بواسطة Rita304_V2

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NEW BOOK! y/n is your name. f/n is your family name. The characters in the story are Pein - Hidan Kakuzu - D... المزيد

First meeting
Proving your worth
He makes you blush
You get hurt
Something is wrong
You use your charms
You do something nice
Accidental gropes
Time with his partner
They realize their feelings
The ship
Playing with their hair
You go on a date
When you cry
Make them blush
He is sick
Sleep together
Wake up
When you fight / He hurts you
Getting caught kissing
He sees you naked
None accidental grope
The truth~
The truth 2
You get possessive/over protective
It's your birthday
He is being a pervert
Deidara - First time
Zetsu - First time
Obito - First time
Nagato - First time
Kisame - First time
Kakuzu - First time
Itachi - First time
Hidan - First time
Sasori - First time
The morning after
He turns into a kid 1
He turns into a kid 2
He turns back
He scares you
When he gets hurt
Laundry day
Meeting konoha shinobi
His past stories
You leave for a mission
The mission
I quit the Akatsuki!
He gets the news
Come back!
Bath time
Unusual friendships
You tease/seduce him
You get sick/hurt
You are preggers!
Unusual friendships 2
You scare him
First kick
You have a miscarriage
He has a nightmare
Meeting konoha shinobi 2
He holds the baby
Daddy/baby moments
The Devil's covet valley
The Devil's covet Valley 2
My personal covet
The Family Reunion
Aftermath cuddles
See their partner naked
The babysitter
The hidden truth behind their parents
You fight
You runaway
Seeking refuge
He comes back
Meeting konoha shinobi 3
The clash!
Judgment day
Trial Aftermath
Unexpected visitor
His birthday
Getting caught
The kids leave
Mission gone wrong
The kids get hurt

When he cries/apologies

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بواسطة Rita304_V2

So I took all my sad feelings and mushed them up in this long ass chapter. Each part has a part of my soul in it… hope I don’t make you sad with my patheticness TuT…
I like it when tough boys cry...it's cute 

All the barriers are dead between them now (FINALLY) we can return to the…. *dank meme voice* FLUFFFFFF~~

Enjoy a part of my soul❤~


He stood there hugging Konan’s body to his chest sadly as wave of cold air hit your faces “What the hell is wrong with you?”

You looked at him as if coming to your senses. You did something really bad and hurt your own Kami. The man who trusted you and took you in….you hurt the angel that was always there to help and guide you. What sort of monster would do this to the people who care about them?. You bit your lip in frustration and couldn’t muster up but only a few words “I-I…just want to love you”

“I should’ve known…you killed your own clan…Is this how you express your love? By killing my most closest person. Konan is like a sister to me and I’ve known her since I was a child… you took her away like they took Yahiko away….THAT IS UNFORGIVABLE!!! I WILL MAKE YOU WISH YOU HAVEN’T BEEN BORN!!” he yelled as tears streamed down his cheeks then stood up glaring at you with a deadly cold stare raising his hand towards you “I will tear you limb from limb”

You shook in fear “No!! Kami sama!! ….I can heal her! I can bring her back!… please forgive me!!… Please I beg you!! I’ll fix this!! I’ll do anything” you cried out

He felt conflicted between helping Konan and punishing you for what you’ve done. Your actions where unforgivable but Konan’s life was more important than some trivial feud of jealousy and error. The kami walked up to you ripping off the metal rods from your arms, dropping you to the ground. 

“Do it” he said emotionlessly as the tears dripped from his chin.

You nodded and rushed to Konan side placing your hands on her wound as green chakra emerged from them. He watched as you skillfully used your chakra to close back all the sliced open vital points. 

 Hours later you managed to heal her fully by draining your entire chakra and were waiting outside her room as Pein checked up on her and talked; they were talking about you, you could tell. You felt the anxiety rise in your veins. What you did was wrong and you over reacted violently towards the people he loved… your punishment was of course going to be a severe one but you would accept it not matter what it was. 

The door’s knob clicked as it opened, startling you.

 “Follow” Pein ordered as he headed towards his room. 

You caught a glimpse of Konan in bed with a calm look before the door shut, and you followed the angry Kami down the hall. Each minute felt like years and it was like you were decaying with anxiousness each step you took. 

You both entered his room and he stopped. 

“What you did is unforgivable y/n” he started

You looked down sadly “I’m sorry for overreacting… I’m so sorry. I’ll accept any punishment you give me” You said and went down on your knees “Please forgive me Kami…. My feelings for you will not change. I still love you dearly. I know I overdramatized and I agree to any punishment you have ready for me, even if that meant death itself” 

He turned around and grabbed you by your neck slamming you into the wall. You closed your eyes tight waiting for him to just end it all and snap your neck to bits but instead you felt a pair of lips press against yours. You widened your eyes seeing him kiss you and hesitantly reached out to the back of his neck to kiss back. His tongue passed over your bottom lip making you blush and you opened your mouth allowing his tongue to pass inside and tangle it with yours. You felt your body melting in his hands as your knees got weak making you hold onto him tighter so you wouldn’t fall. He kissed you passionately until you couldn’t breathe letting out his frustration through this emotional act. You struggled to escape his grip for air and he let go, watching as you took in heavy breaths, eyes half lidded with a flushed face.

