More Than Love-A Hardzello AU

By Hardzzello_queenfan

10K 290 229

An AU about Joe Mazzello and Ben Hardy in high school. Ben is the school's football quarterback and is Joe's... More

1 - I Was Made For Lovin' You
2 - It's A Long, Hard Life
3 - P.S. I Love You
4 - I Can't Help Falling In Love With You
5 - You Don't Know What It Means To Me
6 - Life Goes On . . . Without You
7 - Things Are Better If You Stay
8 - I Still Love You
9 - Someone Still Loves You
10 - I Got A Taste Of Love In A Simple Way
11 - My Gift Is My Chapter And This One's For You
12 - Faster Than My Bullet
13 - When I Ruled The World
14 - We Can Work It Out
15 - Lemon Boy
16 - Take Me To Church
17 - Ho, Ho, Ho
18 - All Of Me
20 - Saturday Night's Alright
21 - I Want To Hold Your Hand
22 - Under Pressure
23 - Close Your Eyes
24 - I'm Gonna Love Me Again
25 - Once I Was 7 Years Old
26 - For You To Be Here
Ending, thank you, and the sequel

19 - Nobody Said It Was Easy

202 6 4
By Hardzzello_queenfan


February 14

Joe's pov

Ben and I were officially moved in together. He and I have been keeping track of the weeks I was pregnant. I was now 19 weeks and finally started to have a bump. It was very small but I loved it. In three weeks, he and I are going to see what the gender of our baby is. I honestly don't care if it's a boy or a girl. All I care about is that our baby is healthy. It still feels like I got pregnant just yesterday. Everything is happening so fast. And Ben is so ready for fatherhood. He is going to be an amazing dad. I already know.

I woke up and smelled something from the kitchen. I already knew Ben made me breakfast. I got up and made sure not to trip over all of the boxes and went to the kitchen. My instinct was correct, Ben was making me french toast. My favorite breakfast. 
"Hey, Benny," I said to the man in front of me. He turned around with a smile.

"Hi, baby," he said as he hugged me and I returned the hug.

He and I went back into the room once everything was done and started eating our breakfast then. He and I would eat at the dining room table but we don't have one yet, nor do we have a couch. He and I just resorted to eating on our bed because we did have a bed. We have to wait for a lot of things to come in because we ordered new furniture. 

In the middle of eating my breakfast, I had to run to the bathroom. I felt nauseous. 

I let it all out in the toilet. After I was done, I started panting because I puked so hard. Then something happened, I felt the baby move. I put a hand on my tiny bump as the baby kept on moving. I smiled at that. I rubbed my belly as a way to tell Baby Mazzello that I love them.

I brushed my teeth and took a shower. Ben did that as well and we got into the car. We sped away and while we were in the car, I told him that the baby moved for the first time. He was ecstatic. He was so happy. 

We got to the school and parked the car. I saw Rami, Gwil, and Lucy so Ben parked the car near them. Ben and I got out of the car and got greeted by them. "Hey, Joey. Hey, Ben," Rami said to us and I smiled. "Happy Valentine's Day," Lucy said to us. We said Happy Valentine's Day to her too and started a conversation. Ben and I told them about our baby and that we moved in together. They all were really happy about the baby.

We all went to our classes and I put everything in my locker. Then Malcolm, Dustin, and Tyler all came up to me. 

"How you been, faggot?" Malcolm asked me. I just ignored it. "I'm talking to you, you cock sucker!" He said to me as he pushed me to the ground. I landed on my hands and knees. Everyone gathered around to see what was about to happen. That's when my anger got the best of me. Adrenaline rushed through my veins and anger overtook my body. I wasn't just mad about them pushing me (while I'm pregnant), but because no matter what, they'll just keep bullying me. 

I got up in a quick motion and stood in front of the three again. They all wore smirks on their faces. I swung my fist into Malcolm's face and hit him as hard as I could. he went back and landed on the floor where the blood came pouring out of his nose. I looked around and saw a sea of people surrounding us as they all looked at me with shock. 
I was shocked as well. I had no idea I could do that. 
Then Ben pushed his way through the crowd to see what happened. He too had a look of shock once he saw Malcolm on the ground. "Are you okay?" He asked me in worry and I nodded. 
Then the football coach came out of the crowd and saw Malcolm on the floor. "Who did this?" He asked everyone and everyone (but Ben) pointed at me. The coach looked at me with anger. He went up to me and put a hand on my shoulder. Then his angry face turned into a smile. "Thank you so much. I didn't like that guy, either." Then he left, leaving me confused.

Soon lunchtime came around. I sat with Ben, Rami, Gwil, and Lucy like I normally do. We were having a nice conversation. We were talking about the dance that was about to happen, the Valentine's Day dance. Ben and I didn't want to go, though. We both found it pointless. Then suddenly, Andy from my Science class came up to me. "Hey, Joe." All of us turned our heads to see what he was about to say. 
"Don't you know Adam?" Adam was in my Science class as well so I definitely knew him. "Yeah," I replied to him. Ben, Gwil, Rami, and Lucy all got confused. 

"He likes you." I was now shocked and confused. "And he wants to go to the Valentine's Day dance with you." I was speechless. I had no idea what to do. "Um . . . I'm sorry, but I'm not going. Besides, I already have a boyfriend." 

"Really, who?" He didn't know about Ben and I. Actually, no one except for people on the football team knew about Ben and I. 

"Me," Ben said angrily to him. "Now go back to your table." And with that, he went back to his table. I turned to and Ben and said, "Thank you."

The rest of the day was pretty normal. I went to my locker and got my backpag out of my locker. Lucy came up to me while I was putting my books in the backpack. "So, you and Ben really aren't coming to the dance?" She asked me and I shook my head to say no. "That's a shame. Rami and I are going."

"What!?" I asked in confusion and in shock. 

"Yes, okay. Rami and I are going. It's not a big deal," she said to me.

"It's a huge deal! What are you talking about?" She laughed a bit.

"Hopefully everything goes well. I've had a crush on him since middle school and he just asked me to the dance so I hope it doesn't get fucked up," she told me.

"I hope for that as well."

Hello, my dudes!!! So I just want to thank you guys so much for 700 reads and 100 votes on this book! I have no idea how that happened. Just a few chapters ago I was thanking you guys for 600 reads so, how did I get 100 other reads that fast? We may never know. 

Thank you guys so much for loving and supporting this book. I honestly thought that this would get like 10 reads and that's it but here I am thanking you for 700 reads. Also, sorry if this book is starting to get shitty.

Anyway, thank you guys so much. I can't thank you enough. You guys are my life! Please stay cool! Stay spooky! And stay thiqq!

I ❤ you!!!

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