By dkxnita

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By dkxnita

six. handle with care

Salvatore Boarding House

Damon Salvatore and Rosie Kartwright are cuddling on the couch in the serene living room, with a lit fire providing warmth for them; the former intends to take care of the latter regarding her split with her amnesiac, lost lover who has disappeared since the night of the Whitmore Historical Ball.

"This is nice." The younger one commented, distracting herself from her upsetting thoughts about her current ex-boyfriend by being with her friend, who's also awkwardly her own ex's brother and her best friend's boyfriend.

The icy blue-eyed one is holding her in his strong arms, "It is nice."

"Hm. Quiet, still, peaceful. I like our life when it's like this." Rosie spoke, hinting about no distractions or any paranormal predicaments for the day.

"But it is our life, which probably means that somebody's going to walk through that door and shatter it." Damon reminded her, "Sorry."

She groans, obviously unhappy at his suggestion, "Don't say that."

Damon begins to countdown from ten and his best friend holds him closer in a serious manner, "No, just let me enjoy the moment. Okay?"


"Damon, today is the day that we're going to bring Bonnie back, even her twin brother Luka. It's a good day. Say it." Rosie demanded playfully.

He only smiles at her as he continues counting down to two.

"Okay, you just made me hate you." Rosie puts a finger over his lip to quiet him, as she hears footsteps approaching toward the closed main door.

Silas, now mortal, then bursts through the main door itself, "Greetings!"

"One..." Damon finished his own count, concealing his disappointment.

"Good morning, frenemies!" As he steps into the parlor room, he pulls the curtains back using magic; Rosie sits up to attention, staring in disbelief.

"Morning to you too." The Kartwright girl muttered with annoyance.

"Ah. You know, I'm only a few hours into my old life as a witch, but somehow, the sun feels warmer." Silas walks to the glass window and lets the sunlight hit his face, with a small smile on his handsome face, "Probably because I'm not cursed with having to outlive it anymore. Finally."

"What's with the home invasion, Silas?" Damon asked with a serious frown.

"Well Damon, after two thousand years of a miserable existence, I finally get to die. We all know that Tessa was a real vengeful bitch." Silas begun.

"Yeah, and so is Alex, who by the way, is still immortal." Damon recalled.

"Not for long." The former immortal takes out a sharp syringe filled with his cured blood and shows it to them, "And she's only the way she is because her own best friend betrayed her first, one who has always been a bitch."

Of course, once it comes between Qetsiyah and Alexandra, his alternative seems undeniably clear that he would always remain with the latter alone.

"Goody. Now you're defending her." The older vampire said bitterly.

"Your girlfriend's doppelgänger, Amara died at Tessa's hands, but today, after two thousand years, Amara will be free and I will finally reunite with your doppelgänger Alexandra in peace." The ancient witch explained.

Damon gets up from the couch to face him, followed by Rosie next to him, "Alright. Skip the mushy parts. Look. My friend here is just trying to have a good day, and there are promises that she's expecting you to keep."

"Oh, you don't think that I keep my promises?" Silas looks at her.

"You said that now that you're a witch again, you would bring Bonnie back from the other side, with her twin. Remember?" The young hybrid recalled about their deal to work together to get Bonnie and Luka back to life.

"Yes. I did and I can." The mortal witch replied with a simple nod.

"And you promised Damon you would do that if he helped you."


"But you're kind of evil. No offense."

"None taken."

"So I'm just trying to figure out how I can trust that one of your last acts in the world will be to bring my close, good friend back." Rosie said.

"Did you want me to pinky swear?" The sarcastic Silas holds out his right pinky to complete the offer and the young hybrid scoffs in ridicule at him.

"Yes." The equally sarcastic Rosie replied anyway.

"She's trying to have a good day. Just tell her how it's going to go down." Damon piped back in, genuinely tired to speak with the witch already.

"I just want to destroy the other side so Alexandra and I don't get stuck in that pit of a purgatory when I finally do kill us both. Before I do that, I'll bring Bonnie and her brother back. And being the amazing and incredible and all-powerful witch I am, I can totally do both things. I just have to find the anchor first and destroy it." The ancient powerful witch announced.

"The anchor?" The serious young hybrid repeated cluelessly.

"It's the object Tessa used to bind the spell when she created the other side. Destroy it — the spell is broken. No more supernatural limbo and Alexandra and I can die and find peace." Silas explained further to their understanding.