He leaned his forehead on yours “I thought you trusted your Kami...that he wouldn’t hurt you. You hurt him first so he was forced to go against his words to punish you” he spoke as his other hand traced the wound he caused on your palm reminding you that you didn’t even have time to heal the pierced wounds. He stuck his fingers into the bleeding opening making you wince and whimper in pain. 

“I am really angry with you angel…furious. You tested my limits because you refused to listen and went against my word” He said in tender voice covering your body in goosebumps as he dug his fingers in your wound further. 

 You teared up and nodded “I’m so sorry Kami… I was blinded… that is why I need you to guide me. I tend to stray…I need your help” You whined sadly

He nodded “I know you do” and leaned back in to give you another breath taking kiss removing his fingers from your wound and tangling his fingers with yours as the other hand remained on your neck. He was playing with your emotions so cruelly and you were intoxicated between the pain of the wounds on your hands, the violent breath taking kiss and his authoritative hand clenching your neck so you would know your place. 

“I forgive you only because Konan did” He said making you feel guilty for what you’ve done

 “I’ll need to go thank her for her kindness...and apologize” You said

He nodded and let go of you motioning for you to leave the room.

“Go then come back…I’m not finished with you” 

You gulped hearing those words and left. 


A week passed crossing to and from the closest village for your missions, and you finally came back with Kakuzu really late at night. The miser worked you to the bone and made you catch five targets alone because you were ‘in the mood to kill’ he said. Sometimes you thought that Kakuzu enjoyed seeing you angry with Hidan because you worked double as hard to kill, well the demon did at least.

You avoided Hidan’s door and headed towards yours entering the dark room dropping your weapons to the floor and tossing your cloak aside then took off your shirt and reached for the waistband of your pants.

“You should lock the door if you are going to strip so carelessly like that” a familiar voice spoke startling you.

You covered your chest with your shirt and turned around looking into the dark. The only light that helped your eyes see was the small stray moonlight escaping between the curtain’s edge. Hidan stepped into the light and you scrambled away from him pressing your back into the wall. 

"Stay back you psycho! I am not in the mood for you today!"

He was a bit hurt seeing you act this way around him but he couldn’t blame you after all he did try to kill you multiple times before. You were usually playful and affectionate towards him but not anymore and he really felt a bit of withdrawal syndrome to your love and care. He sat down on the ground in front of you and raised his hands to show you he was not armed “Chill…I just...i just came to talk and shit"

You frowned "You had your chances you whacked freak! Get the fuck out my room before i call in all the members to drag you out!"

He frowned "No, you will listen to what I have to say!...I'm sorry...I acted like a fucktard and I want to go back to how things were" 

You flipped him off and headed to the bathroom ignoring his pathetic apologies but he hugged you from behind stopping you.
"Please y/n...I miss you"

"Miss me?"

"Yes...I missed your touch and voice...I miss your hugs and kisses and I...felt I’m missing out on so much affection that I never knew existed!” He stopped and hugged you tighter burying his face in your shoulder “God! I fucking hate you for making me say all that fucking girly shit…I hate you for making me feel this vulnerable around you…You confuse me and feel like a fucking pathetic piece of shit" he sniffed 

“That is because you are!” You said but he didn’t answer. 

You turned around and he wiped a few stray tears quickly before you saw them. "Don't hide them you stupid boy" you said cupping his cheek and wiping the rest of his tears with our thumbs

He looked at you pitifully, and even though he was a complete jerk, you couldn’t have the heart to turn a cute sad face like that down and pulled him into a hug. He buried his face in your neck and kissed your shoulder "Can I…sleep over?" 
You smiled seeing him act like a child "yes….but on one condition"
"And the fuck is that?" he said angrily pulling away from you
"You never try to stab me again" you scolded 
He laughed "I can try but a Jashinist’s gotta stab"
"And a cannibal’s gotta eat...so I guess I’ll try not eating you as well" you sassed 

That caught him off guard but he chuckled at the thought remembering when you first met then kissed you softly and let go, watching as you headed in to take a shower while he waited on the futon for you to return.

You came back and cuddled next to his side lying down on the mattress. He turned to look at your face “Hey y/n?”


“Why did you forgive me so easily? I expected it to take a little more effort than this girly shit” 

You caressed his cheek looking into his eyes through the dim lit room “I forgave you because you are an idiot. And idiots make a lot of mistakes so I guess I should just expect less of you”

He frowned “expect less?...Bitch have you even had someone else in your life that gave you more?”

You nodded “Two actually…one was a guy from my clan and the other was a guy from Kumogakure”

He frowned feeling a tad jealous and placed his hand over yours to keep it on his cheek “Pftt..go on”

“The guy from my clan died when Takigakure cut us down and kicked us out”  

“And the other one?” he asked curiously

“well… I went all Spider queen on him and ate him” you said blankly

He stared at you shocked “You ate him after you fucked!? That is so sick! Remind me never to fuck you in my life!!”

