let her go, then you will only care about her! No...I have been suffering for the whole of my life! But no one care! You guys only care about her pain but not mine! Now you know how much I suffered! Its all of you fault I'm like this especially this girl!

Please irene...I am sorry and I promise I will fix guys are both my sisters...please end this irene..let her go..


'She took a blade and place it near my neck.'


Today,I will make all of you look only at me!

'She suddenly stabbed me at my stomach. Its hurt. My body was totally numb as the pain focus at my stomach. I fell to the floor when I heard a gun shot. Seokmin ran to me and close my wound with his blazer.'

(No one POV)

'The police suddenly came in and shot irene's arm after she stabbed me. The police arrested irene and bring her to the police station. Jungkook and wonwoo sat down beside my bloody body.'

(Y/n)...hey...stay tight ok..dont move..(sobbing)

(Y/n)...sorry...I am sorry(crying)
Stay with me shorty..hey..

(Y/n) I die...tell mom them...very much..thanks for everything...your love...kindness...sacrifice..for me...I love know that right..bunny..?(pain laughed)

Of course...of course I know...Please dont leave me....who will pull a trick on me if you gone? To pat my back..if I am depressed?(crying)

Someone...who's better am you..thanks...for everything..your time..your guide me to a successful path...I love you brother...

(Wonwoo) too...I am sorry..(crying)

Seokmin....dont cry...I love you...take care of yourself...dont be stress..dont..even..skip a meal...please..always have a rest..and-

No...stop...I wont hear it..cuz you will be safe..the ambulance is at downstairs...stay tight...dont leave me..

'Suddenly (Y/n)'s eyes shut. The paramedics came and brought (Y/n) to the ambulance followed by jungkook,seokmin and wonwoo.'

Stay strong honey...I will wait you..

To be continued
P/s: sorry for being late...and I know its cringe so thanks for reading it...What do you think? Is (Y/n) alive or not? Comment down below how was it and the anwser for my question...thanks..
Sorry for the bad english

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