"Sure, if your lying, cheating ass can find it." The older vampire spoke.

"Okay, which means peace for everyone. Great. I approve. So where is it?" Rosie questioned him, eager to know the location of the mysterious anchor.

"New Jersey." Silas simply answered.

The two unexpected young best friends share a look of 'Seriously?'.

"New Jersey?" Rosie repeated, as if she didn't hear him right just now.

"The supernatural other-world is bound by an object in Snooki's backyard?" Damon added on with furrowed eyebrows, judgmental by his answer.

"It's in a stockyard and it's being shipped out. So. We really need to..."

Jeremy Gilbert steps into the living room, carrying a loaded crossbow.

Without even looking up, Silas immediately knows the teen is present, "Hello, hunter. Banner day for you, huh? Didn't you and the Bennett witch used to..." He clicks his tongue suggestively and whistles.

"Hey, knock it off. Okay?" Rosie looks at the boy, "It's okay, Jeremy. We all want the same thing today. Silas and Alex dead, Bonnie and Luka alive."

The ancient witch seems unconvincing by how simple she puts it, "Yeah."

"A.K.A., put the damn crossbow down, Pocahontas." Damon spoke.

"Please. Nobody has to get hurt." Rosie added on, reminding them all.

"We're just supposed to believe that he's going to bring Bonnie and Luka back to life out of the goodness of his heart?" Jeremy reminded the pair.

"Well, I hope not. I mean, I am kind of a monster."

The cautious hunter raises the crossbow up and points it in the wicked witch's direction, as if prepared to shoot him for real this time again.

"You know, guys, I'm feeling really ganged up on right now. Kay? I would hate to lose my temper and do something..." Silas raises his right hand up, to which fire shoots from his fingers as pyrokinesis, "...crazy." Dangerous.

Rosie and Jeremy both take a step back; Silas laughs quietly and extinguishes the flames, seeing and sensing how frightened they are.

"Ah. Man, I really love being a witch again. I feel like I'm constantly reinventing myself. I'm like a supernatural Madonna, don't you think?"

"No." Rosie muttered.

"Alright. We got to get going." Silas looks at the hunter, "You grab a crowbar, or four from the garage."

"What for?"

"Does it matter?" Silas looks at Rosie, "You are not going. Men only."

"Are you serious? You're not serious, right?" The young hybrid said.

"Actually, I'm one hundred percent serious. She's a freaky carbon-copy of my one true love, Alexandra. You can understand why I don't want to stare at her imposter face all day." Silas spoke to the older vampire.

"That makes no sense." Damon replied in denial of his ancestor's words.

"It would make complete sense if you were ever in love with somebody who looked exactly like her, or somebody who looked exactly like Amara."

"Okay, this is ridiculous. We're bringing my good friend back from the dead. I'm going." Rosie insisted stubbornly as she looks at the former immortal.

"She's a stubborn one." Damon pointed out the obvious of their issue.

Silas is visibly annoyed, so he raises his arm up and summons an arrow from the hunter's set; he then sends the arrow flying into Rosie's right leg, where it pierces her skin; Rosie cried out as she sinks to the floor in agony.

"Hey!" Damon runs over to her and helps pull the sharp arrow from her leg.

"The next one goes in the heart. Now hurry up. I only have until sundown before Tessa tries to stop me." Silas walks out through the open main door.


Tessa's Cabin/Salvatore Boarding House

Stefan's mobile phone rings on the coffee table next to the couch inside Tessa's cabin, in the woods; it's the hesitant Rosie, who is now stuck at the boarding house parlor room, alone. Tessa hears the phone and answers it.

"Stefan's phone." Whoever could be calling him for the day?

His ex-girlfriend frowns in a clueless expression, "Who's this?"

"Uncanny. Your doppelgänger voice is exactly like Alexandra's. So whiny." The ancient witch remembers her former best friend's lovely voice clearly.

The young hybrid sighs in a tired manner, "Tessa. Where's Stefan?"

"He's here. Well, not 'here here.' He hopped in the shower. Between us girls, he works up quite the sweat, but I guess you know that. May I leave him a message?" Tessa asked with feigned kindness and politeness.

"Yes, actually. Remind him that you're a crazy bitch." Rosie snapped with burning annoyance, undeniably envious of her being alone with her ex now.

"I would, but I think that's maybe his type."