“No you moron!!…he taunted my demon and I couldn’t hold him back…I woke up with his guts hanging from my mouth… I kept throwing up for days and it left a mental scar…that is why I don’t want you to taunt him either” 

The jashinist was creeped out…he never knew that anyone would scare him this much and he turned his back to you to sleep “you’re a fucking creep”

You chuckled and kissed his nape sending shivers down his spine “Good night to you too Hidan”


You returned back to your room after having one of your coughing fits then entered it and saw the Kakuzu waiting for you with the book neatly placed in front of him. You didn’t know how to react and just stood there staring at him. 

“y/n…come here”

You hesitated and first then walked over to him sitting down on the ground. He reached out to caress your cheek “You of all people should know how hard it is to live for this long…how hard it is to be born and raised in Takigakure. We are a small village who earned the title to have our own tailed beast. A lot is expected from Takigakure shinobi, at such a young age… you were pressured into doing this as a kid as well. You also ran away from Takigakue and were forced to fend for yourself. There is no one in the world who would understand me more than you will because you followed into my footsteps… I bet you also had plenty of men in your life and I had plenty of women in mine….eventually I just stopped feeling…Not because i’m heartless but because I didn’t want to feel anymore… I chose that myself”

You teared up “Tell me why you walked into that woman’s life this way”

He nodded “Only if you promise to finish the book regardless of anything”

You nodded and he took a deep breath “After fleeing Taki, I was low on cash. I took a contract to kill a man…he promised to give me money and protection in exchange of sparing his life. The man was quite wealthy and I agreed since he presented double the amount of money that the bounty office offered…then one thing led to another and I got in trouble with some rogues…I needed to lay low for a while and he offered me one of his houses for shelter under the excuse I keep his daughter company. I was outraged at his ridiculous offer and killed him on the spot, took all the money, and headed to that house to kill her as well”

You looked down sadly “You killed her father and she never knew?”

He sighed and pulled you into his lap with your back to his chest, so you wouldn’t see his expression and by the way he spoke it sounded like he was dreadful “I decided not to kill her because she worked and brought in a stable income…and well she cooked, so I didn’t have to waste my money on all that… and for no second of my life, did I stop to understand why she was so excited to have me around…she was a complete brat and tried to distract me and get me to talk to her”

He tightened his grip around you “And you already know I’m not the most affectionate man out there”

You leaned back into him playing with his big hands “You are now…what changed?”

“Well you won’t like the answer….But you reminded me of her but you are waay stronger and more desperate”

Those words stung your entire nervous system with their poisonous meaning and shook you to the core.You turned around and slapped him across the cheek “Fuck you!! I am not desperate…a million men would pay all the riches of the world to have me spare a look at them!!”

He held his cheek then gave you a glare “Yet you are here…in a rogue organization on my lap, crying over me not loving you back, afraid that I would ignore and leave you” 

You got up from his lap “yet here *you* are in my room….not letting me go or pushing me away…so I guess we are both desperate!!”

He stood up and grabbed your face harshly “Slap me again and you will never see the light of day princess…I’ll forgive you this time because you are angry with me” He said darkly “You are desperate and you need to admit this ….why else would you spend your entire life following me around?” He leaned into your face brushing his lips on yours “You need to know that you got involved with a very dangerous man and there is no way out anymore”

You gulped not tearing your eyes away from his piercing discolored eyes “then it’s your turn now” you said with a shaking voice

“my turn to what?”

You pulled away “To run after me… I followed a man who knows what he wants…but you are not half the man I expected you to be” you said opening the door “You are free to leave my room now” 

He smirked and walked towards you “A girl like you won’t handle my flattery… or better yet, wouldn’t handle a man like me, so I’m giving you a small dose of it”

You frowned “I’m not a girl…I’m a woman!! You bastard!!”

He slammed the door closed and pushed you roughly against the wall smashing his lips into yours. Your eyes widened but you held his face kissing him back passionately both fighting for dominance through the kiss and none of you backed down, as if this kiss was to determine the winner of this debate. He decided to play dirty and grabbed your butt hoisting you up to wrap your legs around his waist. The action made you gasp allowing him to plunge his tongue into your mouth. You frowned and bit his tongue slightly then both pulled away to breathe. You both panted staring into each other’s eyes but your expression remained sad. So he hugged you tight still carrying you and headed to his room then lied on the bed with you on his chest “Are you insisting on being a woman?”

“yes! because I am!” you grumbled cuddling into his chest

“Would this woman like to be my little girl instead? She has been tough for so long maybe I could take some weight off her shoulders”

You blushed darkly and buried your face in his neck “maybe”

He smirked and closed his eyes “Goodnight you spoiled brat” 

(why don’t you exist in real life? Why?)


 He looked anything but calm and began to panic and hyper ventilate seeing that none of his jutsus worked against you. He slammed his hands at the bubble violently then slid down to his knees hugging himself as his blonde hair draped in front of his face.

“You always mock me… you always look down on me hn” He said sadly

You were still afraid to release him but got close placing your hand on the bubble “What are you talking about…I look up to you. You are amazing Deidara there is no one in the world as great as you in the explosion release… I don’t understand why you are so upset over a silly remark by Pein”


You sighed “it is not that I’m stronger Deidara…your jutsu is earth and lightening release mixed in one… I just used my dense water mist inside the bubbles to desaturate the clay so the chakra inside it would deteriorate…you can’t escape this bubble not because you are weak, but because it drains chakra…you are very strong Deidara you can’t break down mid-battle because something didn’t go your way… you need to stop and think” You said poking his forehead making the bubble pop. “You are excessively powerful but it gets over your head sometimes, I’m sorry you had to hear this from me”

He covered his face with his hands and you heard him sniff. It broke your heart seeing him this way < if this how he felt when I broke down in front of him?> you didn’t blame him for any of those hurtful words he said because you understood how he felt. You got close and hugged him tight “Let it all out Dei… how long have you been holding all these feelings in?...just say whatever is on your mind but know that no matter what, you will always be the amazing artist that I fell for…the boy who always cheers me up when I’m sad…a person who was there for me all the time and didn’t push me away, regardless of how clingy and weak I was. You are my savior Deidara and don’t you ever forget that. You opened my eyes and made believe that there is actually a chance for me to survive in this cruel harsh world” 

He clung on to you sobbing into your shoulder as you wrapped your legs around him pulling him even closer to you while rubbing his back gently. He stayed there for a good 5 minutes until he calmed down.

“I’m sorry…you weren’t supposed to see that hm” he spoke as if he was numb

You kissed his forehead and wiped away his tears “Let us just go to bed and sleep…you must be exhausted”

He nodded and you got up helping him stand then took him to his room. You undid his headband and hair tie then removed his cloak and pulled him into bed with you. 

“did…I hurt you?” he asked sadly

“No… I’m alright” You said playing with small strands of his golden hair. He had the look of guilt spread all over his face, so you sat up pinning him to the bed by his hands, giving him an intense look. He got a bit scared knowing that look too well. 


He gave a nervous smile and sunk into the bed “Ok, ok, you made your point hm…. Stop creeping me out with that look. Your eyes dilate and pierce into my soul un!”

You laughed and tangled your fingers with his leaning down to kiss him softly. He let go of your hands and tangled his fingers in your hair pulling you deeper into the kiss. You were both blushing furiously but that didn’t stop you for turning the kiss into a passionate one full of emotions. The two of you fully understood each other now, as if you were one. You pulled away and leaned your forehead on his and he felt at ease that you were there for him. All this time of blowing things up, he managed to shatter himself to pieces, and he needed someone to hold all those pieces back together…he needed a shield…a barrier…something like your bubbles.

“I love you Dei”

“I love you too bubble chan” he teased making you giggle


You followed Sasori down the forest trail rubbing the back of your neck “Sasori did you have to be so rough. I think you sprained my neck” you whined

“Oh I’m sorry you expect me to gently stroke your neck while you were seconds away from ripping my heart out? You are right y/n…it is all my fault… I’m soo sorry for hurting you” He said sarcastically 

You frowned then sighed “Okay I deserved that, even tohugh you were the one who prodded my brain! …now where are we going?”

“That man we hired should have some info by now so we are going there” He spoke taking a turn to the nearby town and went through the now familiar twists and turns. He reached to knock on the door “Oh and before… Kakuzu said all the money being paid for this is coming out of you pay because he doesn’t do charity”

“WHAAA!!!” You snapped

But Sasori had already knocked and the man opened for the two of you. The man crossed his hands “This sure was a troubling case… I got a lot of disturbing shit to tell you but let me see the money first”

Sasori opened a scroll summoning a suitcase and opened it revealing piles of the devil’s paper. You felt like you were going to burst out crying seeing all that money ripped out your pay in seconds by the tall creepy miser. The man got close but Sasori slammed it shut “Information first. Spill”  

“Heh Kakuzu’s colleagues work just like him, very well. That symbol is not a clan’s symbol it is a symbol used to brand merchandise in the black market. Your girl was a victim of human trafficking. Some rogues who kidnap little children wipe their memory and sell them to big countries for human experimentation. Most countries skin that symbol out of them and brand them with their own symbols or seals and sometimes track them down like animals. I bet you have a seal on your body somewhere”

Sasori was shocked hearing those words and you felt your heart sink down into your chest realizing the symbol inside your mouth was the other one

“Who are these rogues? and where are they located” Sasori asked curiously

He shook his head “The black market is not a specific place little man. Those people transfer from place to place each day and you can’t track em down so easily… heck I doubt if they keep records for their merch…. but since Kakuzu is friend of yours, he would certainly know about the current location since they are directly connected to the bounty offices”

Sasori nodded and turned around to talk to you but he saw that you were gone. He excused himself and sprinted outside. You were nowhere to be found. He kept searching and searching, between the market places until he found your Akatsuki cloak and bag tossed on the ground in a forest trail near the village. He carried them up and sighed in frustration “what a troublesome woman” 

He entered the forest and stopped seeing you sitting on the edge of a lake hugging your knees to your chest throwing some rocks into the water. 

“y/n… stop being a baby!!… You were the one who wanted to know and you got what you wanted…but this is far from over!… there is so much more work to do, so get up!”