Rosie hangs up the phone with restrained anger and stares in disbelief, before she dials Damon, who is in a driven SUV with Silas and Jeremy.

"Unbelievable. He's with Tessa. Why does he keep going back to her?"

Damon stifles his own grin when he hears the obvious envy in her voice, clearly enjoying this, "Look. Who knows? Amnesia Stef's a fickle little--"

Silas piped in, "Wait. You didn't tell Rosie what we did to Stefan?"

"Tell me what? What did you do to him?" Rosie questioned sternly.

"Silas needed his psychic juju to get into Tessa's head and the only way to temporarily reactivate his abilities was to break Stefan's neck..." Damon hesitates the next part, "...a couple times. Now, before you get angry--"

Rosie rolls her big clear hazel eyes in more anger and annoyance, "As if he didn't hate us enough. Ugh, Damon, oh God. I'm going over there now."

Silas mentioned sarcastically, "She should, really. Tessa's bad business."

"No. Rosie, just let Stefan have his space. You both should. I mean, you guys broke up. It's like you said, he's already mad enough." Damon advised, deeply concerned and protective of his own best friend's well-being now.

"Sounds like he's more mad at you. Maybe he and I can find some common ground, and maybe I can knock some sense into him." Rosie hangs up.

Damon, who is clearly annoyed, tosses the mobile phone a few feet away.


Tessa's Cabin, Woods

The brand new owner of the old cabin opens the main door from inside to reveal her clearly furious guest, "Well, if it isn't Stefan's fated love."

"Where is he?" His hybrid ex-girlfriend, Rosie Kartwright, demanded.

"Come on in. Who am I to stand in the way of destiny?" Tessa bears a friendly smile on her lovely face; Rosie hesitates at first, but walks in.

Her own ex-boyfriend comes out of the bathroom, buttoning up his clean white T-shirt, "Rosie. You shouldn't have walked through that door."

"Look, I'm really sorry. I didn't know the whole plan which Damon did himself. I wouldn't have let him do what he did to you." Rosie expressed guiltily while attempting to conceal how desperate she is at the moment.

"Sure you would've. You have this annoying tendency to do anything he tells you to do, whenever you choose one brother over the other." He said, honestly burning with annoyance by how she seems to choose between him and his own brother whenever she feels like it. Who does she think she is?

Tessa piped in, "I'm no shrink, but I think it's called co-dependance." She has the older vampire doppelgänger's cellphone still in her hands.

Rosie shakes her head in denial by those words, "No. No, look. I get that you're upset with us, especially with me, for pretty much everything, but do you really think that sleeping with Tessa is going to solve anything?" She really should have just kept her mouth shut, now they know she's jealous.

Stefan furrows his eyebrows, puzzled, "Who said I was sleeping with Tessa?"

They both stare at the ancient witch, who's smiling sheepishly by herself.

"I'm so bad with messages." Tessa laughs, "Oh, look! Rosie called. She's wondering why you're here. I may have embellished for effect."

"Okay. I just came by to make sure that she hadn't done some, like, fatal attraction spell on you. Now that I know you're good, I'm going to go." Rosie tries to go, but is blocked by an invisible barrier, a spell, at the threshold.

Silas. No wonder he was quite in a rush earlier to go find the anchor.

"Yeah. You really shouldn't have come inside." Her ex repeated himself.


Dr. Wes Maxfield's Applied Microbiology Laboratory

Dr. Maxfield, barely conscious after being injected by Katherine in the neck, is moving his head side to side while seated in a chair, his wrists bound to the armrests while Caroline watches him, "What did you inject him with?"

"I don't know. It just said 'avoid contact with eyes...'" Katherine looks at the label sticking on the small bottle of medicine, "...and 'do not ingest.' Oops."

Minerva sighs tiredly and snatches the bottle from her, "It's etorphine."

"There ya go." The human doppelgänger smiles at the young banshee.

Wes mentioned in utter confusion, "What are you doing, Minerva?"

"We're draining vervain blood out of your system so I can compel you to forget that Elena and I are vampires and Minerva is a banshee." Caroline said casually, as if she isn't speaking to an unreliable captive right now.

"Nothing personal, Wes." His Valedictorian smiles sarcastically.

"Wait, what? You'll kill me!"