“Just leave me alone Sasori… I don’t want to do this anymore…I want to go back to being a con artist who works with simple minded people… it gave me a sense of security you know?...I felt smarter than those dumb villagers…like I can easily control and manipulate them, when in reality I was the dumb one being manipulated and controlled without knowing it. I was sold as a child and trained to kill like a tool and when I finally thought I broke free from them… I realized my orders where embedded deep inside and I have no clue what sets it off… I need you to forget this all happened. Forget I happened and just let me go and live in peace”

“Peace?...you mean in denial?...you really think I would let this drop?...my name is on your hit list and you know things about Orochimaru that I don’t! You entered his hideout and used to sneak out like it was nothing! That man is the slyest and creepiest person I have ever met! I would kill to know how the hell you out did him so simply! what are you y/n!!?WHO ARE YOU?” he yelled angrily dropping your things to the ground

You grit your teeth and turned to face him “I DON’T KNOW WHO I AM!! I DON’T KNOW WHAT I AM!!...and I don’t want to know…I feel so violated. I feel...-“

He cut you off “That is your problem… you feel too much!!… Just let things happen and unwind! You think if I felt sad I would be able to change my life?… You think if I screamed in anger, life would go my way? You think if I stayed sad for a while that my real body would come back? You think if I laughed that everything wrong with my past would become beautiful??!!  YOU THINK IF CRIED ENOUGH, MY PARENTS WOULD COME BACK FROM THE DEAD TO HUG ME FOR ONE LAST TIME!!!?” he froze seeing that his tongue had slipped and he stepped back from you then turned away “I’ll be waiting for you back at the base… you are free to come back…or not,...but if you don’t, know that to me you are the biggest coward I have ever met” he said and started walking.

You got up “Wait Sasori… don’t go… don’t leave. I’m sorry…I was being selfish. You went all out to help me and I shut everything in your face… I’m just not used to asking people for help. It makes me feel so out of control” 

You saw him wipe his face then turn to you “You are a control freak”

“Said the puppet master” you sassed

He gave a small smile “touché, you useless woman”

“Thank you, *you intrusive man*” you retorted

He looked at you deeply “So....You really want to do this with me? No setbacks? No hesitation?”

“tch the way you are talking…You have to buy me a drink first before that” you joked

He blushed “I am not philandering around with you y/n! I am asking you to finish the mission we started!”

You chuckled at his blushing expression and nodded picking up your stuff “You still have to buy me a drink… I want to get shit drunk to forget the pain”

He rolled his eyes and taking your hand beginning to walk “ Fine… you pathetic excuse for a shinobi” he mumbled

“and you are a pathetic excuse for man because you are a puppet” you mocked

“Just shut up already!” He scolded you making you laugh as you both disappeared between the trees.



You weakly got up using a tree as support and looked at the angry shark man. 

“Kisame…I’m sorry… it was the only way. Pein has been notified of this” You spoke holding onto your stomach painfully “Everyone was except you and Itachi”

He clenched his fists “Why couldn’t you just tell me that this was all planned?”

“Because then you would be prepared… and Kirigakure will not believe me that It wasn’t staged between me and you. I know those guys were no match for you and I emptied out any important documents with Zetsu the day before when I slept over! … Pein saw you had no missions and chose you to stay behind knowing I won’t hurt you… it hurts me to know that Pein trusts me blindly…more than you do… why would I hurt someone I love?.... I thought I made things clear before… you were my first crush and my first kiss…and you make my brain turns to jelly when you smile and talk. I’m sorry for being so wild….my life is forced to be this way” 

 His eyes softened hearing those words and passed his hand through his hair “You are such a mess y/n… I’m ecstatic when I’m with you and other times I’m just so disappointed… can you really expect a man like me to have blind trust in you after everything… I’m a shinobi! a killing machine! I need to stay on guard almost always! You really think I can blindly trust you?”

You looked down “I am those things too…I killed my comrades too!…but why can I blindly trust you and you can’t return my feelings?”

“I don’t know!! I was never built to trust someone!! I killed my own kind!!...I am not a person you should let your guard down around… I am not a good person. I am not a safe one… heck! I bit you in my sleep!! what more proof do you need!!” he felt tears in his eyes and covered his face with his hands

You smiled then began to chuckle and that made him frown and look up at you “what is so funny?!”

You giggled “you dumb fish… you bit me in your sleep but I never felt anything” you stopped to laugh “haha I can’t believe someone dug their teeth into my flesh and I continued to have the nicest dreams in my life…all of that because I was sleeping next to you…haha some heavy sleeper I am… more like out cold...I don't think we can worry about that to much” 

He started at you then began to laugh with. He wiped his tears away and got close to you “I have never seen someone sleep as deep as you”

You smiled and opened your arms widely “Do you forgive me Kisa?”

He nodded and hugged you tight “I forgive you brat”

You hugged him tighter “That’s funny…that’s exactly what Zabuza said” you joked making him burst out laughing again.

He looked into your eyes and cupped your cheeks “Sorry for punching you …are you alright?”

You looked down sadly shaking you head “I will never have children because of you”

He gave a worried look then saw you trying not to laugh and frowned “That is not funny y/n! I thought I really hurt you!”

You smiled going on your tip toes to reach his lips. He felt your struggle and leaned down to place his lips on yours kissing you softly. You wrapped your arms behind his neck to kiss him more but failed. He chuckled and held your hips with his big hands “Jump” 

You jumped and he carried you up with your legs wrapped around his waist then you slammed you lips into his kissing him passionately. There you go again picking the man up once more after dropping him off an emotional cliff of pain and suffering.

You pulled away blushing as he held you close to his body "I just realized….you seem to be fond of Zabuza almost too much"

You laughed "why ask that now? You a jellyfish?"

he chuckled "Maybe"

"Zabuza gave me a place to stay before rebelling against Yagura. He respected the first Misukage for creating the seven swords, so he took me in for a while as a thank you to my great grandfather…I still see him every once in a while and let him off the hook when he gets in trouble… He used to trash talk you all the time "

Kisame gave an annoyed smirk "I ought to slice that man to shreds"

You smiled and kissed his nose "so....are you going to buy me lunch? I’m starving and the Kirigakure shinobi should’ve discovered the secret hatch by now"

"Why the hell would I buy *you* lunch? I was the one who almost died"

"You should because I have the new coordinates to the new hideout and I won't give them to you if you don't feed me" you pouted

"The hell have I gotten myself into" he mumbled to himself putting you down giving you another soft peck.

Itachi dropped from a nearby tree and smiled "I could eat as well… I know this good barbeque place, a village from here"

You smiled brightly holding Itachi’s arm "YAAS!! Let's get stuffed and shit drunk!!!"

"NO! You are too young for that! no drinking for you" Kisame scolded you

"I AM OF LEGAL AGE! If I wasn't we wouldn't be dating" you frowned

He smirked "having a young girlfriend is weird...you and Itachi are too close of age even...i feel ancient"

“Well hurry it up grandpa me and itachi aint getting any younger” You said making the Uchiha laugh and started walking leaving the shark man behind.

<Tough luck…but she is still cute> 



 You spent almost a year in Konoha getting to know about your clan more, visiting that stone tablet each night to see if that man would show up again, but it stopped and the dreams became repetitive. You noticed that the man showed up each time your sharingan developed, so you have to work on your visual prowess more to be able to uncover the rest of these dreams and understand who that man is, and finally be able to read the tablet to its fullest without any hidden meanings.

You kept up with Sasuke’s progress during that time helping him train after school til he became the class’s genius like Itachi was. The boy’s hate was growing day by day and he wanted to learn more destructive jutsus, you thought it was for the chunin exams at first but you refused to help him anymore after knowing that he only aimed to kill Itachi.

A lot of things happened in konoha ever since you arrived; the highlight of it all was the death of the Hokage. You needed to leave quickly before it got more dangerous but before you did, you sent Itachi a message; it read:

< Itachi, I hope this letter finds you well. I hope you are not still sick. I know I will be meeting you soon near konoha since my research here is done. I have taken care of Sasuke as you told me to and taught him all I know, but Orochimaru’s attack on konoha was unpredictable and his target to your brother was inevitable since I was nowhere near him when it happened… Sasuke is being hospitalized now and His sensei is trying to break the curse that the snake has embedded in him. It appears things with the Anbu units are getting worse and Danzo wants the place of Hokage… I will need to leave before he gets his hands on me. He has been watching my every movement ever since I showed up thinking I haven’t noticed. You have warned about this man, so I will keep my distance. Hopefully the village doesn’t agree to this decision and assign a more fitting Hokage. I just hoped there was some way I could’ve prevented this from happening. I feel like I failed you.

I’m sorry >

Itachi read the message as he was sprinting to Konoha, the infiltration was a success and Itachi managed to reach his threats to Danzo but taking down some of the village guards and senseis. Danzo knew that Itachi is always out there watching and protecting his brother from the shadows.

Afterwards Kisame and him retreated from Konoha, making sure Sasuke was alright and met up with you afterwards. Zetsu alarmed the three of you of the nine tails position in the nearby town. You stayed behind while the two clashed with a Sanin and Itachi managed to meet his brother for the first time in years personally. The fight didn’t end so well and the two ran off back to you to stay away from sight for a while, as the Sanin lost their scent.

So much happened in a mere few days that you could barely think and acted pure on survival instincts. The two of you sat in front of the fire while Kisame was away in the nearby town to grab some food. You looked up at Itachi sadly “I’m sorry Itachi”

He looked at you giving you a small smile “For what?”

“for your brother…he is in orochimaru’s clutches…I don’t think Sasuke will hold of much longer…he will be tempted to join that snake sooner or later in search of power”

“Good…Maybe it will work out for him that way”

You looked at him confused “But don’t you want to protect him?”

“I can’t protect him forever y/n. He needs to get stronger for the clan’s survival…this is the perfect test for him. If he could kill Orochimaru then…he can get strong enough to beat me”

“But Orochimaru wants his body!” you complained

“No… he had to use a new one already and can’t use the jutsu again for three whole years…I’m pretty sure Sasuke will be stronger in that time. Plus he isn’t the type to follow…he is the type who likes to lead” he said but sounded really sad.