"Shhh." Caroline puts her left hand up to quiet him, "I'm just-- I'm trying to do some Math. Okay. Minerva, help me. Uhh. So,"

"If the average male has five liters of blood in his system..." Minerva begun.

Katherine piped in with a simple nod, "That's about right."

"...then, carry the one..." Caroline begins to mumble whilst running calculations, even though she isn't really good with Mathematics.

"Just round up..." The former vampire said impatiently.

"It's 4.7 pints." The quick banshee figured it out first.

"Perfect! 4.7 pints. Should I use the right arm or the left arm?" Caroline asked.

"What do you think?" Minerva said playfully with a smile.

"Untie me. I'll find the vein myself. You will kill me." Wes spoke.

"Okay, give me. Let's hope this works." Minerva is given the IV from the blonde, "Can you hand me one of those tubes, and, um some tape?"

"You sure you know what you're doing?" Katherine mentioned.

"Of course. I'm dating a pre-med student, so we learn from each other."

Caroline walks across the room to retrieve the things Minerva asked for. They put the IV into Wes' arm, letting the blood drain into a clean beaker.

Katherine raises her perfect eyebrows in surprise, "Impressive."

"Oh my God, it's totally working!" Caroline commented in equal surprise.

"Ta da!" Minerva grabs a sharp scalpel from the table and hands it to the former vampire, "I leave the interrogation slash torture to you."

"Thank you." Katherine touches him with the scalpel, "So, doctor, you tell me, who else knows about us?" She puts the scalpel against his neck.

"Or else." Minerva added on.

"If you were willing to kill me, you wouldn't have gone through all of this trouble. You should have left when I told you to. They're on to you."

"Who's 'they'? The people you want to expose us to? That secret society thingy that you belong to?" Caroline spoke up with a taunting tone.

"I'll take that as a yes." Her close banshee friend retorted.

"There's a gathering today at Whitmore house. The society is using it to suss out potential candidates. They were going to invite you, until they started suspecting that you were a vampire, and you were a banshee." Wes said.

"So all I have to do is convince them that Elena Gilbert isn't a vampire? Done." Katherine casually spoke, smiling at the easy task.

"They'll never let you in and a vampire could never get past the threshold."

Minerva and Katherine both smile at one another mischievously. Oh, if only he knew the truth that not all of them, from Mystic Falls, are vampires...


Warehouse, New Jersey

Damon and Silas are opening numerous crates with their own crowbars.

"Quit dawdling. We need to find this thing before the Travelers show up."

"Why are they so interested in this anchor?" The former questioned him.

"They hate Alexandra for creating the immortality spell and they know the anchor's the only thing standing between me and the happiness I crave with my soul mate. Every love story needs to have one thing that keeps getting in the way. Kind of like you, Damon." The former immortal spoke.

"You know, you might be an all powerful witch, is that what you call it?"


"But I will happily kill you if you keep that up." The young vampire threatened his own distant, wicked ancestor in burning annoyance.

"Oh, no, you won't. Not until I bring your friend's witches back." Silas replied, hinting about the resurrection of Bonnie Bennett and Luka Martin.

Damon's mobile phone rings; the caller ID says that his brother is calling, hence he picks the phone call up, "Well. Isn't this a pleasant surprise."

The second ancient witch replied instead, "You ain't seen nothing yet. Since I'm occupied at the moment, I need you to go ahead and kill Silas for me."

"Gladly, but he's such a control freak, he wants to off himself himself."

"You mean after he cures Alexandra and kills her first, then he destroys the other side? Yeah, that's not going to happen, plus I want him dead before he has the pleasure of reaching her or finding the anchor." Tessa spoke.

"Yeah. I'm not following." The young vampire replied.

"Kill him. Now." Silas' former fiancée demanded assertively.

Rosie called out from the same line, "Damon."

"Did I mention I lured your friend here to me? I used the oldest trick in the book — jealousy of Stefan! Thought you should know." Tessa told him.

Rosie sighs and walks away from the powerful witch in embarrassment, but Tessa raises her right hand up and inflicts pain on the young hybrid, who sinks to the floor as she is yelling in pain while grabbing her own temple.

"Tessa!" Stefan runs over to his ex-girlfriend in true concern and sympathy; even though she broke their hearts, that doesn't mean she deserves this.

"Stop! Stop it." Damon drops his voice as he can hear Rosie yelling in unbearable agony, "I can't kill him yet. He has to do something for me first."