You inched closer and hugged him “I now you are sad…you can cry if you want to, I won’t judge. Sasuke cried talking about you to me…he was crushed at how his loving big brother did this to him…I wanted to interfere but you told me not to”

He hugged you back “I can’t believe he pushed me to use my Tsukiyomi on him…I forced that night into his head over and over… I just want him to live…I want him to survive this world” He stopped and you heard him sniffing as he cried silently

 “He will be alright. You know best… big siblings always know best if they care enough”

He pulled away and wiped his tears then looked at you “What about you? How was your research?… Did that man hant you again?”

You shook your head “He just gave me a bit of information about himself and he only appears when I have my mangekyo sharingan activated… I think that is how he communicates with me… from what I know is that he had a woman named Miwa and that woman was not an uchiha but she had two sons from him who fully controlled their sharingan upon her death…he said he was trying to clean the bloodline… I don’t know everything seems too vague at the moment”

He held your hands “I may regret this but I think I know someone who can help you with this research... I feel sorry already for bringing it up”

“who is that? tell me please”

“I told you before about the man who claims to be Madara Uchiha that works in the Akatsuki under the name Tobi… he must know more than I would in this…that is if he truly is Madara”

You gulped and moved away “you think it’s safe for me to talk to him?”

“That man is too unpredictable y/n …all I can do is warn you…he may answer you and he may not…he may take a liking to you or not…that depends on how smart you are” he said caressing your cheek “just…be careful please”

You nodded “I will… how else will I protect you, if I can’t stand up to Madara”

He smiled and leaned in pressing his lips on yours giving you a sweet thank you kiss.


You woke up feeling someone stroking your hair gently. You opened your eyes and saw you were sleeping on Zetsu’s lap on the bed. He gave you an apologetic smile “before you say or think anything…just hear us out please **yeah…before you sky rocket to conclusions**”

You frowned and turned around in his lap with your back facing him “spill”

He sighed and tangled his finger in your hair once more stroking your hair “The Anbu in the fire country are making a-“

“That is not what I want to hear!” You interrupted him

“**Fine…we are sorry for not taking your permission before doing this! But it happened so quick!!** and you were asleep and happy…we didn’t want to wake you”

You sat up angrily pushing him down and straddling his waist “That is the lousiest excuse I have ever heard!!… You are acting like my father; making decisions for me… Is it too much to ask for a little respect and recognition?!...I wouldn’t have said no but making them barge in here unannounced!! That really hurt!! You just took my pride and shattered it into pieces! … I thought you of all people would treat me differently… you are just like them keeping secrets and working behind my back….maybe I am stupid… maybe dad was right”

He sat up and hugged you tight “**No, I do understand. You are the most powerful woman I have ever met… you stand up for what you want and you are full of surprises** true… your kick really hurt… I think it left a bruise and we bruise easily, well I do atleast”

You looked down sadly and pushed him away “I really hate you…I think we need time apart”

He turned your face to him “**No!! You can’t do that?**”

You pushed him away violently and got up to leave but he snatched you back to him roughly pinning you to the bed “**I SAID NO!!**”

“Get the fuck off me right now before I kill you!!” you yelled

He grit his teeth “**YOU AND WHAT ARMY!!?**”

“why the land of fire of course! One message sent to them, that the Akatsuki are here, and this place will be swarming in seconds!!” you retorted

He froze and his eyes widened “**HOW DARE YOU THREATEN ME!** Now, now, you two should can down please… this can all be-**SHUT UP! I DIDN’T ALLOW YOU TO SPEAK! LEAVE US**” the dark side ripped the white half off his body and placed his hands on your neck giving you a menacing glare.

“Kuro!! Stop!” White Zetsu tried to stop him but the black side gave him a scowl making him back away and leave the room immediately. Kuro turned his gaze to you “**How dare you treat me this way after everything I’ve done for you!... you are upset because I am trying to keep you safe and protected?! I admit the plan at first was to get to the Ichibi! But…now it is completely different! You caught me in your trap…how ironic for a Venus fly trap to be trapped in someone else’s web…you mean a lot to me and no decisions I make will hurt you in any way! Why can’t you see that!! why do you act this way!?**” He stopped and you felt tiny tear drops drip from his chin to your face near your eyes making it appear like you were crying as well.

You never knew he was capable of crying until now. His hands around your neck; he skin touching you skin… it was as if it transmitted his emotion to you and you could feel that every word he spoke was sincere. You reached out your hand to cup his cheeks stroking his skin with your thumbs.

“I’m sorry love. I’ve been hurt too many times…I thought you would too…forgive me” you spoke sadly

He leaned in but white Zetsu emerged from the ground and merged back with him then smiled “You really think I would let you get kissed without me” He said cheerfully to his dark side making you laugh and pulled them down for a passionate kiss. Zetsu slid his hands over your thigh as he ravished your lips. The white side’s hand slid ever so gently almost tickling you with its softness, unlike the black side that grabbed your hip roughly digging his nails in your skin demanding dominance. The contradiction drove you crazy and you wrapped your hands behind his neck passing your fingers through his soft green hair biting his bottom lip. He parted to breathe and looked deeply into your eyes. “**you can talk to them…your castle your rules, my queen** true…it would be fun to boss them around”

You smiled and sat up kissing his nose “Let’s go then”


You stood there in your meeting room with all the members present

“Rule one! If anything breaks you will have to pay for it and replace it yourself,

Rule two, my maids are not under your disposal or my guards. They take direct order form me and not you. You want to eat you cook for yourselves and don’t trash the kitchen,

Rule three, you will clean up after your own selves because my maids will not be entering the west wing anymore,

Rule four, and I’m looking at you masked man… if I find anything lacking from my treasury or possessions I will making you pay back double the amount!-“

“Oyy lady why the hell do you think we are gonna follow your dumb fucking rules!?” one silver haired smartass spoke

You smiled “I’m glad you asked, break one of the rules and I will turn all your asses in to the Anbu!! who are at my disposal considering the wonderful agreement I have made between the land of wind and fire. You got that smartass!! I will have them put you in solitary to spend the rest of your immortal life there stabbing your own brain!!!”

“What a scary woman you are” A shark looking man spoke with a smirk

“Yes I am!! You are dismissed” you said and motioned for them to leave. Zetsu approached you as they all left and kissed your cheek “**Leave it to our beautiful queen to tame a bunch of murderers in seconds**” he said making you blush



(I’m crying…I’m sorry)
(Obito's voice...not Tobi's)

You sat there miserably picking up the pieces of your broken trinkets, trying to see if something was still intact while sobbing like a child. It was as if your parents died all over again…as if they left you alone once more but this time for sure. All your memories of them died with this devastating crash. Your parents meant everything to you. They worked extremely hard to educate you and give you a life they never had. You excelled in your studies just to tell them how honored you are to be their child… to repay their love and respect, with more love. They pushed you up towards your dreams when they were completely out of reach and stood by you when the entire village refused your requests and called you useless. They had a vision you would change the way people thought and perceived shinobi’s must act. All of that love…all of those dreams…gone in mere seconds.

You saw them fall ill and die once more but this time there were no sweet last words, only the sound of your entire world crashing down to the hard cold floor.

Obito stared in horror at the damage he caused and fell down to his knees taking off his mask to get a better look on the spoiled fruits of his anger. He saw a small trinket in front of him that was still intact; It was a hand carved round jade serpent. He crawled towards you and took your hand gently placing the small the small ring shape in your hand closing it and brought it to his face kissing it softly “y/n…I… I don’t “ He looked down and broke down crying as well. You both sat there sobbing for an hour on the cold tiles as he held on to your hand tightly.

Both of you calmed down and you looked up at him sadly “Why?” you said in a broken voice shredding his heart to pieces. He kissed your hand again and shook his head “I… I don’t know…I don’t know why I did it… I was angry and I got blinded and I’m soo soo sorry… I knew how much they meant to you and I hurt you and I don’t know what to do with myself now” He sobbed hysterically with shaking hands “I don’t know why…I don’t know anything… I don’t know”

Your heart broke even more seeing him this way and you just wanted this all to stop. You hugged him tight burying your face in his neck “Please Obito…stop crying…please I beg you…just stop”

He took heavy breaths and tried to calm down hugging you back even tighter with need.

Eventually he carried you to your bed and cleaned up the shards off the floor then went back to sit next to you, pulling you into his lap with your back against his chest while he wrapped his arms around you and saw the jade serpent in your hands.

“It is ironic that this was the only thing that survived” you spoke sadly

“What is it?”

“It is a snake eating it’s own tails… as the snake eats a part of itself, it also grows the same amount it ate thus forming a continuous never ending pattern. It represents infinity and wholeness… my father bought this for me when I graduated from my academy at the top of my class. He said that our world is repetitive; the wars, the fighting, each generation going through the same thing over and over… He believed I had the ability to stop this pattern… to finally steer the snake’s head the other way so it can progress towards infinity instead of constantly writhe inside of it. My parents had such high hopes for a nobody like me… sometimes I ask what they saw in me… I’m just another Shinobi dreaming of the impossible…I guess parents would clap for anything”

He tightened his arms around you “anyone has the ability to change the world if they strived for it… I think your parents are right… you are special and I want to show the world just how special you are… I will take on where they left off and do everything in my power to help you… you don’t know how precious you are to me”

You felt your heart melt at those words “Thank you Obito”

He turned you around and bit his lip “Do you…forgive me?”

You looked down “I guess… I stopped following my dreams because I was too tied up to this house… I had a problem letting go and refused to move on… so I guess I have that to thank you for… I forgive you”

He cupped your cheeks laying his forehead on yours “will you allow me to take you far away from here?... I promise you, you will be safe and I won’t hurt you ever again in my entire life”

You nodded “I believe you obito… we can leave whenever you want to”

“Before…where are you parents buried?... I would like to pay my respects for making a beautiful child as you, grow into this world untainted”

You teared up and smiled “I’ll take you”

You spent the entire afternoon in the cemetery praying for their souls lighting a few candles and leaving sake at their grave stones.

He stood up and started walking “ Let’s go beautiful”

You nodded and followed him giving the tombs one last look before you followed the man out of Kusagakure to your new life… going after your dreams…after your calling.

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Very first book ever. New here. I love the Akatsuki boys soo. Yep! Check out my Naruto Scenarios as well XD hope you enjoy this!!
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