"Is that something more important than Rosie? Because Silas put a spell on this house and bound it to the sun, which means we're trapped here until sundown, which means you have until then to kill Silas or I kill Rosie. With a face like Alexandra's, it might be cathartic. Bye now." Tessa hangs up.

"Whoa. Wait!" Damon begins smashing many boxes with his crowbar.


Tessa's Cabin

"Look at all the incredible things they've dreamt up to do with food. Pineapple on pizza?" The two-thousand-year-old witch spoke to Stefan, who is sitting closely next to her on the couch, as she is reading a cookbook.

Tessa notes that his hybrid ex-girlfriend, who is sitting on the floor, seems distraught about her own life, "So sad. Let me guess, gluten-free?"

"How are you here?" Rosie questioned the very old witch cluelessly.

"Excuse me?" Tessa maintains her gaze on the younger doppelgänger.

"Here, alive, from the other side. How did you come back?" Rosie asked, with tears of anxiety clear in her big hazel eyes that her own life is at risk.

"Ahh. Yeah. That. You can blame your friend Bonnie for that. She opened the door and distracted herself when she brought Elena's little brother back. So I just walked right through when she died." The ancient witch responded.

"Well today, Silas was going to bring her back to life after he got the anchor, but you told my close friend, who I have been told that he has never put anyone's life before mine, including his own, to kill Silas before he could do that. So the least you can do is show some sensitivity." Rosie told her.

Tessa smirks, before continuing her conversation with the hybrid's ex-boyfriend who speaks once he feels more sympathetic for Rosie, "Look. Why don't we forget about the pizza. What do you say I make something?"

"Okay. Roasted duck?" The ancient witch suggested as she looks at him.

"Wait. Do you have a duck?" The young vampire asked as a reminder.

"No. But maybe I can lure one inside. I got Rosie in. How much smarter can a duck be?" Not as smart as Rosie, that's for certain, Tessa mocked her.

Stefan and Tessa both giggle, while Rosie sits to the side and sulks alone.

"Go for it." The latter said.




Damon and Jeremy are speaking alone outside about the turn of events.

The much younger latter shakes his head in denial by this, "We can't kill Silas. Silas is the only one who can bring Bonnie and Luka back and he's not going to bring them back until right before he destroys the other side."

"Yeah. Well Tessa wants to do it now. Something tells me patience isn't her strong suit." The icy blue-eyed vampire warned the young hunter.

"Damon, you promised. You promised Rosie that she would see Bonnie again and you said you're doing this for Elena." Jeremy reminded him, undeniably desperate to have Bonnie Bennett in his loving arms again.

"You don't think I'm aware of that? But if Tessa kills Rosie, guess who's not going to make it to Bonnie's welcome home party? The plan's off, Jeremy. Bonnie's not coming back. Sorry." Damon heads back inside all alone.

Bonnie shows up to speak to Jeremy alone this time. Inside, Damon is walking to an aisle. Seconds later, he is approached by a Traveler witch.

"Sul opraem chele kouzlo."

"I've met a lot of witches in my day. Never quite heard that one before."

Another young male traveler shows up behind the annoyed vampire.

"Let me guess. Travelers."

Both of them begin to repeat the chant over and over, which causes his daylight ring to begin to malfunction, hence suddenly his own skin begins to boil under the rays of sunlight from the windows; he jerks his arm back.

"Why do you witches always go for the daylight ring?" Damon rushes toward the Traveler in front of him, shoving his hand in his chest, "I was about to do you little Euro-tribe a favor. I want to kill Silas too." To protect Rosie.

"That's the problem. We don't want him dead yet."

The other Traveler added on, "Alexandra needs him to be alive."

"And now you're working for the power-hungry immortal, why?"

"We don't question our orders." The same Traveler simply replied.

"Because you idiots are under her mind control, of course. Well, that's not going to work for me." Damon quickly grabs a blade from the Traveler that he has his hand in and throws it into the other one's chest. He then rips out the heart of the other Traveler, contemplating Alexandra's intentions.


Tessa's Cabin

Stefan is cooking something steamy on a stove while Tessa hangs around near him in the small kitchen. Rosie, who is now sitting at the small dining table, is watching them with transparent envy in her big hazel eyes.

"Try this. Let me know what you think." The young vampire told her.

"Alright." Tessa tastes the concoction as asked, "Mmm. It's good."




Rosie spoke up, "Okay. I get it. You hate me. You might not remember, Stefan, but I do. This person, she's not the type of person you would like." She can't just sit here and watch them in silence anymore, how it hurts so.

"That's not very nice, especially considering I've allowed you to remain alive until sundown." Tessa looks around the room, seeing that twilight is upon them, "Ahh. Almost sundown." She struts away, looking for her cellphone.

Stefan spoke in hushed tones so only his hybrid ex-girlfriend can hear him, "Rosie, don't say a word. I've got this. I know you think I hate you, but I don't. I won't let her hurt you. I promise." He won't let her touch her, even.

Tessa picks up her phone to make a call, "Why isn't he picking up for--"

Damon answered the phone call in annoyance, "What?"

"Is he dead yet?"

"No, he's not dead yet. I was just ambushed by some of your inbred cousins thanks to your ex-bestie. Any idea why Alexandra, who hates the cure, would want to stop me from killing Silas?" Damon asked the old witch.

Tessa scoffs in disbelief, "She probably still has feelings for him."

"Wait, that cold bitch knows how to love?" Damon mocked in resentment.

"When she used to be a loveable, compassionate person, yes." Tessa said.

"Right, until you happened. Also, we can't be entirely sure that she's keeping him alive because of her probably non-existent feelings for him."

"Then she probably want his blood." The ancient witch predicted.

"For what? She doesn't want the cure, she wants it gone." Damon replied, "Silas drank the cure from Katherine. Now his blood is the cure and he wants to give it to her so she can be a witch again. But the Travelers aren't immortal, so why did she mind-control them to do her dirty work?"

"Think about it, Damon. The Travelers aren't fans of immortality, but Alexandra is number one. I had to bind the other side to something, something that would last forever, something that no one could destroy."

"What?" The clueless young vampire asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Two thousand years old, immortal, indestructible. You're a quick boy, Damon. Figure it out." Tessa hangs up the phone; Stefan, now realizing that the barrier is broken, stabs the vulnerable witch with a sharp kitchen knife.

"Rosie, run!" He throws Tessa against the wall before he and Rosie both speed-run out of the cabin, into the night, leaving Tessa to stare on angrily.



Amara, who turns out to be alive as an anchor to the other side for two thousand years being a preserved stone statue, is walking around incoherently outside the warehouse, stumbling and bumping into crates with Silas' blood dripping down her chin after she fed from him earlier.

"Stop talking. It's not up to you. Leave me alone. Leave me alone. Please, leave me alone. Leave me alone." She stops when she sees a very familiar young woman standing in front of her, "Alexandra. How are you here?" Of course, as immortals, they haven't aged a day since the last time they met.

Alexandra smiles with feigned kindness, "The question is: how are you?" Being the anchor to the supernatural purgatory doesn't sound pleasant.

The former handmaiden shakes her head, "I'm hurt, terrified. It--It was undescribable. Please, take me out of this misery. Please kill me. Kill me!" She can't bear to feel another person's demise once they pass through her.

"Oh, it hurts to see you like this, sweetie." The devious immortal strokes the mortal's chestnut hair, "Not to worry. I would love nothing more than to put you out of this hell you're in. But see, the thing is, you're going to destroy the other side along with you. Not that I don't want that, but I actually do."

Amara gasps as what she recently did hit her, in shock, "I apologise for what I did to Silas. I know he is your one true love, but I need to be cured."

Alexandra nods, "I understand. Now it's a good thing that your blood is the cure, because now I finally get to kill you, just like you wanted."

"Uh, not going to happen, sister." Damon shows up behind the immortal and stares at them, "Well, this is definitely a doppelgänger fiesta, alright."

"You killed two of my friends. I need to take this into my own hands." Alexandra snapped at him assertively with visible annoyance.

"Were they your friends? I didn't know you have any." Damon mocked her.

The arrogant immortal scoffs, "You know, you're going to thank me when this is all over. I'm doing you all a favor. I mean, don't you want to live an immortal, ageless life with your one true love? Destroy the cure, I leave you and your friends alone to live the merry life you've always craved."

"Yeah, well, here's the thing, Miss Control Freak, I don't trust you and I know that the only reason you want the cure gone is for your own benefit so that you can proceed your endless life as an annoying, self-proclaimed powerful one, which you're not." Damon vamp-speeds closer to her, "Time's up."

He quickly takes out the syringe filled with Silas' blood, which is the cure, and is about to inject it into her when she quickly grabs his arm and bends it, attempting to break it in order for him to drop the syringe. Though the immortal is suddenly shot in the stomach by Jeremy, who comes from the parked SUV, as he comes nearer to the scene to retrieve the puzzled Amara.

Despite being shot, Alexandra still manages to prevent the syringe from coming closer to her and shoves Damon away with a loud grunt.

"Nice try, but you can't kill me." The indestructible immortal hissed.

"You're right, but maybe someone in the same rank as you can." The young vampire vamp-speeds over behind her and breaks her neck in a flash.

"You should've done that earlier." The teenage hunter mentioned as they and Amara watch with no single word as Alexandra drops on the ground.

"I'm giving her a head start. I want it to be Silas who turns her into a witch again, it must be thrilling to watch. For now, we have you to deal with." Damon grabs onto the mortal anchor, who gasps in fear of the contact.

"Careful. She looks traumatized." Jeremy advised before he carries Alexandra bridal style and walks over to the car after Amara and Damon.

Damon simply replied, "It's nothing she hasn't seen before."


Salvatore Boarding House

Rosie and Stefan walk in through the main front door, finally home together, when they find Damon and Jeremy sitting in the living room.

"Well, uh, have a good night." The amnesiac advised his ex-girlfriend awkwardly, even though he was the one who rescued her earlier tonight.

"Yeah, you too. It's just, weird, that even with no memory, you're still you." The caramel brunette smiles up at him gratefully; she will always love him.

"Well, Tessa was going to kill you, and you don't seem like you deserve that, so I was just going on instinct, that's all." Stefan shrugs it off.

Rosie nods, "Exactly. That's what I'm saying. Your instincts were always to protect me, Stefan. So, thank you for-- for just being you." Being a hero, as he truly is deep down in his core, she knows he is a true hero deep within.

Stefan Salvatore will always be her hero, and that is never going to change, vice versa ever since they first met when they were nothing but children.

Her ex-boyfriend smiles awkwardly, "Well, have a good night." He turns and walks down the front hallway towards the main staircase as she watches.

"Stefan Salvatore sleeps in his own bed tonight. Does that mean he stopped hating us or did the power of the doppelgänger universe push him into the car with you?" Damon mentioned as Rosie joins them in the spacious room.

"Well, he, uh, saved my life, so I'll go for the former." She replied, nodding.

"Victory in a day otherwise marred by failure." Damon lifts his glass bottle of scotch and Jeremy raises his own glass. Rosie looks at the young hunter.

Jeremy informed her guiltily, "We couldn't get Bonnie back. I get a pass."

"Did I say anything?" The young banshee/vampire hybrid asked.

Bonnie shows up next to her ex-boyfriend, "It's for the best, Rosie." To protect her and their friends, loved ones, from any more dangers coming.

A tired sigh leaves Rosie, "No. No, Bonnie, it's not. Stop talking like that." They will get Bonnie and Luka back, if it's the last thing that they will do.

Damon looks at both Jeremy and Rosie, cluelessly, "What?"

Jeremy informed him so, "Bonnie's here. She wants us not to worry."

Rosie releases another sigh, "We're going to keep trying, Bonnie. Okay? It's not over. We've dealt with much worse. We're going to bring you back."

"Yeah, we're going to bring both you and your brother back." Jeremy nods, determined enough to do so to reunite the long lost twins in the real world.

"Well, Silas is M.I.A. and out and about, which is pretty bad because we need him to be the one to cure Alexandra, who-- good news, has been caught."

Rosie looks at the blue-eyed vampire in surprise, "You caught her already?"

"Well, it only took her own ego in the way for me to snap her neck. And Amara's been cured, which is even worse because now she's easy to kill, so the fate of the other side, where the twins currently reside, rests on a living, breathing human being that we now need to protect." Damon spoke.

"We need to protect?" Rosie repeated him, truly puzzled.

Later, Damon has brought Rosie outside on the front driveway in which the parked black SUV is left at. The older former opens the trunk of the car.

"Rosie, meet Crazy Pants. Crazy Pants, meet Rosie."

Amara is squirming around, wearing a piece of fabric that is covering her mouth, but that doesn't prevent her from screaming when she sees Rosie, an exact look-alike of her own former friend in a different style of fashion.

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